path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib
diff options
authorWade Fife <wade.fife@ettus.com>2020-08-20 12:22:13 -0500
committerWade Fife <wade.fife@ettus.com>2020-08-23 13:52:26 -0500
commitdb0d2dddcc5d8e39e2b7843a326ad9392bbb4c3f (patch)
treeadc384fb0faf7be5bb949fe769400c6305c4eb8a /fpga/usrp3/lib
parent1239c35ce632792cbae9a467d19e2f39cc0b5b4e (diff)
fpga: rfnoc: Remove deprecated files
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib')
-rw-r--r--fpga/usrp3/lib/timing/timekeeper_legacy.v (renamed from fpga/usrp3/lib/timing/timekeeper.v)4
22 files changed, 5 insertions, 2674 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/radio_200/radio_legacy.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/radio_200/radio_legacy.v
index 06970f446..0be1264ef 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/radio_200/radio_legacy.v
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/radio_200/radio_legacy.v
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ module radio_legacy
wire [2:0] rb_addr;
wire [63:0] vita_time, vita_time_lastpps;
- timekeeper #(.SR_TIME_HI(SR_TIME), .SR_TIME_LO(SR_TIME+1), .SR_TIME_CTRL(SR_TIME+2)) timekeeper
+ timekeeper_legacy #(.SR_TIME_HI(SR_TIME), .SR_TIME_LO(SR_TIME+1), .SR_TIME_CTRL(SR_TIME+2)) timekeeper
(.clk(radio_clk), .reset(radio_rst), .pps(pps), .sync_in(time_sync), .strobe(1'b1),
.set_stb(set_stb), .set_addr(set_addr), .set_data(set_data),
.vita_time(vita_time), .vita_time_lastpps(vita_time_lastpps),
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/.gitignore b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/.gitignore
index 8b13fff0f..57e0791ce 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/.gitignore
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/.gitignore
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/Makefile.srcs
index d6e079f67..ab4a9e179 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/Makefile.srcs
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/Makefile.srcs
RFNOC_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/rfnoc/, \
chdr_fifo_large.v \
-chdr_framer.v \
-chdr_framer_2clk.v \
-chdr_deframer.v \
-chdr_deframer_2clk.v \
-chdr_pkt_types.vh \
-axi_packet_mux.v \
-axi_wrapper.v \
+noc_shell_regs.vh \
axi_bit_reduce.v \
null_source.v \
split_stream.v \
@@ -49,7 +43,6 @@ cadd.v \
keep_one_in_n.v \
vector_iir.v \
addsub.v \
-packet_resizer.v \
axi_pipe.v \
multiply.v \
mult.v \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/axi_packet_mux.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/axi_packet_mux.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 53ce890ba..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/axi_packet_mux.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 Ettus Research
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-// Muxes and packetizes input AXI-streams. Assumes header on tuser.
-module axi_packet_mux #(
- parameter NUM_INPUTS = 1,
- parameter MUX_PRE_FIFO_SIZE = 0, // Use 0 (most efficient) unless there is need to compensate for unbalanced input path latencies
- parameter MUX_POST_FIFO_SIZE = 0, // Generally leave at 0, similar effect as FIFO_SIZE
- parameter FIFO_SIZE = 5 // Size of FIFO in CHDR framer
- input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [NUM_INPUTS*64-1:0] i_tdata, input [NUM_INPUTS-1:0] i_tlast, input [NUM_INPUTS-1:0] i_tvalid, output [NUM_INPUTS-1:0] i_tready, input [NUM_INPUTS*128-1:0] i_tuser,
- output [63:0] o_tdata, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready
- wire [NUM_INPUTS*(64+128)-1:0] i_tdata_flat;
- genvar i;
- generate
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_INPUTS; i = i + 1) begin
- assign i_tdata_flat[(128+64)*(i+1)-1:(128+64)*i] = {i_tuser[128*(i+1)-1:128*i],i_tdata[64*(i+1)-1:64*i]};
- end
- endgenerate
- wire [63:0] int_tdata;
- wire [127:0] int_tuser;
- wire int_tlast, int_tvalid, int_tready;
- .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(1'b0),
- .i_tdata(i_tdata_flat), .i_tlast(i_tlast), .i_tvalid(i_tvalid), .i_tready(i_tready),
- .o_tdata({int_tuser, int_tdata}), .o_tlast(int_tlast), .o_tvalid(int_tvalid), .o_tready(int_tready));
- chdr_framer #(.SIZE(FIFO_SIZE), .WIDTH(64)) chdr_framer (
- .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(1'b0),
- .i_tdata(int_tdata), .i_tuser(int_tuser), .i_tlast(int_tlast), .i_tvalid(int_tvalid), .i_tready(int_tready),
- .o_tdata(o_tdata), .o_tlast(o_tlast), .o_tvalid(o_tvalid), .o_tready(o_tready));
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/axi_wrapper.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/axi_wrapper.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f93a693b8..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/axi_wrapper.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Ettus Research
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-// Assumes 32-bit elements (such as sc16) carried over AXI-Stream
-// SIMPLE_MODE -- Automatically handle header (s_axis_data_tuser), packets must be consumed / produced 1-to-1
-// RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET -- Resize input packets. m_axis_data_tlast will be based on m_axis_pkt_len_tdata. Otherwise packet length based on actual input packet length (via i_tlast).
-// RESIZE_OUTPUT_PACKET -- Resize output packets. s_axis_data_tlast will be ignored and instead use packet length in s_axis_tuser_data. Otherwise use s_axis_data_tlast.
-// Note: When SIMPLE_MODE = 1 and RESIZE_OUTPUT_PACKET = 1, s_axis_data_tlast is ignored and output packets are sized according to the length
-// of the input packet (via the packet length field in the received header). Useful if the user design wants output packet length to
-// match the input packet length without having to drive s_axis_data_tlast.
-// *** Warning: Care should be taken when using RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET and/or RESIZE_OUTPUT_PACKET along with SIMPLE_MODE
-// as issues could arise if packets are not produced / consumed in a 1:1 ratio. For instance, the header
-// FIFO could overflow or underflow.
-// _tuser bit definitions
-// [127:64] == CHDR header
-// [127:126] == Packet type -- 00 for data, 01 for flow control, 10 for command, 11 for response
-// [125] == Has time? (0 for no, 1 for time field on next line)
-// [124] == EOB (end of burst indicator)
-// [123:112] == 12-bit sequence number
-// [111: 96] == 16-bit length in bytes
-// [ 95: 80] == SRC SID (stream ID)
-// [ 79: 64] == DST SID
-// [ 63: 0] == timestamp
-module axi_wrapper
- #(parameter MTU=10,
- parameter SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE=129, // AXI configuration bus base, settings bus address range size is 2*NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS
- parameter NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS=1, // Number of AXI configuration buses
- parameter CONFIG_BUS_FIFO_DEPTH=1, // Depth of AXI configuration bus FIFO. Note: AXI configuration bus lacks back pressure.
- parameter SIMPLE_MODE=1, // 0 = User handles CHDR insertion via tuser signals, 1 = Automatically save / insert CHDR with internal FIFO
- parameter USE_SEQ_NUM=0, // 0 = Frame will automatically handle sequence number, 1 = Use sequence number provided in s_axis_data_tuser
- parameter RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET=0, // 0 = Do not resize, packet length determined by i_tlast, 1 = Generate m_axis_data_tlast based on user input m_axis_pkt_len_tdata
- parameter RESIZE_OUTPUT_PACKET=0, // 0 = Do not resize, packet length determined by s_axis_data_tlast, 1 = Use packet length from user header (s_axis_data_tuser)
- parameter WIDTH=32) // Specify the output width for the AXI stream data (can be 32 or 64)
- (input clk, input reset,
- input bus_clk, input bus_rst,
- input clear_tx_seqnum,
- input [15:0] next_dst, // Used with SIMPLE_MODE=1
- // To NoC Shell
- input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data,
- input [63:0] i_tdata, input i_tlast, input i_tvalid, output i_tready,
- output [63:0] o_tdata, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready,
- // To AXI IP
- output [WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_data_tdata, output [127:0] m_axis_data_tuser, output m_axis_data_tlast, output m_axis_data_tvalid, input m_axis_data_tready,
- input [WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_data_tdata, input [127:0] s_axis_data_tuser, input s_axis_data_tlast, input s_axis_data_tvalid, output s_axis_data_tready,
- input [15:0] m_axis_pkt_len_tdata, input m_axis_pkt_len_tvalid, output m_axis_pkt_len_tready, // Used when RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET=1
- // Variable number of AXI configuration buses
- output [NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS*32-1:0] m_axis_config_tdata,
- output [NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS-1:0] m_axis_config_tlast,
- output [NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS-1:0] m_axis_config_tvalid,
- input [NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS-1:0] m_axis_config_tready
- );
- wire clear_tx_seqnum_bclk;
- pulse_synchronizer clear_tx_seqnum_sync_i (
- .clk_a(clk), .rst_a(reset), .pulse_a(clear_tx_seqnum), .busy_a(/*Ignored: Pulses from SW are slow*/),
- .clk_b(bus_clk), .pulse_b(clear_tx_seqnum_bclk)
- );
- // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Input side handling, chdr_deframer
- wire [127:0] s_axis_data_tuser_int, m_axis_data_tuser_int;
- wire s_axis_data_tlast_int, m_axis_data_tlast_int;
- reg [15:0] m_axis_pkt_len_reg = 16'd8;
- reg sof_in = 1'b1;
- wire [127:0] header_fifo_i_tdata = {m_axis_data_tuser[127:96],m_axis_data_tuser[79:64],next_dst,m_axis_data_tuser[63:0]};
- wire header_fifo_i_tvalid = sof_in & m_axis_data_tvalid & m_axis_data_tready;
- chdr_deframer_2clk #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) chdr_deframer (
- .samp_clk(clk), .samp_rst(reset | clear_tx_seqnum), .pkt_clk(bus_clk), .pkt_rst(bus_rst | clear_tx_seqnum_bclk),
- .i_tdata(i_tdata), .i_tlast(i_tlast), .i_tvalid(i_tvalid), .i_tready(i_tready),
- .o_tdata(m_axis_data_tdata), .o_tuser(m_axis_data_tuser_int), .o_tlast(m_axis_data_tlast_int), .o_tvalid(m_axis_data_tvalid), .o_tready(m_axis_data_tready)
- );
- assign m_axis_data_tuser[127:80] = m_axis_data_tuser_int[127:80];
- assign m_axis_data_tuser[79:64] = RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET ? (m_axis_data_tuser_int[125] ? m_axis_pkt_len_reg+16 : m_axis_pkt_len_reg+8) : m_axis_data_tuser_int[79:64];
- assign m_axis_data_tuser[63:0] = m_axis_data_tuser_int[63:0];
- // Only store header once per packet
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear_tx_seqnum)
- sof_in <= 1'b1;
- else
- if(m_axis_data_tvalid & m_axis_data_tready)
- if(m_axis_data_tlast)
- sof_in <= 1'b1;
- else
- sof_in <= 1'b0;
- // SIMPLE MODE: Store input packet header to reuse as output packet header.
- generate
- begin
- // FIFO
- axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(128), .SIZE(5)) header_fifo
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear_tx_seqnum),
- .i_tdata(header_fifo_i_tdata),
- .i_tvalid(header_fifo_i_tvalid), .i_tready(),
- .o_tdata(s_axis_data_tuser_int), .o_tvalid(), .o_tready(s_axis_data_tlast_int & s_axis_data_tvalid & s_axis_data_tready),
- .occupied(), .space());
- end else begin
- assign s_axis_data_tuser_int = s_axis_data_tuser;
- end
- endgenerate
- // Size input packets based on m_axis_pkt_len_tdata (RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET=1) or based on i_tdata
- generate
- reg m_axis_data_tlast_reg;
- reg [15:0] m_axis_pkt_cnt;
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset | clear_tx_seqnum) begin
- m_axis_data_tlast_reg <= 1'b0;
- m_axis_pkt_cnt <= (WIDTH/8); // Number of bytes in packet
- m_axis_pkt_len_reg <= 2*(WIDTH/8); // Double size by default
- end else begin
- // Only update packet length at the beginning of a new packet
- if (m_axis_pkt_len_tvalid & m_axis_pkt_len_tready) begin
- m_axis_pkt_len_reg <= m_axis_pkt_len_tdata;
- end
- if (m_axis_data_tvalid & m_axis_data_tready) begin
- if (m_axis_pkt_cnt >= m_axis_pkt_len_reg) begin
- m_axis_pkt_cnt <= (WIDTH/8);
- end else begin
- m_axis_pkt_cnt <= m_axis_pkt_cnt + (WIDTH/8);
- end
- if (m_axis_pkt_cnt >= m_axis_pkt_len_reg-(WIDTH/8)) begin
- m_axis_data_tlast_reg <= 1'b1;
- end else begin
- m_axis_data_tlast_reg <= 1'b0;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- assign m_axis_data_tlast = m_axis_data_tlast_reg;
- assign m_axis_pkt_len_tready = sof_in;
- end else begin
- assign m_axis_data_tlast = m_axis_data_tlast_int;
- assign m_axis_pkt_len_tready = 1'b0;
- end
- endgenerate
- // Size output packets based on either s_axis_data_tlast (RESIZE_OUTPUT_PACKETS=1) or packet length from user header (s_axis_data_tuser)
- // TODO: There could be a race condition on s_axis_data_tuser_int when
- // receiving very short packets, but latency in chdr_deframer
- // prevents this from occurring. Need to fix so it cannot
- // occur by design.
