path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib
diff options
authorAndrew Moch <Andrew.Moch@ni.com>2020-06-22 17:13:36 +0100
committerWade Fife <wade.fife@ettus.com>2020-06-25 14:44:04 -0500
commitc3bca6c87700054c96320de119a58f6a688dbd5a (patch)
tree5caa6aca23b6ea84335ea22398698aa1ea3569ea /fpga/usrp3/lib
parent8661f46df66329511ccb3cf083830e19d65ea402 (diff)
fpga: lib: Add synthesizable AXI4-Stream SV components
Components are connected together with AxiStreamIfc. Some features include: (1) Add bytes to the start of a packet (2) Remove bytes from a packet (3) Wrappers for some older components a. fifo - buffer but imediately pass a packet b. packet_gate - buffer and hold till end of packet c. width_conv - cross clock domains and change width of axi bus The AxiStreamIf was moved from PkgAxiStreamBfm to its own file. It can be used to connect to ports with continuous assignment. AxiStreamPacketIf must be used procedurally but allows the following new methods: - reached_packet_byte - notify when tdata contains a paritcular byte - get_packet_byte/get_packet_field - extract a byte or field from axi - put_packet_byte/put_packet_field - overwrite a byte or field onto axi
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib')
15 files changed, 3201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/AxiStreamIf.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/AxiStreamIf.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfba6d2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/AxiStreamIf.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Interface: AxiStreamIf
+// Description:
+// AXI4-Stream is an ARM standard for representing streams or packets in
+// a design. For more information on the spec see:
+// https://static.docs.arm.com/ihi0051/a/IHI0051A_amba4_axi4_stream_v1_0_protocol_spec.pdf
+// The interface contains methods for
+// (1) Monitoring progress of a packet
+// (2) Extracting fields from a packet
+// (3) Overwriting fields in a packet
+// Parameters:
+// - DATA_WIDTH - Width of tdata on AXI4S bus
+// - USER_WIDTH - Width of tuser on AXI4S bus
+// - MAX_PACKET_BYTES - Maximum number of bytes between tlast. If 0, no
+// word_count resources are added.
+// - TDATA - use tData if 1
+// - TUSER - use tUser if 1
+// - TKEEP - use tKeep if 1
+// - TLAST - use tLast if 1
+// Some Historic USRP code uses tuser without tkeep frequently.
+// The usage of tuser varies, here are some examples:
+// (1) Instead of using tkeep, user can encode number of valid bytes in a word
+// (2) The MSB can indicate an FCS failure from the MAC
+// (3) Header information is passed from xport to chdr system
+// Unidirectional AXI4-Stream interface
+// Minimal - Interface Capable of continuous assignment
+interface AxiStreamIf #(
+ int DATA_WIDTH = 64,
+ int USER_WIDTH = 1,
+ bit TDATA = 1,
+ bit TUSER = 1,
+ bit TKEEP = 1,
+ bit TLAST = 1
+) (
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst = 1'b0
+// We don't want to check this, but this is an example of how to
+// check an input parameter
+// initial begin
+// assert (DATA_WIDTH % 8 == 0) else begin
+// $display("DATA_WIDTH == %1d",DATA_WIDTH);
+// $fatal(1,"Invalid data width on AxiStreamIf");
+// end
+// end
+ localparam BYTES_PER_WORD = DATA_WIDTH/8;
+ localparam DWIDTH = TDATA ? DATA_WIDTH : 0;
+ localparam UWIDTH = TUSER ? USER_WIDTH : 0;
+ localparam KWIDTH = TKEEP ? DATA_WIDTH/8 : 0;
+ localparam LWIDTH = TLAST ? 1 : 0;
+ // local type defs
+ typedef logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_t;
+ typedef logic [USER_WIDTH-1:0] user_t;
+ typedef logic [DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] keep_t;
+ // Signals that make up a unidirectional AXI-Stream interface
+ logic tlast;
+ logic tvalid;
+ logic tready;
+ data_t tdata;
+ user_t tuser;
+ keep_t tkeep;
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // Trailing Bytes/Keep functions
+ // Trailing byte of 0 means full word else trailing bytes is the
+ // number of bytes in the last word.
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // bits needed to represent trailing bytes
+ localparam TRAILING_WIDTH = $clog2(DATA_WIDTH/8);
+ typedef logic [TRAILING_WIDTH-1:0] trailing_bytes_t;
+ // translate between bytes and tkeep
+ function automatic trailing_bytes_t keep2trailing(keep_t keep);
+ trailing_bytes_t bytes = '0;
+ if (tlast == 1) begin
+ // mux between values based on the high bit = 1
+ for(int b = 0; b < DATA_WIDTH/8 ; b++) begin
+ if (keep[b]) bytes = b+1;
+ end
+ end
+ return bytes;
+ endfunction : keep2trailing
+ function automatic keep_t trailing2keep(trailing_bytes_t bytes);
+ keep_t keep = '1;
+ if (tlast == 1 && bytes != 0) begin
+ foreach(keep[b]) begin
+ keep[b] = bytes > b;
+ end
+ end
+ return keep;
+ endfunction : trailing2keep
+ // View from the master side
+ modport master (
+ input clk, rst,
+ output tvalid, tdata, tuser, tkeep, tlast,
+ input tready,
+ import keep2trailing,
+ import trailing2keep
+ );
+ // View from the slave side
+ modport slave (
+ input clk, rst,
+ input tvalid, tdata, tuser, tkeep, tlast,
+ output tready,
+ import keep2trailing,
+ import trailing2keep
+ );
+endinterface : AxiStreamIf
+// Full featured for packet modification. Must use procedural assignment.
+interface AxiStreamPacketIf #(
+ int DATA_WIDTH = 64,
+ int USER_WIDTH = 1,
+ bit TDATA = 1,
+ bit TUSER = 1,
+ bit TKEEP = 1,
+ bit TLAST = 1
+) (
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst = 1'b0
+// We don't want to check this, but this is an example of how to
+// check an input parameter:
+// initial begin
+// assert (DATA_WIDTH % 8 == 0) else begin
+// $display("DATA_WIDTH == %1d",DATA_WIDTH);
+// $fatal(1,"Invalid data width on AxiStreamIf");
+// end
+// end
+ localparam BYTES_PER_WORD = DATA_WIDTH/8;
+ // local type defs
+ typedef logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_t;
+ typedef logic [USER_WIDTH-1:0] user_t;
+ typedef logic [DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] keep_t;
+ typedef logic [$clog2(MAX_PACKET_WORDS)-1:0] word_count_t;
+ // Signals that make up a unidirectional AXI-Stream interface
+ logic tlast;
+ logic tvalid;
+ logic tready;
+ data_t tdata;
+ user_t tuser;
+ keep_t tkeep;
+ word_count_t word_count = 0;
+ if (MAX_PACKET_BYTES>0) begin
+ always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst) begin
+ word_count <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ // reset at last
+ if (tlast && tvalid && tready) begin
+ word_count <= 0;
+ // increment when valid and ready
+ end else if (tvalid && tready)begin
+ word_count <= word_count+1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // Packing functions
+ //---------------------------------------
+ localparam DWIDTH = TDATA ? DATA_WIDTH : 0;
+ localparam UWIDTH = TUSER ? USER_WIDTH : 0;
+ localparam KWIDTH = TKEEP ? DATA_WIDTH/8 : 0;
+ localparam LWIDTH = TLAST ? 1 : 0;
+ typedef logic [PACKED_WIDTH-1:0] packed_t;
+ function automatic packed_t pack(INC_DATA=1,INC_USER=1,INC_KEEP=1,INC_LAST=1);
+ logic [PACKED_WIDTH-1:0] data = 'X;
+ int USTART;
+ int KSTART;
+ int LSTART;
+ if (TDATA && INC_DATA) begin
+ // in the LSB
+ data[0+:DATA_WIDTH] = tdata;
+ end
+ if (TUSER && INC_USER) begin
+ // in the 1st MIDDLE
+ data[USTART+:USER_WIDTH] = tuser;
+ end
+ if (TKEEP && INC_KEEP) begin
+ // in the 2nd MIDDLE
+ data[KSTART+:DATA_WIDTH/8] = tkeep;
+ end
+ if (TLAST && INC_LAST) begin
+ // in the MSB
+ data[LSTART] = tlast;
+ end
+ return data;
+ endfunction : pack
+ task automatic unpack (packed_t data,INC_DATA=1,INC_USER=1,INC_KEEP=1,INC_LAST=1);
+ int USTART;
+ int KSTART;
+ int LSTART;
+ if (TDATA && INC_DATA) begin
+ // in the LSB
+ tdata = data[0+:DATA_WIDTH];
+ end
+ if (TUSER && INC_USER) begin
+ // in the 1st MIDDLE
+ tuser = data[USTART+:USER_WIDTH];
+ end
+ if (TKEEP && INC_KEEP) begin
+ // in the 2nd MIDDLE
+ tkeep = data[KSTART+:DATA_WIDTH/8];
+ end
+ if (TLAST && INC_LAST) begin
+ // in the MSB
+ tlast = data[LSTART];
+ end
+ endtask : unpack
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // Trailing Bytes/Keep functions
+ // Trailing byte of 0 means full word else trailing bytes is the
+ // number of bytes in the last word.
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // bits needed to represent trailing bytes
+ localparam TRAILING_WIDTH = $clog2(DATA_WIDTH/8);
+ typedef logic [TRAILING_WIDTH-1:0] trailing_bytes_t;
+ // translate between bytes and tkeep
+ function automatic trailing_bytes_t keep2trailing(keep_t keep);
+ trailing_bytes_t bytes = '0;
+ if (tlast == 1) begin
+ // mux between values based on the high bit = 1
+ for(int b = 0; b < DATA_WIDTH/8 ; b++) begin
+ if (keep[b]) bytes = b+1;
+ end
+ end
+ return bytes;
+ endfunction : keep2trailing
+ function automatic keep_t trailing2keep(trailing_bytes_t bytes);
+ keep_t keep = '1;
+ if (tlast == 1 && bytes != 0) begin
+ foreach(keep[b]) begin
+ keep[b] = bytes > b;
+ end
+ end
+ return keep;
+ endfunction : trailing2keep
+ // do the translation directly to/from the ifc
+ function automatic keep_t get_trailing_bytes();
+ localparam USER_TRAILING_WIDTH =
+ assert (TUSER) else
+ $fatal("Can't get trailing if TUSER doesn't exist");
+ assert (USER_WIDTH >= TRAILING_WIDTH) else
+ $fatal("USER_WIDTH is to narrow to contain trailing");
+ return trailing2keep(tuser[USER_TRAILING_WIDTH-1:0]);
+ endfunction : get_trailing_bytes
+ task automatic set_trailing_bytes(keep_t keep);
+ localparam USER_TRAILING_WIDTH =
+ assert (TUSER) else
+ $fatal("Can't set trailing if TUSER doesn't exist");
+ assert (USER_WIDTH >= TRAILING_WIDTH) else
+ $fatal("USER_WIDTH is to narrow to set trailing");
+ tuser[USER_TRAILING_WIDTH-1:0] = keep2trailing(keep);
+ endtask : set_trailing_bytes
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // Packet PROGRESS functions
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // Notify when a byte is reached(VALID)
+ function automatic bit reached_packet_byte(
+ input int OFFSET
+ );
+ // constant because they only depend on offset
+ assert (MAX_PACKET_BYTES > 0) else
+ $fatal(1,"checking packet on a non packet bus");
+ // Constant
+ return (word_count == WORD_OFFSET);
+ endfunction : reached_packet_byte
+ // Notify when a byte is being transmitted(VALID && READY)
+ function automatic bit xfering_packet_byte(
+ input int OFFSET
+ );
+ return reached_packet_byte(OFFSET) && tvalid && tready;
+ endfunction : xfering_packet_byte
+ // drive functions (These are not particularly useful
+ // but they guarantee the modules using the package don't
+ // drive the interface with a continuous assignment
+ task automatic drive_tlast(input logic last);
+ tlast = last;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_tvalid(input logic valid);
+ tvalid = valid;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_tready(input logic ready);
+ tready = ready;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_tdata(input logic data);
+ tdata = data;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_tuser(input logic user);
+ tuser = user;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_tkeep(input logic keep);
+ tkeep = keep;
+ endtask
+ function automatic word_count_t get_word_count();
+ return word_count;
+ endfunction
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // Packet FIELD READ functions
+ //
+ // USAGE:
+ //
+ // // get the fields - don't use assign. assign will not activate with changes to in1.
