path: root/host
diff options
authorAbdo-Gaber <abdo.gaber@ni.com>2019-04-22 10:19:05 -0700
committerMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2019-04-22 10:21:57 -0700
commitc52f3f41806622c95573de21be042f966f675543 (patch)
treebde3a39c636304637352f1878a48546fda69d1c8 /host
parentfc0a5735ac98decb490db6db838ccca9fbe648c0 (diff)
docs: Improved Windows-related build instructions
- In general, some comments to clarify the dependencies installation and building process for windows users. - Add a comment to the required packages for MSCV. - Provide instructions to install Python requirements. - Add the instructions of NSIS installation. - Add comments to the version match between different installers. - Clarify the instructions of building process using Cmake - Add a subsection to show how a binary UHD installer can be obtained. - Correct the URL of Doxygen.
Diffstat (limited to 'host')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/host/docs/build.dox b/host/docs/build.dox
index b5e9caaf5..d0734786e 100644
--- a/host/docs/build.dox
+++ b/host/docs/build.dox
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ The following compilers are known to work and officially supported:
- GCC >= 4.8
- Clang >= 3.3
-- MSVC >= 2015 (14.0); the free version works.
+- MSVC >= 2015 (14.0); the free version works. Users need to install the "Desktop Development with C++" Workload for Visual Studio. On Windows, it can be found in: Tools -> Get Tools and Features... -> Workloads -> Windows
Other compilers (or lower versions) may work, but are unsupported.
@@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ Other compilers (or lower versions) may work, but are unsupported.
- **Usage:** build time (required)
- **Download URL:** http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html
+For Windows users, copy the CMake file to Program Files, e.g. `C:\Program Files\cmake-3.13.4-win32-x86`. The CMake path, e.g. `C:\Program Files\cmake-3.13.4-win32-x86\bin` needs to be added to the environment variables.
### Boost
- **Purpose:** C++ library
@@ -47,6 +50,8 @@ Other compilers (or lower versions) may work, but are unsupported.
- **Download URL:** http://www.boost.org/users/download/
- **Download URL (Windows installer):** http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/
+The Boost binary installer must be selected to match the architecture of Windows being run.
### LibUSB
- **Purpose:** USB-based hardware support
@@ -55,12 +60,33 @@ Other compilers (or lower versions) may work, but are unsupported.
- **Download URL:** http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb/files/libusb-1.0/
- **Download URL (Windows):** https://github.com/libusb/libusb
+The directory to which you extract libusb must not contain spaces. This is to say that `C:\local\lib usb-1.0.22` will cause compile issues moving forward.
### Python
- **Purpose:** Used by mako build time, and utility scripts and the Python API at runtime
- **Minimum Version:** 2.7
- **Usage:** build time + runtime utility scripts (required)
- **Download URL:** http://www.python.org/download/
+- **Comments for Windows Users:**
+ - The Python binary installer must be selected to match the system processor. Although, the 32-bit Python version can be used with 32-bit or 64-bit Windows system, it is recommended to match between Python and Windows installers. If the system is occupied with 64-bit Windows and x64-based processor, the `Windows x86-64 MSI Installer -> python-version.amd64.msi` needs to be used.
+ - The Python path needs to be added to the environment variables.
+ - Install fundamental packages for Python: On Windows Terminal, navigate to Python scripts folder, e.g. `C:\local\Python37\Scripts`, and execute the following commands to install requests, numpy and six packages, respectively:
+ pip install requests
+ pip install numpy
+ pip install six
+ - For curses package installation:
+ - Download URL: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
+ - Download a package that is similar to the Python version, Windows System, and system processor and copy it to Python scripts folder. For example, for Python 3.7, 64-bit Windows, and x64-based processor, download the `curses-2.2-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl`.
+ - Install the package dependency, wheel package:
+ pip install wheel
+ - Install the curses package and include it to Python scripts:
+ python -m pip install curses-2.2-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
### Mako
@@ -68,21 +94,31 @@ Other compilers (or lower versions) may work, but are unsupported.
- **Minimum Version:** 0.5.0
- **Usage:** build time (required)
- **Download URL:** http://www.makotemplates.org/download.html
-- **Alternative method:** You can use `pip` or `easy_install` to install Mako from PyPi.
+- **Alternative method:** You can use `pip` or `easy_install` to install Mako from PyPi. To install it using 'pip' on Windows, navigate to Python scripts folder, e.g. ´C:\local\Python37\Scripts`, and run the following command:
+ pip install mako
### Doxygen
- **Purpose:** generates HTML API documentation
- **Minimum Recommended Version:** 1.8
- **Usage:** build time (optional)
-- **Download URL:** http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/download.html#latestsrc
+- **Download URL:** http://www.doxygen.nl/download.html
- **Alternate method:** Install **setuptools**, and use the **easy_install** command to install Docutils. http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
+### NSIS
+- **Purpose:** create Windows installers. It is used to create binary packages of UHD enabling easy distribution and installation of UHD, associated utilities, and examples.