- generate
- reg [15:0] s_axis_pkt_cnt;
- reg [15:0] s_axis_pkt_len;
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset | clear_tx_seqnum) begin
- s_axis_pkt_cnt <= (WIDTH/8);
- s_axis_pkt_len <= 0;
- end else begin
- // Remove header
- s_axis_pkt_len <= s_axis_data_tuser_int[125] ? s_axis_data_tuser_int[111:96]-16 : s_axis_data_tuser_int[111:96]-8;
- if (s_axis_data_tvalid & s_axis_data_tready) begin
- if ((s_axis_pkt_cnt >= s_axis_pkt_len) | s_axis_data_tlast) begin
- s_axis_pkt_cnt <= (WIDTH/8);
- end else begin
- s_axis_pkt_cnt <= s_axis_pkt_cnt + (WIDTH/8);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- assign s_axis_data_tlast_int = (s_axis_pkt_cnt >= s_axis_pkt_len) | s_axis_data_tlast;
- end else begin
- // chdr_framer will automatically fill in the packet length based on user provided tlast
- assign s_axis_data_tlast_int = s_axis_data_tlast;
- end
- endgenerate
- // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Output side handling, chdr_framer
- chdr_framer_2clk #(.SIZE(MTU), .WIDTH(WIDTH), .USE_SEQ_NUM(USE_SEQ_NUM)) chdr_framer (
- .samp_clk(clk), .samp_rst(reset | clear_tx_seqnum), .pkt_clk(bus_clk), .pkt_rst(bus_rst | clear_tx_seqnum_bclk),
- .i_tdata(s_axis_data_tdata), .i_tuser(s_axis_data_tuser_int), .i_tlast(s_axis_data_tlast_int), .i_tvalid(s_axis_data_tvalid), .i_tready(s_axis_data_tready),
- .o_tdata(o_tdata), .o_tlast(o_tlast), .o_tvalid(o_tvalid), .o_tready(o_tready)
- );
- // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Control bus handling
- // FIXME we could put inline control here...
- // Generate additional AXI stream interfaces for configuration.
- // FIXME need to make sure we don't overrun this if core can backpressure us
- // Write to SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE+1+2*(CONFIG BUS #) asserts tvalid, SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE+1+2*(CONFIG BUS #)+1 asserts tvalid & tlast
- genvar k;
- generate
- for (k = 0; k < NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS; k = k + 1) begin
- axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(33), .SIZE(CONFIG_BUS_FIFO_DEPTH)) config_stream
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear_tx_seqnum),
- .i_tdata({(set_addr == (SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE+2*k+1)),set_data}),
- .i_tvalid(set_stb & ((set_addr == (SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE+2*k))|(set_addr == (SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE+2*k+1)))),
- .i_tready(),
- .o_tdata({m_axis_config_tlast[k],m_axis_config_tdata[32*k+31:32*k]}),
- .o_tvalid(m_axis_config_tvalid[k]),
- .o_tready(m_axis_config_tready[k]),
- .occupied(), .space());
- end
- endgenerate
-endmodule // axi_wrapper
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_deframer.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_deframer.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 408c26e9a..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_deframer.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 Ettus Research LLC
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-// FIXME -- detect seqnum errors?
-module chdr_deframer #(
- parameter WIDTH = 32 // Can be 32 or 64
-)( input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [63:0] i_tdata, input i_tlast, input i_tvalid, output i_tready,
- output [WIDTH-1:0] o_tdata, output [127:0] o_tuser, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready);
- localparam ST_HEAD = 2'd0;
- localparam ST_TIME = 2'd1;
- localparam ST_BODY = 2'd2;
- reg [1:0] chdr_state;
- reg odd_length;
- wire [127:0] hdr_i_tuser, hdr_o_tuser;
- wire hdr_i_tvalid, hdr_i_tready;
- wire hdr_o_tvalid, hdr_o_tready;
- wire [63:0] body_i_tdata, body_o_tdata;
- wire body_i_tlast, body_o_tlast;
- wire body_i_tvalid, body_o_tvalid;
- wire body_i_tready, body_o_tready;
- wire has_time = i_tdata[61];
- wire [15:0] len = i_tdata[47:32];
- reg [63:0] held_i_tdata;
- assign body_i_tdata = i_tdata;
- assign body_i_tlast = i_tlast;
- assign body_i_tvalid = (chdr_state == ST_BODY) ? i_tvalid : 1'b0;
- assign hdr_i_tuser = (chdr_state == ST_HEAD) ? { i_tdata, i_tdata } : { held_i_tdata, i_tdata }; // 2nd half ignored if no time
- assign hdr_i_tvalid = (chdr_state == ST_TIME) ? i_tvalid :
- ((chdr_state == ST_HEAD) & ~has_time) ? i_tvalid :
- 1'b0;
- assign i_tready = (chdr_state == ST_BODY) ? body_i_tready : hdr_i_tready;
- // FIXME handle packets with no body
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- chdr_state <= ST_HEAD;
- else
- case(chdr_state)
- if(i_tvalid & hdr_i_tready)
- if(has_time)
- begin
- chdr_state <= ST_TIME;
- held_i_tdata <= i_tdata;
- end
- else
- chdr_state <= ST_BODY;
- if(i_tvalid & hdr_i_tready)
- chdr_state <= ST_BODY;
- if(i_tvalid & body_i_tready & i_tlast)
- chdr_state <= ST_HEAD;
- endcase // case (chdr_state)
- axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(128), .SIZE(5)) hdr_fifo
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
- .i_tdata(hdr_i_tuser), .i_tvalid(hdr_i_tvalid), .i_tready(hdr_i_tready),
- .o_tdata(hdr_o_tuser), .o_tvalid(hdr_o_tvalid), .o_tready(hdr_o_tready),
- .occupied(), .space());
- axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(65), .SIZE(5)) body_fifo
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
- .i_tdata({body_i_tlast, body_i_tdata}), .i_tvalid(body_i_tvalid), .i_tready(body_i_tready),
- .o_tdata({body_o_tlast, body_o_tdata}), .o_tvalid(body_o_tvalid), .o_tready(body_o_tready),
- .occupied(), .space());
- assign o_tuser = hdr_o_tuser;
- assign o_tvalid = hdr_o_tvalid & body_o_tvalid;
- assign hdr_o_tready = o_tvalid & o_tready & o_tlast;
- generate if (WIDTH == 32) begin
- reg second_half;
- wire odd_len = hdr_o_tuser[98] ^ |hdr_o_tuser[97:96];
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- second_half <= 1'b0;
- else
- if(o_tvalid & o_tready)
- if(o_tlast)
- second_half <= 1'b0;
- else
- second_half <= ~second_half;
- assign o_tdata = second_half ? body_o_tdata[31:0] : body_o_tdata[63:32];
- assign o_tlast = body_o_tlast & (second_half | odd_len);
- assign body_o_tready = o_tvalid & o_tready & (o_tlast | second_half);
- end else if (WIDTH == 64) begin
- assign o_tdata = body_o_tdata;
- assign o_tlast = body_o_tlast;
- assign body_o_tready = o_tvalid & o_tready;
- end endgenerate
-endmodule // chdr_deframer
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_deframer_2clk.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_deframer_2clk.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e15263b09..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_deframer_2clk.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-// Module: chdr_deframer_2clk
-// Description:
-// - Takes a sample stream in and uses the tuser input to frame
-// a CHDR packet which is output by the module
-// samples at the output
-module chdr_deframer_2clk #(
- parameter WIDTH = 32 // 32 and 64 bits supported
-) (
- input samp_clk, input samp_rst, input pkt_clk, input pkt_rst,
- input [63:0] i_tdata, input i_tlast, input i_tvalid, output i_tready,
- output [WIDTH-1:0] o_tdata, output [127:0] o_tuser, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready
- localparam [1:0] ST_HEAD = 2'd0;
- localparam [1:0] ST_TIME = 2'd1;
- localparam [1:0] ST_BODY = 2'd2;
- reg [1:0] chdr_state;
- wire [127:0] hdr_i_tuser, hdr_o_tuser;
- wire hdr_i_tvalid, hdr_i_tready;
- wire hdr_o_tvalid, hdr_o_tready;
- wire [63:0] body_i_tdata, body_o_tdata;
- wire body_i_tlast, body_o_tlast;
- wire body_i_tvalid, body_o_tvalid;
- wire body_i_tready, body_o_tready;
- wire has_time = i_tdata[61];
- reg [63:0] held_i_tdata;
- reg second_half;
- assign body_i_tdata = i_tdata;
- assign body_i_tlast = i_tlast;
- assign body_i_tvalid = (chdr_state == ST_BODY) ? i_tvalid : 1'b0;
- assign hdr_i_tuser = (chdr_state == ST_HEAD) ? { i_tdata, i_tdata } : { held_i_tdata, i_tdata }; // 2nd half ignored if no time
- assign hdr_i_tvalid = (chdr_state == ST_TIME) ? i_tvalid :
- ((chdr_state == ST_HEAD) & ~has_time) ? i_tvalid :
- 1'b0;
- assign i_tready = (chdr_state == ST_BODY) ? body_i_tready : hdr_i_tready;
- // FIXME handle packets with no body
- always @(posedge pkt_clk) begin
- if (pkt_rst) begin
- chdr_state <= ST_HEAD;
- end else begin
- case(chdr_state)
- if (i_tvalid & hdr_i_tready)
- if (has_time) begin
- chdr_state <= ST_TIME;
- held_i_tdata <= i_tdata;
- end else begin
- chdr_state <= ST_BODY;
- end
- if (i_tvalid & hdr_i_tready)
- chdr_state <= ST_BODY;
- if (i_tvalid & body_i_tready & i_tlast)
- chdr_state <= ST_HEAD;
- endcase
- end
- end
- wire pkt_rst_stretch;
- pulse_stretch #(.SCALE('d10)) pkt_reset_i (
- .clk(pkt_clk),
- .rst(1'b0),
- .pulse(pkt_rst),
- .pulse_stretched(pkt_rst_stretch)
- );
- axi_fifo_2clk #(.WIDTH(128), .SIZE(5)) hdr_fifo_i (
- .i_aclk(pkt_clk), .o_aclk(samp_clk), .reset(pkt_rst_stretch),
- .i_tdata(hdr_i_tuser), .i_tvalid(hdr_i_tvalid), .i_tready(hdr_i_tready),
- .o_tdata(hdr_o_tuser), .o_tvalid(hdr_o_tvalid), .o_tready(hdr_o_tready)
- );
- axi_fifo_2clk #(.WIDTH(65), .SIZE(9)) body_fifo (
- .i_aclk(pkt_clk), .o_aclk(samp_clk), .reset(pkt_rst_stretch),
- .i_tdata({body_i_tlast, body_i_tdata}), .i_tvalid(body_i_tvalid), .i_tready(body_i_tready),
- .o_tdata({body_o_tlast, body_o_tdata}), .o_tvalid(body_o_tvalid), .o_tready(body_o_tready)
- );
- wire odd_len = hdr_o_tuser[98] ^ |hdr_o_tuser[97:96];
- generate
- if (WIDTH == 32) begin : gen_32bit_output
- // 32-bit Output
- always @(posedge samp_clk) begin
- if(samp_rst) begin
- second_half <= 1'b0;
- end else begin
- if(o_tvalid & o_tready) begin
- if(o_tlast)
- second_half <= 1'b0;
- else
- second_half <= ~second_half;
- end
- end
- end
- assign o_tdata = second_half ? body_o_tdata[WIDTH-1:0] : body_o_tdata[(2*WIDTH)-1:WIDTH];
- assign o_tlast = body_o_tlast & (second_half | odd_len);
- assign o_tuser = hdr_o_tuser;
- assign o_tvalid = hdr_o_tvalid & body_o_tvalid;
- assign hdr_o_tready = o_tvalid & o_tready & o_tlast;
- assign body_o_tready = o_tvalid & o_tready & (o_tlast | second_half);
- end else begin : gen_64bit_output
- // 64-bit Output
- assign o_tdata = body_o_tdata;
- assign o_tlast = body_o_tlast;
- assign o_tuser = hdr_o_tuser;
- assign o_tvalid = hdr_o_tvalid & body_o_tvalid;
- assign hdr_o_tready = o_tvalid & o_tready & o_tlast;
- assign body_o_tready = o_tvalid & o_tready;
- end
- endgenerate
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_framer.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_framer.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 271c8e3d5..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_framer.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 Ettus Research LLC
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-// FIXME handle odd length inputs
-// Warning: Currently only 32 / 64-bit input widths are supported.
-// If 64-bit is selected, there will be a bubble state.
-module chdr_framer
- #(parameter SIZE=10,
- parameter WIDTH=32, // 32 or 64 only! TODO: Extend to other widths.