+ // always_comb begin : get_fields
+ // eth_dst_addr_new = in1.get_packet_field48(eth_dst_addr_old,DST_MAC_BYTE,.NETWORK_ORDER(1));
+ // reached_end_of_udp = in1.reached_packet_byte(DST_PORT_BYTE+3);// we have enough to decide
+ // end
+ //
+ // // use the fields
+ // always_comb begin : use_fields
+ // if (reached_end_of_udp) begin // Wait until you know the field is fully captured before using it!
+ // ** DO SOMETHING INTERESTING WITH est_dst_addr_new
+ // end
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // Grab a byte from a passing stream
+ function automatic logic [7:0] get_packet_byte(
+ input logic [7:0] old_value,
+ input int OFFSET
+ );
+ // constant because they only depend on offset
+ logic [7:0] new_value;
+ // Constant
+ // default : Stay the same
+ new_value = old_value;
+ if (reached_packet_byte(OFFSET)) begin
+ new_value = tdata[BYTE_OFFSET*8+:8];
+ end
+ return new_value;
+ endfunction : get_packet_byte
+ // Grab a 16 bit field from a passing stream
+ function automatic logic [15:0] get_packet_field16(
+ input logic [15:0] old_value,
+ input int OFFSET,
+ input int NETWORK_ORDER=0
+ );
+ logic [15:0] new_value;
+ localparam BYTES=$size(new_value)/8;
+ for (int i=0;i < BYTES; i++) begin
+ if (NETWORK_ORDER==1) begin
+ new_value[i*8+:8] = get_packet_byte(old_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+BYTES-1-i);
+ end else begin
+ new_value[i*8+:8] = get_packet_byte(old_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+i);
+ end
+ end
+ return new_value;
+ endfunction : get_packet_field16
+ // Grab a 32 bit field from a passing stream
+ function automatic logic [31:0] get_packet_field32(
+ input logic [31:0] old_value,
+ input int OFFSET,
+ input int NETWORK_ORDER=0
+ );
+ logic [31:0] new_value;
+ localparam BYTES=$size(new_value)/8;
+ for (int i=0;i < BYTES; i++) begin
+ if (NETWORK_ORDER==1) begin
+ new_value[i*8+:8] = get_packet_byte(old_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+BYTES-1-i);
+ end else begin
+ new_value[i*8+:8] = get_packet_byte(old_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+i);
+ end
+ end
+ return new_value;
+ endfunction : get_packet_field32
+ // Grab a 48 bit field from a passing stream
+ function automatic logic [47:0] get_packet_field48(
+ input logic [47:0] old_value,
+ input int OFFSET,
+ input int NETWORK_ORDER=0
+ );
+ logic [47:0] new_value;
+ localparam BYTES=$size(new_value)/8;
+ for (int i=0;i < BYTES; i++) begin
+ if (NETWORK_ORDER==1) begin
+ new_value[i*8+:8] = get_packet_byte(old_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+BYTES-1-i);
+ end else begin
+ new_value[i*8+:8] = get_packet_byte(old_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+i);
+ end
+ end
+ return new_value;
+ endfunction : get_packet_field48
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // Packet FIELD OVERWRITE functions
+ //
+ // USAGE:
+ //
+ // // Each call muxes data as it goes by. This chains together muxing which synthesis will simplify
+ // always_comb begin : set_header_fields
+ // v2e5.tdata = v2e4.tdata;
+ // v2e5.put_packet_field48(mac_dst,DST_MAC_BYTE,.NETWORK_ORDER(1));
+ // end
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // Overwrite a byte in a passing stream
+ task automatic put_packet_byte(
+ input logic [7:0] new_value,
+ input int OFFSET
+ );
+ // constant because they only depend on offset
+ // Constant
+ if (reached_packet_byte(OFFSET)) begin
+ tdata[BYTE_OFFSET*8+:8] = new_value;
+ end
+ endtask : put_packet_byte
+ // Overwrite a 16 bit field in a passing stream
+ task automatic put_packet_field16(
+ input logic [15:0] new_value,
+ input int OFFSET,
+ input int NETWORK_ORDER=0
+ );
+ localparam BYTES=$size(new_value)/8;
+ for (int i=0;i < BYTES; i++) begin
+ if (NETWORK_ORDER==1) begin
+ put_packet_byte(new_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+BYTES-1-i);
+ end else begin
+ put_packet_byte(new_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+i);
+ end
+ end
+ endtask : put_packet_field16
+ // Overwrite a 32 bit field in a passing stream
+ task automatic put_packet_field32(
+ input logic [31:0] new_value,
+ input int OFFSET,
+ input int NETWORK_ORDER=0
+ );
+ localparam BYTES=$size(new_value)/8;
+ for (int i=0;i < BYTES; i++) begin
+ if (NETWORK_ORDER==1) begin
+ put_packet_byte(new_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+BYTES-1-i);
+ end else begin
+ put_packet_byte(new_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+i);
+ end
+ end
+ endtask : put_packet_field32
+ // Overwrite a 48 bit field in a passing stream
+ task automatic put_packet_field48(
+ input logic [47:0] new_value,
+ input int OFFSET,
+ input int NETWORK_ORDER=0
+ );
+ localparam BYTES=$size(new_value)/8;
+ for (int i=0;i < BYTES; i++) begin
+ if (NETWORK_ORDER==1) begin
+ put_packet_byte(new_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+BYTES-1-i);
+ end else begin
+ put_packet_byte(new_value[i*8+:8],OFFSET+i);
+ end
+ end
+ endtask : put_packet_field48
+ // View from the master side
+ modport master (
+ input clk, rst,
+ output tvalid, tdata, tuser, tkeep, tlast,
+ input tready,
+ //import methods
+ import pack,
+ import unpack,
+ import keep2trailing,
+ import trailing2keep,
+ import get_trailing_bytes,
+ import set_trailing_bytes,
+ import get_word_count,
+ import reached_packet_byte,
+ import xfering_packet_byte,
+ import get_packet_byte,
+ import get_packet_field16,
+ import get_packet_field32,
+ import get_packet_field48,
+ import put_packet_byte,
+ import put_packet_field16,
+ import put_packet_field32,
+ import put_packet_field48
+ );
+ // View from the slave side
+ modport slave (
+ input clk, rst,
+ input tvalid, tdata, tuser, tkeep, tlast,
+ output tready,
+ //import methods
+ import pack,
+ import unpack,
+ import keep2trailing,
+ import trailing2keep,
+ import get_trailing_bytes,
+ import set_trailing_bytes,
+ import get_word_count,
+ import reached_packet_byte,
+ import xfering_packet_byte,
+ import get_packet_byte,
+ import get_packet_field16,
+ import get_packet_field32,
+ import get_packet_field48,
+ import put_packet_byte,
+ import put_packet_field16,
+ import put_packet_field32,
+ import put_packet_field48
+ );
+endinterface : AxiStreamPacketIf
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/Makefile.srcs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b86de5b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/Makefile.srcs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+# RFNoC Utility Sources
+AXI4S_SV_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/axi4s_sv/, \
+AxiStreamIf.sv \
+axi4s_remove_bytes.sv \
+axi4s_remove_bytes_start.sv \
+axi4s_add_bytes.sv \
+axi4s_fifo.sv \
+axi4s_packet_gate.sv \
+axi4s_width_conv.sv \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s.vh b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s.vh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a0b80256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Header File: axi4s
+// Description: Macros for use with AXI4S
+// Unidirectional AXI4-Stream interface
+// Macro that drives o from i for all fields. Of course ready runs in the
+// counter direction.
+`define AXI4S_ASSIGN(O,I) \
+ if (``I.TDATA) ``O.tdata = ``I.tdata;\
+ if (``I.TUSER) ``O.tuser = ``I.tuser;\
+ else ``O.tuser = 0;\
+ if (``I.TKEEP) ``O.tkeep = ``I.tkeep;\
+ else ``O.tkeep = '1;\
+ if (``I.TLAST) ``O.tlast = ``I.tlast;\
+ ``O.tvalid = ``I.tvalid;\
+ ``I.tready = ``O.tready;
+`define AXI4S_DEBUG_ASSIGN(O,I) \
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [``I.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ``I``_debug_tdata;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [``I.USER_WIDTH-1:0] ``I``_debug_tuser;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [``I.DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] ``I``_debug_tkeep;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_tlast;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_tvalid;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_tready;\
+ always_comb begin\
+ if (``I.TDATA) ``I``_debug_tdata = ``I.tdata;\
+ if (``I.TUSER) ``I``_debug_tuser = ``I.tuser;\
+ if (``I.TKEEP) ``I``_debug_tkeep = ``I.tkeep;\
+ if (``I.TLAST) ``I``_debug_tlast = ``I.tlast;\
+ ``I``_debug_tvalid = ``I.tvalid;\
+ ``I``_debug_tready = ``O.tready;\
+ end\
+ always_comb begin\
+ if (``I.TDATA) ``O.tdata = ``I``_debug_tdata;\
+ if (``I.TUSER) ``O.tuser = ``I``_debug_tuser;\
+ else ``O.tuser = 0;\
+ if (``I.TKEEP) ``O.tkeep = ``I``_debug_tkeep;\
+ else ``O.tkeep = '1;\
+ if (``I.TLAST) ``O.tlast = ``I``_debug_tlast;\
+ ``O.tvalid = ``I``_debug_tvalid;\
+ ``I.tready = ``I``_debug_tready;\
+ end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..398942210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: axi4s_add_bytes
+// Description:
+// Add zero filled bytes to a packet.
+// tUser = {error,trailing bytes};
+// The block only adds bytes to the beginning of a word.
+// Parameters:
+// ADD_START - Add bytes before this point (0 means start)
+// 0 is the only supported value right now
+// ADD_BYTES - Number of bytes to add
+// SYNC - When 1 we wait for the start word to be
+// valid before we start shifting.
+// When 0 we aggressively pad 0 early, but
+// it means the extra space may be added before
+// we setup the values we want to overwrite onto
+// that space.
+module axi4s_add_bytes #(
+ int ADD_START = 0,
+ int ADD_BYTES = 6,
+ bit SYNC = 1
+) (
+ interface i, // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ interface o // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ localparam BYTES_PER_WORD = i.DATA_WIDTH/8;
+ // tUSER - always {error,numbytes}
+ localparam UWIDTH = $clog2(BYTES_PER_WORD+1);
+ //packet position in bytes of the last removed byte.
+ localparam ADD_END = ADD_START + ADD_BYTES-1;
+ //packet position in bytes of the 1st byte after removal.
