path: root/fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgAxiLiteBfm.sv
diff options
authorAndrew Moch <Andrew.Moch@ni.com>2020-06-18 15:43:15 +0100
committerWade Fife <wade.fife@ettus.com>2020-06-24 09:56:31 -0500
commitafee1888dd7c2d9d95e537f505ce7ab36252763a (patch)
tree7eceba314ba68ede516241dad0ede79632285861 /fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgAxiLiteBfm.sv
parentdd9847c5c3c3fac17658b526a7d8894711af086e (diff)
fpga: lib: Add interface and model for AXI4-Lite
(1) Synthesizable AxiLiteIf (2) Simulation model for AxiLite contains an AxiLiteTransaction class and an AxiLiteBfm class. Important Methods a. wr - performs non-blocking write and checks for expected response b. wr_block - performs a blocking write and provides response c. rd - performs a non-blocking read and checks for expected response d. rd_block - persforms a blocking read and provides response The model allows parallel execution of reads and writes, but enforces rd and write ordering when using the above methods. When transactions are posted directly, ordering is not guaranteed, and reads and writes are put on the interface immediately.
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgAxiLiteBfm.sv')
1 files changed, 738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgAxiLiteBfm.sv b/fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgAxiLiteBfm.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62fd2a078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgAxiLiteBfm.sv
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+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: PkgAxiLiteBfm
+// Description: Package for AXI4-Lite bus functional model (BFM).
+// This consists of the AxiLiteTransaction and AxiLiteBfm classes.
+// It's based on the AxiLiteIf interface.
+// AXI-Lite BFM Package
+package PkgAxiLiteBfm;
+ import PkgAxiLite::*;
+ export PkgAxiLite::*;
+ typedef enum {READ,WRITE} xtype_t;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // AXI Lite Transaction Class
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class AxiLiteTransaction #(DATA_WIDTH = 32, ADDR_WIDTH = 32);
+ //------------------
+ // Type Definitions
+ //------------------
+ localparam BYTES_PER_WORD = DATA_WIDTH/8;
+ // local type defs
+ typedef logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_t;
+ typedef logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr_t;
+ typedef logic [BYTES_PER_WORD-1:0] strb_t;
+ typedef AxiLiteTransaction #(DATA_WIDTH, ADDR_WIDTH) AxiLiteTransaction_t;
+ //------------
+ // Properties
+ //------------
+ xtype_t xtype;
+ data_t data;
+ addr_t addr;
+ strb_t strb = '1;
+ resp_t resp = OKAY;
+ int id;
+ //---------
+ // Methods
+ //---------
+ // Return a handle to a copy of this transaction
+ function AxiLiteTransaction_t copy();
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t temp;
+ temp = new();
+ temp.xtype = this.xtype;
+ temp.data = this.data;
+ temp.addr = this.addr;
+ temp.strb = this.strb;
+ temp.resp = this.resp;
+ temp.id = this.id;
+ return temp;
+ endfunction
+ // Return true if this xaction equals that of the argument
+ virtual function bit equal(AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ return (this.xtype === xaction.xtype &&
+ this.data === xaction.data &&
+ this.addr === xaction.addr &&
+ this.strb === xaction.strb &&
+ this.resp === xaction.resp);
+ endfunction : equal
+ // Format the contents of the xaction into a string
+ function string sprint();
+ return $sformatf("%s a=%X d=%X strb=%X resp=%s id=%d",this.xtype.name,
+ this.addr,this.data,this.strb,this.resp.name,this.id);
+ endfunction : sprint
+ // Print the contents of the xaction
+ function void print();
+ $display(sprint());
+ endfunction : print
+ endclass : AxiLiteTransaction;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // AXI Lite BFM Class
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class AxiLiteBfm #(
+ int DATA_WIDTH = 32,
+ int ADDR_WIDTH = 32
+ );
+ //------------------
+ // Type Definitions
+ //------------------
+ typedef AxiLiteTransaction #(DATA_WIDTH, ADDR_WIDTH) AxiLiteTransaction_t;
+ typedef AxiLiteTransaction_t::data_t data_t;
+ typedef AxiLiteTransaction_t::addr_t addr_t;
+ typedef AxiLiteTransaction_t::strb_t strb_t;
+ //------------
+ // Properties
+ //------------
+ // Default stall probability, as a percentage (0-100).