- parameter USE_SEQ_NUM=0) // Use provided seq number in tuser
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [WIDTH-1:0] i_tdata, input [127:0] i_tuser, input i_tlast, input i_tvalid, output i_tready,
- output [63:0] o_tdata, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready);
- wire header_i_tvalid, header_i_tready;
- wire [63:0] body_i_tdata;
- wire body_i_tlast, body_i_tvalid, body_i_tready;
- wire [127:0] header_o_tdata;
- wire header_o_tvalid, header_o_tready;
- wire [63:0] body_o_tdata;
- wire body_o_tlast, body_o_tvalid, body_o_tready;
- reg [15:0] length;
- reg [11:0] seqnum;
- assign i_tready = header_i_tready & body_i_tready;
- assign header_i_tvalid = i_tlast & i_tvalid & i_tready;
- assign body_i_tlast = i_tlast;
- // Handle 32 and 64 widths
- generate
- if (WIDTH == 32) begin
- reg even;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- even <= 0;
- else
- if(i_tvalid & i_tready)
- if(i_tlast)
- even <= 0;
- else
- even <= ~even;
- reg [31:0] held_i_tdata;
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (i_tvalid & i_tready) held_i_tdata <= i_tdata;
- end
- assign body_i_tvalid = i_tvalid & i_tready & (i_tlast | even);
- assign body_i_tdata = even ? { held_i_tdata, i_tdata } : {i_tdata, i_tdata}; // really should be 0 in bottom, but this simplifies mux
- end else begin
- assign body_i_tvalid = i_tvalid;
- assign body_i_tdata = i_tdata;
- end
- endgenerate
- // FIXME handle lengths of partial 32-bit words
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- length <= (WIDTH == 32) ? 4 : 8;
- else if(header_i_tready & header_i_tvalid)
- length <= (WIDTH == 32) ? 4 : 8;
- else if(i_tvalid & i_tready)
- length <= (WIDTH == 32) ? length + 4 : length + 8;
- axi_fifo_flop2 #(.WIDTH(128)) header_fifo_flop2
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
- .i_tdata({i_tuser[127:112],length,i_tuser[95:0]}), .i_tvalid(header_i_tvalid), .i_tready(header_i_tready),
- .o_tdata(header_o_tdata), .o_tvalid(header_o_tvalid), .o_tready(header_o_tready),
- .occupied(), .space());
- axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(65), .SIZE(SIZE)) body_fifo
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
- .i_tdata({body_i_tlast,body_i_tdata}), .i_tvalid(body_i_tvalid), .i_tready(body_i_tready),
- .o_tdata({body_o_tlast,body_o_tdata}), .o_tvalid(body_o_tvalid), .o_tready(body_o_tready),
- .occupied(), .space());
- reg [3:0] chdr_state;
- localparam ST_IDLE = 0;
- localparam ST_HEAD = 1;
- localparam ST_TIME = 2;
- localparam ST_BODY = 3;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- chdr_state <= ST_IDLE;
- else
- case(chdr_state)
- if(header_o_tvalid & body_o_tvalid)
- chdr_state <= ST_HEAD;
- if(o_tready)
- if(header_o_tdata[125]) // time
- chdr_state <= ST_TIME;
- else
- chdr_state <= ST_BODY;
- if(o_tready)
- chdr_state <= ST_BODY;
- if(o_tready & body_o_tlast)
- chdr_state <= ST_IDLE;
- endcase // case (chdr_state)
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- seqnum <= 12'd0;
- else
- if(o_tvalid & o_tready & o_tlast)
- seqnum <= seqnum + 12'd1;
- wire [15:0] out_length = header_o_tdata[111:96] + (header_o_tdata[125] ? 16'd16 : 16'd8);
- assign o_tvalid = (chdr_state == ST_HEAD) | (chdr_state == ST_TIME) | (body_o_tvalid & (chdr_state == ST_BODY));
- assign o_tlast = (chdr_state == ST_BODY) & body_o_tlast;
- assign o_tdata = (chdr_state == ST_HEAD) ? {header_o_tdata[127:124], (USE_SEQ_NUM ? header_o_tdata[123:112] : seqnum), out_length, header_o_tdata[95:64] } :
- (chdr_state == ST_TIME) ? header_o_tdata[63:0] :
- body_o_tdata;
- assign body_o_tready = (chdr_state == ST_BODY) & o_tready;
- assign header_o_tready = ((chdr_state == ST_TIME) | ((chdr_state == ST_HEAD) & ~header_o_tdata[125])) & o_tready;
-endmodule // chdr_framer
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_framer_2clk.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_framer_2clk.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c430fbff..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_framer_2clk.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-// Module: chdr_framer_2clk
-// Description:
-// - Takes a sample stream in and uses the tuser input to frame
-// a CHDR packet which is output by the module
-// samples at the output
-// - FIXME Currently only 32 / 64-bit input widths are supported.
-module chdr_framer_2clk #(
- parameter SIZE = 10,
- parameter WIDTH = 32, // 32 or 64 only! TODO: Extend to other widths.
- parameter USE_SEQ_NUM = 0 // Use provided seq number in tuser
-) (
- input samp_clk, input samp_rst, input pkt_clk, input pkt_rst,
- input [WIDTH-1:0] i_tdata, input [127:0] i_tuser, input i_tlast, input i_tvalid, output i_tready,
- output [63:0] o_tdata, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready
- wire header_i_tvalid, header_i_tready;
- wire [63:0] body_i_tdata;
- wire body_i_tlast, body_i_tvalid, body_i_tready;
- wire [127:0] header_o_tdata;
- wire header_o_tvalid, header_o_tready;
- wire [63:0] body_o_tdata;
- wire body_o_tlast, body_o_tvalid, body_o_tready;
- reg [15:0] length;
- reg [11:0] seqnum;
- assign i_tready = header_i_tready & body_i_tready;
- assign header_i_tvalid = i_tlast & i_tvalid & i_tready;
- assign body_i_tlast = i_tlast;
- // Handle 32 and 64 widths
- generate
- if (WIDTH == 32) begin
- reg even = 1'b0;
- always @(posedge samp_clk)
- if(samp_rst)
- even <= 1'b0;
- else
- if(i_tvalid & i_tready)
- if(i_tlast)
- even <= 1'b0;
- else
- even <= ~even;
- reg [31:0] held_i_tdata;
- always @(posedge samp_clk) begin
- if (i_tvalid & i_tready) held_i_tdata <= i_tdata;
- end
- assign body_i_tvalid = i_tvalid & i_tready & (i_tlast | even);
- assign body_i_tdata = even ? { held_i_tdata, i_tdata } : {i_tdata, i_tdata}; // really should be 0 in bottom, but this simplifies mux
- end else begin
- assign body_i_tvalid = i_tvalid & i_tready;
- assign body_i_tdata = i_tdata;
- end
- endgenerate
- // FIXME handle lengths of partial 32-bit words
- always @(posedge samp_clk)
- if (samp_rst)
- length <= (WIDTH == 32) ? 16'd4 : 16'd8;
- else if(header_i_tready & header_i_tvalid)
- length <= (WIDTH == 32) ? 16'd4 : 16'd8;
- else if(i_tvalid & i_tready)
- length <= (WIDTH == 32) ? length + 16'd4 : length + 16'd8;
- // Extended reset signal to ensure longer reset on axi_fifo_2clk
- // as recommended by Xilinx. It clears all partial packets seen
- // after clearing the fifos.
- // This pulse stretch ratio works in this case and may not work
- // for all clocks.
- wire samp_rst_stretch;
- pulse_stretch #(.SCALE('d10)) samp_reset_i (
- .clk(samp_clk),
- .rst(1'b0),
- .pulse(samp_rst),
- .pulse_stretched(samp_rst_stretch)
- );
- axi_fifo_2clk #(.WIDTH(128), .SIZE(5)) hdr_fifo_i (
- .i_aclk(samp_clk), .o_aclk(pkt_clk), .reset(samp_rst_stretch),
- .i_tdata({i_tuser[127:112],length,i_tuser[95:0]}), .i_tvalid(header_i_tvalid), .i_tready(header_i_tready),
- .o_tdata(header_o_tdata), .o_tvalid(header_o_tvalid), .o_tready(header_o_tready)
- );
- axi_fifo_2clk #(.WIDTH(65), .SIZE(SIZE)) body_fifo_i (
- .i_aclk(samp_clk), .o_aclk(pkt_clk), .reset(samp_rst_stretch),
- .i_tdata({body_i_tlast,body_i_tdata}), .i_tvalid(body_i_tvalid), .i_tready(body_i_tready),
- .o_tdata({body_o_tlast,body_o_tdata}), .o_tvalid(body_o_tvalid), .o_tready(body_o_tready)
- );
- reg [1:0] chdr_state;
- localparam [1:0] ST_IDLE = 0;
- localparam [1:0] ST_HEAD = 1;
- localparam [1:0] ST_TIME = 2;
- localparam [1:0] ST_BODY = 3;
- always @(posedge pkt_clk)
- if(pkt_rst)
- chdr_state <= ST_IDLE;
- else
- case(chdr_state)
- if(header_o_tvalid & body_o_tvalid)
- chdr_state <= ST_HEAD;
- if(o_tready)
- if(header_o_tdata[125]) // time
- chdr_state <= ST_TIME;
- else
- chdr_state <= ST_BODY;
- if(o_tready)
- chdr_state <= ST_BODY;
- if(o_tready & body_o_tlast)
- chdr_state <= ST_IDLE;
- endcase
- always @(posedge pkt_clk)
- if(pkt_rst)
- seqnum <= 12'd0;
- else
- if(o_tvalid & o_tready & o_tlast)
- seqnum <= seqnum + 12'd1;
- wire [15:0] out_length = header_o_tdata[111:96] + (header_o_tdata[125] ? 16'd16 : 16'd8);
- assign o_tvalid = (chdr_state == ST_HEAD) | (chdr_state == ST_TIME) | (body_o_tvalid & (chdr_state == ST_BODY));
- assign o_tlast = (chdr_state == ST_BODY) & body_o_tlast;
- assign o_tdata = (chdr_state == ST_HEAD) ? {header_o_tdata[127:124], (USE_SEQ_NUM == 1 ? header_o_tdata[123:112] : seqnum), out_length, header_o_tdata[95:64] } :
- (chdr_state == ST_TIME) ? header_o_tdata[63:0] :
- body_o_tdata;
- assign body_o_tready = (chdr_state == ST_BODY) & o_tready;
- assign header_o_tready = ((chdr_state == ST_TIME) | ((chdr_state == ST_HEAD) & ~header_o_tdata[125])) & o_tready;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_pkt_types.vh b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_pkt_types.vh
deleted file mode 100644
index 204390cfc..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/chdr_pkt_types.vh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// CHDR Packet types
-// [2:1]: Type
-// [0]: EOB
-localparam [2:0] DATA_PKT = 3'b000;
-localparam [2:0] DATA_EOB_PKT = 3'b001;
-localparam [2:0] FC_RESP_PKT = 3'b010;
-localparam [2:0] FC_ACK_PKT = 3'b011;
-localparam [2:0] CMD_PKT = 3'b100;
-localparam [2:0] CMD_EOB_PKT = 3'b101; // Unused
-localparam [2:0] RESP_PKT = 3'b110;
-localparam [2:0] RESP_ERR_PKT = 3'b111;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/core/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/core/Makefile.srcs
index 0a646f98b..893222fe9 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/core/Makefile.srcs
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/core/Makefile.srcs
@@ -21,10 +21,8 @@ axis_ctrl_slave.v \
chdr_compute_tkeep.v \
chdr_to_chdr_data.v \
chdr_to_axis_pyld_ctxt.v \
-chdr_to_axis_data_mdata.v \
chdr_to_axis_data.v \
axis_pyld_ctxt_to_chdr.v \
-axis_data_mdata_to_chdr.v \
axis_data_to_chdr.v \
chdr_ingress_fifo.v \
chdr_mgmt_pkt_handler.v \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/core/axis_data_mdata_to_chdr.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/core/axis_data_mdata_to_chdr.v
deleted file mode 100644
index dbeb35d08..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/core/axis_data_mdata_to_chdr.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-// Module: axis_data_mdata_to_chdr
-// Description:
-// A framer module for CHDR data packets. It accepts an input data stream
-// (with sideband information for packet flags and timestamp) and a separate
-// metadata stream. A data packet and a metadata packet are required to be
-// input in order for a single CHDR packet to be generated. If no metadata is
-// associated with the payload, then an empty metadata packet must be input
-// along with the data packet (i.e., input a metadata packet with
-// s_axis_mdata_tkeep set to 0).
-// The sideband information (e.g., timestamp, flags) must be input coincident
-// with the AXI-Stream data input and will be sampled coincident with the
-// last word of data in the packet (i.e., when tlast is asserted).
-// This module also performs an optional clock crossing and data width
-// conversion from a user requested width for the payload bus to CHDR_W.
-// In order to guarantee a gapless CHDR data stream, the metadata packet
-// should be input before the end of the data packet, although this is not
-// required.
-// Parameters:
-// CHDR_W : Width of the input CHDR bus in bits
-// ITEM_W : Width of the output item bus in bits
-// NIPC : The number of output items delivered per cycle
-// SYNC_CLKS : Are the CHDR and data clocks synchronous to each other?
-// MTU : Log2 of the maximum packet size in CHDR words
-// INFO_FIFO_SIZE : Log2 of the info FIFO size. This determines the number of
-// packets that can be simultaneously buffered in the
-// payload FIFO.
-// PYLD_FIFO_SIZE : Log2 of the payload FIFO size. The actual FIFO size will
-// be the maximum of 2**MTU or 2**PYLD_FIFO_SIZE, since the
-// FIFO must be at least one MTU so that we can calculate
-// the packet length in the header.
-// Signals:
-// m_axis_chdr_* : Output CHDR stream
-// s_axis_* : Input data stream (AXI-Stream)
-// s_axis_mdata_* : Input metadata stream (AXI-Stream)
-// flush_* : Signals for flush control and status
-module axis_data_mdata_to_chdr #(
- parameter CHDR_W = 256,
- parameter ITEM_W = 32,
- parameter NIPC = 2,
- parameter SYNC_CLKS = 0,
- parameter MTU = 10,
- parameter INFO_FIFO_SIZE = 4,
- parameter PYLD_FIFO_SIZE = MTU
- // Clock, reset and settings
- input wire axis_chdr_clk,
- input wire axis_chdr_rst,
- input wire axis_data_clk,
- input wire axis_data_rst,
- // CHDR out (AXI-Stream)
- output wire [CHDR_W-1:0] m_axis_chdr_tdata,
- output wire m_axis_chdr_tlast,
- output wire m_axis_chdr_tvalid,
- input wire m_axis_chdr_tready,
- // Payload data stream in (AXI-Stream)
- input wire [(ITEM_W*NIPC)-1:0] s_axis_tdata,
- input wire [NIPC-1:0] s_axis_tkeep,
- input wire s_axis_tlast,
- input wire s_axis_tvalid,
- output wire s_axis_tready,
- // Payload sideband info
- input wire [63:0] s_axis_ttimestamp,
- input wire s_axis_thas_time,
- input wire s_axis_teov,
- input wire s_axis_teob,
- // Metadata stream in (AXI-Stream)
- input wire [CHDR_W-1:0] s_axis_mdata_tdata,
- input wire s_axis_mdata_tlast,
- input wire s_axis_mdata_tkeep,
- input wire s_axis_mdata_tvalid,
- output wire s_axis_mdata_tready,
- // Flush signals
- input wire flush_en,
- input wire [31:0] flush_timeout,
- output wire flush_active,
- output wire flush_done
- // Make sure the metadata FIFO is large enough to store an entire packet's
- // worth of metadata (32 words).
- localparam MDATA_FIFO_SIZE = 5;
- // Make sure the payload FIFO is large enough to store an entire packet's
- // worth of payload data. This will ensure that we can buffer the entire
- // packet to calculate its length.