+ localparam ADD_RESTART = ADD_END+1;
+ ////////////// Byte offsets in a word /////////////////
+ // An Important shift offset
+ // Subcase Recognition
+ // EXACT case - the removal expression is removing an entire word
+ localparam EXACT = BYTE_SHIFT == 0;
+ `include "axi4s.vh"
+ // Parameter Checks
+ initial begin
+ assert (i.DATA_WIDTH == o.DATA_WIDTH) else
+ $fatal("DATA_WIDTH mismatch");
+ assert (i.USER_WIDTH == o.USER_WIDTH) else
+ $fatal("USER_WIDTH mismatch");
+ assert (i.USER_WIDTH >= UWIDTH) else
+ $fatal("i.USER_WIDTH is to small");
+ assert (o.USER_WIDTH >= UWIDTH) else
+ $fatal("o.USER_WIDTH is to small");
+ assert (ADD_START == 0) else
+ $fatal("Only tested for ADD_START = 0");
+ end
+ s0(i.clk,i.rst);
+ s1(i.clk,i.rst);
+ // move from AxiStreamIfc to AxiStreamPacketIf
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(s0,i)
+ end
+ logic reached_start;
+ logic reached_end;
+ logic byte_overflow;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] zero_data;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] last_tdata;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] remaining_shift_data;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] last_shift_data;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] first_shifted_data;
+ logic error_bit, error_bit_old;
+ // Cache a couple of words from the bus
+ always_ff @(posedge s0.clk) begin
+ if (s0.rst) begin
+ last_tdata <= 0;
+ end else if (s0.tvalid && s0.tready) begin
+ last_tdata <= s0.tdata;
+ end
+ end
+ if (EXACT) begin
+ always_comb begin
+ // If END_BYTE=3
+ zero_data = 'b0;
+ first_shifted_data = s0.tdata;
+ remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata;
+ last_shift_data = s0.tdata;
+ end
+ end else begin
+ always_comb begin
+ zero_data = 'b0;
+ // If END_BYTE=2 [7:0] [23:0]
+ // If END_BYTE=1 [15:0] [15:0]
+ // If END_BYTE=0 [23:0] [7:0]
+ first_shifted_data = {s0.tdata[BYTE_SHIFT*8-1:0],zero_data[END_BYTE*8+7:0]};
+ // If END_BYTE=0 [23:0] [31:24]
+ remaining_shift_data = {s0.tdata[BYTE_SHIFT*8-1:0],last_tdata[s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:BYTE_SHIFT*8]};
+ // If END_BYTE=0 [23:0] [31:24]
+ last_shift_data = {zero_data[BYTE_SHIFT*8-1:0],s0.tdata[s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:BYTE_SHIFT*8]};
+ end
+ end
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // user write function
+ // this module ASSUMES user includes error in the MSB and the rest is the
+ // number of bytes in the word
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function automatic [UWIDTH-1:0] uwrite(error=0,[UWIDTH-2:0] bytes=0);
+ begin
+ return {error,bytes};
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get_error -extract error from tuser
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function automatic get_error([UWIDTH-1:0] tuser);
+ begin
+ return tuser[UWIDTH-1];
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get_bytes -extract num_bytes from tuser
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function automatic [UWIDTH-1:0] get_bytes([UWIDTH-1:0] tuser);
+ logic [UWIDTH-1:0] bytes;
+ begin
+ if (tuser[UWIDTH-2:0] == 0) bytes = BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ else bytes = tuser[UWIDTH-2:0];
+ return bytes;
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // remove state machine
+ //---------------------------------------
+ typedef enum {ST_PRE_ADD, ST_ADDING, ST_POST_ADD,ST_BONUS} add_state_t;
+ add_state_t add_state = ST_PRE_ADD;
+ add_state_t next_add_state = ST_PRE_ADD;
+ always_ff @(posedge s0.clk) begin
+ if (s0.rst) begin
+ error_bit_old <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ // must hold until output completes
+ if (s1.tlast && s1.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ error_bit_old <= 0;
+ // but they set based on the input
+ end else if (s0.tvalid && s0.tready) begin
+ error_bit_old <= error_bit;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // Find the landmark bytes
+ always_comb error_bit = get_error(s0.tuser) || error_bit_old;
+ always_comb begin
+ reached_start = s1.reached_packet_byte(ADD_START);
+ reached_end = s1.reached_packet_byte(ADD_START+ADD_BYTES);
+ end
+ if (EXACT) begin
+ always_comb byte_overflow = 0;
+ end else begin
+ always_comb byte_overflow = get_bytes(s0.tuser) > BYTE_SHIFT;
+ end
+ // because s0.tready feeds back and generates a
+ // change event for the entire interface,
+ // it can trigger an infinite loop of assignment
+ // even when nothing is changing. This breaks
+ // the feedback loop.
+ logic s0_tready;
+ always_comb s0.tready = s0_tready;
+ // ADD state machine
+ always_comb begin
+ // default assignment of next_state
+ next_add_state = add_state;
+ s1.tuser = s0.tuser;
+ s1.tlast = s0.tlast;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s1.tdata = first_shifted_data;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ case (add_state)
+ // *****************************************************
+ // PRE_ADD - wait till we reach ADD_START
+ // *****************************************************
+ ST_PRE_ADD: begin
+ if (!SYNC || s0.tvalid) begin
+ // reached start and end in same clock and end of word
+ if (reached_start && reached_end && s0.tlast) begin
+ // if final word has more bytes than we can fit.
+ if (byte_overflow) begin
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = 0; // don't advance
+ s1.tdata = first_shifted_data;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ if (s0.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ next_add_state = ST_BONUS;
+ end
+ // we can finish this clock because final word
+ // didn't overflow into an additional word.
+ end else begin
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ s1.tdata = first_shifted_data;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,get_bytes(s0.tuser) + RESTART_BYTE);
+ // NO state advance
+ end
+ // reached start and end, and not the end of the packet
+ end else if (reached_start && reached_end && !s0.tlast) begin
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ s1.tdata = first_shifted_data;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ if (s0.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ next_add_state = ST_POST_ADD;
+ end
+ // reached start but not the end of byte insertion
+ end else if (reached_start && !reached_end) begin
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = 1;
+ s0_tready = 0; // don't advance
+ s1.tdata = zero_data;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(0,BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ if (s1.tready) begin
+ next_add_state = ST_ADDING;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // *****************************************************
+ // REMOVING - burn words until we have data to
+ // start sending again
+ // *****************************************************
+ ST_ADDING: begin
+ //defaults
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = 1;
+ s0_tready = 0; // don't advance
+ s1.tdata = zero_data;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(0,BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ // reached the end of incoming packet and data insertion
+ if (reached_end && s0.tlast) begin
+ // if final word has more bytes than we can fit.
+ if (byte_overflow) begin
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = 0; // don't advance
+ s1.tdata = first_shifted_data;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ if (s0.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ next_add_state = ST_BONUS;
+ end
+ end else begin
+ // we can finish this clock because final word
+ // didn't overflow into an additional word.
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ s1.tdata = first_shifted_data;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,get_bytes(s0.tuser) + RESTART_BYTE);
+ if (s0.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ next_add_state = ST_PRE_ADD;
+ end
+ end
+ // reached the end of data insertion - not end of packet
+ end else if (reached_end && !s0.tlast) begin
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ s1.tdata = first_shifted_data;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ if (s0.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ next_add_state = ST_POST_ADD;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // *****************************************************
+ // POST_ADD waiting for end
+ // *****************************************************
+ ST_POST_ADD: begin
+ //defaults
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ s1.tdata = remaining_shift_data;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ // reached the end, but we have extra bytes to send
+ if (s0.tlast && byte_overflow) begin
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s0_tready = 0; // don't let a advance
+ if (s0.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ next_add_state = ST_BONUS;
+ end
+ // reached the end, and don't need the bonus state
+ end else if (s0.tlast) begin
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,get_bytes(s0.tuser) + RESTART_BYTE);
+ if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin
+ next_add_state = ST_PRE_ADD;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // *****************************************************
+ // BONUS write out any overflow words
+ // *****************************************************
+ ST_BONUS: begin
+ //defaults
+ s1.tdata = last_shift_data;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,get_bytes(s0.tuser)+ RESTART_BYTE);
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin
+ next_add_state = ST_PRE_ADD;
+ end
+ end
+ // We should never get here
+ default: begin
+ next_add_state = ST_PRE_ADD;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ always_ff @(posedge s0.clk) begin
+ if (s0.rst) begin
+ add_state <= ST_PRE_ADD;
+ end else begin
+ add_state <= next_add_state;
+ end
+ end
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(o,s1)
+ end
+endmodule : axi4s_add_bytes
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes_tb/Makefile b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes_tb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1d36d7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes_tb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+# Top-of-Makefile
+# Define BASE_DIR to point to the "top" dir
+BASE_DIR = $(abspath ../../../top)
+# Include viv_sim_preamble after defining BASE_DIR
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../tools/make/viv_sim_preamble.mak
+# Design Specific
+# Include makefiles and sources for the DUT and its dependencies
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/axi4s_sv/Makefile.srcs
+DESIGN_SRCS = $(abspath \
+# Testbench Specific
+# Define only one toplevel module
+TB_TOP_MODULE = axi4s_add_bytes_all_tb
+$(abspath $(TB_TOP_MODULE).sv )\
+$(abspath axi4s_add_bytes_tb.sv )
+# supressing the following worthless reminder.
+#* Warning: M:/usrp4-hw/oss-repo/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes.sv(228): (vlog-2583) [SVCHK] -
+# Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb and always_latch variables is done at vopt time
+SVLOG_ARGS = -suppress 2583
+# Bottom-of-Makefile
+# Include all simulator specific makefiles here
+# Each should define a unique target to simulate
+# e.g. xsim, vsim, etc and a common "clean" target
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../tools/make/viv_simulator.mak
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes_tb/axi4s_add_bytes_all_tb.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes_tb/axi4s_add_bytes_all_tb.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fb0edda3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes_tb/axi4s_add_bytes_all_tb.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: axi4s_add_bytes_all_tb
+// Description: Testbench for axi_add_bytes
+// Exercise corner cases parameters for adding bytes to the front of a packet
+module axi4s_add_bytes_all_tb;
+ // actual use cases
+ // Add Ethernet header from a packet includes a preamble
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_64_HADD"),.WIDTH(64),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(48))
+ ENET_64_HADD48 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_128_HADD"),.WIDTH(128),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(48))
+ ENET_128_HADD48 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_256_HADD"),.WIDTH(256),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(48))
+ ENET_256_HADD48 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_512_HADD"),.WIDTH(512),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(48))
+ ENET_512_HADD48 ();
+ // Add Preamble header from a packet
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_64_PADD"),.WIDTH(64),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(6))
+ ENET_64_PADD6 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_128_PADD"),.WIDTH(128),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(6))
+ ENET_128_PADD6 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_256_PADD"),.WIDTH(256),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(6))
+ ENET_256_PADD6 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_512_PADD"),.WIDTH(512),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(6))
+ ENET_512_PADD6 ();
+ // START cases - removal starts at LSB of word
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SSTART_32_0:0"),.WIDTH(32),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(1))
+ SSTART_32_0to0 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SSTART_32_1:0"),.WIDTH(32),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(2))
+ SSTART_32_0to1 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SSTART_32_2:0"),.WIDTH(32),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(3))
+ SSTART_32_0to2 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("EXACT_32_3:0"), .WIDTH(32),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(4))
+ EXACT_32_0to3 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MSTART_32_4:0"),.WIDTH(32),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(5))
+ MSTART_32_0to4 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MSTART_32_5:0"),.WIDTH(32),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(6))
+ MSTART_32_0to5 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MSTART_32_6:0"),.WIDTH(32),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(7))
+ MSTART_32_0to6 ();
+ axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("EXACT_32_7:0"), .WIDTH(32),.ADD_START(0),.ADD_BYTES(8))
+ EXACT_32_0to7 ();
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes_tb/axi4s_add_bytes_tb.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes_tb/axi4s_add_bytes_tb.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e96684ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_add_bytes_tb/axi4s_add_bytes_tb.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: axi4s_add_bytes_tb
+// Description: Testbench for axi_add_bytes
+module axi4s_add_bytes_tb #(
+ parameter TEST_NAME = "axi_add_bytes",
+ // Include macros and time declarations for use with PkgTestExec
+ // To change the name of the TestExec object being used by the assertion
+ // macros, `define TEST_EXEC_OBJ before including this file and `undef it at
+ // the end of your testbench. Otherwise, it defaults to the shared object
+ // "PkgTestExec::test".