+ local const int DEF_STALL_PROB = 38;
+ // Virtual interfaces for master and slave connections to DUT
+ local virtual AxiLiteIf #(DATA_WIDTH,ADDR_WIDTH).master master;
+ local virtual AxiLiteIf #(DATA_WIDTH,ADDR_WIDTH).slave slave;
+ // NOTE: We should not need these flags if Vivado would be OK with null check
+ // without throwing unnecessary null-ptr deref exceptions.
+ local bit master_en;
+ local bit slave_en;
+ // Each submitted transaction is given an id. The id is used when
+ // waiting for the response
+ local int id=0;
+ // submit/completion id's are used to enforce rd/wr ordering
+ local int wr_submit_id=0;
+ local int wr_complete_id=0;
+ local int rd_submit_id=0;
+ local int rd_complete_id=0;
+ // Queues to store the bus transactions
+ mailbox #(AxiLiteTransaction_t) master_rd_req_xactions;
+ mailbox #(AxiLiteTransaction_t) master_rd_inflight_xactions;
+ mailbox #(AxiLiteTransaction_t) master_rd_resp_xactions;
+ mailbox #(AxiLiteTransaction_t) master_wr_req_xactions;
+ mailbox #(AxiLiteTransaction_t) master_wr_inflight_xactions;
+ mailbox #(AxiLiteTransaction_t) master_wr_resp_xactions;
+ mailbox #(AxiLiteTransaction_t) slave_rd_req_xactions;
+ mailbox #(AxiLiteTransaction_t) slave_rd_resp_xactions;
+ mailbox #(AxiLiteTransaction_t) slave_wr_req_xactions;
+ mailbox #(AxiLiteTransaction_t) slave_wr_resp_xactions;
+ // Properties for the stall behavior of the BFM
+ int stall_prob = DEF_STALL_PROB;
+ // determine if ready parks innactive
+ bit ready_idle_state = 1;
+ // Read write ordering
+ bit rds_wait_for_wrs = 1;
+ bit wrs_wait_for_rds = 1;
+ // Number of clocks betwen transactions
+ int inter_xaction_gap = 0;
+ //---------
+ // Methods
+ //---------
+ // Returns 1 if the xactions have the same contents, otherwise returns 0.
+ function bit xactions_equal(AxiLiteTransaction_t a, AxiLiteTransaction_t b);
+ return a.equal(b);
+ endfunction : xactions_equal
+ // Class constructor. This must be given an interface for the master
+ // connection and an interface for the slave connection.
+ function new(
+ virtual AxiLiteIf #(DATA_WIDTH,ADDR_WIDTH).master master=null,
+ virtual AxiLiteIf #(DATA_WIDTH,ADDR_WIDTH).slave slave=null
+ );
+ this.master_en = (master != null);
+ this.slave_en = (slave != null);
+ this.master = master;
+ this.slave = slave;
+ master_rd_req_xactions = new;
+ master_rd_inflight_xactions = new;
+ master_rd_resp_xactions = new;
+ master_wr_req_xactions = new;
+ master_wr_inflight_xactions = new;
+ master_wr_resp_xactions = new;
+ slave_rd_req_xactions = new;
+ slave_rd_resp_xactions = new;
+ slave_wr_req_xactions = new;
+ slave_wr_resp_xactions = new;
+ endfunction : new
+ // Internal functions - Users should use wr/wr_block
+ // This function pushes the write_addr/write_data channels
+ task automatic post_wr(addr_t addr, data_t data, strb_t strb='1,
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ int rd_submit_id_at_start = rd_submit_id;
+ xaction.xtype = WRITE;
+ xaction.addr = addr;
+ xaction.data = data;
+ xaction.strb = strb;
+ xaction.id = ++this.id;
+ wr_submit_id = xaction.id;
+ if (wrs_wait_for_rds) begin
+ // wait for any reads that may of been submitted before
+ // this write to complete before exectuing
+ while (rd_complete_id-rd_submit_id_at_start < 0) begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end
+ end
+ put(xaction);
+ endtask : post_wr
+ // Internal functions - Users should use wr/wr_block
+ // This function wait for the write respone channel
+ task automatic get_wr_response(AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t resp_xaction = null;
+ forever begin
+ while(!try_peek_wr(resp_xaction)) begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end
+ if (resp_xaction.id == xaction.id) begin
+ break;
+ end else begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end
+ end
+ get_wr(xaction);
+ wr_complete_id = xaction.id;
+ endtask :get_wr_response
+ // Simple blocking write
+ task automatic wr_block(addr_t addr, data_t data, strb_t strb='1, output resp_t resp);
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction = new;
+ post_wr(addr,data,strb,xaction);
+ get_wr_response(xaction);
+ resp = xaction.resp;
+ endtask : wr_block
+ // Non-blocking write that checks against an expected response
+ task automatic wr(addr_t addr, data_t data, strb_t strb='1,resp_t resp=OKAY);
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction = new;
+ post_wr(addr,data,strb,xaction);