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // RFNoC Includes
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- `include "rfnoc_chdr_utils.vh"
- `include "rfnoc_axis_ctrl_utils.vh"
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Timestamp and Flags Capture
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // The timestamp and flags that we use for each packet is that of the last
- // data word. Here, we capture this information at the end of the packet.
- //
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- reg [63:0] packet_timestamp;
- reg packet_has_time;
- reg packet_eov;
- reg packet_eob;
- always @(posedge axis_data_clk) begin
- if (s_axis_tvalid & s_axis_tready & s_axis_tlast) begin
- packet_timestamp <= s_axis_ttimestamp;
- packet_has_time <= s_axis_thas_time;
- packet_eov <= s_axis_teov;
- packet_eob <= s_axis_teob;
- end
- end
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Length Counters
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Here We track the state of the incoming packet to determine the payload
- // and mdata length.
- //
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- localparam HDR_LEN = CHDR_W/8; // Length of CHDR header word in bytes
- reg [15:0] packet_length;
- reg [15:0] length_count = HDR_LEN;
- reg in_pkt_info_tvalid = 0;
- wire in_pkt_info_tready;
- always @(posedge axis_data_clk) begin : pkt_length_counter
- if (axis_data_rst) begin
- length_count <= HDR_LEN;
- in_pkt_info_tvalid <= 1'b0;
- end else begin : pkt_length_counter_main
- // Calculate the length of this word in bytes, taking tkeep into account
- integer i;
- integer num_bytes;
- num_bytes = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < NIPC; i = i + 1) begin
- num_bytes = num_bytes + (s_axis_tkeep[i]*(ITEM_W/8));
- end
- // Update the packet length if the word is accepted
- in_pkt_info_tvalid <= 1'b0;
- if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) begin
- if (s_axis_tlast) begin
- length_count <= HDR_LEN;
- packet_length <= length_count + num_bytes;
- in_pkt_info_tvalid <= 1'b1;
- end else begin
- length_count <= length_count + num_bytes;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- reg [4:0] num_mdata = 0;
- reg [4:0] mdata_count = 0;
- reg in_mdata_info_tvalid = 0;
- wire in_mdata_info_tready;
- always @(posedge axis_data_clk) begin : num_mdata_counter
- if (axis_data_rst) begin
- mdata_count <= 0;
- num_mdata <= 0;
- in_mdata_info_tvalid <= 1'b0;
- end else begin : num_mdata_counter_main
- // Update the mdata length if the word is accepted
- in_mdata_info_tvalid <= 1'b0;
- if (s_axis_mdata_tvalid && s_axis_mdata_tready) begin
- if (s_axis_mdata_tlast) begin
- mdata_count <= 0;
- num_mdata <= mdata_count + s_axis_mdata_tkeep;
- in_mdata_info_tvalid <= 1'b1;
- end else begin
- mdata_count <= mdata_count + s_axis_mdata_tkeep;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Data Width Converter (ITEM_W*NIPC => CHDR_W)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] in_pyld_tdata;
- wire in_pyld_tlast;
- wire in_pyld_tvalid;
- wire in_pyld_tready;
- wire width_conv_tready;
- assign width_conv_tready = in_pyld_tready & in_pkt_info_tready;
- generate
- if (NIPC != CHDR_W/ITEM_W) begin : gen_axis_width_conv
- axis_width_conv #(
- .SYNC_CLKS (1),
- ) payload_width_conv_i (
- .s_axis_aclk (axis_data_clk),
- .s_axis_rst (axis_data_rst),
- .s_axis_tdata (s_axis_tdata),
- .s_axis_tkeep ({NIPC{1'b1}}),
- .s_axis_tlast (s_axis_tlast),
- .s_axis_tvalid (s_axis_tvalid),
- .s_axis_tready (s_axis_tready),
- .m_axis_aclk (axis_data_clk),
- .m_axis_rst (axis_data_rst),
- .m_axis_tdata (in_pyld_tdata),
- .m_axis_tkeep (),
- .m_axis_tlast (in_pyld_tlast),
- .m_axis_tvalid (in_pyld_tvalid),
- .m_axis_tready (width_conv_tready)
- );
- end else begin : no_gen_axis_width_conv
- assign in_pyld_tdata = s_axis_tdata;
- assign in_pyld_tlast = s_axis_tlast;
- assign in_pyld_tvalid = s_axis_tvalid;
- assign s_axis_tready = width_conv_tready;
- end
- endgenerate
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Input FIFOs
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Buffer the data, packet info, metadata, and cross it into the CHDR clock
- // domain, if needed. The payload FIFO is sized to match the MTU so that an
- // entire packet can be buffered while the length is calculated.
- //
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] out_mdata_tdata, out_pyld_tdata;
- wire out_mdata_tlast, out_pyld_tlast;
- wire out_mdata_tvalid, out_pyld_tvalid;
- reg out_mdata_tready, out_pyld_tready;
- wire out_pkt_info_tvalid;
- reg out_pkt_info_tready;
- wire out_eob, out_eov, out_has_time;
- wire [63:0] out_timestamp;
- wire [15:0] out_length;
- wire [4:0] out_num_mdata;
- reg out_mdata_info_tready;
- wire out_mdata_info_tvalid;
- wire in_mdata_tready;
- assign s_axis_mdata_tready = in_mdata_tready & in_mdata_info_tready;
- generate if (SYNC_CLKS) begin : gen_sync_fifo
- axi_fifo #(
- .WIDTH (CHDR_W+1),
- ) pyld_fifo (
- .clk (axis_chdr_clk),
- .reset (axis_chdr_rst),
- .clear (1'b0),
- .i_tdata ({in_pyld_tlast, in_pyld_tdata}),
- .i_tvalid (in_pyld_tvalid),
- .i_tready (in_pyld_tready),
- .o_tdata ({out_pyld_tlast, out_pyld_tdata}),
- .o_tvalid (out_pyld_tvalid),
- .o_tready (out_pyld_tready),
- .space (),
- .occupied ()
- );
- axi_fifo #(
- .WIDTH (CHDR_W + 1),
- ) mdata_fifo (
- .clk (axis_chdr_clk),
- .reset (axis_chdr_rst),
- .clear (1'b0),
- .i_tdata ({s_axis_mdata_tlast, s_axis_mdata_tdata}),
- .i_tvalid (s_axis_mdata_tvalid),
- .i_tready (in_mdata_tready),
- .o_tdata ({out_mdata_tlast, out_mdata_tdata}),
- .o_tvalid (out_mdata_tvalid),
- .o_tready (out_mdata_tready),
- .space (),
- .occupied ()
- );
- axi_fifo #(
- .WIDTH (3 + 64 + 16),
- ) pkt_info_fifo (
- .clk (axis_chdr_clk),
- .reset (axis_chdr_rst),
- .clear (1'b0),
- .i_tdata ({packet_eob, packet_eov, packet_has_time,packet_timestamp, packet_length}),
- .i_tvalid (in_pkt_info_tvalid),
- .i_tready (in_pkt_info_tready),
- .o_tdata ({out_eob, out_eov, out_has_time, out_timestamp, out_length}),
- .o_tvalid (out_pkt_info_tvalid),
- .o_tready (out_pkt_info_tready),
- .space (),
- .occupied ()
- );
- axi_fifo #(
- .WIDTH (5),
- ) mdata_info_fifo (
- .clk (axis_chdr_clk),
- .reset (axis_chdr_rst),
- .clear (1'b0),
- .i_tdata (num_mdata),
- .i_tvalid (in_mdata_info_tvalid),
- .i_tready (in_mdata_info_tready),
- .o_tdata (out_num_mdata),
- .o_tvalid (out_mdata_info_tvalid),
- .o_tready (out_mdata_info_tready),
- .space (),
- .occupied ()
- );
- end else begin : gen_async_fifo
- axi_fifo_2clk #(
- .WIDTH (CHDR_W + 1),
- ) pyld_fifo (
- .reset (axis_data_rst),
- .i_aclk (axis_data_clk),
- .i_tdata ({in_pyld_tlast, in_pyld_tdata}),
- .i_tvalid (in_pyld_tvalid),
- .i_tready (in_pyld_tready),
- .o_aclk (axis_chdr_clk),
- .o_tdata ({out_pyld_tlast, out_pyld_tdata}),
- .o_tvalid (out_pyld_tvalid),
- .o_tready (out_pyld_tready)
- );
- axi_fifo_2clk #(
- .WIDTH (CHDR_W + 1),
- ) mdata_fifo (
- .reset (axis_data_rst),
- .i_aclk (axis_data_clk),
- .i_tdata ({s_axis_mdata_tlast, s_axis_mdata_tdata}),
- .i_tvalid (s_axis_mdata_tvalid),
- .i_tready (in_mdata_tready),
- .o_aclk (axis_chdr_clk),
- .o_tdata ({out_mdata_tlast, out_mdata_tdata}),
- .o_tvalid (out_mdata_tvalid),
- .o_tready (out_mdata_tready)
- );
- axi_fifo_2clk #(
- .WIDTH (3 + 64 + 16),
- ) pkt_info_fifo (
- .reset (axis_data_rst),
- .i_aclk (axis_data_clk),
- .i_tdata ({packet_eob, packet_eov, packet_has_time,packet_timestamp, packet_length}),
- .i_tvalid (in_pkt_info_tvalid),
- .i_tready (in_pkt_info_tready),
- .o_aclk (axis_chdr_clk),
- .o_tdata ({out_eob, out_eov, out_has_time, out_timestamp, out_length}),
- .o_tvalid (out_pkt_info_tvalid),
- .o_tready (out_pkt_info_tready)
- );
- axi_fifo_2clk #(
- .WIDTH (5),
- ) mdata_info_fifo (
- .reset (axis_data_rst),
- .i_aclk (axis_data_clk),
- .i_tdata (num_mdata),
- .i_tvalid (in_mdata_info_tvalid),
- .i_tready (in_mdata_info_tready),
- .o_aclk (axis_chdr_clk),
- .o_tdata (out_num_mdata),
- .o_tvalid (out_mdata_info_tvalid),
- .o_tready (out_mdata_info_tready)
- );
- end endgenerate
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Output State Machine
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- reg [CHDR_W-1:0] chdr_pf_tdata;
- reg chdr_pf_tlast, chdr_pf_tvalid;
- wire chdr_pf_tready;
- localparam [1:0] ST_HDR = 0; // Processing the output CHDR header
- localparam [1:0] ST_TS = 1; // Processing the output CHDR timestamp
- localparam [1:0] ST_MDATA = 2; // Processing the output CHDR metadata word
- localparam [1:0] ST_PYLD = 3; // Processing the output CHDR payload word
- reg [1:0] state = ST_HDR;
- reg [15:0] seq_num = 0;
- wire [63:0] header;
- reg [63:0] timestamp;
- wire [15:0] length;
- reg has_mdata;
- // Some the payload, metadata, and timestamp lengths (out_length already
- // includes the header).
- assign length = (CHDR_W > 64) ?
- out_length + out_num_mdata * (CHDR_W/8) :
- out_length + out_num_mdata * (CHDR_W/8) + 8*out_has_time;
- // Build the header word
- assign header = chdr_build_header(
- 6'b0, // vc
- out_eob, // eob
- out_eov, // eov
- out_has_time ? CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA_TS :
- CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA, // pkt_type
- out_num_mdata, // num_mdata
- seq_num, // seq_num
- length, // length
- 16'b0 // dst_epid
- );
- always @(posedge axis_chdr_clk) begin
- if (axis_chdr_rst) begin
- state <= ST_HDR;
- seq_num <= 0;
- end else begin
- case (state)
- // ST_HDR: CHDR Header
- // -------------------
- ST_HDR: begin
- timestamp <= out_timestamp;
- has_mdata <= (out_num_mdata != CHDR_NO_MDATA);
- if (out_pkt_info_tvalid && out_mdata_info_tvalid && chdr_pf_tready) begin
- if (CHDR_W > 64) begin
- // When CHDR_W > 64, the timestamp is a part of the header word.
- // If this is a data packet (with or without a TS), we skip the
- // timestamp state move directly to metadata/body.
- if (out_num_mdata == CHDR_NO_MDATA) begin
- state <= ST_PYLD;
- end else begin
- state <= ST_MDATA;
- end
- end else begin
- // When CHDR_W == 64, the timestamp comes after the header. Check
- // if this is a data packet with a timestamp or metadata to
- // figure out the next state.