+ `define TEST_EXEC_OBJ test
+ `include "test_exec.svh"
+ import PkgAxiStreamBfm::*;
+ import PkgTestExec::*;
+ import PkgEthernet::*;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Local Parameters
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ localparam UWIDTH = $clog2((WIDTH/8)+1);
+ localparam MAX_PACKET_BYTES = 16*1024;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Clocks
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bit clk;
+ bit reset;
+ sim_clock_gen #(.PERIOD(5.0), .AUTOSTART(1))
+ clk_gen (.clk(clk), .rst(reset));
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Bus Functional Models
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestExec test = new();
+ i (clk, reset);
+ o (clk, reset);
+ // Bus functional model for a axi_stream controller
+ axis = new(.master(i), .slave(o));
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ // Instantiate DUT
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ axi4s_add_bytes #(.ADD_START(ADD_START),.ADD_BYTES(ADD_BYTES))
+ DUT (.*);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Reset
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ task test_reset();
+ test.start_test("Wait for Reset", 10us);
+ clk_gen.reset();
+ wait(!reset);
+ repeat (10) @(posedge clk);
+ test.end_test();
+ endtask : test_reset
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Ethernet to CPU test
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef AxiStreamPacket #(WIDTH, UWIDTH) AxisPacket_t;
+ typedef XportStreamPacket #(WIDTH) XportPacket_t;
+ task test_samples(int num_samples);
+ raw_pkt_t raw;
+ localparam PKTS_TO_SEND = 10;
+ automatic XportPacket_t send[$];
+ automatic XportPacket_t expected[$];
+ test.start_test({TEST_NAME,"::Remove Bytes"}, 10us);
+ for (int i= 0 ; i < PKTS_TO_SEND; i++) begin
+ expected[i] = new;
+ send[i] = new;
+ get_ramp_raw_pkt(.num_samps(num_samples),.ramp_start((i*num_samples)%256),.ramp_inc(1),.pkt(raw),.SWIDTH(8));
+ send[i].push_bytes(raw);
+ // Add the bytes to the raw packet to build expected.
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < ADD_BYTES; ++i) begin
+ raw.insert(ADD_START,0);
+ end
+ expected[i].push_bytes(raw);
+ send[i].tkeep_to_tuser(.ERROR_PROB(10));
+ expected[i].tkeep_to_tuser();
+ if (send[i].has_error()) expected[i].set_error();
+ end
+ fork
+ begin // Send Thread
+ foreach(send[i])begin
+ axis.put(send[i]);
+ end
+ end
+ begin // Expected Thread
+ foreach(expected[i]) begin
+ automatic string str;
+ automatic AxisPacket_t actual_a = new();
+ automatic XportPacket_t actual = new();
+ axis.get(actual_a);
+ actual.import_axis(actual_a);
+ actual.tuser_to_tkeep();
+ str = $sformatf("ADD_START=%3d ADD_BYTES=%3d",ADD_START,ADD_BYTES);
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(!actual.compare_w_error(expected[i]),str);
+ end
+ end
+ join
+ test.end_test();
+ endtask : test_samples
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ // Main test loop
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ initial begin : tb_main
+ integer min_length;
+ test.tb_name = TEST_NAME;
+ min_length = ADD_START+1;
+ axis.run();
+ test_reset();
+ // Test with default holdoff.
+ for (int i=1 ; i < (WIDTH/8)*3 ; ++i) begin
+ test_samples(min_length+i);
+ end
+ // repeat back to back
+ axis.set_slave_stall_prob(0);
+ axis.set_master_stall_prob(0);
+ for (int i=1 ; i < (WIDTH/8)*3 ; ++i) begin
+ test_samples(min_length+i);
+ end
+ // End the TB, but don't $finish, since we don't want to kill other
+ // instances of this testbench that may be running.
+ test.end_tb(0);
+ // Kill the clocks to end this instance of the testbench
+ clk_gen.kill();
+ end // initial begin
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_fifo.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_fifo.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0aa1daca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_fifo.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: axi4s_fifo
+// Description: System Verilog wrapper for axi_fifo that accepts an
+// AxiStreamIfc with slave_user/master_uer interface.
+// Parameters:
+// SIZE - 2**SIZE words are stored
+module axi4s_fifo #(
+ int SIZE = 1 // default size set to one to act as a pipe phase
+ ) (
+ input logic clear=1'b0,
+ interface i, // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ interface o, // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ output logic [15:0] space,
+ output logic [15:0] occupied
+ `include "axi4s.vh"
+ // Parameter Checks
+ initial begin
+ assert (i.DATA_WIDTH == o.DATA_WIDTH) else
+ $fatal("DATA_WIDTH mismatch");
+ assert (i.USER_WIDTH == o.USER_WIDTH) else
+ $fatal("USER_WIDTH mismatch");
+ assert (i.TDATA == o.TDATA) else
+ $fatal("TDATA present mismatch");
+ assert (i.TUSER == o.TUSER) else
+ $fatal("TUSER present mismatch");
+ assert (i.TKEEP == o.TKEEP) else
+ $fatal("TKEEP present mismatch");
+ assert (i.TLAST == o.TLAST) else
+ $fatal("TLAST present mismatch");
+ end
+ s0(i.clk,i.rst);
+ s1(i.clk,i.rst);
+ // move from AxiStreamIfc to AxiStreamPacketIf
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(s0,i)
+ end
+ // move from AxiStreamPacketIf to AxiStreamIfc
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(o,s1)
+ end
+ logic [s0.PACKED_WIDTH-1:0] s0_data;
+ logic [s1.PACKED_WIDTH-1:0] s1_data;
+ always_comb s0_data = s0.pack();
+ always_comb s1.unpack(s1_data);
+ logic s0_ready, s1_valid;
+ always_comb s0.tready = s0_ready;
+ always_comb s1.tvalid = s1_valid;
+ axi_fifo #(
+ ) axi_fifo_i (
+ .clk(s0.clk), .reset(s0.rst), .clear(clear),
+ .i_tdata(s0_data),
+ .i_tvalid(s0.tvalid),
+ .i_tready(s0_ready),
+ .o_tdata(s1_data),
+ .o_tvalid(s1_valid),
+ .o_tready(s1.tready),
+ .space(space), .occupied(occupied)
+ );
+endmodule : axi4s_fifo
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_packet_gate.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_packet_gate.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1b744adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_packet_gate.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: axi4s_packet_gate
+// Description:
+// System Verilog wrapper for axi_gate_packet that accepts
+// a AxiStreamIfc with slave_user/master_uer interface.
+// Parameters:
+// TDATA - store tData if 1
+// TUSER - store tUser if 1
+// SIZE - 2**SIZE words are stored
+// USE_AS_BUFF - Allow the packet gate to be used as a buffer (uses more RAM)
+// MIN_PKT_SIZE - log2 of minimum valid packet size (rounded down, used to
+// reduce addr fifo size)
+module axi4s_packet_gate #(
+ bit TDATA = 1,
+ bit TUSER = 1,
+ int SIZE = 10,
+ bit USE_AS_BUFF = 1,
+ int MIN_PKT_SIZE= 1
+) (
+ input logic clear=1'b0,
+ input logic error=1'b0,
+ interface i, // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ interface o // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ `include "axi4s.vh"
+ // Parameter Checks
+ initial begin
+ assert (i.DATA_WIDTH == o.DATA_WIDTH) else
+ $fatal("DATA_WIDTH mismatch");
+ assert (i.USER_WIDTH == o.USER_WIDTH) else
+ $fatal("USER_WIDTH mismatch");
+ assert (i.TDATA == o.TDATA) else
+ $fatal("TDATA present mismatch");
+ assert (i.TUSER == o.TUSER) else
+ $fatal("TUSER present mismatch");
+ assert (i.TKEEP == o.TKEEP) else
+ $fatal("TKEEP present mismatch");
+ assert (i.TLAST == 1) else
+ $fatal("i.TLAST not present");
+ assert (o.TLAST == 1) else
+ $fatal("o.TLAST not present");
+ end
+ localparam WIDTH = i.DWIDTH + i.UWIDTH + i.KWIDTH;
+ s0(i.clk,i.rst);
+ s1(i.clk,i.rst);
+ // move from AxiStreamIfc to AxiStreamPacketIf
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(s0,i)
+ end
+ // move from AxiStreamPacketIf to AxiStreamIfc
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(o,s1)
+ end
+ logic [WIDTH-1:0] s0_data;
+ logic [WIDTH-1:0] s1_data;
+ always_comb s0_data = s0.pack(.INC_LAST(0));
+ always_comb s1.unpack(s1_data,.INC_LAST(0));
+ logic s0_ready, s1_valid, s1_last;
+ always_comb s0.tready = s0_ready;
+ always_comb s1.tvalid = s1_valid;
+ always_comb s1.tlast = s1_last;
+ axi_packet_gate #(
+ ) axi_packet_gate_i (
+ .clk(s0.clk), .reset(s0.rst), .clear(clear),
+ .i_terror(error),
+ .i_tdata(s0_data),
+ .i_tvalid(s0.tvalid),
+ .i_tready(s0_ready),
+ .i_tlast(s0.tlast),
+ .o_tdata(s1_data),
+ .o_tvalid(s1_valid),
+ .o_tready(s1.tready),
+ .o_tlast(s1_last)
+ );
+endmodule : axi4s_packet_gate
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4321d87d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module : axi4s_remove_bytes
+// Description:
+// Remove bytes from a packet. 1 removal can happen per
+// packet. The removal is made by delaying the output
+// by a clock, and then combining the new and old word
+// and providing a combination of shifted words.
+// This implementation requires that the user field
+// holds the number of valid bytes in the word, and the MSB of the user field
+// indicates if the MAC had an error.
+// The block will hold off the input if it goes to the BONUS State.
+// This block is intended to remove data from the beginning or middle
+// of a packet. You can truncate a packet by setting REM_END to -1.
+// The block will set the error bit if you put in a packet between
+// REM_END and REM_START length, and it is unable to cleanly signal
+// and end to the packet. (there is no way to send a zero byte valid
+// packet using tuser protocol.
+// Packets must be terminated with tlast.
+// Parameters:
+// REM_START - First byte to remove (0 means start)
+// REM_END - Last byte to remove (-1 means truncate from REM START)
+module axi4s_remove_bytes #(
+ interface i, // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ interface o // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ localparam BYTES_PER_WORD = i.DATA_WIDTH/8;
+ // tUSER - always {error,numbytes}
+ localparam UWIDTH = $clog2(BYTES_PER_WORD+1);
+ localparam ERROR = UWIDTH-1; // MSB is the error bit.