+ fork
+ begin
+ get_wr_response(xaction);
+ assert (xaction.resp == resp) else begin
+ xaction.print();
+ $error({"mismatch on wr response. expected:",xaction.resp.name});
+ end
+ end
+ join_none
+ endtask : wr
+ // Internal functions - Users should use rd/rd_block
+ // This function pushes the read address channel
+ task automatic post_rd(addr_t addr,AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ int wr_submit_id_at_start = wr_submit_id;
+ xaction.xtype = READ;
+ xaction.addr = addr;
+ xaction.id = ++this.id;
+ rd_submit_id = xaction.id;
+ // wait for any writes that may have been
+ // submitted before this read to complete
+ if (rds_wait_for_wrs) begin
+ while (wr_complete_id-wr_submit_id_at_start < 0) begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end
+ end
+ put(xaction);
+ endtask : post_rd
+ // Internal functions - Users should use rd/rd_block
+ // This function waits for the read response channel
+ task automatic get_rd_response(AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t resp_xaction = null;
+ forever begin
+ while(!try_peek_rd(resp_xaction)) begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end
+ if (resp_xaction.id == xaction.id) begin
+ break;
+ end else begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end
+ end
+ get_rd(xaction);
+ rd_complete_id = xaction.id;
+ endtask : get_rd_response
+ // Simple blocking read
+ task automatic rd_block(addr_t addr, output data_t data, output resp_t resp);
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction = new;
+ post_rd(addr,xaction);
+ get_rd_response(xaction);
+ data = xaction.data;
+ resp = xaction.resp;
+ endtask : rd_block
+ // Non-blocking read that checks against an expected data response
+ task automatic rd(addr_t addr, data_t data, strb_t strb='1,resp_t resp=OKAY);
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction = new;
+ post_rd(addr,xaction);
+ fork
+ begin
+ get_rd_response(xaction);
+ assert (xaction.resp == resp) else begin
+ xaction.print();
+ $error({"mismatch on rd response. expected:",xaction.resp.name});
+ end
+ assert (xaction.data === data) else begin
+ xaction.print();
+ $error({"mismatch on rd data. expected:",$sformatf("%x",data)});
+ end
+ end
+ join_none
+ endtask : rd
+ task automatic block();
+ int rd_submit_id_at_start = rd_submit_id;
+ int wr_submit_id_at_start = wr_submit_id;
+ while (rd_complete_id-rd_submit_id_at_start < 0 ||
+ wr_complete_id-wr_submit_id_at_start < 0) begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end
+ endtask : block
+ // Queue the provided xaction for transmission
+ task put(AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ if (xaction.xtype == READ && master_en) begin
+ master_rd_req_xactions.put(xaction);
+ end else if (xaction.xtype == WRITE && master_en) begin
+ master_wr_req_xactions.put(xaction);
+ end else if (xaction.xtype == READ && slave_en) begin
+ slave_rd_resp_xactions.put(xaction);
+ end else if (xaction.xtype == WRITE && slave_en) begin
+ slave_wr_resp_xactions.put(xaction);
+ end
+ endtask : put
+ // Attempt to queue the provided xaction for transmission. Return 1 if
+ // successful, return 0 if the queue is full.
+ function bit try_put(AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ if (xaction.xtype == READ && master_en) begin
+ return master_rd_req_xactions.try_put(xaction);
+ end else if (xaction.xtype == WRITE && master_en) begin
+ return master_wr_req_xactions.try_put(xaction);
+ end else if (xaction.xtype == READ && slave_en) begin
+ return slave_rd_resp_xactions.try_put(xaction);
+ end else if (xaction.xtype == WRITE && slave_en) begin
+ return slave_wr_resp_xactions.try_put(xaction);
+ end
+ endfunction : try_put
+ // Get the next rd_xaction when it becomes available (waits if necessary)
+ task get_rd(output AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ if (master_en) begin
+ master_rd_resp_xactions.get(xaction);
+ end else if (slave_en) begin
+ slave_rd_req_xactions.get(xaction);
+ end
+ endtask : get_rd
+ // Get the next wr_xaction when it becomes available (waits if necessary)
+ task get_wr(output AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ if (master_en) begin
+ master_wr_resp_xactions.get(xaction);
+ end else if (slave_en) begin
+ slave_wr_req_xactions.get(xaction);
+ end
+ endtask : get_wr
+ // Get the next rd_xaction if there's one available and return 1. Return 0 if
+ // there's no xaction available.