- if (out_has_time) begin
- state <= ST_TS;
- end else if (out_num_mdata != CHDR_NO_MDATA) begin
- state <= ST_MDATA;
- end else begin
- state <= ST_PYLD;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- // ST_TS: Timestamp (CHDR_W == 64 only)
- // ------------------------------------
- ST_TS: begin
- if (chdr_pf_tready) begin
- state <= has_mdata ? ST_MDATA : ST_PYLD;
- end
- end
- // ST_MDATA: Metadata word
- // -----------------------
- ST_MDATA: begin
- if (out_mdata_tvalid && out_mdata_tready && out_mdata_tlast) begin
- state <= ST_PYLD;
- end
- end
- // ST_PYLD: Payload word
- // ---------------------
- ST_PYLD: begin
- if (out_pyld_tvalid && out_pyld_tready && out_pyld_tlast) begin
- state <= ST_HDR;
- seq_num <= seq_num + 1;
- end
- end
- default: begin
- // We should never get here
- state <= ST_HDR;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- always @(*) begin
- case (state)
- ST_HDR: begin
- // Insert header word
- chdr_pf_tdata = (CHDR_W > 64) ? { out_timestamp, header } : header;
- chdr_pf_tvalid = out_pkt_info_tvalid & out_mdata_info_tvalid;
- chdr_pf_tlast = 1'b0;
- out_mdata_tready = chdr_pf_tready & // Remove empty mdata packet from FIFO
- (out_num_mdata == CHDR_NO_MDATA);
- out_mdata_info_tready = chdr_pf_tready; // Remove mdata info word from FIFO
- out_pyld_tready = 1'b0;
- out_pkt_info_tready = chdr_pf_tready; // Remove packet info word from FIFO
- end
- ST_TS: begin
- // Insert timestamp
- chdr_pf_tdata[63:0] = timestamp;
- chdr_pf_tvalid = 1'b1; // Timestamp register is always valid in this state
- chdr_pf_tlast = 1'b0;
- out_mdata_tready = 1'b0;
- out_mdata_info_tready = 1'b0;
- out_pyld_tready = 1'b0;
- out_pkt_info_tready = 1'b0;
- end
- ST_MDATA: begin
- // Insert mdata words
- chdr_pf_tdata = out_mdata_tdata;
- chdr_pf_tvalid = out_mdata_tvalid;
- chdr_pf_tlast = 1'b0;
- out_mdata_tready = chdr_pf_tready;
- out_mdata_info_tready = 1'b0;
- out_pyld_tready = 1'b0;
- out_pkt_info_tready = 1'b0;
- end
- ST_PYLD: begin
- // Insert payload words
- chdr_pf_tdata = out_pyld_tdata;
- chdr_pf_tvalid = out_pyld_tvalid;
- chdr_pf_tlast = out_pyld_tlast;
- out_mdata_tready = 1'b0;
- out_mdata_info_tready = 1'b0;
- out_pyld_tready = chdr_pf_tready;
- out_pkt_info_tready = 1'b0;
- end
- default: begin
- chdr_pf_tdata = out_pyld_tdata;
- chdr_pf_tvalid = 1'b0;
- chdr_pf_tlast = 1'b0;
- out_mdata_tready = 1'b0;
- out_mdata_info_tready = 1'b0;
- out_pyld_tready = 1'b0;
- out_pkt_info_tready = 1'b0;
- end
- endcase
- end
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Flushing Logic
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- axis_packet_flush #(
- .TIMEOUT_W (32),
- ) chdr_flusher_i (
- .clk (axis_chdr_clk),
- .reset (axis_chdr_rst),
- .enable (flush_en),
- .timeout (flush_timeout),
- .flushing (flush_active),
- .done (flush_done),
- .s_axis_tdata (chdr_pf_tdata),
- .s_axis_tlast (chdr_pf_tlast),
- .s_axis_tvalid (chdr_pf_tvalid),
- .s_axis_tready (chdr_pf_tready),
- .m_axis_tdata (m_axis_chdr_tdata),
- .m_axis_tlast (m_axis_chdr_tlast),
- .m_axis_tvalid (m_axis_chdr_tvalid),
- .m_axis_tready (m_axis_chdr_tready)
- );
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/core/chdr_to_axis_data_mdata.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/core/chdr_to_axis_data_mdata.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 90eb5c767..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/core/chdr_to_axis_data_mdata.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-// Module: chdr_to_axis_data_mdata
-// Description:
-// A deframer module for CHDR data packets. It accepts an input CHDR stream,
-// and produces two output streams:
-// 1) Payload data, which includes the payload of the packet, as well as
-// timestamp and packet flags presented as sideband information.
-// 2) Metadata (mdata), which contains only the metadata of the packet.
-// This module also performs an optional clock crossing and data width
-// conversion from CHDR_W to a user requested width for the payload data bus.
-// The metadata and data packets are interleaved, i.e., a mdata packet will
-// arrive before its corresponding data packet. However, if mdata prefetching
-// is enabled, the mdata for the next packet might arrive before the data for
-// the current packet has been consumed. In the case of a rate reduction,
-// this allows the module to sustain a gapless stream of payload items and a
-// bursty sideband mdata path. If there is no metadata in a packet, then an
-// empty packet is output on m_axis_mdata_* (i.e., m_axis_mdata_tkeep will be
-// set to 0).
-// Parameters:
-// - CHDR_W : Width of the input CHDR bus in bits
-// - ITEM_W : Width of the output item bus in bits
-// - NIPC : The number of output items delivered per cycle
-// - SYNC_CLKS : Are the CHDR and data clocks synchronous to each other?
-// - MDATA_FIFO_SIZE : FIFO size for the mdata path
-// - INFO_FIFO_SIZE : FIFO size for the packet info path
-// - PAYLOAD_FIFO_SIZE : FIFO size for the payload path
-// - MDATA_PREFETCH_EN : Is mdata prefetching enabled?
-// Signals:
-// - s_axis_chdr_* : Input CHDR stream (AXI-Stream)
-// - m_axis_* : Output payload data stream (AXI-Stream)
-// - m_axis_mdata_* : Output mdata stream (AXI-Stream)
-// - flush_* : Signals for flush control and status
-module chdr_to_axis_data_mdata #(
- parameter CHDR_W = 256,
- parameter ITEM_W = 32,
- parameter NIPC = 2,
- parameter SYNC_CLKS = 0,
- parameter MDATA_FIFO_SIZE = 1,
- parameter INFO_FIFO_SIZE = 1,
- parameter PAYLOAD_FIFO_SIZE = 1,
- parameter MDATA_PREFETCH_EN = 1
- // Clock, reset and settings
- input wire axis_chdr_clk,
- input wire axis_chdr_rst,
- input wire axis_data_clk,
- input wire axis_data_rst,
- // CHDR in (AXI-Stream)
- input wire [CHDR_W-1:0] s_axis_chdr_tdata,
- input wire s_axis_chdr_tlast,
- input wire s_axis_chdr_tvalid,
- output wire s_axis_chdr_tready,
- // Payload data stream out (AXI-Stream)
- output wire [(ITEM_W*NIPC)-1:0] m_axis_tdata,
- output wire [NIPC-1:0] m_axis_tkeep,
- output wire m_axis_tlast,
- output wire m_axis_tvalid,
- input wire m_axis_tready,
- // Payload sideband information
- output wire [63:0] m_axis_ttimestamp,
- output wire m_axis_thas_time,
- output wire [15:0] m_axis_tlength,
- output wire m_axis_teob,
- output wire m_axis_teov,
- // Metadata stream out (AXI-Stream)
- output wire [CHDR_W-1:0] m_axis_mdata_tdata,
- output wire m_axis_mdata_tlast,
- output wire m_axis_mdata_tkeep,
- output wire m_axis_mdata_tvalid,
- input wire m_axis_mdata_tready,
- // Flush signals
- input wire flush_en,
- input wire [31:0] flush_timeout,
- output wire flush_active,
- output wire flush_done
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // RFNoC Includes
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- `include "rfnoc_chdr_utils.vh"
- `include "rfnoc_axis_ctrl_utils.vh"
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // Pipeline
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- localparam CHDR_KEEP_W = CHDR_W/ITEM_W;
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] in_chdr_tdata;
- wire [CHDR_KEEP_W-1:0] in_chdr_tkeep;
- wire in_chdr_tlast, in_chdr_tvalid;
- reg in_chdr_tready;
- axi_fifo_flop2 #(.WIDTH(CHDR_W+1)) in_pipe_i (
- .clk(axis_chdr_clk), .reset(axis_chdr_rst), .clear(1'b0),
- .i_tdata({s_axis_chdr_tlast, s_axis_chdr_tdata}),
- .i_tvalid(s_axis_chdr_tvalid), .i_tready(s_axis_chdr_tready),
- .o_tdata({in_chdr_tlast, in_chdr_tdata}),
- .o_tvalid(in_chdr_tvalid), .o_tready(in_chdr_tready),
- .space(), .occupied()
- );
- chdr_compute_tkeep #(.CHDR_W(CHDR_W), .ITEM_W(ITEM_W)) tkeep_gen_i (
- .clk(axis_chdr_clk), .rst(axis_chdr_rst),
- .axis_tdata(in_chdr_tdata), .axis_tlast(in_chdr_tlast),
- .axis_tvalid(in_chdr_tvalid), .axis_tready(in_chdr_tready),
- .axis_tkeep(in_chdr_tkeep)
- );
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // Input State Machine
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- localparam INFO_W = 64+1+16+1+1; // timestamp, has_time, length, eob, eov
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] in_pyld_tdata;
- wire [CHDR_KEEP_W-1:0] in_pyld_tkeep;
- wire in_pyld_tlast, in_pyld_tvalid, in_pyld_tready;
- reg [INFO_W-1:0] in_info_tdata;
- reg in_info_tvalid;
- wire in_info_tready;
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] in_mdata_tdata;
- wire in_mdata_tkeep;
- wire in_mdata_tlast, in_mdata_tvalid, in_mdata_tready;
- localparam [2:0] ST_HDR = 3'd0; // Processing the input CHDR header
- localparam [2:0] ST_TS = 3'd1; // Processing the input CHDR timestamp
- localparam [2:0] ST_MDATA = 3'd2; // Processing the input CHDR metadata word
- localparam [2:0] ST_BODY = 3'd3; // Processing the input CHDR payload word
- localparam [2:0] ST_DROP = 3'd4; // Something went wrong... Dropping packet
- reg [2:0] state = ST_HDR;
- reg [4:0] mdata_pending = CHDR_NO_MDATA;
- reg last_mdata_line;
- reg [15:0] chdr_length_reg;
- reg chdr_eob_reg, chdr_eov_reg;
- // Shortcuts: CHDR header
- wire [2:0] in_pkt_type = chdr_get_pkt_type(in_chdr_tdata[63:0]);
- wire [4:0] in_num_mdata = chdr_get_num_mdata(in_chdr_tdata[63:0]);
- always @(posedge axis_chdr_clk) begin
- if (axis_chdr_rst) begin
- state <= ST_HDR;
- end else if (in_chdr_tvalid & in_chdr_tready) begin
- case (state)
- // ST_HDR: CHDR Header
- // -------------------
- ST_HDR: begin
- // Always cache the number of metadata words
- mdata_pending <= in_num_mdata;
- // Figure out the next state
- if (!in_chdr_tlast) begin
- if (CHDR_W > 64) begin
- // When CHDR_W > 64, the timestamp is a part of the header word.
- // If this is a data packet (with/without a TS), we move on to the metadata/body
- // state otherwise we drop it. Non-data packets should never reach here.
- if (in_pkt_type == CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA || in_pkt_type == CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA_TS) begin
- if (in_num_mdata != CHDR_NO_MDATA) begin
- state <= ST_MDATA;
- end else begin
- state <= ST_BODY;
- end
- end else begin
- state <= ST_DROP;
- end
- end else begin
- // When CHDR_W == 64, the timestamp comes after the header. Check if this is a data
- // packet with a TS to figure out the next state. If no TS, then check for metadata
- // to move to the next state. Drop any non-data packets.
- chdr_length_reg <= chdr_calc_payload_length(CHDR_W, in_chdr_tdata);
- chdr_eob_reg <= chdr_get_eob(in_chdr_tdata);
- chdr_eov_reg <= chdr_get_eov(in_chdr_tdata);
- if (in_pkt_type == CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA_TS) begin
- state <= ST_TS;
- end else if (in_pkt_type == CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA) begin
- if (in_num_mdata != CHDR_NO_MDATA) begin
- state <= ST_MDATA;
- end else begin
- state <= ST_BODY;
- end
- end else begin
- state <= ST_DROP;
- end
- end
- end else begin // Premature termination
- // Packets must have at least one payload line
- state <= ST_HDR;
- end
- end
- // ST_TS: Timestamp (CHDR_W == 64 only)
- // ------------------------------------
- ST_TS: begin
- if (!in_chdr_tlast) begin
- if (mdata_pending != CHDR_NO_MDATA) begin
- state <= ST_MDATA;
- end else begin
- state <= ST_BODY;
- end
- end else begin // Premature termination
- // Packets must have at least one payload line
- state <= ST_HDR;
- end
- end
- // ST_MDATA: Metadata word
- // -----------------------
- ST_MDATA: begin
- if (!in_chdr_tlast) begin
- // Count down metadata and stop at 1
- if (mdata_pending == 5'd1) begin
- state <= ST_BODY;
- end else begin
- mdata_pending <= mdata_pending - 5'd1;
- end
- end else begin // Premature termination
- // Packets must have at least one payload line
- state <= ST_HDR;
- end
- end
- // ST_BODY: Payload word
- // ---------------------
- ST_BODY: begin
- if (in_chdr_tlast) begin
- state <= ST_HDR;
- end
- end
- // ST_DROP: Drop current packet
- // ----------------------------
- ST_DROP: begin
- if (in_chdr_tlast) begin
- state <= ST_HDR;
- end
- end
- default: begin
- // We should never get here
- state <= ST_HDR;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- // CHDR data goes to the payload stream only in the BODY state.
- // Packets are expected to have at least one payload word so the
- // CHDR tlast can be used as the payload tlast
- assign in_pyld_tdata = in_chdr_tdata;
- assign in_pyld_tkeep = in_chdr_tkeep;
- assign in_pyld_tlast = in_chdr_tlast;
- assign in_pyld_tvalid = in_chdr_tvalid && (state == ST_BODY);
- // Only metadata goes into the mdata FIFO. However, if there is no metadata,
- // then we want an empty packet to go into the mdata FIFO. We check the
- // packet type because non-data packets will be discarded.
- assign in_mdata_tdata = in_chdr_tdata;
- assign in_mdata_tlast = in_chdr_tlast || last_mdata_line;
- assign in_mdata_tkeep = (state == ST_MDATA);
- assign in_mdata_tvalid = in_chdr_tvalid && (
- (state == ST_MDATA) ||
- (state == ST_HDR && in_num_mdata == CHDR_NO_MDATA &&
- (in_pkt_type == CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA || in_pkt_type == CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA_TS)));
- always @(*) begin
- // Packet timestamp and flags go into the info FIFO, but only if it's a
- // data packet since non-data packets will be discarded.
- if (CHDR_W > 64) begin
- // When CHDR_W > 64, all info will be in the first word of the CHDR packet
- in_info_tdata = { in_chdr_tdata[127:64],
- chdr_get_has_time(in_chdr_tdata),
- chdr_calc_payload_length(CHDR_W, in_chdr_tdata),
- chdr_get_eob(in_chdr_tdata),
- chdr_get_eov(in_chdr_tdata) };
- in_info_tvalid = in_chdr_tvalid && (state == ST_HDR &&
- (in_pkt_type == CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA || in_pkt_type == CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA_TS));
- end else begin
- // When CHDR_W == 64, the flags will be in the first word of the packet,
- // but the timestamp will be in the second word, if there is a timestamp.
