path: root/serdes/serdes_rx.v
diff options
authorjcorgan <jcorgan@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>2008-09-08 01:00:12 +0000
committerjcorgan <jcorgan@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>2008-09-08 01:00:12 +0000
commit61f2f0214c5999ea42a368a4fc99f03d8eb28d1e (patch)
treee7e24a9adc05ff1422fe3ada9926a51634741b47 /serdes/serdes_rx.v
Merged r9433:9527 from features/gr-usrp2 into trunk. Adds usrp2 and gr-usrp2 top-level components. Trunk passes distcheck with mb-gcc installed, but currently not without them. The key issue is that when mb-gcc is not installed, the build system skips over the usrp2/firmware directory, and the firmware include files don't get put into the dist tarball. But we can't do the usual DIST_SUBDIRS method as the firmware is a subpackage.
git-svn-id: http://gnuradio.org/svn/gnuradio/trunk@9528 221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5
Diffstat (limited to 'serdes/serdes_rx.v')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/serdes/serdes_rx.v b/serdes/serdes_rx.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbe263b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serdes/serdes_rx.v
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+// SERDES Interface
+// LS-Byte is sent first, MS-Byte is second
+// Invalid K Codes
+// K0.0 000-00000 Error detected
+// K31.7 111-11111 Loss of input signal
+// Valid K Codes
+// K28.0 000-11100
+// K28.1 001-11100 Alternate COMMA?
+// K28.2 010-11100
+// K28.3 011-11100
+// K28.4 100-11100
+// K28.5 101-11100 Standard COMMA?
+// K28.6 110-11100
+// K28.7 111-11100 Bad COMMA?
+// K23.7 111-10111
+// K27.7 111-11011
+// K29.7 111-11101
+// K30.7 111-11110
+module serdes_rx
+ #(parameter FIFOSIZE = 9)
+ (input clk,
+ input rst,
+ // RX HW Interface
+ input ser_rx_clk,
+ input [15:0] ser_r,
+ input ser_rklsb,
+ input ser_rkmsb,
+ output [31:0] wr_dat_o,
+ output wr_write_o,
+ output wr_done_o,
+ output wr_error_o,
+ input wr_ready_i,
+ input wr_full_i,
+ output [15:0] fifo_space,
+ output xon_rcvd, output xoff_rcvd,
+ output [15:0] fifo_occupied, output fifo_full, output fifo_empty,
+ output [31:0] debug
+ );
+ localparam K_COMMA = 8'b101_11100; // 0xBC K28.5
+ localparam K_IDLE = 8'b001_11100; // 0x3C K28.1
+ localparam K_PKT_START = 8'b110_11100; // 0xDC K28.6
+ localparam K_PKT_END = 8'b100_11100; // 0x9C K28.4
+ localparam K_XON = 8'b010_11100; // 0x5C K28.2
+ localparam K_XOFF = 8'b011_11100; // 0x7C K28.3
+ localparam K_LOS = 8'b111_11111; // 0xFF K31.7
+ localparam K_ERROR = 8'b000_00000; // 0x00 K00.0
+ localparam D_56 = 8'b110_00101; // 0xC5 D05.6
+ localparam IDLE = 3'd0;
+ localparam FIRSTLINE1 = 3'd1;
+ localparam FIRSTLINE2 = 3'd2;
+ localparam PKT1 = 3'd3;
+ localparam PKT2 = 3'd4;
+ localparam CRC_CHECK = 3'd5;
+ localparam ERROR = 3'd6;
+ localparam DONE = 3'd7;
+ wire [17:0] even_data;
+ reg [17:0] odd_data;
+ wire [17:0] chosen_data;
+ reg odd;
+ reg [31:0] line_i;
+ reg sop_i, eop_i, error_i;
+ wire error_o, sop_o, eop_o, write, read, empty, full;
+ reg [15:0] halfline;
+ reg [8:0] holder;
+ wire [31:0] line_o;
+ reg [2:0] state;
+ reg [15:0] CRC;
+ wire [15:0] nextCRC;
