path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2
diff options
authorBen Hilburn <ben.hilburn@ettus.com>2013-10-10 10:17:27 -0700
committerBen Hilburn <ben.hilburn@ettus.com>2013-10-10 10:17:27 -0700
commit0df4b801a34697f2058b4a7b95e08d2a0576c9db (patch)
treebe10e78d1a97c037a9e7492360a178d1873b9c09 /fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2
parent6e7bc850b66e8188718248b76b729c7cf9c89700 (diff)
Squashed B200 FPGA Source. Code from Josh Blum, Ian Buckley, and Matt Ettus.
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2')
5 files changed, 696 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/Makefile.srcs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1624643f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/Makefile.srcs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2010-2013 Ettus Research LLC
+# SERDES Sources
+GPIF2_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/gpif2/, \
+gpif2_slave_fifo32.v \
+gpif2_to_fifo64.v \
+fifo64_to_gpif2.v \
+gpif2_error_checker.v \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/fifo64_to_gpif2.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/fifo64_to_gpif2.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf3a221b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/fifo64_to_gpif2.v
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Copyright 2012-2013 Ettus Research LLC
+module fifo64_to_gpif2
+ parameter FIFO_SIZE = 9
+ //input fifo interface
+ input fifo_clk, input fifo_rst,
+ input [63:0] i_tdata,
+ input i_tlast,
+ input i_tvalid,
+ output i_tready,
+ //output interface
+ input gpif_clk, input gpif_rst,
+ output [31:0] o_tdata,
+ output o_tlast,
+ output o_tvalid,
+ input o_tready
+ wire [31:0] i32_tdata;
+ wire i32_tlast;
+ wire i32_tvalid, i32_tready;
+ axi_fifo64_to_fifo32 fifo64_to_fifo32
+ (
+ .clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(1'b0),
+ .i_tdata(i_tdata), .i_tuser(3'b0/*done care*/), .i_tlast(i_tlast), .i_tvalid(i_tvalid), .i_tready(i_tready),
+ .o_tdata(i32_tdata), .o_tuser(/*ignored cuz vita has len*/), .o_tlast(i32_tlast), .o_tvalid(i32_tvalid), .o_tready(i32_tready)
+ );
+ wire [31:0] gate_tdata;
+ wire gate_tlast;
+ wire gate_tvalid, gate_tready;
+ axi_fifo_2clk #(.WIDTH(33), .SIZE(0/*SRL*/)) cross_clock_fifo
+ (
+ .reset(fifo_rst | gpif_rst),
+ .i_aclk(fifo_clk), .i_tdata({i32_tlast, i32_tdata}), .i_tvalid(i32_tvalid), .i_tready(i32_tready),
+ .o_aclk(gpif_clk), .o_tdata({gate_tlast, gate_tdata}), .o_tvalid(gate_tvalid), .o_tready(gate_tready)
+ );
+ wire [31:0] int0_tdata; wire int0_tlast, int0_tvalid, int0_tready;
+ axi_packet_gate #(.WIDTH(32), .SIZE(FIFO_SIZE)) buffer_whole_pkt
+ (
+ .clk(gpif_clk), .reset(gpif_rst), .clear(1'b0),
+ .i_tdata(gate_tdata), .i_tlast(gate_tlast), .i_terror(1'b0), .i_tvalid(gate_tvalid), .i_tready(gate_tready),
+ .o_tdata(int0_tdata), .o_tlast(int0_tlast), .o_tvalid(int0_tvalid), .o_tready(int0_tready)
+ );
+ axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(33), .SIZE(0)) outgress_timing_fifo
+ (
+ .clk(gpif_clk), .reset(gpif_rst), .clear(1'b0),
+ .i_tdata({int0_tlast, int0_tdata}), .i_tvalid(int0_tvalid), .i_tready(int0_tready), .space(),
+ .o_tdata({o_tlast, o_tdata}), .o_tvalid(o_tvalid), .o_tready(o_tready), .occupied()
+ );
+endmodule //fifo_to_gpmc16
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/gpif2_error_checker.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/gpif2_error_checker.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ec21a758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/gpif2_error_checker.v
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+// Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC
+// inspect the input for invalid conditions
+// when bad - drain input, flag error, and insert error msg packet
+// Packets alignment errors are searched for in two different ways:
+// 1) Blatently illegal values in what is assumed to be the PACKET_LENGTH field
+// in the CHDR header
+// (We could probably improve this by looking at other fields of the header that
+// have a limited range of values)
+// 2) Packet length indicating an EOF word that doesn't have TLAST set in the FIFO.