+ localparam TRUNCATE = REM_END < 0;
+ // END is inclusive so +1
+ localparam BYTES_REMOVED = TRUNCATE ? 1 :
+ // how many bytes into the word for start and end point
+ localparam END_WORD = TRUNCATE ? 65535 : // max word counter value
+ // CASE differentiators
+ localparam START_AT_LSB = START_BYTE == 0;
+ localparam END_AT_MSB = END_BYTE == BYTES_PER_WORD-1;
+ localparam EXACT = START_AT_LSB && END_AT_MSB;
+ localparam MIDDLE = END_BYTE >= START_BYTE;
+ `include "axi4s.vh"
+ // Parameter Checks
+ initial begin
+ assert (i.DATA_WIDTH == o.DATA_WIDTH) else
+ $fatal("DATA_WIDTH mismatch");
+ end
+ s0(i.clk,i.rst);
+ s1(i.clk,i.rst);
+ // implement specialized cases
+ if (REM_START == 0 && !EXACT) begin : start_not_exact
+ // START at zero but still shifted
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_start #(
+ ) axi4s_remove_bytes_start_i (
+ .i(i), .o(o)
+ );
+ end else begin : general
+ // move from AxiStreamIfc to AxiStreamPacketIf
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(s0,i)
+ end
+ case_t MCASE;
+ logic reached_start;
+ logic reached_end;
+ logic reached_end_plus;
+ // memory for holding old values
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] last_tdata;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] first_tdata;
+ logic [UWIDTH-1:0] first_tuser;
+ // various flavors of data shifting
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] trunc_data;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] remaining_shift_data;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] prefirst_shifted_data;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] first_shifted_data;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] one_word_data;
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] bonus_data;
+ logic [15:0] word_count; // Oversized to 65536 words
+ logic error_bit, error_bit_old;
+ logic [UWIDTH-1:0] in_byte_count;
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // remove state machine
+ //---------------------------------------
+ ST_POST_REMOVE, ST_BONUS} remove_state_t;
+ remove_state_t remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE;
+ remove_state_t next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE;
+ always_comb in_byte_count = get_bytes(s0.tuser);
+ // Cache a couple of words from the bus
+ always_ff @(posedge s0.clk) begin
+ if (s0.rst) begin
+ last_tdata = 0;
+ first_tdata = 0;
+ first_tuser = 0;
+ end else
+ if (s0.tvalid && s0.tready &&
+ last_tdata = s0.tdata;
+ if (s0.tvalid && s0.tready &&
+ (reached_start || next_remove_state==ST_POST_REMOVE ||
+ (remove_state!=ST_REMOVING && remove_state!= ST_TRUNCATE))) begin
+ first_tdata = s0.tdata;
+ first_tuser = s0.tuser;
+ end
+ end
+ //***************** DATA SHIFTING CASES ***********************/
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // user write function
+ // this module ASSUMES user includes error in the MSB and the rest is the
+ // number of bytes in the word
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function automatic logic [START_BYTE*8-1:0] start_part([s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data);
+ begin
+ // workaround :: modelsim optimizer can fail if there is aposibility of a 0+:0
+ return data[0+:MY_START_BYTE*8];
+ end
+ endfunction
+ function automatic logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1-FIRST_BYTE_AFTER*8:0] end_part([s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data);
+ begin
+ return data[s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:FIRST_BYTE_AFTER*8];
+ end
+ endfunction
+ function automatic logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1-BYTE_SHIFT*8:0] bs_part([s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data);
+ begin
+ return data[s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:BYTE_SHIFT*8];
+ end
+ endfunction
+// Examples
+// Incoming packet outgoing packet
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- word 0
+// D1 XX XX XX <- R(6:4)) D0 C0 B0 A0
+// D2 C2 B2 A2 C2 B2 A2 D1
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet D2
+// D0 C0 B0 A0
+// Incoming packet outgoing packet
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- word 0
+// D1 XX XX XX <- R(6:4)) D0 C0 B0 A0
+// C2 B2 A2 C2 B2 A2 D1
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet
+// D0 C0 B0 A0
+// Middle of Word case
+// Incoming packet outgoing packet
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- word 0
+// D1 XX XX A1 <- R(7:6) D0 C0 B0 A0
+// D2 C2 B2 A2 B2 A2 D1 A1
+// D3 C3 B3 A3 B3 A3 D2 C2
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet D3 C3
+// Easy Truncation (can handle dynamically)
+// Incoming packet outgoing packet
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- word 0
+// D1 C1 B1 A1 D0 C0 B0 A0
+// XX XX XX <- R(11:8)) D1 C1 B1 A1 <- TLAST HERE
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet
+// D0 C0 B0 A0
+// Truncation case requiring REM_END=-1
+// because last word is to far away to see tlast.
+// Incoming packet outgoing packet
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- word 0
+// XX XX XX XX <- R(-1:4)) D0 C0 B0 A0 <- TLAST HERE
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet
+// D0 C0 B0 A0
+// Remove from Front
+// Incoming packet outgoing packet
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+// XX XX XX XX <- R(0:7)
+// XX XX XX XX <-
+// C2 B2 A2
+// D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet C2 B2 A2
+// D0 C0 B0 A0
+// Remove 1 byte on back to back 1 word packets
+// Incoming packet outgoing packet
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+// D0 C0 XX A0 <- R(1:1)
+// D0 C0 XX A0 <- R(1:1) D0 C0 A0
+// D0 C0 XX A0 <- R(1:1) D0 C0 A0
+// D0 C0 A0
+ // Note these should all be static shifts. We don't want to infer a barrel shifter.
+ if (EXACT) begin // Remove whole words
+ always_comb begin
+ first_shifted_data = s0.tdata;
+ remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata;
+ one_word_data = s0.tdata;
+ trunc_data = first_tdata;
+ bonus_data = 'bX;
+ end
+ end else if (START_AT_LSB) begin // Remove start of word shift case
+ // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 with START BYTE = 0(A0) END_BYTE = 2(C0) BYTE_SHIFT=3
+ // 1st word would be C1 B1 A1/H0 G0 F0 E0 D0
+ // [23:0] C1 B1 A1 / [63:24] H0 G0 F0 E0 D0
+ // same as remaining_shift_data above
+ // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // XX XX XX
+ // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 with START BYTE = 0(A0) END_BYTE = 2(10)(C1) BYTE_SHIFT=3
+ // 1st word would be C2 B2 A2/H1 G1 F1 E1 D1
+ // [23:0] C2 B2 A2 / [63:24] H1 G1 F1 E1 D1
+ // same as remaining_shift_data above
+ // NOTE: Entire words are thrown away at start, so no caching required
+ always_comb begin
+ first_shifted_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(last_tdata)};
+ if (BYTE_SHIFT==0)
+ remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata;
+ else
+ remaining_shift_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(last_tdata)};
+ bonus_data = 'bX;
+ one_word_data = end_part(s0.tdata);
+ trunc_data = first_tdata;
+ bonus_data = 'bX;
+ bonus_data = bs_part(s0.tdata);
+ end
+ end else if (END_AT_MSB) begin // Remove end of word shift case
+ // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 with START BYTE = 6(G0) END_BYTE = 7(H0) BYTE_SHIFT=2
+ // 1st word would be B1 A1/F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // [15:0] B1 A1 / [47:0] F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 with START BYTE = 6(G0) END_BYTE = 7(15)(H0) BYTE_SHIFT=2
+ // 1st word would be B2 A2/F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // NOTE: Uses 1st Data (from when we reach the first word
+ // [15:0] B2 A2 / [47:0] F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ always_comb begin
+ first_shifted_data = {s0.tdata,start_part(first_tdata)};
+ if (BYTE_SHIFT==0)
+ remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata;
+ else
+ remaining_shift_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(first_tdata)};
+ one_word_data = s0.tdata;
+ trunc_data = first_tdata;
+ bonus_data = 'bX;
+ bonus_data = bs_part(s0.tdata);
+ end
+ end else if(MIDDLE) begin // Remove middle of word shift case
+ // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 with START BYTE = 1(B0) END_BYTE = 6(G0) BYTE_SHIFT=6
+ // 1st word would be F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1/H0/A0
+ // [47:0] F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 [63:56] H0 [7:0] A0
+ // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 with START BYTE = 1(B0) END_BYTE = 6(14)(G0) BYTE_SHIFT=6
+ // 1st word would be F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2/H1/A0
+ // NOTE: Uses first Data from when we reach the first word.
+ // Also, must advance one clock beyond end for this case.
+ // [47:0] F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2 [63:56] H1 [7:0] A0
+ // remaining words F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2/H1 G1
+ // [47:0] F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2 [63:48] H1 G1
+ // same as remaining_shift_data above
+ always_comb begin
+ if (SINGLE) begin
+ first_shifted_data = {s0.tdata,end_part(first_tdata),start_part(first_tdata)};
+ end else begin
+ prefirst_shifted_data = {end_part(s0.tdata),start_part(first_tdata)};
+ first_shifted_data = {s0.tdata,end_part(last_tdata),start_part(first_tdata)};
+ end
+ if (BYTE_SHIFT==0)
+ remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata;
+ else
+ remaining_shift_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(first_tdata)};
+ one_word_data = {end_part(s0.tdata),start_part(s0.tdata)};
+ trunc_data = first_tdata;
+ bonus_data = 'bX;
+ bonus_data = bs_part(s0.tdata);
+ end
+ end else begin //wrapped case
+ // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 with START BYTE = 6(G0) END_BYTE = 2(10)(C1) BYTE_SHIFT=5
+ // XX XX XX
+ // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1
+ //
+ // 1st word would be E1 D1/F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // [39:24] E1 D1 / [47:0] F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // remaining words E2 D2 C2 B2 A2/H1 G1 F1
+ // [39:0] E2 D2 C2 B2 A2 / H1 G1 F1 [63:40]
+ // same as remaining_shift_data_above // EXAMPLE XX XX
+ // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1
+ // XX XX XX
+ // H2 G2 F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2 with START BYTE = 6(G0) END_BYTE = 2(10)(C1) BYTE_SHIFT=5
+ //
+ // 1st word would be E2 D2/F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // NOTE: Uses 1st Data (from when we reach the first word ;
+ // [39:24] E2 D2 / [47:0] F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ always_comb begin
+ first_shifted_data = {end_part(s0.tdata),start_part(first_tdata)};
+ if (BYTE_SHIFT==0)
+ remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata;
+ else
+ remaining_shift_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(first_tdata)};
+ one_word_data = s0.tdata;
+ trunc_data = first_tdata;
+ bonus_data = 'bX;
+ bonus_data = bs_part(s0.tdata);
+ end
+ end
+ data_mux_sel_t data_mux_sel = PASS_THRU;
+ always_comb begin : data_mux
+ s1.tdata = s0.tdata;
+ case (data_mux_sel)
+ PASS_THRU : s1.tdata = s0.tdata;
+ ONE_WORD : s1.tdata = one_word_data;
+ FIRST_SHIFT_DATA : s1.tdata = first_shifted_data;
+ s1.tdata = prefirst_shifted_data;
+ else
+ s1.tdata = first_shifted_data;
+ s1.tdata = remaining_shift_data;
+ s1.tdata = trunc_data;
+ s1.tdata = bonus_data;
+ default : s1.tdata = s0.tdata;
+ endcase
+ end
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // user write function
+ // this module ASSUMES user includes error in the MSB and the rest is the
+ // number of bytes in the word
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function automatic [UWIDTH-1:0] uwrite(error=0,[UWIDTH-2:0] bytes=0);
+ begin
+ return {error,bytes};
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get_error -extract error from tuser
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function automatic get_error([UWIDTH-1:0] tuser);
+ begin
+ return tuser[ERROR];
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get_bytes -extract num_bytes from tuser
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function automatic [UWIDTH-1:0] get_bytes([UWIDTH-1:0] tuser);
+ logic [UWIDTH-1:0] bytes;
+ begin
+ if (tuser[UWIDTH-2:0] == 0) bytes = BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ else bytes = tuser[UWIDTH-2:0];
+ return bytes;
+ end
+ endfunction
+ // Debug state used to determine which sub-case is taken in simulation
+ D_REACHED_END_PLUS} debug_t;
+ debug_t debug = D_IDLE;
+ always_ff @(posedge s0.clk) begin
+ if (s0.rst) begin
+ error_bit_old <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ // must hold until bonus completes
+ if (s1.tlast && s1.tvalid && s1.tready && remove_state==ST_BONUS) begin
+ error_bit_old <= 0;
+ // or clear if not going to bonus
+ end else if (s0.tlast && s0.tvalid && s0.tready && next_remove_state!=ST_BONUS) begin
+ error_bit_old <= 0;
+ // but they set based on the input
+ end else if (s0.tvalid && s0.tready) begin
+ error_bit_old <= error_bit;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assign error_bit = get_error(s0.tuser) || error_bit_old;
+ // When truncating we want to hold the last valid word until
+ // the end so we can accumulate any errors that might of occured
+ if (TRUNCATE && START_BYTE==0) begin
+ always_comb reached_start = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_START-1);
+ end else begin
+ always_comb reached_start = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_START);
+ end
+ // the WRAP case leans forward one word since it bridges to
+ // the next word so it needs to reach end_plus early
+ // REMOVE statemachine
+ always_comb begin : reached_end_comb
+ if (MCASE==MS_WRAP) begin
+ reached_end = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_END);
+ reached_end_plus = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_END);
+ end else begin
+ reached_end = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_END);
+ reached_end_plus = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_END+BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ end
+ end
+ // because s0.tready feeds back and generates a
+ // change event for the entire interface,
+ // it can trigger an infinite loop of assignment
+ // even when nothing is changing. This breaks
+ // the feedback loop.