+ reg write_d;
+ oneshot_2clk rst_1s(.clk_in(clk),.in(rst),.clk_out(ser_rx_clk),.out(rst_rxclk));
+ /*
+ ss_rcvr #(.WIDTH(18)) ss_rcvr
+ (.rxclk(ser_rx_clk),.sysclk(clk),.rst(rst),
+ .data_in({ser_rkmsb,ser_rklsb,ser_r}),.data_out(even_data),
+ .clock_present());
+ */
+ assign even_data = {ser_rkmsb,ser_rklsb,ser_r};
+ always @(posedge ser_rx_clk)
+ if(rst_rxclk)
+ holder <= 9'd0;
+ else
+ holder <= {even_data[17],even_data[15:8]};
+ always @(posedge ser_rx_clk)
+ if(rst_rxclk)
+ odd_data <= 18'd0;
+ else
+ odd_data <= {even_data[16],holder[8],even_data[7:0],holder[7:0]};
+ assign chosen_data = odd ? odd_data : even_data;
+ // Transfer xon and xoff info to the main system clock for flow control purposes
+ reg xon_rcvd_rxclk, xoff_rcvd_rxclk;
+ always @(posedge ser_rx_clk)
+ xon_rcvd_rxclk = ({1'b1,K_XON} == {ser_rkmsb,ser_r[15:8]}) | ({1'b1,K_XON} == {ser_rklsb,ser_r[7:0]} );
+ always @(posedge ser_rx_clk)
+ xoff_rcvd_rxclk = ({1'b1,K_XOFF} == {ser_rkmsb,ser_r[15:8]}) | ({1'b1,K_XOFF} == {ser_rklsb,ser_r[7:0]} );
+ oneshot_2clk xon_1s(.clk_in(ser_rx_clk),.in(xon_rcvd_rxclk),.clk_out(clk),.out(xon_rcvd));
+ oneshot_2clk xoff_1s(.clk_in(ser_rx_clk),.in(xoff_rcvd_rxclk),.clk_out(clk),.out(xoff_rcvd));
+ // If the other side is sending xon or xoff, or is flow controlled (b/c we told them to be), don't fill the fifos
+ wire wait_here = ((chosen_data == {2'b10,K_COMMA,D_56})||
+ (chosen_data == {2'b11,K_XON,K_XON})||
+ (chosen_data == {2'b11,K_XOFF,K_XOFF}) );
+ always @(posedge ser_rx_clk)
+ if(rst_rxclk) sop_i <= 0;
+ else if(state == FIRSTLINE1) sop_i <= 1;
+ else if(write_d) sop_i <= 0;
+ reg write_pre;
+ always @(posedge ser_rx_clk)
+ if(rst_rxclk)
+ begin
+ state <= IDLE;
+ odd <= 0;
+ halfline <= 0;
+ line_i <= 0;
+ eop_i <= 0;
+ error_i <= 0;
+ write_pre <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ case(state)
+ IDLE :
+ begin
+ error_i <= 0;
+ write_pre <= 0;
+ if(even_data == {2'b11,K_PKT_START,K_PKT_START})
+ begin
+ state <= FIRSTLINE1;
+ odd <= 0;
+ end
+ else if(odd_data == {2'b11,K_PKT_START,K_PKT_START})
+ begin
+ state <= FIRSTLINE1;
+ odd <= 1;
+ end
+ end
+ if(chosen_data[17:16] == 0)
+ begin
+ halfline <= chosen_data[15:0];
+ state <= FIRSTLINE2;
+ end
+ else if(wait_here)
+ ; // Flow Controlled, so wait here and do nothing
+ else
+ state <= ERROR;
+ if(chosen_data[17:16] == 0)
+ begin
+ line_i <= {chosen_data[15:0],halfline};
+ if(full) // No space to write to! Should have been avoided by flow control
+ state <= ERROR;
+ else
+ begin
+ state <= PKT1;
+ write_pre <= 1;
+ end
+ end // if (chosen_data[17:16] == 0)
+ else if(wait_here)
+ ; // Flow Controlled, so wait here and do nothing
+ else
+ state <= ERROR;
+ PKT1 :
+ begin
+ write_pre <= 0;
+ if(chosen_data[17:16] == 0)
+ begin
+ halfline <= chosen_data[15:0];
+ state <= PKT2;
+ end
+ else if(wait_here)
+ ; // Flow Controlled
+ else if(chosen_data == {2'b11,K_PKT_END,K_PKT_END})
+ state <= CRC_CHECK;
+ else
+ state <= ERROR;
+ end // case: PKT1
+ PKT2 :
+ if(chosen_data[17:16] == 0)
+ begin
+ line_i <= {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,chosen_data[15:0],halfline};
+ if(full) // No space to write to!