+// (Upstream can howvever legally insert TLAST in the FIFO for words that are not EOF)
+// Packet allignment recovery strategy is to wait for TLAST asserted and then decode the
+// following data assuming it is the start of new CHDR headers.
+//TODO - insert bad packet
+module gpif2_error_checker
+ #(parameter SIZE = 9)
+ (input clk, input reset, input clear,
+ input [31:0] i_tdata, input i_tlast, input i_tvalid, output i_tready,
+ output [31:0] o_tdata, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready,
+ output bus_error, output [63:0] debug);
+ wire [31:0] gate_tdata;
+ wire gate_tlast, gate_terror;
+ wire gate_tvalid, gate_tready;
+ localparam STATE_HDR = 0;
+ localparam STATE_FWD = 1;
+ localparam STATE_EOF = 2;
+ localparam STATE_WAIT = 3;
+ reg [1:0] state;
+ reg [15:0] lines32;
+ reg [11:0] seq_id_ref;
+ reg seq_id_bad;
+ reg seq_id_wayoff;
+ wire [15:0] hdr_bytes = i_tdata[15:0] + 3; //round up to multiple of 4
+ wire [15:0] hdr_lines32 = {2'b0, hdr_bytes[15:2]}; //convert to lines32 count
+ wire [11:0] seq_id_actual = i_tdata[27:16];
+ wire obviously_bad_hdr = (hdr_lines32 == 16'h0) || (hdr_lines32 > (1 << SIZE));
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (reset | clear) begin
+ state <= STATE_HDR;
+ lines32 <= 16'b0;
+ seq_id_ref <= 12'h0;
+ seq_id_bad <= 0;
+ seq_id_wayoff <= 0;
+ end
+ else case (state)
+ STATE_HDR: begin //forward header and grab vita length
+ if (i_tvalid && i_tready) begin
+ if (obviously_bad_hdr) state <= STATE_WAIT;
+ else if (hdr_lines32 == 16'h1) state <= STATE_HDR;
+ else if (hdr_lines32 == 16'h2) state <= STATE_EOF;
+ else state <= STATE_FWD;
+ seq_id_bad <= (seq_id_actual != seq_id_ref);
+ seq_id_wayoff <= (seq_id_actual != seq_id_ref) |
+ (seq_id_actual != seq_id_ref+1) |
+ (seq_id_actual != seq_id_ref+2) |
+ (seq_id_actual != seq_id_ref+3);
+ if (seq_id_actual != seq_id_ref)
+ seq_id_ref <= seq_id_actual + 1;
+ else
+ seq_id_ref <= seq_id_ref + 1;
+ end
+ lines32 <= hdr_lines32;
+ end
+ STATE_FWD: begin //forward the rest of vita packet
+ if (i_tvalid && i_tready) begin
+ if (lines32 == 16'h3) state <= STATE_EOF;
+ lines32 <= lines32 - 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ STATE_EOF: begin //do last line of vita frame + eof
+ if (i_tvalid && i_tready)
+ if (gate_tlast) state <= STATE_HDR;
+ else state <= STATE_WAIT; // Try somehow to get synchronized again.
+ end
+ STATE_WAIT: begin //drop until idle
+ if (i_tvalid && i_tready && i_tlast) state <= STATE_HDR;
+ end
+ endcase //state
+ end
+ assign bus_error = (gate_terror && gate_tvalid && gate_tready) || ((state == STATE_HDR) && i_tvalid && i_tready && obviously_bad_hdr);
+ assign gate_tlast = (state == STATE_HDR)? (hdr_lines32 == 16'h1) : (state == STATE_EOF);
+ assign gate_tdata = i_tdata;
+ assign gate_tvalid = i_tvalid && ((state == STATE_HDR)? !obviously_bad_hdr : (state != STATE_WAIT));
+ assign i_tready = gate_tready;
+ axi_packet_gate #(.WIDTH(32), .SIZE(SIZE)) gate_xfer
+ (
+ .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
+ .i_tdata(gate_tdata), .i_tlast(gate_tlast), .i_terror(1'b0), .i_tvalid(gate_tvalid), .i_tready(gate_tready),
+ .o_tdata(o_tdata), .o_tlast(o_tlast), .o_tvalid(o_tvalid), .o_tready(o_tready)
+ );
+ assign debug = {13'b0,
+ seq_id_wayoff, //[50] [114]
+ gate_terror, // [49] [113]
+ obviously_bad_hdr, // [48] [112]
+ seq_id_bad, // [47] [111]
+ seq_id_ref, // [46:35] [110:99]
+ i_tlast, // [34] [98]
+ i_tready, // [33] [97]
+ i_tvalid, // [32] [96]
+ i_tdata}; // [31:0] [95:64]
+endmodule // cvita_insert_tlast
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/gpif2_slave_fifo32.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/gpif2_slave_fifo32.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f332a6ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/gpif2_slave_fifo32.v
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+// Copyright 2011-2013 Ettus Research LLC
+//this is a FIFO master interface for the FX3 in "slave fifo" mode.