+- **Recommended Version:** 3.04
+- **Usage:** build time (optional)
+- **Download URL (Windows):** https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Download
### Git
Required to check out the repository (not necessary if building from tarballs).
-On Windows, install Cygwin with Git support to checkout the repository
+On Windows, install Cygwin from https://www.cygwin.com/ with Git support to checkout the repository
or install msysGit from http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list.
\subsection build_dependencies_ubuntu Setting up the dependencies on Ubuntu
@@ -185,16 +221,28 @@ extensions:
\subsection cmake_win Generate the project with CMake
+- Enable Python3 option in the CMake list if the version of installed Python is >=3, otherwise go to the next step.
+ - Go to the source code: `<uhd-repo-path>/host`.
+ - Open 'CMakeLists.txt'.
+ - Find 'ENABLE_PYTHON3' option and set it to 'ON', e.g. 'option(ENABLE_PYTHON3 "Enable Python 3. Default is Python 2" ON)'.
- Open the CMake GUI.
- Set the path to the source code: `<uhd-repo-path>/host`.
-- Set the path to the build directory: `<uhd-repo-path>/host/build`.
+- Set the path to the build directory (this may require creating the folder \build\): `<uhd-repo-path>/host/build`.
- Make sure that the paths do not contain spaces.
-- Click "Configure" and select "Microsoft Visual Studio 10".
-- Set the build variables
- - `Boost_INCLUDE_DIR` should point to the `PATH` where the Boost .hpp files are, e.g. `C:\local\boost_version\boost`
+- Check the Advanced checkbox.
+- Click "Configure".
+ - Set "Microsoft Visual Studio 10" as the compiler. Select the recent MSVC that is available on the machine.
+ - Click “Finish” and allow CMake to Generate
+- Set or add the build variables with type PATH
+ - `Boost_INCLUDE_DIR` should point to the `PATH` where the Boost .hpp files are, e.g. `C:\local\boost_version\`
- `Boost_LIBRARY_DIR` should point to the pre-built libraries, e.g. `C:\local\boost_version\lib64-msvc-14.0`)
- .
-- Click "Generate", and a project file will be created in the build directory.
+- If a release UHD build is required:
+ - Click on "Generate", and a project file will be created in the build directory.
+- If a debug UHD build is required:
+ - Click on Grouped
+ - Click on `CMAKE`
+ - Look for the parameter `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Release` and change it to `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Debug`.
+ - Click on "Generate", and a project file will be created in the build directory.
\subsection msvc_generate Compile and Install with Visual Studio
- Open the `<uhd-repo-path>\\host\\build\\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj` in visual studio, generate the project. Watch the output console for errors.
@@ -207,15 +255,15 @@ On Windows, CMake does not have the advantage of `pkg-config`,
so we must manually tell CMake how to locate the LibUSB header and lib.
- From the CMake GUI, select "Advanced View".
-- Set `LIBUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS` to the directory with `libusb.h`.
-- Set `LIBUSB_LIBRARIES` to the full path for `libusb-1.0.lib`.
+- Set or add the following entry with type PATH `LIBUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS` to the directory for `libusb.h`, e.g. `C:\local\libusb-1.0.22\include\libusb-1.0`.
+- Set or add the following entry with type FILEPATH `LIBUSB_LIBRARIES` to the full path for `libusb-1.0.lib`, e.g. `C:\local\libusb-1.0.22\MS64\dll\libusb-1.0.lib`.
- Recommend the static `libusb-1.0.lib` to simplify runtime dependencies.
- Check the box to enable USB support, click "Configure" and "Generate".
<b>Note:</b> On Windows, LibUSB v1.0.19 is required to use most USB3 controllers.
\subsection build_in_msvc Build the project in MSVC
-- Open the generated project file in MSVC.
+- Open the generated project file in MSVC, e.g. `C:\cygwin64\home\admin\uhd\host\build\UHD.sln`.
- Change the build type from "Debug" to "Release".
- Select the "Build All" target, right-click, and choose "Build".
- Select the install target, right-click, and choose "Build".
@@ -231,6 +279,10 @@ Open the Visual Studio Command Prompt Shorcut:
DevEnv uhd.sln /build Release /project ALL_BUILD
DevEnv uhd.sln /build Release /project INSTALL
+\subsection compile_binary_installer_mscv Compiling a binary installer
+- Building the "PACKAGE" project will produce a binary installer if NSIS is installed. This installer will be for either 64 bit or 32 bit as chosen during the CMake step.
+- Select the "PACKAGE" project in the Solution Explorer, right-click, and choose "Build".
\subsection path_env Setup the PATH environment variable
* Add the UHD bin path to `%PATH%` (usually `C:\\Program Files\\UHD\\bin`)