- if (state == ST_HDR && in_pkt_type == CHDR_PKT_TYPE_DATA) begin
- // No timestamp in this case
- in_info_tdata = { in_chdr_tdata[63:0], 1'b0,
- chdr_calc_payload_length(CHDR_W, in_chdr_tdata),
- chdr_get_eob(in_chdr_tdata), chdr_get_eov(in_chdr_tdata) };
- in_info_tvalid = in_chdr_tvalid;
- end else begin
- // Assuming timestamp is present, so use flags from previous clock cycle
- in_info_tdata = { in_chdr_tdata[63:0], 1'b1, chdr_length_reg,
- chdr_eob_reg, chdr_eov_reg };
- in_info_tvalid = in_chdr_tvalid && (state == ST_TS);
- end
- end
- case (state)
- ST_HDR: begin
- in_chdr_tready = in_info_tready && in_mdata_tready;
- last_mdata_line = (in_num_mdata == CHDR_NO_MDATA);
- end
- ST_TS: begin
- in_chdr_tready = in_info_tready && in_mdata_tready;
- last_mdata_line = 1'b0;
- end
- ST_MDATA: begin
- in_chdr_tready = in_mdata_tready;
- last_mdata_line = (mdata_pending == 5'd1);
- end
- ST_BODY: begin
- in_chdr_tready = in_pyld_tready;
- last_mdata_line = 1'b0;
- end
- ST_DROP: begin
- in_chdr_tready = 1'b1;
- last_mdata_line = 1'b0;
- end
- default: begin
- in_chdr_tready = 1'b0;
- last_mdata_line = 1'b0;
- end
- endcase
- end
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // Payload and mdata FIFOs
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] out_pyld_tdata;
- wire [CHDR_KEEP_W-1:0] out_pyld_tkeep;
- wire out_pyld_tlast, out_pyld_tvalid, out_pyld_tready;
- wire tmp_mdata_tvalid, tmp_mdata_tready;
- wire tmp_info_tready;
- wire [(ITEM_W*NIPC)-1:0] flush_pyld_tdata;
- wire [NIPC-1:0] flush_pyld_tkeep;
- wire flush_pyld_tlast, flush_pyld_tvalid, flush_pyld_tready;
- wire [INFO_W-1:0] flush_info_tdata;
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] flush_mdata_tdata;
- wire flush_mdata_tkeep;
- wire flush_mdata_tlast, flush_mdata_tvalid, flush_mdata_tready;
- generate if (SYNC_CLKS) begin : gen_sync_fifo
- axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(CHDR_W+2), .SIZE(MDATA_FIFO_SIZE)) mdata_fifo_i (
- .clk(axis_data_clk), .reset(axis_data_rst), .clear(1'b0),
- .i_tdata({in_mdata_tkeep, in_mdata_tlast, in_mdata_tdata}),
- .i_tvalid(in_mdata_tvalid), .i_tready(in_mdata_tready),
- .o_tdata({flush_mdata_tkeep, flush_mdata_tlast, flush_mdata_tdata}),
- .o_tvalid(tmp_mdata_tvalid), .o_tready(tmp_mdata_tready),
- .space(), .occupied()
- );
- axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(INFO_W), .SIZE(INFO_FIFO_SIZE)) info_fifo_i (
- .clk(axis_data_clk), .reset(axis_data_rst), .clear(1'b0),
- .i_tdata(in_info_tdata),
- .i_tvalid(in_info_tvalid), .i_tready(in_info_tready),
- .o_tdata(flush_info_tdata),
- .o_tvalid(), .o_tready(tmp_info_tready),
- .space(), .occupied()
- );
- axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(CHDR_W+CHDR_KEEP_W+1), .SIZE(PAYLOAD_FIFO_SIZE)) pyld_fifo_i (
- .clk(axis_data_clk), .reset(axis_data_rst), .clear(1'b0),
- .i_tdata({in_pyld_tlast, in_pyld_tkeep, in_pyld_tdata}),
- .i_tvalid(in_pyld_tvalid), .i_tready(in_pyld_tready),
- .o_tdata({out_pyld_tlast, out_pyld_tkeep, out_pyld_tdata}),
- .o_tvalid(out_pyld_tvalid), .o_tready(out_pyld_tready),
- .space(), .occupied()
- );
- end else begin : gen_async_fifo
- axi_fifo_2clk #(.WIDTH(CHDR_W+2), .SIZE(MDATA_FIFO_SIZE)) mdata_fifo_i (
- .reset(axis_chdr_rst),
- .i_aclk(axis_chdr_clk),
- .i_tdata({in_mdata_tkeep, in_mdata_tlast, in_mdata_tdata}),
- .i_tvalid(in_mdata_tvalid), .i_tready(in_mdata_tready),
- .o_aclk(axis_data_clk),
- .o_tdata({flush_mdata_tkeep, flush_mdata_tlast, flush_mdata_tdata}),
- .o_tvalid(tmp_mdata_tvalid), .o_tready(tmp_mdata_tready)
- );
- axi_fifo_2clk #(.WIDTH(INFO_W), .SIZE(INFO_FIFO_SIZE)) info_fifo_i (
- .reset(axis_chdr_rst),
- .i_aclk(axis_chdr_clk),
- .i_tdata(in_info_tdata),
- .i_tvalid(in_info_tvalid), .i_tready(in_info_tready),
- .o_aclk(axis_data_clk),
- .o_tdata(flush_info_tdata),
- .o_tvalid(), .o_tready(tmp_info_tready)
- );
- axi_fifo_2clk #(.WIDTH(CHDR_W+CHDR_KEEP_W+1), .SIZE(PAYLOAD_FIFO_SIZE)) pyld_fifo_i (
- .reset(axis_chdr_rst),
- .i_aclk(axis_chdr_clk),
- .i_tdata({in_pyld_tlast, in_pyld_tkeep, in_pyld_tdata}),
- .i_tvalid(in_pyld_tvalid), .i_tready(in_pyld_tready),
- .o_aclk(axis_data_clk),
- .o_tdata({out_pyld_tlast, out_pyld_tkeep, out_pyld_tdata}),
- .o_tvalid(out_pyld_tvalid), .o_tready(out_pyld_tready)
- );
- end endgenerate
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // Data Width Converter: CHDR_W => ITEM_W*NIPC
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- wire tmp_pyld_tvalid, tmp_pyld_tready;
- generate
- if (CHDR_W != ITEM_W*NIPC) begin : gen_axis_width_conv
- axis_width_conv #(
- ) payload_width_conv_i (
- .s_axis_aclk(axis_data_clk), .s_axis_rst(axis_data_rst),
- .s_axis_tdata(out_pyld_tdata), .s_axis_tkeep(out_pyld_tkeep),
- .s_axis_tlast(out_pyld_tlast), .s_axis_tvalid(out_pyld_tvalid),
- .s_axis_tready(out_pyld_tready),
- .m_axis_aclk(axis_data_clk), .m_axis_rst(axis_data_rst),
- .m_axis_tdata(flush_pyld_tdata), .m_axis_tkeep(flush_pyld_tkeep),
- .m_axis_tlast(flush_pyld_tlast), .m_axis_tvalid(tmp_pyld_tvalid),
- .m_axis_tready(tmp_pyld_tready)
- );
- end else begin : no_gen_axis_width_conv
- assign flush_pyld_tdata = out_pyld_tdata;
- assign flush_pyld_tkeep = out_pyld_tkeep;
- assign flush_pyld_tlast = out_pyld_tlast;
- assign tmp_pyld_tvalid = out_pyld_tvalid;
- assign out_pyld_tready = tmp_pyld_tready;
- end
- endgenerate
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // Output State Machine
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- reg [2:0] mdata_pkt_cnt = 3'd0, pyld_pkt_cnt = 3'd0;
- // A payload packet can pass only if it is preceded by a mdata packet
- wire pass_pyld = ((mdata_pkt_cnt - pyld_pkt_cnt) > 3'd0);
- // A mdata packet has to be blocked if its corresponding payload packet hasn't passed except
- // when prefetching is enabled. In that case one additional mdata packet is allowed to pass
- wire pass_mdata = ((mdata_pkt_cnt - pyld_pkt_cnt) < (MDATA_PREFETCH_EN == 1 ? 3'd2 : 3'd1));
- always @(posedge axis_data_clk) begin
- if (axis_data_rst) begin
- mdata_pkt_cnt <= 3'd0;
- pyld_pkt_cnt <= 3'd0;
- end else begin
- if (flush_mdata_tvalid && flush_mdata_tready && flush_mdata_tlast)
- mdata_pkt_cnt <= mdata_pkt_cnt + 3'd1;
- if (flush_pyld_tvalid && flush_pyld_tready && flush_pyld_tlast)
- pyld_pkt_cnt <= pyld_pkt_cnt + 3'd1;
- end
- end
- assign flush_pyld_tvalid = tmp_pyld_tvalid && pass_pyld;
- assign tmp_pyld_tready = flush_pyld_tready && pass_pyld;
- // Only read the info FIFO once per packet
- assign tmp_info_tready = tmp_pyld_tready && flush_pyld_tlast && tmp_pyld_tvalid;
- assign flush_mdata_tvalid = tmp_mdata_tvalid && pass_mdata;
- assign tmp_mdata_tready = flush_mdata_tready && pass_mdata;
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // Flushing Logic
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- wire [31:0] flush_timeout_dclk;
- wire flush_en_dclk;
- wire flush_active_pyld_cclk, flush_active_mdata_cclk;
- wire flush_done_pyld_cclk, flush_done_mdata_cclk;
- wire flush_active_pyld, flush_active_mdata;
- wire flush_done_pyld, flush_done_mdata;
- synchronizer #(.WIDTH(4), .INITIAL_VAL(4'd0)) flush_2clk_rb_i (
- .clk(axis_chdr_clk), .rst(1'b0),
- .in({flush_active_pyld, flush_done_pyld,
- flush_active_mdata, flush_done_mdata}),
- .out({flush_active_pyld_cclk, flush_done_pyld_cclk,
- flush_active_mdata_cclk, flush_done_mdata_cclk})
- );
- assign flush_active = flush_active_pyld_cclk | flush_active_mdata_cclk;
- assign flush_done = flush_done_pyld_cclk & flush_done_mdata_cclk;
- axi_fifo_2clk #(.WIDTH(33), .SIZE(1)) flush_2clk_ctrl_i (
- .reset(axis_chdr_rst),
- .i_aclk(axis_chdr_clk),
- .i_tdata({flush_en, flush_timeout}), .i_tvalid(1'b1), .i_tready(),
- .o_aclk(axis_data_clk),
- .o_tdata({flush_en_dclk, flush_timeout_dclk}), .o_tvalid(), .o_tready(1'b1)
- );
- axis_packet_flush #(
- ) pyld_flusher_i (
- .clk(axis_data_clk), .reset(axis_data_rst),
- .enable(flush_en_dclk), .timeout(flush_timeout_dclk),
- .flushing(flush_active_pyld), .done(flush_done_pyld),
- .s_axis_tdata({flush_info_tdata, flush_pyld_tkeep, flush_pyld_tdata}),
- .s_axis_tlast(flush_pyld_tlast),
- .s_axis_tvalid(flush_pyld_tvalid),
- .s_axis_tready(flush_pyld_tready),
- .m_axis_tdata({m_axis_ttimestamp, m_axis_thas_time, m_axis_tlength,
- m_axis_teob, m_axis_teov, m_axis_tkeep, m_axis_tdata}),
- .m_axis_tlast(m_axis_tlast),
- .m_axis_tvalid(m_axis_tvalid),
- .m_axis_tready(m_axis_tready)
- );
- axis_packet_flush #(
- ) mdata_flusher_i (
- .clk(axis_data_clk), .reset(axis_data_rst),
- .enable(flush_en_dclk), .timeout(flush_timeout_dclk),
- .flushing(flush_active_mdata), .done(flush_done_mdata),
- .s_axis_tdata({flush_mdata_tkeep, flush_mdata_tdata}),
- .s_axis_tlast(flush_mdata_tlast),
- .s_axis_tvalid(flush_mdata_tvalid),
- .s_axis_tready(flush_mdata_tready),
- .m_axis_tdata({m_axis_mdata_tkeep, m_axis_mdata_tdata}),
- .m_axis_tlast(m_axis_mdata_tlast),
- .m_axis_tvalid(m_axis_mdata_tvalid),
- .m_axis_tready(m_axis_mdata_tready)
- );
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/packet_resizer.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/packet_resizer.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d2675df5..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/packet_resizer.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 Ettus Research LLC
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-// Not necessarily that useful in general, but a good test block
-module packet_resizer
- #(parameter SR_PKT_SIZE=1)
- (input clk, input reset,
- input [15:0] next_dst_sid,
- input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data,
- input [31:0] i_tdata, input [127:0] i_tuser, input i_tlast, input i_tvalid, output i_tready,
- output [31:0] o_tdata, output [127:0] o_tuser, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready);
- wire [15:0] pkt_size;
- reg [15:0] count;
- reg first_packet_in_burst = 1'b1;
- setting_reg #(.my_addr(SR_PKT_SIZE), .width(16)) reg_pkt_size
- (.clk(clk), .rst(reset), .strobe(set_stb), .addr(set_addr), .in(set_data),
- .out(pkt_size));
- // Parse i_tuser
- wire [1:0] TYPE_in = i_tuser[127:126];
- wire TSI_in = i_tuser[125];
- wire EOB_in = i_tuser[124];
- wire [11:0] SEQ_in = i_tuser[123:112];
- wire [15:0] LEN_in = i_tuser[111:96];
- wire [15:0] SRC_in = i_tuser[95:80];
- wire [15:0] DST_in = i_tuser[79:64];
- wire [63:0] TIME_in = i_tuser[63:0];
- // Generate o_tuser
- wire [1:0] TYPE_out = TYPE_in;
- wire TSI_out = TSI_in & first_packet_in_burst;
- wire EOB_out = EOB_in & i_tlast;
- wire [11:0] SEQ_out = SEQ_in; // Doesn't actually matter, it gets overwritten by chdr_framer
- wire [15:0] LEN_out = LEN_in; // Only the bottom 2 bits actually matter, rest gets overwritten
- wire [15:0] SRC_out = DST_in;
- wire [15:0] DST_out = next_dst_sid;
- wire [63:0] TIME_out = TIME_in;
- // Pass nearly everything through unchanged
- assign o_tdata = i_tdata;
- assign o_tlast = (count == pkt_size) | EOB_out;
- assign o_tuser = { TYPE_out, TSI_out, EOB_out, SEQ_out, LEN_out, SRC_out, DST_out, TIME_out };
- assign o_tvalid = i_tvalid;
- assign i_tready = o_tready;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- count <= 16'd4;
- else
- if(o_tvalid & o_tready)
- if(o_tlast)
- count <= 16'd4;
- else
- count <= count + 16'd4;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- first_packet_in_burst <= 1'b1;
- else
- if(o_tvalid & o_tready & o_tlast)
- first_packet_in_burst <= EOB_out;
-endmodule // packet_resizer
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/axi_wrapper/axi_wrapper_tb.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/axi_wrapper/axi_wrapper_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a15d1d86..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/axi_wrapper/axi_wrapper_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012-2013 Ettus Research LLC
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-module axi_wrapper_tb();
- xlnx_glbl glbl (.GSR(),.GTS());
- localparam STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE = 9;
- reg clk, reset;
- always