+module gpif2_slave_fifo32
+ //sizes for fifo64 2 clock cascade fifos
+ parameter DATA_RX_FIFO_SIZE = 12, //max vita pkt size
+ parameter DATA_TX_FIFO_SIZE = 12, //max vita pkt size
+ parameter CTRL_RX_FIFO_SIZE = 5, //small resp packets
+ parameter CTRL_TX_FIFO_SIZE = 5, //small ctrl packets
+ //address constants for the endpoints
+ parameter ADDR_DATA_TX = 2'b00,
+ parameter ADDR_DATA_RX = 2'b01,
+ parameter ADDR_CTRL_TX = 2'b10,
+ parameter ADDR_CTRL_RX = 2'b11,
+ parameter END_WITH_COMMA = 0
+ (// GPIF signals
+ input gpif_clk, input gpif_rst, input gpif_enb,
+ inout [31:0] gpif_d,
+ input [3:0] gpif_ctl,
+ output reg sloe,
+ output reg slrd,
+ output reg slwr,
+ output slcs,
+ output reg pktend,
+ output reg [1:0] fifoadr,
+ // FIFO interfaces
+ input fifo_clk, input fifo_rst,
+ output [63:0] tx_tdata, output tx_tlast, output tx_tvalid, input tx_tready,
+ input [63:0] rx_tdata, input rx_tlast, input rx_tvalid, output rx_tready,
+ output [63:0] ctrl_tdata, output ctrl_tlast, output ctrl_tvalid, input ctrl_tready,
+ input [63:0] resp_tdata, input resp_tlast, input resp_tvalid, output resp_tready,
+ output [31:0] debug
+ );
+ reg fifo_nearly_full;
+ wire ctrl_tx_fifo_nearly_full, data_tx_fifo_nearly_full;
+ wire ctrl_tx_fifo_has_space, data_tx_fifo_has_space;
+ wire [159:0] debug_tx_data, debug_tx_ctrl;
+ assign slcs = 1'b0;
+ //DMA FIFO ready and watermark flags
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) EP_READY <= gpif_ctl[0];
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) EP_WMARK <= gpif_ctl[1];
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) EP_READY1 <= EP_READY;
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) EP_WMARK1 <= EP_WMARK;
+ // GPIF output data lines, tristate
+ reg [31:0] gpif_data_in, gpif_data_out;
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) gpif_data_in <= gpif_d;
+ assign gpif_d = sloe ? gpif_data_out[31:0] : 32'bz;
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // GPIF bus master state machine
+ wire wr_fifo_xfer, wr_fifo_eof;
+ wire [31:0] wr_fifo_data;
+ reg read_ready_go, write_ready_go;
+ reg wr_one, rd_one;
+ reg [3:0] state; //state machine current state
+ localparam STATE_IDLE = 0;
+ localparam STATE_THINK = 1;
+ localparam STATE_READ = 2;
+ localparam STATE_WRITE = 3;
+ localparam STATE_WAIT = 4;
+ reg [2:0] idle_cycles;
+ reg [1:0] last_addr, next_addr;
+ wire local_fifo_ready;
+ reg slrd1, slrd2, slrd3;
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk)
+ if (gpif_rst) begin
+ slrd1 <= 1;
+ slrd2 <= 1;
+ slrd3 <= 1;
+ end else begin
+ slrd1 <= slrd;
+ slrd2 <= slrd1;
+ slrd3 <= slrd2;
+ end
+ wire RD_VALID = ~slrd3;
+ wire RD_LAST = slrd2;
+ wire WR_VALID = (EP_WMARK1 || !wr_one);
+ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // FX2 slave FIFO bus master state machine
+ //
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk)
+ if(gpif_rst) begin
+ state <= STATE_IDLE;
+ sloe <= 0;
+ slrd <= 1;
+ slwr <= 1;
+ pktend <= 1;
+ gpif_data_out <= 32'b0;
+ idle_cycles <= 0;
+ fifoadr <= 0;
+ wr_one <= 1'b0;
+ rd_one <= 1'b0;
+ last_addr <= 2'b0;
+ end
+ else if (gpif_enb) begin
+ case (state)
+ //
+ // Increment fifoadr to point at next thread, set all strobes to idle,
+ //
+ STATE_IDLE: begin
+ sloe <= 0;
+ slrd <= 1;
+ slwr <= 1;
+ pktend <= 1;
+ gpif_data_out <= 32'b0;
+ fifoadr <= next_addr;
+ state <= STATE_WAIT;
+ idle_cycles <= 0;
+ end
+ //
+ // now wait here for 8 clock cycles before transitioning to STATE_THINK.
