path: root/firmware/e300/rev_b/main.c
diff options
authorMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2014-10-07 11:32:14 +0200
committerMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2014-10-07 12:09:33 +0200
commit1b149f561370687ad65e3aa644a402f00dbd16ea (patch)
treeab86042840fa1369d64bca56c5f3a64d1a4f1f72 /firmware/e300/rev_b/main.c
parentfd3e84941de463fa1a7ebab0a69515b4bf2614cd (diff)
Initial commit E300 support.
Diffstat (limited to 'firmware/e300/rev_b/main.c')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/e300/rev_b/main.c b/firmware/e300/rev_b/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e065ffef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/e300/rev_b/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Ettus Research LLC
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <avr/io.h>
+#include <util/delay.h>
+#include <avr/sleep.h>
+#include <avr/interrupt.h>
+#include "global.h"
+#include "power.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "ltc3675.h"
+#ifdef CHARGER_TI
+#include "bq24190.h"
+#include "ltc4155.h"
+#endif // CHARGER_TI
+#define AUTO_POWER_ON
+#define INITIAL_DELAY 250 // ms
+FUSES = { // FIXME: & FUSE_CKSEL1 for low power 128 kHz clock
+ .low = (FUSE_CKSEL0 & FUSE_SUT0 & FUSE_CKDIV8), // Internal 8MHz Oscillator, Slowly rising power (start-up time), Divide Clock by 8
+ .high = (FUSE_EESAVE & FUSE_SPIEN), // Save EEPROM between flashes // FIXME: Leave SPIEN for programming enabled?
+}; // Not using watchdog as it runs during sleep and consumes power
+volatile STATE _state;
+ - Main/shared variables must be volatile
+ - Port pins are tri-stated on reset
+ * AVR_IRQ PD(5)
+ - Enable pull-ups on all O.D. outputs from regulator chip
+ * PS_POR/SRST should be driven HIGH by ATTiny?
+ - AVR_RESET -> RESET pin - don't configure fuse (this would disable this functionality and prohibit serial programming)
+ * Ship-and-store mode for charge controller?
+ * cli before I2C calls
+ * PS_TX
+ - en5-clk, en2-data
+ * Instruction following SEI is executed before interrupts
+ * LTC3675 real-time status doesn't contain UV/OT
+ * LTC3675 PGOOD -> power down (no point in checking blink state)
+ * On WALL, use TX, on battery use OTG switcher
+ * PRR - Power Reduction Register (p40)
+ - 100% -> 50% battery charge limit
+ * Check latched status for UV/OT in 3675
+ * If blink error reset, get latest charge status from 4155
+ * Fix UV status check from 3675/4155 as they currently share the same error
+ * Use charger termination at 8hr or Vc/x
+ * Check PGood on all regs after power on before setting powered=true
+ * Re-init 4155 on soft-power on
+ - Re-set 3A limit in 4155 after external power connection
+ - Removing power when running on battery, 4155GO 0xA0 - but WALL has been removed
+ - Why is charger reporting Constant Current when power is removed
+ * ltc3675_is_power_button_depressed: check if any reg is on, otherwise value will be invalid
+ * When e.g. 3.3V doesn't come up, blink code is correctly 4 but there's a very short blink before re-starting the sequence
+ - Vprog<Vc/x
+bool pmc_mask_irqs(bool mask)
+ if (_state.interrupts_enabled == false)
+ return false;
+ if (mask)
+ {
+ if (_state.interrupt_depth == 0)
+ cli();
+ ++_state.interrupt_depth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_state.interrupt_depth == 0)
+ return false;
+ --_state.interrupt_depth;
+ if (_state.interrupt_depth == 0)
+ sei();
+ }
+ return true;
+int main(void)
+ _delay_ms(INITIAL_DELAY);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ memset((void*)&_state, 0x00, sizeof(STATE));
+ debug_init();
+ debug_blink(1);
+ //debug_log("#"); // Will not boot if this is 21 chars long?!