+ logic s0_tready;
+ always_comb s0.tready = s0_tready;
+ // Remove Statemachine
+ always_comb begin : remove_next_state
+ // default assignment of next_state
+ next_remove_state = remove_state;
+ debug = D_IDLE;
+ data_mux_sel = PASS_THRU;
+ s1.tuser = s0.tuser;
+ s1.tlast = s0.tlast;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ case (remove_state)
+ // *****************************************************
+ // PRE_REMOVE - wait till we reach REM_START
+ // *****************************************************
+ ST_PRE_REMOVE: begin
+ //defaults
+ data_mux_sel = PASS_THRU;
+ s1.tuser = s0.tuser;
+ s1.tlast = s0.tlast;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ if (reached_start) begin // based only on word count
+ debug = D_REACHED_START;
+ // Truncating word end
+ if (TRUNCATE && s0.tlast) begin
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ data_mux_sel = ONE_WORD;
+ debug = D_TRUNCATE;
+ // get number of bytes based on if we had enough to surpass END_BYTE
+ if (START_BYTE == 0) // Exact case
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count);
+ else if (in_byte_count < START_BYTE)
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count);
+ else
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,START_BYTE);
+ end else if (TRUNCATE && !s0.tlast) begin
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ data_mux_sel = ONE_WORD;
+ debug = D_TRUNCATE;
+ if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = 0;
+ next_remove_state = ST_TRUNCATE;
+ end
+ // packet ends
+ end else if (s0.tlast) begin
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ data_mux_sel = ONE_WORD;
+ debug = D_LAST;
+ // get number of bytes based on if we had enough to surpass END_BYTE
+ if (in_byte_count < START_BYTE)
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count);
+ else if (START_WORD != END_WORD)
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,START_BYTE);
+ else if (in_byte_count < END_BYTE+1)
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,START_BYTE);
+ else
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count - BYTES_REMOVED);
+ // if we are on the first word of the removal and have no way to terminate the packet
+ // set error.
+ s1.tuser[ERROR] = 1;
+ // if removal starts at the start of the packet, squelch the packet.
+ if ( (START_WORD != END_WORD && REM_START == 0) ||
+ // also if we don't have enough data to publish 1 byte
+ ((in_byte_count <= END_BYTE+1) && REM_START == 0)) begin
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = 0;
+ end
+ end else begin // not the last word
+ debug = D_NOT_LAST;
+ s1.tvalid = 0;
+ if (s0.tvalid) begin
+ // we will always need to wait for some more data before
+ // forming the next word if this was not the start of the packet
+ next_remove_state = ST_REMOVING;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // *****************************************************
+ // TRUNCATE - wait for end of packet to put out the
+ // last word (so we can see if error bit asserts)
+ // *****************************************************
+ ST_TRUNCATE: begin
+ if (TRUNCATE) begin // Simplify synthesis
+ // get number of bytes based on if we had enough to surpass END_BYTE
+ if (get_bytes(first_tuser) < START_BYTE)
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,get_bytes(first_tuser));
+ else
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,START_BYTE);
+ data_mux_sel = TRUNCATE_DATA;
+ s1.tlast = s0.tlast;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tlast && s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = 1;
+ if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid && s0.tlast) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // *****************************************************
+ // REMOVING - burn words until we have data to
+ // start sending again
+ // *****************************************************
+ ST_REMOVING: begin
+ //defaults
+ data_mux_sel = FIRST_SHIFT_DATA;
+ s1.tuser = 0;
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = 0;
+ s0_tready = 1;
+ // if we don't reach the end of the removal
+ // it is an error case because we don't
+ // have any valid data to send with the tlast.
+ if (s0.tlast && !reached_end && !reached_end_plus) begin
+ debug = D_LAST_WO_END;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(1,0);
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ // started from zero we have pushed
+ // zero data so we can just squelch the packet
+ if (REM_START==0)
+ s1.tvalid = 0;
+ if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE;
+ end
+ // end of packet and we have some data to send
+ // but we didn't buffer the extra word of end data yet
+ end else if (s0.tlast && reached_end && !reached_end_plus) begin
+ debug = D_LAST_W_END;
+ data_mux_sel = PREFIRST_SHIFT_DATA;
+ else if (MCASE==MS_START_AT_LSB)
+ data_mux_sel = ONE_WORD;
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ // if we are exact and started from zero we have pushed
+ // zero data so we can just squelch the packet
+ if (EXACT && REM_START==0)
+ s1.tvalid = 0;
+ else
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ if (in_byte_count <= FIRST_BYTE_AFTER)
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(1,0); // not enough data to avoid error
+ else
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count + BYTE_CARRY);
+ else if (MCASE==MS_END_AT_MSB)
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(1,0); // not enough data to avoid error
+ else if (in_byte_count <= FIRST_BYTE_AFTER)
+ if (REM_START == 0)
+ s1.tvalid = 0;
+ else
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(1,0); // not enough data to avoid error
+ else
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count - FIRST_BYTE_AFTER);
+ // if we are exact and have already published some data
+ // that data is unterminated and we have no way to
+ // set a packet end.
+ if (EXACT && REM_START!=0)
+ s1.tuser[ERROR] = 1;
+ if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE;
+ end
+ // end of packet and we have some some data to send
+ // and we have more data then we can fit in the
+ // the current word
+ end else if (s0.tlast && reached_end_plus && in_byte_count > BYTE_SHIFT
+ && BYTE_SHIFT != 0) begin
+ debug = D_LAST_W_END_BONUS;
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = 0; // don't let a advance
+ if (s0.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_BONUS;
+ end
+ // end of packet and we have some some data to send
+ // and we were ready to send data anyways
+ end else if(s0.tlast && reached_end_plus) begin
+ debug = D_LAST_W_END_PLUS;
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ if (EXACT)
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count);
+ else begin
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count + BYTE_CARRY);
+ end
+ if (MCASE==MS_WRAP && in_byte_count <= FIRST_BYTE_AFTER)
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(1,0); // not enough data to avoid error
+ if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE;
+ end
+ // we are ready to send the first byte after the shift
+ end else if(!s0.tlast && reached_end_plus) begin
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_POST_REMOVE;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // *****************************************************
+ // POST_REMOVAL waiting for end
+ // *****************************************************
+ //defaults
+ data_mux_sel = REM_SHIFT_DATA;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ // reached the end, but we have extra bytes to send
+ if (s0.tlast && in_byte_count > BYTE_SHIFT
+ && BYTE_SHIFT != 0) begin
+ s1.tlast = 0;
+ s0_tready = 0; // don't let a advance
+ if (s0.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_BONUS;
+ end
+ // reached the end, and don't need the bonus state
+ end else if (s0.tlast) begin
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count + BYTES_PER_WORD-BYTE_SHIFT);
+ if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // *****************************************************
+ // BONUS write out any overflow words
+ // *****************************************************
+ ST_BONUS: begin
+ //defaults
+ data_mux_sel = BONUS;
+ s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count-BYTE_SHIFT);
+ s1.tlast = 1;
+ s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid;
+ s0_tready = s1.tready;
+ if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE;
+ end
+ end
+ // We should never get here
+ default: begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ always_ff @(posedge s0.clk) begin
+ if (s0.rst) begin
+ remove_state <= ST_PRE_REMOVE;
+ end else begin
+ remove_state <= next_remove_state;
+ end
+ end
+ // move from AxiStreamIfc to AxiStreamPacketIf
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(o,s1)
+ end
+ end
+endmodule : axi4s_remove_bytes
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_start.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_start.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c6950ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_start.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module : axi4s_remove_bytes_start
+// Description:
+// Specialized case of the Remove Bytes problem. This
+// sub design is called when REM_START=0 and not EXACT
+// This implementation requires that the user field
+// holds the number of valid bytes in the word, and the MSB of the user field
+// indicates if the MAC had an error.
+// The block will NOT hold off the input if it goes to the BONUS State.
+// Parameters:
+// REM_END - Last byte to remove (Truncate case is invalid)
+module axi4s_remove_bytes_start #(
+ interface i, // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ interface o // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ // tUSER - always {error,numbytes}
+ // +1 ,0 to numbytes-1 (0 is a full word)
+ localparam UWIDTH = $clog2(i.BYTES_PER_WORD)+1;
+ localparam ERROR = UWIDTH-1; // MSB is the error bit.
+ // END is inclusive so +1
+ localparam BYTES_REMOVED = REM_END+1;
+ // how many bytes into the word for start and end point
+ localparam END_BYTE = REM_END % i.BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ localparam END_WORD = REM_END / i.BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ // EXAMPLES (32 bit)
+ // REM_END = 0 3 | 1 i[0] a[3:1]
+ // REM_END = 1 2 | 2 i[1:0] a[3:2]
+ // REM_END = 2 1 | 3 i[2:0] a[3]
+ // REM_END = 3 4 | 0 // EXACT - not valid here
+ // we use BYTE_CARY bytes from a
+ // we use BYTE_SHIFT bytes from i
+ initial begin
+ assert(END_BYTE != i.BYTES_PER_WORD-1 ) else
+ $fatal(1,"Required to be not EXACT");
+ end
+ `include "axi4s.vh"
+ s0(i.clk,i.rst);
+ s1(i.clk,i.rst);
+ s2(i.clk,i.rst);
+ // move from AxiStreamIfc to AxiStreamPacketIf
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(s0,i)
+ end
+ //---------------------------------------
+ // remove state machine
+ //---------------------------------------
+ typedef enum {ST_REMOVING, ST_POST_REMOVE} remove_state_t;
+ remove_state_t remove_state = ST_REMOVING;
+ remove_state_t next_remove_state = ST_REMOVING;
+ logic s0_wr,s1_rd;
+ always_comb s0_wr = s0.tvalid && s0.tready;
+ always_comb s1_rd = s1.tvalid && s1.tready;
+ // FIFO to buffer up 1 previous value. MUST be 1!
+ always_ff @(posedge s1.clk) begin
+ if (s1.rst) begin
+ // upstream
+ s1.tdata <= 0;
+ s1.tuser <= 0;
+ s1.tlast <= 0;
+ s1.tvalid <= 0; // fullness
+ end else begin
+ // store data on write
+ if (s0_wr) begin
+ // check that we never attempt
+ // a write that will overflow
+ // Only 2 valid write times
+ // (1) Write while empty(tvalid=0)
+ // (2) Write while reading
+ assert (!s1.tvalid || s1_rd) else
+ $fatal(1,"Overflow write");
+ s1.tdata <= s0.tdata;
+ s1.tuser <= s0.tuser;
+ s1.tlast <= s0.tlast;
+ s1.tvalid <= 1; //full
+ // if we read without a write
+ // declare it empty!
+ end else if (s1_rd) begin
+ s1.tdata <= 'X;
+ s1.tuser <= 'X;
+ s1.tlast <= 1'bX;
+ s1.tvalid <= 0; //empty
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // ready to write when not full, or being read
+ // passes s1_ready back cominatorially
+ always_comb s0.tready = !s1.tvalid || s1_rd;
+ //***************** DATA SHIFTING ***********************/
+ function automatic logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1-BYTE_SHIFT*8:0] bs_part([s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data);
+ begin
+ return data[s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:BYTE_SHIFT*8];
+ end
+ endfunction
+ // Note these should all be static shifts. We don't want to infer a barrel shifter.
+ // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 with START BYTE = 0(A0) END_BYTE = 2(C0) BYTE_SHIFT=3
+ // 1st word would be C1 B1 A1/H0 G0 F0 E0 D0
+ // [23:0] C1 B1 A1 / [63:24] H0 G0 F0 E0 D0
+ // same as shift_data above
+ // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0
+ // XX XX XX
+ // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 with START BYTE = 0(A0) END_BYTE = 2(10)(C1) BYTE_SHIFT=3
+ // 1st word would be C2 B2 A2/H1 G1 F1 E1 D1
+ // [23:0] C2 B2 A2 / [63:24] H1 G1 F1 E1 D1
+ // same as shift_data above
+ // NOTE: Entire words are thrown away at start, so no caching required
+ logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] shift_data;
+ always_comb shift_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(s1.tdata)};
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // user write function
+ // this module ASSUMES user includes error in the MSB and the rest is the
+ // number of bytes in the word
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function automatic [UWIDTH-1:0] uwrite(error=0,[UWIDTH-2:0] bytes=0);
+ begin
+ return {error,bytes};
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get_error -extract error from tuser
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function automatic get_error([UWIDTH-1:0] tuser);
+ begin
+ return tuser[ERROR];
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get_bytes -extract num_bytes from tuser
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function automatic [UWIDTH-1:0] get_bytes([UWIDTH-1:0] tuser);
+ logic [UWIDTH-1:0] bytes;
+ begin
+ if (tuser[UWIDTH-2:0] == 0) bytes = s0.BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ else bytes = tuser[UWIDTH-2:0];
+ return bytes;
+ end
+ endfunction
+ logic [UWIDTH-1:0] s0_byte_count, s1_byte_count;
+ always_comb s0_byte_count = get_bytes(s0.tuser);
+ always_comb s1_byte_count = get_bytes(s1.tuser);
+ logic s1_error_bit, s1_error_bit_old;
+ logic s0_error_bit, s0_error_bit_old;
+ always_ff @(posedge s0.clk) begin
+ if (s0.rst) begin
+ s0_error_bit_old <= 0;
+ s1_error_bit_old <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ // clear at the end of the packet
+ if (s1.tlast && s1.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ s1_error_bit_old <= 0;
+ // but they set based on the input
+ end else if (s1.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ s1_error_bit_old <= s1_error_bit;
+ end
+ // clear at the end of the packet
+ if (s0.tlast && s0.tvalid && s0.tready) begin
+ s0_error_bit_old <= 0;
+ // but they set based on the input
+ end else if (s1.tvalid && s1.tready) begin
+ s0_error_bit_old <= s0_error_bit;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assign s1_error_bit = get_error(s1.tuser) && s1.tvalid || s1_error_bit_old;
+ assign s0_error_bit = get_error(s0.tuser) && s0.tvalid || s0_error_bit_old;
+ logic s1_reached_end;
+ always_comb s1_reached_end = s1.reached_packet_byte(REM_END);
+ // Remove Statemachine
+ always_comb begin : remove_next_state
+ // default assignment of next_state
+ next_remove_state = remove_state;
+ // In REM_START=0 case, always shift the same ammount.
+ s2.tdata = shift_data;
+ s2.tuser = s1.tuser;
+ s2.tlast = s1.tlast;
+ s2.tvalid = s1.tvalid;
+ s1.tready = s2.tready;
+ case (remove_state)
+ // *****************************************************
+ // REMOVING - burn words until we have data to
+ // start sending again
+ // *****************************************************
+ ST_REMOVING: begin
+ //defaults
+ s2.tuser = 0;
+ s2.tlast = 0;
+ s2.tvalid = 0;
+ s1.tready = 1;
+ //reached removal point
+ if (s1.tvalid && s1_reached_end) begin
+ // if we didn't get enough bytes to fill the word
+ // squelch the packet
+ if (s1.tlast && s1_byte_count <= BYTE_SHIFT) begin
+ s2.tlast = 1;
+ s2.tvalid = 0;
+ s1.tready = 1;
+ // ending in top half of word
+ end else if (s0.tlast && s0_byte_count <= BYTE_SHIFT) begin
+ s2.tlast = 1;
+ s2.tuser = uwrite(s1_error_bit || s0_error_bit,s0_byte_count + BYTE_CARRY);
+ s2.tvalid = s0.tvalid && s1.tvalid;
+ s2.tlast = 1;
+ s1.tready = s2.tready && s0.tvalid;
+ // ending in bottom half of word
+ end else if (s1.tlast) begin
+ s2.tlast = 1;
+ s2.tuser = uwrite(s1_error_bit,s1_byte_count - BYTE_SHIFT);
+ s2.tvalid = s1.tvalid;
+ s1.tready = s2.tready;
+ // end of removal start sending data!
+ end else begin
+ s2.tuser = uwrite(s1_error_bit || s0_error_bit,s0.BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ s2.tvalid = s0.tvalid && s1.tvalid;
+ s2.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tready = s2.tready && s0.tvalid;
+ if (s2.tready && s0.tvalid && s1.tvalid) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_POST_REMOVE;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // *****************************************************
+ // POST_REMOVAL waiting for end
+ // *****************************************************
+ //defaults
+ s2.tuser = uwrite(s1_error_bit || s0_error_bit,s0.BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ s2.tvalid = s0.tvalid && s1.tvalid;
+ s2.tlast = 0;
+ s1.tready = s2.tready && s0.tvalid;
+ // word is {i[BS-1:0],a[MSB:BS]}
+ // 32 bit example
+ // BS1 i[0] : a[3:1] ->
+ // BS2 i[1:0]: a[3:2]
+ // BS3 i[2:0]: a[3]
+ // ending in top half of word
+ if (s0.tlast && s0_byte_count <= BYTE_SHIFT) begin
+ s2.tuser = uwrite(s1_error_bit || s0_error_bit,s0_byte_count + BYTE_CARRY);
+ s2.tvalid = s0.tvalid && s1.tvalid;
+ s2.tlast = 1;
+ if (s2.tready && s0.tvalid && s1.tvalid) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_REMOVING;
+ end
+ // ending in bottom half of word
+ end else if (s1.tlast) begin
+ s2.tuser = uwrite(s1_error_bit,s1_byte_count - BYTE_SHIFT);
+ s2.tvalid = s1.tvalid;
+ s2.tlast = 1;
+ if (s2.tready && s1.tvalid) begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_REMOVING;
+ end
+ // ending in second half of shift word
+ end
+ end
+ // We should never get here
+ default: begin
+ next_remove_state = ST_REMOVING;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ always_ff @(posedge s1.clk) begin
+ if (s1.rst) begin
+ remove_state <= ST_REMOVING;
+ end else begin
+ remove_state <= next_remove_state;
+ end
+ end
+ // move from AxiStreamPacketIf to AxiStreamIfc
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(o,s2)
+ end
+endmodule : axi4s_remove_bytes_start
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb/Makefile b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e017851ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+# Top-of-Makefile
+# Define BASE_DIR to point to the "top" dir
+BASE_DIR = $(abspath ../../../top)
+# Include viv_sim_preamble after defining BASE_DIR
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../tools/make/viv_sim_preamble.mak
+# Design Specific
+# Include makefiles and sources for the DUT and its dependencies
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/axi4s_sv/Makefile.srcs
+DESIGN_SRCS = $(abspath \
+# Testbench Specific
+# Define only one toplevel module
+TB_TOP_MODULE = axi4s_remove_bytes_all_tb
+$(abspath $(TB_TOP_MODULE).sv )\
+$(abspath axi4s_remove_bytes_tb.sv )
+# supressing the following worthless reminder.
+#* Warning: M:/usrp4-hw/oss-repo/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes.sv(228): (vlog-2583) [SVCHK] -
+# Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb and always_latch variables is done at vopt time
+SVLOG_ARGS = -suppress 2583
+# Bottom-of-Makefile
+# Include all simulator specific makefiles here
+# Each should define a unique target to simulate
+# e.g. xsim, vsim, etc and a common "clean" target
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../tools/make/viv_simulator.mak
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb/axi4s_remove_bytes_all_tb.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb/axi4s_remove_bytes_all_tb.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..129c5e65e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb/axi4s_remove_bytes_all_tb.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: axi4s_remove_bytes_all_tb
+// Description: Testbench for axi4s_remove_bytes_all_tb
+module axi4s_remove_bytes_all_tb #(
+ /* no PARAM */
+ /* no IO */
+ // actual use cases
+ // Strip Ethernet header from a packet includes a preamble
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_64_HREMOVE48"),.WIDTH(64),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(47))
+ ENET_64_HREMOVE48 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_128_HREMOVE48"),.WIDTH(128),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(47))
+ ENET_128_HREMOVE48 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_256_HREMOVE48"),.WIDTH(256),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(47))
+ ENET_256_HREMOVE48 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_512_HREMOVE48"),.WIDTH(512),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(47))
+ ENET_512_HREMOVE48 ();
+ // Strip Ethernet header from a packet without a preamble
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_64_HREMOVE42"),.WIDTH(64),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(41))
+ ENET_64_HREMOVE42 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_128_HREMOVE42"),.WIDTH(128),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(41))
+ ENET_128_HREMOVE42 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_256_HREMOVE42"),.WIDTH(256),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(41))
+ ENET_256_HREMOVE42 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_512_HREMOVE42"),.WIDTH(512),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(41))
+ ENET_512_HREMOVE42 ();
+ // Strip Preamble header from a packet
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_64_PREMOVE6"),.WIDTH(64),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(5))
+ ENET_64_PREMOVE6 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_128_PREMOVE6"),.WIDTH(128),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(5))
+ ENET_128_PREMOVE6 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_256_PREMOVE6"),.WIDTH(256),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(5))
+ ENET_256_PREMOVE6 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("ENET_512_PREMOVE6"),.WIDTH(512),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(5))
+ ENET_512_PREMOVE6 ();
+ // TRUNCATE cases -
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("TRUNCATE_32_1:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(1),.REM_END(-1))
+ TRUNCATE_32_0to1 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("TRUNCATE_32_2:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(2),.REM_END(-1))
+ TRUNCATE_32_0to2 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("TRUNCATE_32_3:0"), .WIDTH(32),.REM_START(3),.REM_END(-1))
+ TRUNCATE_32_0to3 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("TRUNCATE_32_4:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(4),.REM_END(-1))
+ TRUNCATE_32_0to4 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("TRUNCATE_32_5:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(5),.REM_END(-1))
+ TRUNCATE_32_0to5 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("TRUNCATE_32_6:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(6),.REM_END(-1))
+ TRUNCATE_32_0to6 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("TRUNCATE_32_7:0"), .WIDTH(32),.REM_START(7),.REM_END(-1))
+ TRUNCATE_32_0to7 ();
+ // START cases - removal starts at LSB of word
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SSTART_32_0:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(0))
+ SSTART_32_0to0 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SSTART_32_1:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(1))
+ SSTART_32_0to1 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SSTART_32_2:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(2))
+ SSTART_32_0to2 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("EXACT_32_3:0"), .WIDTH(32),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(3))
+ EXACT_32_0to3 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MSTART_32_4:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(4))
+ MSTART_32_0to4 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MSTART_32_5:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(5))
+ MSTART_32_0to5 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MSTART_32_6:0"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(6))
+ MSTART_32_0to6 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("EXACT_32_7:0"), .WIDTH(32),.REM_START(0),.REM_END(7))
+ EXACT_32_0to7 ();
+ // END cases - removal ends at MSB of word
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MEND_32_7:1"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(1),.REM_END(7))
+ MEND_32_1to7 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MEND_32_7:2"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(2),.REM_END(7))
+ MEND_32_2to7 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MEND_32_7:3"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(3),.REM_END(7))
+ MEND_32_3to7 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("EXACT_32_7:4"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(4),.REM_END(7))
+ EXACT_32_4to7 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SEND_32_7:5"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(5),.REM_END(7))
+ SEND_32_5to7 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SEND_32_7:6"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(6),.REM_END(7))
+ SEND_32_6to7 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SEND_32_7:7"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(7),.REM_END(7))
+ SEND_32_7to7 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SEND_32_3:1"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(1),.REM_END(3))
+ SEND_32_1to3 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SEND_32_3:2"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(2),.REM_END(3))
+ SEND_32_2to3 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SEND_32_3:3"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(3),.REM_END(3))
+ SEND_32_3to3 ();
+ // MIDDLE cases - removal is in the middle of words
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SMID_32_1:1"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(1),.REM_END(1))
+ SMID_32_1to1 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SMID_32_2:1"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(1),.REM_END(2))
+ SMID_32_2to1 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SMID_32_2:2"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(2),.REM_END(2))
+ SMID_32_2to2 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MMID_32_5:1"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(1),.REM_END(5))
+ MMID_32_1to5 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MMID_32_6:1"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(1),.REM_END(6))
+ MMID_32_1to6 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MMID_32_6:2"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(2),.REM_END(6))
+ MMID_32_2to6 ();
+ // WRAP cases - removal is over word boundary
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SWRAP_32_5:2"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(2),.REM_END(5))
+ SWRAP_32_2to5 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SWRAP_32_5:3"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(3),.REM_END(5))
+ SWRAP_32_3to5 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SWRAP_32_6:3"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(3),.REM_END(6))
+ SWRAP_32_3to6 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("MMID_32_9:2"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(2),.REM_END(9))
+ MWRAP_32_2to9 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SEND_32_9:3"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(3),.REM_END(9))
+ MWRAP_32_3to9 ();
+ axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(.TEST_NAME("SEND_32_10:3"),.WIDTH(32),.REM_START(3),.REM_END(10))
+ MWRAP_32_3to10();
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7b2587c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb/axi4s_remove_bytes_tb.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: axi4s_remove_bytes_tb
+// Description: Testbench for axi_remove_bytes
+module axi4s_remove_bytes_tb #(
+ parameter TEST_NAME = "axi_remove_bytes",
+ /* no IO */
+ // Include macros and time declarations for use with PkgTestExec
+ // To change the name of the TestExec object being used by the assertion
+ // macros, `define TEST_EXEC_OBJ before including this file and `undef it at
+ // the end of your testbench. Otherwise, it defaults to the shared object
+ // "PkgTestExec::test".