+ // We stay in this state if no local FIFO's can proceed at this point.
+ //
+ STATE_WAIT: begin
+ if (local_fifo_ready) begin
+ idle_cycles <= idle_cycles + 1'b1;
+ if (idle_cycles == 3'b111) state <= STATE_THINK;
+ end
+ else begin
+ idle_cycles <= 3'b0;
+ fifoadr <= fifoadr + 2'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // If there is a read to start, assert SLRD and SLOE and transition to STATE_READ.
+ // If there is a write to perform, set flags that says there is the possibility to do at least
+ // one write (wr_one) and transition to STATE_WRITE
+ //
+ STATE_THINK: begin
+ if (EP_READY1 && read_ready_go) begin
+ state <= STATE_READ;
+ slrd <= 0;
+ rd_one <= 0;
+ end
+ else if (EP_READY1 && write_ready_go) begin
+ state <= STATE_WRITE;
+ sloe <= 1;
+ wr_one <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ state <= STATE_IDLE;
+ end
+ idle_cycles <= 0;
+ last_addr <= fifoadr;
+ end
+ // If flag rd_one is set (armed 5 cycles after slrd goes initialy assrted) and RD_VALID has gone deasserted
+ // (meaning that the watermark deasserted 5 clock cycles ago) transition to STATE_IDLE.
+ // If watermark deasserted 2 cycles ago de-assert slrd ...read data is still traveling in the pipeline.
+ // Whilst RD_VALID stays asserted keep the rd_one flag armed.
+ STATE_READ: begin
+ if (rd_one && ~RD_VALID) state <= STATE_IDLE;
+ if (~EP_WMARK1 | fifo_nearly_full) slrd <= 1;
+ if (RD_VALID) rd_one <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ // If local FIFO goes empty or tlast is set then transition to STATE_IDLE
+ // Push local FIFO data out onto GPIF data bus.
+ // if local FIFO has valid data then assert slwr
+ // if local FIFO assertes tlast then assert pktend
+ // If WR_VALID asserted (because wr_one already asserted in the first cycle in this state)
+ // now clear wr_one (watermark will keep WR_VALID asserted from now on if this is a burst).
+ //
+ STATE_WRITE: begin
+ if (~wr_fifo_xfer || wr_fifo_eof) state <= STATE_IDLE;
+ gpif_data_out <= wr_fifo_data;
+ slwr <= ~wr_fifo_xfer;
+ pktend <= ~wr_fifo_eof;
+ if (WR_VALID) wr_one <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ default: state <= STATE_IDLE;
+ endcase
+ end
+ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // fifo signal assignments and enables
+ //output from fifos - ready to xfer
+ wire data_tx_tready, ctrl_tx_tready;
+ wire ctrl_rx_tvalid, data_rx_tvalid;
+ //Priority encoding for the the next address to service:
+ //The next address to service is based on the readiness
+ //of the internal fifos and last serviced fairness metric.