+ debug_log("Hello world");
+ set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // SLEEP_MODE_PWR_SAVE combination is documented as Reserved
+ // FIXME: Init as SPI slave (FPGA is master)
+ // 8-bit timer for blinking errors on charge LED
+ TCCR0A = _BV(CTC0); // CTC mode
+ OCR0A = 244; // 250ms with 1024 prescale
+ TIMSK0 = _BV(OCIE0A); // Enable CTC on Timer 0
+ bool init_result = power_init();
+ debug_log_ex("Init", false);
+ _debug_log(init_result ? "+" : "-");
+ debug_blink(2);
+ //debug_blink_rev(6);
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ power_on(); // Turn on immediately. Need to de-press power button to turn off.
+ debug_log("Power");
+ debug_blink(3);
+ //debug_blink_rev(10);
+ //debug_wait();
+#endif // AUTO_POWER_ON
+ _state.interrupts_enabled = true;
+ sei(); // Enable interrupts
+ asm("nop");
+ _state.wake_up = false; // This will fire the first time the regs are turned on
+ bool one_more = false;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ one_more = false;
+#ifdef CHARGER_TI
+ if (_state.bq24190_irq)
+ {
+ bq24190_handle_irq();
+ _state.bq24190_irq = false;
+ }
+ if ((_state.ltc4155_irq)/* || ltc4155_has_interrupt()*/) // [Don't know why PCINT ISR misses LTC4155 IRQ on power up, so double-check state of line]
+ {
+ ltc4155_handle_irq();
+ _state.ltc4155_irq = false;
+ }
+#endif // !CHARGER_TI
+ if (_state.core_power_bad) // FIXME: Check whether it's supposed to be on
+ {
+ if (power_is_subsys_on(PS_FPGA))
+ {
+ _delay_ms(1); // Seeing weird 120us drop in PGOOD during boot from flash (no apparent drop in 1.0V though)
+ if (tps54478_is_power_good() == false)
+ {
+ debug_log("ML:FPGA!");
+ //power_off();
+ _state.power_off = true;
+ /*while (_state.wake_up == false)
+ {
+ blink_error_sequence(1);
+ }*/
+ pmc_set_blink_error(BlinkError_FPGA_Power); // [If a blink error was set in power_off, this will supercede it]
+ }
+ }
+ _state.core_power_bad = false;
+ }
+ if ((_state.ltc3675_irq)/* || ltc3675_has_interrupt()*/) // This is fired on initial power up
+ {
+ debug_log("ML:3675+");
+ ltc3675_handle_irq();
+ if (ltc3675_is_power_good(ltc3675_get_last_status()) == false)
+ {
+ debug_log("ML:3675!");
+ //power_off();
+ _state.power_off = true;
+ }
+ _state.ltc3675_irq = false;
+ }
+ if (_state.power_off)
+ {
+ debug_log("ML:Off..");
+ power_off();
+ _state.power_off = false;
+ _state.wake_up = false;
+ }
+ else if (_state.wake_up)
+ {
+ _delay_ms(1); // Tapping 3.1 ohm load ing 4155 in dev setup causes transient on this line and causes power on sequence to begin again
+ //if (_state.powered == false) // Don't check in case button is held long enough to force LTC3675 shutdown (will not change 'powered' value)
+ if (ltc3675_is_waking_up())
+ {
+ debug_log("ML:On..");
+ power_on();
+ }
+ _state.wake_up = false;
+ }
+ // Check to see if the error state has resolved itself at the end of each sequence of the current blink error
+ if ((_state.blink_error != BlinkError_None) && (_state.blink_last_loop != _state.blink_loops))
+ {
+ // [Check IRQs periodically]
+ bool ltc3675_use_last_status = false;
+ /*if (ltc3675_has_interrupt())
+ {
+ //debug_set(IO_PB(6), ((_state.blink_loops % 2) == 0));
+ ltc3675_use_last_status = true;
+ ltc3675_handle_irq();
+ }*/
+ ///////////////////////////
+ switch (_state.blink_error)
+ {