- #100 clk = ~clk;
- initial clk = 0;
- initial reset = 1;
- initial #1000 reset = 0;
- initial $dumpfile("axi_wrapper_tb.vcd");
- initial $dumpvars(0,axi_wrapper_tb);
- initial #1000000 $finish;
- wire [31:0] set_data;
- wire [7:0] set_addr;
- wire set_stb;
- wire [63:0] noci_tdata[PORTS-1:0];
- wire noci_tlast[PORTS-1:0];
- wire noci_tvalid[PORTS-1:0];
- wire noci_tready[PORTS-1:0];
- wire [63:0] noco_tdata[PORTS-1:0];
- wire noco_tlast[PORTS-1:0];
- wire noco_tvalid[PORTS-1:0];
- wire noco_tready[PORTS-1:0];
- reg [63:0] src_tdata;
- reg src_tlast, src_tvalid;
- wire src_tready;
- localparam PORTS = 4;
- wire [63:0] s1o_tdata, s1i_tdata;
- wire s1o_tlast, s1i_tlast, s1o_tvalid, s1i_tvalid, s1o_tready, s1i_tready;
- wire [31:0] pre_tdata, post_tdata;
- wire pre_tlast, post_tlast, pre_tvalid, post_tvalid, pre_tready, post_tready;
- wire [127:0] pre_tuser, post_tuser;
- axi_wrapper #(.BASE(8), .NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS(1), .CONFIG_BUS_FIFO_DEPTH(5), .SIMPLE_MODE(1)) axi_wrapper_ce1
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset),
- .set_stb(set_stb), .set_addr(set_addr), .set_data(set_data),
- .i_tdata(src_tdata), .i_tlast(src_tlast), .i_tvalid(src_tvalid), .i_tready(src_tready),
- .o_tdata(s1i_tdata), .o_tlast(s1i_tlast), .o_tvalid(s1i_tvalid), .o_tready(s1i_tready),
- .m_axis_data_tdata(pre_tdata),
- .m_axis_data_tuser(pre_tuser),
- .m_axis_data_tlast(pre_tlast),
- .m_axis_data_tvalid(pre_tvalid),
- .m_axis_data_tready(pre_tready),
- .s_axis_data_tdata(post_tdata),
- .s_axis_data_tuser(post_tuser),
- .s_axis_data_tlast(post_tlast),
- .s_axis_data_tvalid(post_tvalid),
- .s_axis_data_tready(post_tready)
- );
- axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(33)) afifo
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(1'b0),
- .i_tdata({pre_tlast,pre_tdata}), .i_tvalid(pre_tvalid), .i_tready(pre_tready),
- .o_tdata({post_tlast,post_tdata}), .o_tvalid(post_tvalid), .o_tready(post_tready));
- assign s1i_tready = 1'b1;
- task SendPacket;
- input [3:0] flags;
- input [11:0] seqnum;
- input [15:0] len;
- input [31:0] sid;
- input [63:0] data;
- begin
- @(posedge clk);
- src_tdata <= { flags, seqnum, len+16'd8 + (flags[1] ? 16'd8 : 16'd0), sid };
- src_tlast <= 0;
- src_tvalid <= 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- while(~src_tready)
- @(posedge clk);
- // send time if flags request it
- if(flags[1])
- begin
- src_tdata <= 64'h0123_4567_89ab_cdef;
- src_tlast <= 0;
- src_tvalid <= 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- while(~src_tready)
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- src_tdata <= data;
- repeat(len[15:3] + (len[2]|len[1]|len[0])- 1 )
- begin
- @(posedge clk);
- while(~src_tready)
- @(posedge clk);
- src_tdata <= src_tdata + 64'd1;
- end
- src_tlast <= 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- while(~src_tready)
- @(posedge clk);
- src_tvalid <= 0;
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- endtask // SendPacket
- initial
- begin
- src_tdata <= 64'd0;
- src_tlast <= 1'b0;
- src_tvalid <= 1'b0;
- @(negedge reset);
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- #10000;
- SendPacket(4'h0, 12'd7, 16'd64, 32'h0002_0003, 64'hAAAA_AAAA_0000_0000); // data packet
- SendPacket(4'h0, 12'd8, 16'd68, 32'h0004_0005, 64'hBBBB_BBBB_0000_0000); // data packet
- //SendPacket(4'h0, 12'd2, 16'd8, 32'h0000_0001, 64'hCCCC_CCCC_0000_0000); // data packet
- //SendPacket(4'h0, 12'd3, 16'd8, 32'h0000_0001, 64'hDDDD_DDDD_0000_0000); // data packet
- //SendPacket(4'h0, 12'd4, 16'd8, 32'h0000_0001, 64'hEEEE_EEEE_0000_0000); // data packet
- //SendPacket(4'h0, 12'd5, 16'd8, 32'h0000_0001, 64'hFFFF_FFFF_0000_0000); // data packet
- //SendPacket(4'h0, 12'd6, 16'd8, 32'h0000_0001, 64'h2222_2222_0000_0000); // data packet
- end
-endmodule // axi_wrapper_tb
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/axi_wrapper/build_axi_wrapper_tb b/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/axi_wrapper/build_axi_wrapper_tb
deleted file mode 100755
index 49b8fe312..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/axi_wrapper/build_axi_wrapper_tb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-iverilog -o axi_wrapper_tb axi_wrapper_tb.v -y . -y ../control/ -y ../fifo/ -y /opt/Xilinx/14.6/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/unisims/ -y ../packet_proc/ -y ../timing/ -y ../vita/ -y ../../top/x300/coregen -y /opt/Xilinx/14.4/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/XilinxCoreLib -y ../coregen/ -y ../ -y ../../../usrp2/models/ -Wall
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/chdr_deframer/chdr_deframer_tb.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/chdr_deframer/chdr_deframer_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 312ca478d..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/chdr_deframer/chdr_deframer_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012-2013 Ettus Research LLC
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-//`timescale 1ns
-module chdr_deframer_tb();
- reg clk, reset;
- always
- #100 clk = ~clk;
- initial $dumpfile("chdr_deframer_tb.vcd");
- initial $dumpvars(0,chdr_deframer_tb);
- reg [63:0] i_tdata;
- reg i_tlast, i_tvalid;
- wire i_tready;
- wire [31:0] o_tdata;
- wire [127:0] o_tuser;
- wire o_tlast, o_tvalid;
- reg o_tready = 1;
- wire [63:0] int_tdata;
- wire int_tlast, int_tvalid, int_tready;
- axi_fifo #(.SIZE(10), .WIDTH(65)) fifo
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(0),
- .i_tdata({i_tlast, i_tdata}), .i_tvalid(i_tvalid), .i_tready(i_tready),
- .o_tdata({int_tlast, int_tdata}), .o_tvalid(int_tvalid), .o_tready(int_tready));
- chdr_deframer chdr_deframer
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(0),
- .i_tdata(int_tdata), .i_tlast(int_tlast), .i_tvalid(int_tvalid), .i_tready(int_tready),
- .o_tdata(o_tdata), .o_tuser(o_tuser), .o_tlast(o_tlast), .o_tvalid(o_tvalid), .o_tready(o_tready));
- reg [63:0] hdr, vtime, data;
- initial
- begin
- clk = 0;
- reset = 1;
- i_tlast = 0;
- i_tvalid = 0;
- hdr = 64'hFF00_AAB9_BEEF_0000;
- vtime = 64'h8888_7777_6666_0000;
- data = 64'hEEEE_0000_FFFF_0001;
- #1000 reset = 0;
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- repeat (6)
- begin
- #1 i_tdata = hdr;
- #1 i_tlast = 0;
- #1 i_tvalid = 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- #1 i_tdata = vtime;
- @(posedge clk);
- #1 hdr = hdr + 1;
- #1 vtime = vtime + 1;
- repeat (10)
- begin
- #1 i_tdata = data;
- #1 data = data + 64'h0000_0002_0000_0002;
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- #1 i_tdata = data;
- #1 data = data + 64'h0000_0002_0000_0002;
- #1 i_tlast <= 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- end // repeat (20)
- #1 i_tvalid <= 0;
- #200000 $finish;
- end
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(o_tvalid & o_tready)
- if(o_tlast)
- $display("%x LAST",o_tdata);
- else
- $display("%x",o_tdata);
-endmodule // chdr_deframer_tb
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/chdr_framer/chdr_framer_tb.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/chdr_framer/chdr_framer_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 71b507e35..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/chdr_framer/chdr_framer_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012-2013 Ettus Research LLC
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-//`timescale 1ns
-module chdr_framer_tb();
- reg clk, reset;
- always
- #100 clk = ~clk;
- initial $dumpfile("chdr_framer_tb.vcd");
- initial $dumpvars(0,chdr_framer_tb);
- reg [31:0] i_tdata;
- reg [127:0] i_tuser;
- reg i_tlast, i_tvalid;
- wire i_tready;
- wire [63:0] o_tdata;
- wire o_tlast, o_tvalid;
- reg o_tready = 0;
- chdr_framer #(.SIZE(10)) chdr_framer
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(0),
- .i_tdata(i_tdata), .i_tuser(i_tuser), .i_tlast(i_tlast), .i_tvalid(i_tvalid), .i_tready(i_tready),
- .o_tdata(o_tdata), .o_tlast(o_tlast), .o_tvalid(o_tvalid), .o_tready(o_tready));
- always
- begin
- #1 o_tready = 1;
- repeat (200)
- @(posedge clk);
- #1 o_tready = 0;
- repeat (120)
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- initial
- begin
- clk = 0;
- reset = 1;
- i_tlast = 0;
- i_tvalid = 0;
- i_tdata = 32'hBEEF_0000;
- i_tuser = 128'hF123_4567_89ab_cdef_0011_2233_4455_0000;
- #1000 reset = 0;
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- #1 i_tvalid = 1;
- repeat (400)
- begin
- #1 i_tlast = 0;
- repeat (22)
- begin
- #1 i_tdata = i_tdata + 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- #1 i_tdata = i_tdata + 1;
- #1 i_tlast = 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- #1 i_tuser <= i_tuser + 1;
- end // repeat (20)
- #1 i_tvalid <= 0;
- #100000 $finish;
- end
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(o_tvalid & o_tready)
- if(o_tlast)
- $display("%x LAST",o_tdata);
- else
- $display("%x",o_tdata);
-endmodule // chdr_framer_tb
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/window/build_window_tb b/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/window/build_window_tb
deleted file mode 100755
index 1af299fd4..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/window/build_window_tb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-iverilog -o window_tb window_tb.v -y ../coregen -y ../../../usrp2/models -y . -y ../control/ -y ../fifo/ -y /opt/Xilinx/14.6/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/unisims/ -y ../packet_proc/ -y ../timing/ -y ../vita/
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/window/window_tb.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/window/window_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2449057c8..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/sim/rfnoc/window/window_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-`timescale 1ns/1ps
-// Copyright 2012-2013 Ettus Research LLC
-// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-module window_tb();
- xlnx_glbl glbl (.GSR(),.GTS());
- localparam STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE = 11;
- reg clk, reset;
- localparam PORTS = 5;
- wire [63:0] noci_tdata[PORTS-1:0];
- wire [PORTS-1:0] noci_tlast;
- wire [PORTS-1:0] noci_tvalid;
- wire [PORTS-1:0] noci_tready;
- wire [63:0] noco_tdata[PORTS-1:0];
- wire [PORTS-1:0] noco_tlast;
- wire [PORTS-1:0] noco_tvalid;
- wire [PORTS-1:0] noco_tready;
- wire [63:0] src_tdata;
- wire src_tlast, src_tvalid;
- wire src_tready;
- reg [63:0] cmdout_tdata;
- reg cmdout_tlast, cmdout_tvalid;
- wire cmdout_tready;
- wire [63:0] dst_tdata;
- wire dst_tlast, dst_tvalid;
- wire dst_tready = 1;
- reg set_stb_xbar;
- reg [15:0] set_addr_xbar;
- reg [31:0] set_data_xbar;
- always
- #100 clk = ~clk;
- initial clk = 0;
- initial reset = 1;
- initial #1000 reset = 0;
- initial $dumpfile("window_tb.vcd");
- initial $dumpvars(0,window_tb);
- initial #3000000 $finish;
- axi_crossbar #(.FIFO_WIDTH(64), .DST_WIDTH(16), .NUM_INPUTS(PORTS), .NUM_OUTPUTS(PORTS)) crossbar
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(1'b0),
- .local_addr(8'd0),
- .pkt_present({noci_tvalid[4],noci_tvalid[3],noci_tvalid[2],noci_tvalid[1],noci_tvalid[0]}),
- .i_tdata({noci_tdata[4],noci_tdata[3],noci_tdata[2],noci_tdata[1],noci_tdata[0]}),
- .i_tlast({noci_tlast[4],noci_tlast[3],noci_tlast[2],noci_tlast[1],noci_tlast[0]}),
- .i_tvalid({noci_tvalid[4],noci_tvalid[3],noci_tvalid[2],noci_tvalid[1],noci_tvalid[0]}),
- .i_tready({noci_tready[4],noci_tready[3],noci_tready[2],noci_tready[1],noci_tready[0]}),
- .o_tdata({noco_tdata[4],noco_tdata[3],noco_tdata[2],noco_tdata[1],noco_tdata[0]}),
- .o_tlast({noco_tlast[4],noco_tlast[3],noco_tlast[2],noco_tlast[1],noco_tlast[0]}),
- .o_tvalid({noco_tvalid[4],noco_tvalid[3],noco_tvalid[2],noco_tvalid[1],noco_tvalid[0]}),
- .o_tready({noco_tready[4],noco_tready[3],noco_tready[2],noco_tready[1],noco_tready[0]}),
- .set_stb(set_stb_xbar), .set_addr(set_addr_xbar), .set_data(set_data_xbar),
- .rb_rd_stb(1'b0), .rb_addr(4'd0), .rb_data());
- // Generator on port 0