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) next_addr <=
+ ((ctrl_rx_tvalid && last_addr != ADDR_CTRL_RX)? ADDR_CTRL_RX :
+ ((ctrl_tx_fifo_has_space && last_addr != ADDR_CTRL_TX)? ADDR_CTRL_TX :
+ ((data_rx_tvalid && last_addr != ADDR_DATA_RX)? ADDR_DATA_RX :
+ ((data_tx_fifo_has_space && last_addr != ADDR_DATA_TX)? ADDR_DATA_TX :
+ (fifoadr + 2'b1)
+ ))));
+ //Help the FPGA search to only look for addrs that the FPGA is ready for
+ assign local_fifo_ready =
+ (ctrl_rx_tvalid && (fifoadr == ADDR_CTRL_RX)) ||
+ (ctrl_tx_fifo_has_space && (fifoadr == ADDR_CTRL_TX)) ||
+ (data_rx_tvalid && (fifoadr == ADDR_DATA_RX)) ||
+ (data_tx_fifo_has_space && (fifoadr == ADDR_DATA_TX));
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) fifo_nearly_full <=
+ (ctrl_tx_fifo_nearly_full && (fifoadr == ADDR_CTRL_TX)) ||
+ (data_tx_fifo_nearly_full && (fifoadr == ADDR_DATA_TX));
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) read_ready_go <=
+ (ctrl_tx_fifo_has_space && (fifoadr == ADDR_CTRL_TX)) ||
+ (data_tx_fifo_has_space && (fifoadr == ADDR_DATA_TX));
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) write_ready_go <=
+ (ctrl_rx_tvalid && (fifoadr == ADDR_CTRL_RX)) ||
+ (data_rx_tvalid && (fifoadr == ADDR_DATA_RX));
+ //fifo xfer enable
+ wire data_rx_tready = (state == STATE_WRITE) && (fifoadr == ADDR_DATA_RX) && WR_VALID;
+ wire ctrl_rx_tready = (state == STATE_WRITE) && (fifoadr == ADDR_CTRL_RX) && WR_VALID;
+ wire data_tx_tvalid = (state == STATE_READ) && (fifoadr == ADDR_DATA_TX) && RD_VALID;
+ wire ctrl_tx_tvalid = (state == STATE_READ) && (fifoadr == ADDR_CTRL_TX) && RD_VALID;
+ //outputs from rx fifo paths
+ wire ctrl_rx_tlast, data_rx_tlast;
+ wire [31:0] ctrl_rx_tdata, data_rx_tdata;
+ //mux rx outputs for gpif state machine
+ assign wr_fifo_xfer = (fifoadr == ADDR_CTRL_RX)? (ctrl_rx_tvalid && ctrl_rx_tready) : (data_rx_tvalid && data_rx_tready);
+ assign wr_fifo_eof = wr_fifo_xfer && ((fifoadr == ADDR_CTRL_RX)? ctrl_rx_tlast : data_rx_tlast);
+ assign wr_fifo_data = (fifoadr == ADDR_CTRL_RX)? ctrl_rx_tdata : data_rx_tdata;
+ wire ctrl_bus_error, tx_bus_error;
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // TX Data Path
+ gpif2_to_fifo64 #(.FIFO_SIZE(DATA_TX_FIFO_SIZE)) gpif2_to_fifo64_tx(
+ .gpif_clk(gpif_clk), .gpif_rst(gpif_rst),
+ .i_tdata(gpif_data_in), .i_tlast(RD_LAST), .i_tvalid(data_tx_tvalid), .i_tready(data_tx_tready),
+ .fifo_clk(fifo_clk), .fifo_rst(fifo_rst),
+ .fifo_nearly_full(data_tx_fifo_nearly_full), .fifo_has_space(data_tx_fifo_has_space),
+ .o_tdata(tx_tdata), .o_tlast(tx_tlast), .o_tvalid(tx_tvalid), .o_tready(tx_tready),
+ .bus_error(tx_bus_error), .debug(debug_tx_data)
+ );
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // RX Data Path
+ fifo64_to_gpif2 #(.FIFO_SIZE(DATA_RX_FIFO_SIZE)) fifo64_to_gpif2_rx(
+ .fifo_clk(fifo_clk), .fifo_rst(fifo_rst),
+ .i_tdata(rx_tdata), .i_tlast(rx_tlast), .i_tvalid(rx_tvalid), .i_tready(rx_tready),
+ .gpif_clk(gpif_clk), .gpif_rst(gpif_rst),
+ .o_tdata(data_rx_tdata), .o_tlast(data_rx_tlast), .o_tvalid(data_rx_tvalid), .o_tready(data_rx_tready)
+ );
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // CTRL path
+ gpif2_to_fifo64 #(.FIFO_SIZE(CTRL_TX_FIFO_SIZE)) gpif2_to_fifo64_ctrl(
+ .gpif_clk(gpif_clk), .gpif_rst(gpif_rst),
+ .i_tdata(gpif_data_in), .i_tlast(RD_LAST), .i_tvalid(ctrl_tx_tvalid), .i_tready(ctrl_tx_tready),
+ .fifo_clk(fifo_clk), .fifo_rst(fifo_rst),