+ case BlinkError_LTC3675_UnderVoltage:
+ case BlinkError_LTC3675_OverTemperature:
+ case BlinkError_DRAM_Power:
+ case BlinkError_3_3V_Peripherals_Power:
+ case BlinkError_1_8V_Peripherals_Power:
+ case BlinkError_TX_Power:
+ if (((ltc3675_use_last_status) && (ltc3675_status_to_error(ltc3675_get_last_status()) != BlinkError_None)) ||
+ ((ltc3675_use_last_status == false) && (ltc3675_check_status() != BlinkError_None)))
+ break;
+ debug_log("BE:3675-");
+ goto cancel_blink_error;
+ case BlinkError_FPGA_Power:
+ if (tps54478_is_power_good() == false)
+ break;
+ debug_log("BE:FPGA-");
+ goto cancel_blink_error;
+ default:
+ //debug_set(IO_PB(7), true);
+ pmc_set_blink_error(BlinkError_None);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ // More periodic checks
+ // Need to do this has some interrupts are on PCINT, and while GIE is disabled, might change & change back
+ // E.g. LTC3675 IRQ due to UV, reset IRQ, re-asserts UV
+#ifndef CHARGER_TI
+ if (ltc4155_has_interrupt())
+ {
+ debug_log("BE:4155");
+ _state.ltc4155_irq = true;
+ one_more = true;
+ }
+#endif // !CHARGER_TI
+ if (ltc3675_has_interrupt())
+ {
+ debug_log("BE:3675");
+ _state.ltc3675_irq = true;
+ one_more = true;
+ }
+ if (power_is_subsys_on(PS_FPGA))
+ {
+ if (tps54478_is_power_good() == false)
+ {
+ debug_log("BE:FPGA!");
+ _state.core_power_bad = true;
+ one_more = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ _state.blink_last_loop = _state.blink_loops;
+ }
+ //if (_state.timers_running == false)
+ if ((_state.active_timers == 0) && (one_more == false))
+ {
+ debug_log("^");
+ sleep_mode();
+ debug_log("$");
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+uint8_t pmc_get_blink_error(void)
+ return _state.blink_error;
+void pmc_set_blink_error(uint8_t count)
+ if ((_state.blink_error != BlinkError_None) && (count /*> _state.blink_error*/!= BlinkError_None)) // [Prioritise] Always keep first sequence running
+ return;
+ else if (_state.blink_error == count) // Don't restart if the same
+ return;
+ if (count == BlinkError_None)
+ {
+ debug_log("BLNK-");
+ _state.blink_stop = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ //char msg[25];
+ //sprintf(msg, "Blink code = %i\n", count);
+ //debug_log(msg);
+ debug_log_ex("BLNK ", false);
+ debug_log_byte(count);
+ _state.blink_error = count;
+ _state.blink_loops = 0;
+ _state.blink_last_loop = 0;
+ _state.blinker_state = 0;
+ _state.blink_stop = false;
+ charge_set_led(false);
+ TCNT0 = 0;
+ if ((TCCR0A & 0x07) == 0x00) // Might already be active with existing error
+ _state.active_timers++;
+ TCCR0A |= 0x05; // Start with 1024 prescale
+ISR(TIMER0_COMPA_vect) // Blink the sequence, and leave one slot at the beginning and end where the LED is off so one can get a sense of how many blinks occurred
+ pmc_mask_irqs(true);
+ if (_state.blinker_state < (2 * _state.blink_error + 1))
+ charge_set_led((_state.blinker_state % 2) == 1);
+ _state.blinker_state++;
+ if (_state.blinker_state == (2 * _state.blink_error + 1 + 1))
+ {
+ _state.blinker_state = 0;
+ if (_state.blink_stop)
+ {
+ if ((TCCR0A & 0x07) != 0x00)
+ _state.active_timers--;
+ TCCR0A &= ~0x07;
+ _state.blink_error = BlinkError_None;
+ debug_log("BLNK.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _state.blink_loops++;
+ }
+ }
+ pmc_mask_irqs(false);