+ state <= ERROR;
+ else
+ begin
+ state <= PKT1;
+ write_pre <= 1;
+ end
+ end // if (chosen_data[17:16] == 0)
+ else if(wait_here)
+ ; // Flow Controlled
+ else
+ state <= ERROR;
+ if(chosen_data[17:0] == {2'b00,CRC})
+ begin
+ if(full)
+ state <= ERROR;
+ else
+ begin
+ eop_i <= 1;
+ state <= DONE;
+ end
+ end
+ else if(wait_here)
+ ;
+ else
+ state <= ERROR;
+ begin
+ error_i <= 1;
+ if(~full)
+ state <= IDLE;
+ end
+ DONE :
+ begin
+ state <= IDLE;
+ eop_i <= 0;
+ end
+ endcase // case(state)
+ always @(posedge ser_rx_clk)
+ if(rst_rxclk)
+ CRC <= 16'hFFFF;
+ else if(state == IDLE)
+ CRC <= 16'hFFFF;
+ else if(chosen_data[17:16] == 2'b00)
+ CRC <= nextCRC;
+ CRC16_D16 crc_blk(chosen_data[15:0],CRC,nextCRC);
+ always @(posedge ser_rx_clk)
+ if(rst_rxclk) write_d <= 0;
+ else write_d <= write_pre;
+ // Internal FIFO, size 9 is 2K, size 10 is 4K Bytes
+ assign write = eop_i | (error_i & ~full) | (write_d & (state != CRC_CHECK));
+//`define CASC 1
+`define MYFIFO 1
+//`define XILFIFO 1
+`ifdef CASC
+ cascadefifo2 #(.WIDTH(35),.SIZE(FIFOSIZE)) serdes_rx_fifo
+ (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.clear(0),
+ .datain({error_i,sop_i,eop_i,line_i}), .write(write), .full(full),
+ .dataout({error_o,sop_o,eop_o,line_o}), .read(read), .empty(empty),
+ .space(fifo_space),.occupied(fifo_occupied) );
+ assign fifo_full = full;
+ assign fifo_empty = empty;
+`ifdef MYFIFO
+ wire [FIFOSIZE-1:0] level;
+ fifo_2clock_casc #(.DWIDTH(35),.AWIDTH(FIFOSIZE)) serdes_rx_fifo
+ (.arst(rst),
+ .wclk(ser_rx_clk),.datain({error_i,sop_i,eop_i,line_i}), .write(write), .full(full),
+ .rclk(clk),.dataout({error_o,sop_o,eop_o,line_o}), .read(read), .empty(empty),
+ .level_rclk(level) );
+ assign fifo_space = {{(16-FIFOSIZE){1'b0}},{FIFOSIZE{1'b1}}} -
+ {{(16-FIFOSIZE){1'b0}},level};
+ assign fifo_occupied = { {(16-FIFOSIZE){1'b0}} ,level};
+ assign fifo_full = full; // Note -- fifo_full is in the wrong clock domain
+ assign fifo_empty = empty;
+`ifdef XILFIFO
+ wire [FIFOSIZE-1:0] level;
+ fifo_generator_v4_1 ser_rx_fifo
+ (.din({error_i,sop_i,eop_i,line_i}),
+ .rd_clk(clk),
+ .rd_en(read),
+ .rst(rst),
+ .wr_clk(ser_rx_clk),
+ .wr_en(write),
+ .dout({error_o,sop_o,eop_o,line_o}),
+ .empty(empty),
+ .full(full),
+ .rd_data_count(level),
+ .wr_data_count() );
+ assign fifo_space = {{(16-FIFOSIZE){1'b0}},{FIFOSIZE{1'b1}}} -
+ {{(16-FIFOSIZE){1'b0}},level};
+ assign fifo_occupied = { {(16-FIFOSIZE){1'b0}}, level };
+ assign fifo_full = full; // Note -- fifo_full is in the wrong clock domain
+ assign fifo_empty = empty;
+`endif // `ifdef XILFIFO
+ // Internal FIFO to Buffer interface
+ reg xfer_active;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(rst)
+ xfer_active <= 0;
+ else if(xfer_active & ~empty & (eop_o | wr_full_i | error_o))
+ xfer_active <= 0;
+ else if(wr_ready_i & sop_o)
+ xfer_active <= 1;
+ assign read = (xfer_active | ~sop_o) & ~empty;
+ assign wr_write_o = xfer_active & ~empty;
+ assign wr_done_o = eop_o & ~empty & xfer_active;
+ //assign wr_error_o = xfer_active & ((wr_full_i & ~eop_o & ~empty)|error_o);
+ assign wr_error_o = xfer_active & ~empty & error_o;
+ assign wr_dat_o = line_o;
+ /*
+ assign debug = { { fifo_space[15:8] },
+ { fifo_space[7:0] },
+ { 2'd0, error_i, sop_i, eop_i, error_o, sop_o, eop_o },
+ { full, empty, write, read, xfer_active, state[2:0] } };
+ assign debug = { { xoff_rcvd,xon_rcvd,sop_i,eop_i,error_i,state[2:0] },
+ { odd, wait_here, write_pre, write_d, write, full, chosen_data[17:16]},
+ { chosen_data[15:8] },
+ { chosen_data[7:0] } };
+ */
+ assign debug = { full, empty, odd, xfer_active, sop_i, eop_i, error_i, state[2:0] };
+endmodule // serdes_rx