- wire set_stb_0;
- wire [7:0] set_addr_0;
- wire [31:0] set_data_0;
- noc_shell #(.STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE(STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE)) noc_shell_0
- (.bus_clk(clk), .bus_rst(reset),
- .i_tdata(noco_tdata[0]), .i_tlast(noco_tlast[0]), .i_tvalid(noco_tvalid[0]), .i_tready(noco_tready[0]),
- .o_tdata(noci_tdata[0]), .o_tlast(noci_tlast[0]), .o_tvalid(noci_tvalid[0]), .o_tready(noci_tready[0]),
- .clk(clk), .reset(reset),
- .set_data(set_data_0), .set_addr(set_addr_0), .set_stb(set_stb_0), .rb_data(64'd0),
- .cmdout_tdata(64'h0), .cmdout_tlast(1'b0), .cmdout_tvalid(1'b0), .cmdout_tready(),
- .ackin_tdata(), .ackin_tlast(), .ackin_tvalid(), .ackin_tready(1'b1),
- .str_sink_tdata(), .str_sink_tlast(), .str_sink_tvalid(), .str_sink_tready(1'b1), // unused port
- .str_src_tdata(src_tdata), .str_src_tlast(src_tlast), .str_src_tvalid(src_tvalid), .str_src_tready(src_tready)
- );
- file_source #(.BASE(8), .FILENAME("test.dat")) file_source
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset),
- .set_data(set_data_0), .set_addr(set_addr_0), .set_stb(set_stb_0),
- .o_tdata(src_tdata), .o_tlast(src_tlast), .o_tvalid(src_tvalid), .o_tready(src_tready));
- // Simple FIR on port 1
- wire [31:0] set_data_1;
- wire [7:0] set_addr_1;
- wire set_stb_1;
- wire [63:0] s1o_tdata, s1i_tdata;
- wire s1o_tlast, s1i_tlast, s1o_tvalid, s1i_tvalid, s1o_tready, s1i_tready;
- wire [31:0] pre_tdata, post_tdata;
- wire pre_tlast, pre_tvalid, pre_tready;
- wire post_tlast, post_tvalid, post_tready;
- wire [15:0] pre_i = pre_tdata[31:16];
- wire [15:0] pre_q = pre_tdata[15:0];
- wire [15:0] post_i = post_tdata[31:16];
- wire [15:0] post_q = post_tdata[15:0];
- noc_shell #(.STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE(STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE)) noc_shell_1
- (.bus_clk(clk), .bus_rst(reset),
- .i_tdata(noco_tdata[1]), .i_tlast(noco_tlast[1]), .i_tvalid(noco_tvalid[1]), .i_tready(noco_tready[1]),
- .o_tdata(noci_tdata[1]), .o_tlast(noci_tlast[1]), .o_tvalid(noci_tvalid[1]), .o_tready(noci_tready[1]),
- .clk(clk), .reset(reset),
- .set_data(set_data_1), .set_addr(set_addr_1), .set_stb(set_stb_1), .rb_data(64'd0),
- .cmdout_tdata(64'h0), .cmdout_tlast(1'b0), .cmdout_tvalid(1'b0), .cmdout_tready(),
- .ackin_tdata(), .ackin_tlast(), .ackin_tvalid(), .ackin_tready(1'b1),
- .str_sink_tdata(s1o_tdata), .str_sink_tlast(s1o_tlast), .str_sink_tvalid(s1o_tvalid), .str_sink_tready(s1o_tready),
- .str_src_tdata(s1i_tdata), .str_src_tlast(s1i_tlast), .str_src_tvalid(s1i_tvalid), .str_src_tready(s1i_tready)
- );
- wire [31:0] axis_config_tdata1;
- wire axis_config_tvalid1, axis_config_tready1, axis_config_tlast1;
- axi_wrapper #(.BASE(8)) axi_wrapper_ce1
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset),
- .set_stb(set_stb_1), .set_addr(set_addr_1), .set_data(set_data_1),
- .i_tdata(s1o_tdata), .i_tlast(s1o_tlast), .i_tvalid(s1o_tvalid), .i_tready(s1o_tready),
- .o_tdata(s1i_tdata), .o_tlast(s1i_tlast), .o_tvalid(s1i_tvalid), .o_tready(s1i_tready),
- .m_axis_data_tdata(pre_tdata),
- .m_axis_data_tlast(pre_tlast),
- .m_axis_data_tvalid(pre_tvalid),
- .m_axis_data_tready(pre_tready),
- .s_axis_data_tdata(post_tdata),
- .s_axis_data_tlast(post_tlast),
- .s_axis_data_tvalid(post_tvalid),
- .s_axis_data_tready(post_tready),
- .m_axis_config_tdata(axis_config_tdata1),
- .m_axis_config_tlast(axis_config_tlast1),
- .m_axis_config_tvalid(axis_config_tvalid1),
- .m_axis_config_tready(axis_config_tready1)
- );
- window #(.BASE(0)) window
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
- .set_stb(set_stb_1), .set_addr(set_addr_1), .set_data(set_data_1),
- .i_tdata(pre_tdata), .i_tlast(pre_tlast), .i_tvalid(pre_tvalid), .i_tready(pre_tready),
- .o_tdata(post_tdata), .o_tlast(post_tlast), .o_tvalid(post_tvalid), .o_tready(post_tready));
- assign axis_config_tready1 = 1'b1;
- // Dumper on port 2
- noc_shell #(.STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE(STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE)) noc_shell_2
- (.bus_clk(clk), .bus_rst(reset),
- .i_tdata(noco_tdata[2]), .i_tlast(noco_tlast[2]), .i_tvalid(noco_tvalid[2]), .i_tready(noco_tready[2]),
- .o_tdata(noci_tdata[2]), .o_tlast(noci_tlast[2]), .o_tvalid(noci_tvalid[2]), .o_tready(noci_tready[2]),
- .clk(clk), .reset(reset),
- .set_data(), .set_addr(), .set_stb(), .rb_data(64'd0),
- .cmdout_tdata(64'h0), .cmdout_tlast(1'b0), .cmdout_tvalid(1'b0), .cmdout_tready(),
- .ackin_tdata(), .ackin_tlast(), .ackin_tvalid(), .ackin_tready(1'b1),
- .str_sink_tdata(dst_tdata), .str_sink_tlast(dst_tlast), .str_sink_tvalid(dst_tvalid), .str_sink_tready(dst_tready),
- .str_src_tdata(64'd0), .str_src_tlast(1'd0), .str_src_tvalid(1'b0), .str_src_tready() // unused port
- );
- // Control Source on port 3
- noc_shell #(.STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE(STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE)) noc_shell_3
- (.bus_clk(clk), .bus_rst(reset),
- .i_tdata(noco_tdata[3]), .i_tlast(noco_tlast[3]), .i_tvalid(noco_tvalid[3]), .i_tready(noco_tready[3]),
- .o_tdata(noci_tdata[3]), .o_tlast(noci_tlast[3]), .o_tvalid(noci_tvalid[3]), .o_tready(noci_tready[3]),
- .clk(clk), .reset(reset),
- .set_data(), .set_addr(), .set_stb(), .rb_data(64'd0),
- .cmdout_tdata(cmdout_tdata), .cmdout_tlast(cmdout_tlast), .cmdout_tvalid(cmdout_tvalid), .cmdout_tready(cmdout_tready),
- .ackin_tdata(), .ackin_tlast(), .ackin_tvalid(), .ackin_tready(1'b1),
- .str_sink_tdata(), .str_sink_tlast(), .str_sink_tvalid(), .str_sink_tready(1'b1), // unused port
- .str_src_tdata(64'd0), .str_src_tlast(1'd0), .str_src_tvalid(1'b0), .str_src_tready() // unused port
- );
- // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- task SetXbar;
- input [15:0] start_reg;
- input [7:0] start_val;
- begin
- repeat (PORTS)
- begin
- repeat (1)
- begin
- SetXbar_reg(start_reg,start_val);
- start_reg <= start_reg + 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- start_val <= start_val + 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- end
- endtask // SetXbar
- task SetXbar_reg;
- input [15:0] addr;
- input [31:0] data;
- begin
- @(posedge clk);
- set_stb_xbar <= 1'b1;
- set_addr_xbar <= addr;
- set_data_xbar <= data;
- @(posedge clk);
- set_stb_xbar <= 1'b0;
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- endtask // set_xbar
- task SendCtrlPacket;
- input [11:0] seqnum;
- input [31:0] sid;
- input [63:0] data;
- begin
- @(posedge clk);
- cmdout_tdata <= { 4'h8, seqnum, 16'h16, sid };
- cmdout_tlast <= 0;
- cmdout_tvalid <= 1;
- while(~cmdout_tready) #1;
- @(posedge clk);
- cmdout_tdata <= data;
- cmdout_tlast <= 1;
- while(~cmdout_tready) #1;
- @(posedge clk);
- cmdout_tvalid <= 0;
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- endtask // SendCtrlPacket
- initial
- begin
- cmdout_tdata <= 64'd0;
- cmdout_tlast <= 1'b0;
- cmdout_tvalid <= 1'b0;
- @(negedge reset);
- @(posedge clk);
- SetXbar(256,0);
- @(posedge clk);
- // Port 0
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0000, {32'h0, 32'h0000_0003}); // Command packet to set up source control window size
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0000, {32'h1, 32'h0000_0001}); // Command packet to set up source control window enable
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0000, {32'h3, 32'h8000_0001}); // Command packet to set up flow control
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0000, {32'h8, 32'h0000_0001}); // Command packet to set up SID
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0000, {32'hA, 32'h0000_0002}); // Command packet to set up Rate
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0000, {32'hB, 32'h0000_0001}); // Command packet to set up send_time_field
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0000, {32'h9, 32'h0000_0200}); // Command packet to set up Len
- #10000;
- // Port 1
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h0, 32'h0000_0013}); // Command packet to set up source control window size
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h1, 32'h0000_0001}); // Command packet to set up source control window enable
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h3, 32'h8000_0001}); // Command packet to set up flow control
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h8, 32'h0001_0002}); // Rewrite SID, send on to port 2
- #10000;
- // Port 2
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0002, {32'h0, 32'h0000_0003}); // Command packet to set up source control window size
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0002, {32'h1, 32'h0000_0001}); // Command packet to set up source control window enable
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0002, {32'h3, 32'h8000_0001}); // Command packet to set up flow control
- #1000000;
- // WINDOW filter
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd0}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd1}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd2}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd3}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd4}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd5}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd6}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd7}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h11, 32'd8}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- #1000000;
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd100000}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd100000}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd100000}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd100000}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd100000}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd100000}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd100000}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h10, 32'd100000}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- SendCtrlPacket(12'd0, 32'h0003_0001, {32'h11, 32'd100000}); // frame_len (FFTsize)
- end
- reg in_packet = 0;
- integer outfile;
- initial
- begin
- outfile = $fopen("output.dat","wb");
- //src_tready <= 1'b1;
- end
- wire signed [15:0] a,b,c,d;
- assign a = src_tdata[63:48];
- assign b = src_tdata[47:32];
- assign c = src_tdata[31:16];
- assign d = src_tdata[15:0];
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(src_tready & src_tvalid)
- begin
- if(src_tlast)
- in_packet <= 0;
- else
- in_packet <= 1;
- if(in_packet)
- begin
- //$fwrite(outfile,"%u",{q_out[15:0],i_out[15:0]}); // Correct endianness for GR
- //$write("%d,%d,%d,%d,",a,b,c,d);
- $fwrite(outfile,"%u",{dst_tdata[47:32],dst_tdata[63:48]});
- $fwrite(outfile,"%u",{dst_tdata[15:0],dst_tdata[31:16]});
- end
- end
-endmodule // window_tb
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/timing/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/lib/timing/Makefile.srcs
index 8d116c064..88e907020 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/timing/Makefile.srcs
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/timing/Makefile.srcs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
TIMING_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/timing/, \
time_compare.v \
-timekeeper.v \
+timekeeper_legacy.v \
pps_generator.v \
pps_synchronizer.v \
pulse_generator.v \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/timing/timekeeper.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/timing/timekeeper_legacy.v
index 16b7f0fe6..62da52a18 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/timing/timekeeper.v
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/timing/timekeeper_legacy.v
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-module timekeeper
+module timekeeper_legacy
#(parameter SR_TIME_HI = 0,
parameter SR_TIME_LO = 1,
parameter SR_TIME_CTRL = 2,
@@ -84,4 +84,4 @@ module timekeeper
vita_time_lastpps <= vita_time + INCREMENT;
-endmodule // timekeeper
+endmodule // timekeeper_legacy