+ function bit try_get_rd(output AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ if (master_en) begin
+ return master_rd_resp_xactions.try_get(xaction);
+ end else if (slave_en) begin
+ return slave_rd_req_xactions.try_get(xaction);
+ end
+ endfunction : try_get_rd
+ // Get the next wr_xaction if there's one available and return 1. Return 0 if
+ // there's no xaction available.
+ function bit try_get_wr(output AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ if (master_en) begin
+ return master_wr_resp_xactions.try_get(xaction);
+ end else if (slave_en) begin
+ return slave_wr_req_xactions.try_get(xaction);
+ end
+ endfunction : try_get_wr
+ // Get the next wr xaction when it becomes available (wait if necessary), but
+ // don't remove it from the receive queue.
+ task peek_rd(output AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ if (master_en) begin
+ master_rd_resp_xactions.peek(xaction);
+ end else if (slave_en) begin
+ slave_rd_req_xactions.peek(xaction);
+ end
+ endtask : peek_rd
+ // Get the next wr xaction when it becomes available (wait if necessary), but
+ // don't remove it from the receive queue.
+ task peek_wr(output AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ if (master_en) begin
+ master_wr_resp_xactions.peek(xaction);
+ end else if (slave_en) begin
+ slave_wr_req_xactions.peek(xaction);
+ end
+ endtask : peek_wr
+ // Get the next rd xaction if there's one available and return 1, but don't
+ // remove it from the receive queue. Return 0 if there's no xaction
+ // available.
+ function bit try_peek_rd(output AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ if (master_en) begin
+ return master_rd_resp_xactions.try_peek(xaction);
+ end else if (slave_en) begin
+ return slave_rd_req_xactions.try_peek(xaction);
+ end
+ endfunction : try_peek_rd
+ // Get the next wr xaction if there's one available and return 1, but don't
+ // remove it from the receive queue. Return 0 if there's no xaction
+ // available.
+ function bit try_peek_wr(output AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction);
+ if (master_en) begin
+ return master_wr_resp_xactions.try_peek(xaction);
+ end else if (slave_en) begin
+ return slave_wr_req_xactions.try_peek(xaction);
+ end
+ endfunction : try_peek_wr
+ // Return the number of xactions available in the receive queue
+ function int num_rd_pending();
+ if (master_en) begin
+ return master_rd_resp_xactions.num() +
+ master_rd_inflight_xactions.num() +
+ master_rd_req_xactions.num();
+ end else if (slave_en) begin
+ $fatal(1,"Slave AxiLite not yet implemented!");
+ end
+ endfunction
+ function int num_wr_pending();
+ if (master_en) begin
+ return master_wr_resp_xactions.num() +
+ master_wr_inflight_xactions.num() +
+ master_wr_req_xactions.num();
+ end else if (slave_en) begin
+ $fatal(1,"Slave AxiLite not yet implemented!");
+ end
+ endfunction
+ // Create separate processes for driving the master and slave interfaces
+ task run();
+ fork
+ if (master_en) master_body();
+ if (slave_en) slave_body();
+ join_none
+ endtask
+ //----------------
+ // Master Process
+ //----------------
+ // wait my_delay clocks - while not reset
+ local task master_wait(my_delay);
+ repeat(my_delay) begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end
+ endtask
+ // stall for a random delay - while not reset
+ local task master_stall(int my_stall_prob);
+ if ($urandom_range(99) < my_stall_prob) begin
+ do begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end while ($urandom_range(99) < my_stall_prob);
+ end
+ endtask
+ local task master_body();
+ // start idle
+ master.drive_w_idle();
+ master.drive_aw_idle();
+ master.bready = ready_idle_state;
+ master.drive_read_idle();
+ master.rready = ready_idle_state;
+ fork // write_req / write_resp / rd_req / rd_resp
+ //--------------------------------------
+ begin : write_req_thread
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction;
+ forever begin
+ // add inter xaction gap
+ master_wait(inter_xaction_gap);
+ if (master_wr_req_xactions.try_get(xaction)) begin : req_transaction
+ //drive the write address+data channel
+ fork
+ begin
+ // randomly delay driving
+ master_stall(stall_prob);
+ master.drive_aw(xaction.addr);
+ // wait for ready
+ do begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end while (!master.awready);
+ master.drive_aw_idle();
+ end
+ begin // wait for data ready
