path: root/fpga/usrp2/extramfifo/fifo_extram.v
diff options
authorJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2010-10-14 16:55:56 -0700
committerJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2010-10-14 16:55:56 -0700
commit26b7de0ac0cd64946582b2d52ab0bb3555156039 (patch)
tree5dc670eaaab60bf2bda90d905210bc9432cecea3 /fpga/usrp2/extramfifo/fifo_extram.v
parent71e1763332141603e9edba097fd19b00e9a76ab8 (diff)
parentee03f1d4acf5c7d3359c86baba5085660d63ebae (diff)
Merge branch 'flow_control' into flow_ctrl
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp2/extramfifo/fifo_extram.v')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/extramfifo/fifo_extram.v b/fpga/usrp2/extramfifo/fifo_extram.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e1f40371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp2/extramfifo/fifo_extram.v
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+// Everything on sram_clk
+module fifo_extram
+ (input reset, input clear,
+ input [17:0] datain, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o, output [15:0] space, input [15:0] occ_in,
+ output [17:0] dataout, output src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i, output [15:0] occupied, input [15:0] space_in,
+ input sram_clk, output [18:0] sram_a, inout [17:0] sram_d, output sram_we,
+ output [1:0] sram_bw, output sram_adv, output sram_ce, output sram_oe,
+ output sram_mode, output sram_zz);
+ localparam AWIDTH = 19; // 1 MB in x18
+ localparam RAMSIZE = ((1<<AWIDTH) - 1);
+ wire do_store, do_retrieve;
+ reg [1:0] do_store_del, do_retr_del;
+ reg [AWIDTH-1:0] addr_retrieve, addr_store;
+ always @(posedge sram_clk)
+ if(reset | clear)
+ addr_retrieve <= 0;
+ else if (do_retrieve)
+ addr_retrieve <= addr_retrieve + 1;
+ always @(posedge sram_clk)
+ if(reset | clear)
+ addr_store <= 0;
+ else if(do_store)
+ addr_store <= addr_store + 1;
+ //wire [AWIDTH-1:0] fullness = (addr_store - addr_retrieve);
+ reg [AWIDTH-1:0] fullness;
+ always @(posedge sram_clk)
+ if(reset | clear)
+ fullness <= 0;
+ else if(do_store)
+ fullness <= fullness + 1;
+ else if(do_retrieve)
+ fullness <= fullness - 1;
+ // wire empty = (fullness == 0);
+ //wire full = (fullness == RAMSIZE); // 19'h7FF);
+ reg empty, full;
+ // The math in the following functions is 'AWIDTH wide. Use
+ // continuous assignments to prevent the numbers from being
+ // promoted to 32-bit (which would make it wrap wrong).
+ //
+ wire [AWIDTH-1:0] addr_retrieve_p1, addr_store_p2;
+ assign addr_retrieve_p1 = addr_retrieve + 1;
+ assign addr_store_p2 = addr_store + 2;
+ always @(posedge sram_clk)
+ if(reset | clear)
+ empty <= 1;
+ else if(do_store)
+ empty <= 0;
+ else if(do_retrieve & (/*(addr_retrieve + 1)*/ addr_retrieve_p1 == addr_store))
+ empty <= 1;
+ always @(posedge sram_clk)
+ if(reset | clear)
+ full <= 0;
+ else if(do_retrieve)
+ full <= 0;
+ else if(do_store & (/*(addr_store+2)*/ addr_store_p2 == addr_retrieve))
+ full <= 1;
+ reg can_store;
+ always @*
+ if(full | ~src_rdy_i)
+ can_store <= 0;
+ else if(do_store_del == 0)
+ can_store <= 1;
+ else if((do_store_del == 1) || (do_store_del == 2))
+ can_store <= (occ_in > 1);
+ else
+ can_store <= (occ_in > 2);
+ reg can_retrieve;
+ always @*
+ if(empty | ~dst_rdy_i)
+ can_retrieve <= 0;
+ else if(do_retr_del == 0)
+ can_retrieve <= 1;
+ else if((do_retr_del == 1) || (do_retr_del == 2))
+ can_retrieve <= (space_in > 1);
+ else
+ can_retrieve <= (space_in > 2);
+ reg [1:0] state;
+ localparam IDLE_STORE_NEXT = 0;
+ localparam STORE = 1;
+ localparam IDLE_RETR_NEXT = 2;
+ localparam RETRIEVE = 3;
+ reg [7:0] countdown;
+ wire countdown_done = (countdown == 0);
+ localparam CYCLE_SIZE = 6;
+ assign do_store = can_store & (state == STORE);
+ assign do_retrieve = can_retrieve & (state == RETRIEVE);
+ always @(posedge sram_clk)
+ if(reset)
+ do_store_del <= 0;
+ else
+ do_store_del <= {do_store_del[0],do_store};
+ always @(posedge sram_clk)
+ if(reset)
+ do_retr_del <= 0;
+ else
+ do_retr_del <= {do_retr_del[0],do_retrieve};
+ always @(posedge sram_clk)
+ if(reset | clear)
+ begin
+ state <= IDLE_STORE_NEXT;
+ countdown <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ case(state)
+ if(can_store)
+ begin
+ state <= STORE;
+ countdown <= CYCLE_SIZE;
+ end
+ else if(can_retrieve)
+ begin
+ state <= RETRIEVE;
+ countdown <= CYCLE_SIZE;
+ end
+ if(~can_store | (can_retrieve & countdown_done))
+ state <= IDLE_RETR_NEXT;
+ else if(~countdown_done)
+ countdown <= countdown - 1;
+ if(can_retrieve)
+ begin
+ state <= RETRIEVE;
+ countdown <= CYCLE_SIZE;
+ end
+ else if(can_store)
+ begin
+ state <= STORE;
+ countdown <= CYCLE_SIZE;
+ end
+ if(~can_retrieve | (can_store & countdown_done))
+ state <= IDLE_STORE_NEXT;
+ else if(~countdown_done)
+ countdown <= countdown - 1;
+ endcase // case (state)
+ // RAM wires
+ assign sram_bw = 0;
+ assign sram_adv = 0;
+ assign sram_mode = 0;
+ assign sram_zz = 0;
+ assign sram_ce = 0;
+ assign sram_a = (state==STORE) ? addr_store : addr_retrieve;
+ assign sram_we = ~do_store;
+ assign sram_oe = ~do_retr_del[1];
+ assign my_oe = do_store_del[1] & sram_oe;
+ assign sram_d = my_oe ? datain : 18'bz;
+ // FIFO wires
+ assign dataout = sram_d;
+ assign src_rdy_o = do_retr_del[1];
+ assign dst_rdy_o = do_store_del[1];
+endmodule // fifo_extram
+ //wire have_1 = (fullness == 1);
+ //wire have_2 = (fullness == 2);
+ //wire have_atleast_1 = ~empty;
+ //wire have_atleast_2 = ~(empty | have_1);
+ //wire have_atleast_3 = ~(empty | have_1 | have_2);
+ //wire full_minus_1 = (fullness == (RAMSIZE-1)); // 19'h7FE);
+ //wire full_minus_2 = (fullness == (RAMSIZE-2)); // 19'h7FD);
+ //wire spacefor_atleast_1 = ~full;
+ //wire spacefor_atleast_2 = ~(full | full_minus_1);
+ //wire spacefor_atleast_3 = ~(full | full_minus_1 | full_minus_2);