+ `define TEST_EXEC_OBJ test
+ `include "test_exec.svh"
+ import PkgAxiStreamBfm::*;
+ import PkgTestExec::*;
+ import PkgEthernet::*;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Local Parameters
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ localparam UWIDTH = $clog2((WIDTH/8)+1);
+ localparam MAX_PACKET_BYTES = 16*1024;
+ typedef AxiStreamPacket #(WIDTH, UWIDTH) AxisPacket_t;
+ typedef XportStreamPacket #(WIDTH) XportPacket_t;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Clocks
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bit clk;
+ bit reset;
+ sim_clock_gen #(.PERIOD(5.0), .AUTOSTART(1))
+ clk_gen (.clk(clk), .rst(reset));
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Bus Functional Models
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestExec test = new();
+ i (clk, reset);
+ o (clk, reset);
+ // Bus functional model for a axi_stream controller
+ axis = new(.master(i), .slave(o));
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ // Instantiate DUT
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ axi4s_remove_bytes #(.REM_START(REM_START),.REM_END(REM_END))
+ DUT (.*);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Reset
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ task test_reset();
+ test.start_test("Wait for Reset", 10us);
+ clk_gen.reset();
+ wait(!reset);
+ repeat (10) @(posedge clk);
+ test.end_test();
+ endtask : test_reset
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Ethernet to CPU test
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ task automatic test_samples(int num_samples);
+ localparam PKTS_TO_SEND = 10;
+ localparam HIGH_LIM = REM_END;
+ automatic string test_str;
+ automatic raw_pkt_t raw;
+ automatic XportPacket_t send[$];
+ automatic XportPacket_t expected[$];
+ automatic integer last_word_index;
+ test_str = $sformatf({TEST_NAME,"::Remove Bytes L=%3d"},num_samples);
+ test.start_test(test_str, 10us);
+ for (int i= 0 ; i < PKTS_TO_SEND; i++) begin
+ expected[i] = new;
+ send[i] = new;
+ get_ramp_raw_pkt(.num_samps(num_samples),.ramp_start((i*num_samples)%256),.ramp_inc(1),.pkt(raw),.SWIDTH(8));
+ send[i].push_bytes(raw);
+ // Remove the bytes from raw packet to build expected.
+ if (REM_END < 0) begin
+ raw = raw[0:REM_START-1];
+ end else begin
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < REM_END-REM_START+1 ; ++i) begin
+ if (raw.size()-1 >= REM_START) begin
+ raw.delete(REM_START);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ expected[i].push_bytes(raw);
+ send[i].tkeep_to_tuser(.ERROR_PROB(10));
+ expected[i].tkeep_to_tuser();
+ if (send[i].has_error())
+ expected[i].set_error();
+ // if the incoming packet stops at a word
+ // where we have no where to mark an error
+ // then we set an error
+ last_word_index = send[i].data.size()-1;
+ if (last_word_index > LOW_LIM &&
+ num_samples-1 <= HIGH_LIM) begin
+ expected[i].set_error();
+ end
+ end
+ for (int i= PKTS_TO_SEND-1 ; i >= 0; i--) begin
+ if (expected[i].data.size() == 0) expected.delete(i);
+ end
+ fork
+ begin : send_thread
+ foreach(send[i])begin
+ axis.put(send[i]);
+ end
+ end
+ begin : expected_thread
+ if (expected.size() == 0) begin : no_expected
+ automatic string str;
+ automatic AxisPacket_t actual_a = new();
+ // I need a better way to flush the send queue.
+ #(2*WIDTH); // wait a bit for completion
+ o.tready = 1;
+ axis.wait_send(); // wait complete hung
+ #(2*WIDTH); // wait a bit for completion
+ str = $sformatf("UNEXPECTED_PACKET L=%3d\nREM_START=%3d:%1d REM_END=%3d:%1d SIZE =%3d WIDTH=%3d\nSEND\n%s",
+ num_samples,REM_START,DUT.START_WORD,REM_END,DUT.END_WORD,send[0].data.size(),WIDTH,
+ send[0].sprint());
+ if (axis.try_get(actual_a)) begin
+ $display("ACTUAL");
+ actual_a.print();
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(actual_a.data.size() == 0,str);
+ end
+ $display("Wait completed");
+ end else begin : get_expected
+ automatic string str;
+ automatic AxisPacket_t actual_a = new();
+ automatic XportPacket_t actual = new();
+ foreach(expected[i]) begin
+ axis.get(actual_a);
+ actual.import_axis(actual_a);
+ actual.tuser_to_tkeep();
+ str = $sformatf({"L= %3d REM =%2d:%1d WORD=%1d:%1d ERROR_LIM=%1d<%1d %1d<=%1d WIDTH=%3d","\nSEND\n%s"},
+ num_samples,
+ LOW_LIM,last_word_index,num_samples-1,HIGH_LIM,WIDTH,
+ send[i].sprint());
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(!actual.compare_w_error(expected[i],.COMPARE_ERROR_PACKETS(0)),str);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ join
+ test.end_test();
+ endtask : test_samples
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ // Main test loop
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ initial begin : tb_main
+ automatic integer min_length;
+ test.tb_name = TEST_NAME;
+ if (REM_END == -1)
+ min_length = REM_START-4;
+ else
+ min_length = REM_END-4;
+ if ( min_length < 1) min_length = 1;
+ axis.run();
+ test_reset();
+ // power of 2 from zero
+ for (int i=0 ; i < 6 ; ++i) begin
+ test_samples(2**i);
+ end
+ for (int i=1 ; i < (WIDTH/8)*3 ; ++i) begin
+ test_samples(min_length+i);
+ end
+ // repeat back to back
+ axis.set_slave_stall_prob(0);
+ axis.set_master_stall_prob(0);
+ for (int i=1 ; i < (WIDTH/8)*3 ; ++i) begin
+ test_samples(min_length+i);
+ end
+ // End the TB, but don't $finish, since we don't want to kill other
+ // instances of this testbench that may be running.
+ test.end_tb(0);
+ // Kill the clocks to end this instance of the testbench
+ clk_gen.kill();
+ end // initial begin
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_width_conv.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_width_conv.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f05f70438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4s_sv/axi4s_width_conv.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Description:
+// System Verilog wrapper for axis_width_conv that accepts a AxiStreamIfc
+// with slave_user/master_user interface. This block requires that the
+// bottom bits of user contain the number of bytes in the last word.
+// If TKEEP - tkeep contains byte_enables
+// If USER_TRAILING_BYTES - tuser contains byte_enables
+// Else everything is a full word
+// Parameters:
+// PIPELINE - Add pipelining for timing.
+// SYNC_CLKS - Input and output clock are the same.
+// I_USER_TRAILING_BYTES - input byte_enable is set by user
+// O_USER_TRAILING_BYTES - output byte_enable is set in user
+module axi4s_width_conv #(
+ bit SYNC_CLKS = 1
+) (
+ interface i, // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ interface o // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf
+ localparam IWIDTH =i.DATA_WIDTH;
+ localparam OWIDTH =o.DATA_WIDTH;
+ `include "axi4s.vh"
+ // Parameter Checks
+ initial begin
+ if(i.TKEEP) begin
+ assert (!I_USER_TRAILING_BYTES) else
+ $fatal("I_USER_TRAILING_BYTE set at the same time as TKEEP");
+ assert (!i.TUSER) else
+ $fatal("i.TUSER set- This module does not pass user");
+ end else if(I_USER_TRAILING_BYTES) begin
+ assert (i.USER_WIDTH >= i.TRAILING_WIDTH ) else
+ $fatal("i.USER_WIDTH does not match TRAILING_WIDTH");
+ end else begin
+ assert (!i.TUSER) else
+ $fatal("This module does not pass generic user_data");
+ end
+ if(o.TKEEP) begin
+ assert (!O_USER_TRAILING_BYTES) else
+ $fatal("O_USER_TRAILING_BYTE set at the same time as TKEEP");
+ assert (!o.TUSER) else
+ $fatal("O.TUSER set- This module does not pass user");
+ end else if(O_USER_TRAILING_BYTES) begin
+ assert (o.USER_WIDTH >= o.TRAILING_WIDTH) else
+ $fatal("o.USER_WIDTH does not match TRAILING_WIDTH");
+ end else begin
+ assert (!o.TUSER) else
+ $fatal("This module does not pass generic user_data");
+ end
+ assert (i.TLAST == 1) else
+ $fatal("i.TLAST not present");
+ assert (o.TLAST == 1) else
+ $fatal("o.TLAST not present");
+ end
+ s0(i.clk,i.rst);
+ s1(o.clk,o.rst);
+ // move from AxiStreamIfc to AxiStreamPacketIf
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(s0,i)
+ end
+ // move from AxiStreamPacketIf to AxiStreamIfc
+ always_comb begin
+ `AXI4S_ASSIGN(o,s1)
+ end
+ logic [IWIDTH/8-1:0] s0_tkeep;
+ if (s0.TKEEP) begin
+ always_comb s0_tkeep = s0.tkeep;
+ end else if (I_USER_TRAILING_BYTES) begin
+ always_comb s0_tkeep = s0.get_trailing_bytes();
+ end else begin
+ always_comb s0_tkeep = '1;
+ end
+ logic [OWIDTH/8-1:0] s1_tkeep;
+ logic [15:0] s1_bytes;
+ if (s1.TKEEP) begin
+ always_comb s1.tkeep = s1_tkeep;
+ always_comb s1.tuser = 'X;
+ end else if (O_USER_TRAILING_BYTES) begin
+ always_comb s1.tkeep = 'X;
+ always_comb begin : assign_s1_tuser
+ s1.tuser = 0;
+ // MODELSIM_BUG - deleting the s1_bytes assignment causes modelsim failures.
+ s1_bytes = s1.keep2trailing(s1_tkeep);
+ s1.set_trailing_bytes(s1_tkeep);
+ end
+ end else begin
+ always_comb s1.tkeep = 'X;
+ always_comb s1.tuser = 'X;
+ end
+ logic s0_ready, s1_valid, s1_last;
+ logic [s1.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s1_data;
+ always_comb s0.tready = s0_ready;
+ always_comb s1.tvalid = s1_valid;
+ always_comb s1.tlast = s1_last;
+ always_comb s1.tdata = s1_data;
+ axis_width_conv #(
+ ) axis_width_conv (
+ .s_axis_aclk(s0.clk), .s_axis_rst(s0.rst),
+ .s_axis_tdata(s0.tdata), .s_axis_tkeep(s0_tkeep), .s_axis_tlast(s0.tlast),
+ .s_axis_tvalid(s0.tvalid), .s_axis_tready(s0_ready),
+ .m_axis_aclk(s1.clk), .m_axis_rst(s1.rst),
+ .m_axis_tdata(s1_data), .m_axis_tkeep(s1_tkeep), .m_axis_tlast(s1_last),
+ .m_axis_tvalid(s1_valid), .m_axis_tready(s1.tready)
+ );
+endmodule : axi4s_width_conv