+ // randomly delay driving
+ master_stall(stall_prob);
+ master.drive_w(xaction.data,xaction.strb);
+ // push to inflight xactions
+ master_wr_inflight_xactions.put(xaction);
+ // wait for ready
+ do begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end while (!master.wready);
+ master.drive_w_idle();
+ end
+ join
+ end else begin : no_req_transaction
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) continue;
+ end : no_req_transaction;
+ end //forever
+ end : write_req_thread;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ begin : write_resp_thread
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction;
+ forever begin
+ if (master_wr_inflight_xactions.try_get(xaction)) begin : resp_transaction
+ // wait for a little bit of time and assert ready
+ if ($urandom_range(99) < 50) begin
+ if (master.bready == 0) begin
+ // randomly delay ready
+ master_stall(stall_prob);
+ master.bready = 1;
+ end
+ master.bready = 1;
+ // wait for valid
+ do begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end while (!master.bvalid);
+ //wait for valid then wait a bit of time and assert ready
+ end else begin
+ // wait for valid
+ do begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end while (!master.bvalid);
+ if (master.bready == 0) begin
+ // randomly delay ready while valid is true
+ master_stall(stall_prob);
+ master.bready = 1;
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ end
+ end
+ // put the response and clear ready
+ master.bready = 0;
+ xaction.resp = master.bresp;
+ master_wr_resp_xactions.put(xaction);
+ // randomly keep ready low for awhile
+ master_stall(stall_prob);
+ master.bready = ready_idle_state;
+ end else begin : no_resp_transaction
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) continue;
+ end
+ end // forever
+ end : write_resp_thread;
+ begin : read_req_thread
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction;
+ forever begin
+ // add inter xaction gap
+ master_wait(inter_xaction_gap);
+ if (master_rd_req_xactions.try_get(xaction)) begin : req_transaction
+ // randomly delay driving
+ master_stall(stall_prob);
+ //drive the read address channel
+ master.drive_read(xaction.addr);
+ // push to in-flight xactions
+ master_rd_inflight_xactions.put(xaction);
+ // wait for read address channel ready
+ do begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end while (!master.arready);
+ master.drive_read_idle();
+ end else begin : no_req_transaction
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) continue;
+ end
+ end // forever
+ end : read_req_thread;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ begin : read_resp_thread
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction;
+ forever begin
+ if (master_rd_inflight_xactions.try_get(xaction)) begin : resp_transaction
+ if ($urandom_range(99) < 50) begin
+ if (master.rready == 0) begin
+ // randomly delay ready
+ master_stall(stall_prob);
+ master.rready = 1;
+ end
+ master.rready = 1;
+ // wait for valid
+ do begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end while (!master.rvalid);
+ // wait for valid then wait a bit of time and assert ready
+ end else begin
+ // wait for valid
+ do begin
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) break;
+ end while (!master.rvalid);
+ if (master.rready == 0) begin
+ // randomly delay ready while valid is true
+ master_stall(stall_prob);
+ master.rready = 1;
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ end
+ end
+ // put the response and clear ready
+ master.rready = 0;
+ xaction.data = master.rdata;
+ xaction.resp = master.rresp;
+ master_rd_resp_xactions.put(xaction);
+ // randomly keep ready low for awhile
+ master_stall(stall_prob);
+ master.rready = ready_idle_state;
+ end else begin : no_resp_transaction
+ @(posedge master.clk);
+ if (master.rst) continue;
+ end
+ end // forever
+ end : read_resp_thread;
+ join_none
+ endtask : master_body
+ //---------------
+ // Slave Process
+ //---------------
+ local task slave_body();
+ AxiLiteTransaction_t xaction = new();
+ // start idle
+ slave.drive_write_resp_idle();
+ slave.awready = 0;
+ slave.wready = 0;
+ slave.drive_read_resp_idle();
+ slave.arready = 0;
+ forever begin
+ @(posedge slave.clk);
+ if (slave.rst) continue;
+ // not written!
+ $fatal(1,"Slave AxiLite not yet implemented!");
+ end
+ endtask : slave_body
+ endclass : AxiLiteBfm
+endpackage : PkgAxiLiteBfm