+ .fifo_nearly_full(ctrl_tx_fifo_nearly_full), .fifo_has_space(ctrl_tx_fifo_has_space),
+ .o_tdata(ctrl_tdata), .o_tlast(ctrl_tlast), .o_tvalid(ctrl_tvalid), .o_tready(ctrl_tready),
+ .bus_error(ctrl_bus_error), .debug(debug_tx_ctrl)
+ );
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // RESP path
+ fifo64_to_gpif2 #(.FIFO_SIZE(CTRL_RX_FIFO_SIZE)) fifo64_to_gpif2_resp(
+ .fifo_clk(fifo_clk), .fifo_rst(fifo_rst),
+ .i_tdata(resp_tdata), .i_tlast(resp_tlast), .i_tvalid(resp_tvalid), .i_tready(resp_tready),
+ .gpif_clk(gpif_clk), .gpif_rst(gpif_rst),
+ .o_tdata(ctrl_rx_tdata), .o_tlast(ctrl_rx_tlast), .o_tvalid(ctrl_rx_tvalid), .o_tready(ctrl_rx_tready)
+ );
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // DEBUG
+ wire [31:0] debug0 = {
+ sloe, slrd, slwr, pktend, fifoadr, EP_READY, EP_WMARK, //8
+ state, //4
+ data_tx_tvalid, data_tx_tready, data_rx_tvalid, data_rx_tready, //4
+ gpif_d[15:0] //16
+ };
+ reg [31:0] debug_reg0;
+ reg [31:0] debug_reg1;
+ reg [31:0] debug_reg2;
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) debug_reg0 <= debug0;
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) debug_reg1 <= debug_reg0;
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) debug_reg2 <= debug_reg1;
+ assign debug = debug_reg2;
+ wire [37:0] debug_resp = {
+ resp_tlast, // 37
+ resp_tready, // 36
+ resp_tvalid, // 35
+ ctrl_rx_tlast, // 34
+ ctrl_rx_tready, // 33
+ ctrl_rx_tvalid, // 32
+ ctrl_rx_tdata // 31:0
+ };
+ reg [255:0] debug1,debug2;
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) debug1 <= {debug_resp,debug_tx_ctrl,debug0};
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) debug2 <= debug1;
+ wire [35:0] CONTROL0,CONTROL1;
+ /*
+ chipscope_ila_32 chipscope_ila_32(
+ .CLK(gpif_clk), // IN
+ .TRIG0(debug2) // IN BUS [31:0]
+ );
+ chipscope_ila_128 chipscope_ila_128(
+ .CLK(fifo_clk), // IN
+ .TRIG0({debug4,debug6}) // IN BUS [31:0]
+ );
+ chipscope_ila_256 chipscope_ila_256(
+ .CLK(gpif_clk), // IN
+ .TRIG0(debug2) // IN BUS [31:0]
+ );
+ chipscope_ila_32 chipscope_ila_32_2(
+ .CLK(gpif_clk), // IN
+ .TRIG0(32'd0) // IN BUS [31:0]
+ );
+ chipscope_icon chipscope_icon(
+ );
+ */
+endmodule // gpif2_slave_fifo32
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/gpif2_to_fifo64.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/gpif2_to_fifo64.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d60c7326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/gpif2/gpif2_to_fifo64.v
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Copyright 2012-2013 Ettus Research LLC
+module gpif2_to_fifo64
+ parameter FIFO_SIZE = 9
+ //input interface
+ input gpif_clk, input gpif_rst,
+ input [31:0] i_tdata,
+ input i_tlast,
+ input i_tvalid,
+ output i_tready,
+ output fifo_has_space,
+ output fifo_nearly_full,
+ //output fifo interface
+ input fifo_clk, input fifo_rst,
+ output [63:0] o_tdata,
+ output o_tlast,
+ output o_tvalid,
+ input o_tready,
+ output bus_error,
+ output [159:0] debug
+ wire [31:0] int_tdata;
+ wire int_tlast;
+ wire int_tvalid, int_tready;
+ wire [31:0] int0_tdata; wire int0_tlast, int0_tvalid, int0_tready;
+ //this fifo provides a space signal so we know a burst is possible
+ localparam BURST_SIZE = (FIFO_SIZE < 8)? FIFO_SIZE : 8;
+ wire [15:0] space;
+ assign fifo_has_space = space >= (1 << BURST_SIZE);
+ assign fifo_nearly_full = (space < 6); // 5 spaces left.
+ axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(33), .SIZE(0)) ingress_timing_fifo
+ (
+ .clk(gpif_clk), .reset(gpif_rst), .clear(1'b0),
+ .i_tdata({i_tlast, i_tdata}), .i_tvalid(i_tvalid), .i_tready(i_tready), .space(),
+ .o_tdata({int0_tlast, int0_tdata}), .o_tvalid(int0_tvalid), .o_tready(int0_tready), .occupied()
+ );
+ axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(33), .SIZE(BURST_SIZE)) min_read_buff
+ (
+ .clk(gpif_clk), .reset(gpif_rst), .clear(1'b0),
+ .i_tdata({int0_tlast, int0_tdata}), .i_tvalid(int0_tvalid), .i_tready(int0_tready), .space(space),
+ .o_tdata({int_tlast, int_tdata}), .o_tvalid(int_tvalid), .o_tready(int_tready), .occupied()
+ );
+ reg input_write_error;
+ always @(posedge gpif_clk) input_write_error <= i_tvalid & ~i_tready;
+ wire [31:0] chk_tdata;
+ wire chk_tlast;
+ wire chk_tvalid, chk_tready;
+ axi_fifo_2clk #(.WIDTH(33), .SIZE(0/*SRL*/)) cross_clock_fifo
+ (
+ .reset(fifo_rst | gpif_rst),
+ .i_aclk(gpif_clk), .i_tdata({int_tlast, int_tdata}), .i_tvalid(int_tvalid), .i_tready(int_tready),
+ .o_aclk(fifo_clk), .o_tdata({chk_tlast, chk_tdata}), .o_tvalid(chk_tvalid), .o_tready(chk_tready)
+ );
+ wire [31:0] o32_tdata;
+ wire o32_tlast;
+ wire o32_tvalid, o32_tready;
+ //reframes a tlast from the vita header - and drops bad packets
+ //*
+ gpif2_error_checker #(.SIZE(FIFO_SIZE)) checker
+ (
+ .clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(1'b0),
+ .i_tdata(chk_tdata), .i_tlast(chk_tlast), .i_tvalid(chk_tvalid), .i_tready(chk_tready),
+ .o_tdata(o32_tdata), .o_tlast(o32_tlast), .o_tvalid(o32_tvalid), .o_tready(o32_tready),
+ .bus_error(bus_error), .debug(debug[63:0])
+ );
+ //*/
+ //assign o32_tdata = chk_tdata;
+ //assign o32_tlast = chk_tlast;
+ //assign o32_tvalid = chk_tvalid;
+ //assign chk_tready = o32_tready;
+ axi_fifo32_to_fifo64 fifo32_to_fifo64
+ (
+ .clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(1'b0),
+ .i_tdata(o32_tdata), .i_tuser(2'b0/*always 32 bits*/), .i_tlast(o32_tlast), .i_tvalid(o32_tvalid), .i_tready(o32_tready),
+ .o_tdata(o_tdata), .o_tuser(/*ignored cuz vita has len*/), .o_tlast(o_tlast), .o_tvalid(o_tvalid), .o_tready(o_tready)
+ );
+ assign debug[159:64] = {
+ fifo_nearly_full, // 146
+ space[9:0], // 145:136
+ input_write_error, // 135
+ int_tlast, // 134
+ int_tready, // 133
+ int_tvalid, // 132
+ i_tlast, // 131
+ i_tready, // 130
+ fifo_has_space, // 129
+ i_tvalid, // 128
+ int_tdata[31:0], // 127:96
+ i_tdata[31:0] // 95:64
+ };
+endmodule //fifo_to_gpif2