path: root/control_lib/buffer_pool.v
diff options
authorJohnathan Corgan <jcorgan@corganenterprises.com>2009-08-31 12:08:30 -0700
committerJohnathan Corgan <jcorgan@corganenterprises.com>2009-08-31 12:08:30 -0700
commit91636cbac2b3edfba45321f1050d0b90b34ab696 (patch)
tree881275cf214d4cebcc122c60905510f3e6a5226c /control_lib/buffer_pool.v
parentaa37ca0b3b716e23e51f04b6f199ecacf89fe479 (diff)
Merged SVN matt/new_eth r10782:11633 into new_eth
* svn diff http://gnuradio.org/svn/branches/developers/matt/new_eth -r10782:11633 * Patch applied with no conflicts or fuzz.
Diffstat (limited to 'control_lib/buffer_pool.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/control_lib/buffer_pool.v b/control_lib/buffer_pool.v
index 969296230..e69de29bb 100644
--- a/control_lib/buffer_pool.v
+++ b/control_lib/buffer_pool.v
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-// Buffer pool. Contains 8 buffers, each 2K (512 by 32). Each buffer
-// is a dual-ported RAM. Port A on each of them is indirectly connected
-// to the wishbone bus by a bridge. Port B may be connected any one of the
-// 8 (4 rd, 4 wr) FIFO-like streaming interaces, or disconnected. The wishbone bus
-// provides access to all 8 buffers, and also controls the connections
-// between the ports and the buffers, allocating them as needed.
-// wb_adr is 16 bits --
-// bits 13:11 select which buffer
-// bits 10:2 select line in buffer
-// bits 1:0 are unused (32-bit access only)
-module buffer_pool
- (input wb_clk_i,
- input wb_rst_i,
- input wb_we_i,
- input wb_stb_i,
- input [15:0] wb_adr_i,
- input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
- output [31:0] wb_dat_o,
- output reg wb_ack_o,
- output wb_err_o,
- output wb_rty_o,
- input stream_clk,
- input stream_rst,
- input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data,
- output [31:0] status,
- output sys_int_o,
- output [31:0] s0, output [31:0] s1, output [31:0] s2, output [31:0] s3,
- output [31:0] s4, output [31:0] s5, output [31:0] s6, output [31:0] s7,
- // Write Interfaces
- input [31:0] wr0_dat_i, input wr0_write_i, input wr0_done_i, input wr0_error_i, output wr0_ready_o, output wr0_full_o,
- input [31:0] wr1_dat_i, input wr1_write_i, input wr1_done_i, input wr1_error_i, output wr1_ready_o, output wr1_full_o,
- input [31:0] wr2_dat_i, input wr2_write_i, input wr2_done_i, input wr2_error_i, output wr2_ready_o, output wr2_full_o,
- input [31:0] wr3_dat_i, input wr3_write_i, input wr3_done_i, input wr3_error_i, output wr3_ready_o, output wr3_full_o,
- // Read Interfaces
- output [31:0] rd0_dat_o, input rd0_read_i, input rd0_done_i, input rd0_error_i, output rd0_sop_o, output rd0_eop_o,
- output [31:0] rd1_dat_o, input rd1_read_i, input rd1_done_i, input rd1_error_i, output rd1_sop_o, output rd1_eop_o,
- output [31:0] rd2_dat_o, input rd2_read_i, input rd2_done_i, input rd2_error_i, output rd2_sop_o, output rd2_eop_o,
- output [31:0] rd3_dat_o, input rd3_read_i, input rd3_done_i, input rd3_error_i, output rd3_sop_o, output rd3_eop_o
- );
- wire [7:0] sel_a;
- wire [2:0] which_buf = wb_adr_i[13:11]; // address 15:14 selects the buffer pool
- wire [8:0] buf_addra = wb_adr_i[10:2]; // ignore address 1:0, 32-bit access only
- decoder_3_8 dec(.sel(which_buf),.res(sel_a));
- genvar i;
- wire go;
- reg [2:0] port[0:7];
- reg [3:0] read_src[0:3];
- reg [3:0] write_src[0:3];
- wire [7:0] done;
- wire [7:0] error;
- wire [7:0] idle;
- wire [31:0] buf_doa[0:7];
- wire [7:0] buf_enb;
- wire [7:0] buf_web;
- wire [8:0] buf_addrb[0:7];
- wire [31:0] buf_dib[0:7];
- wire [31:0] buf_dob[0:7];
- wire [31:0] wr_dat_i[0:7];
- wire [7:0] wr_write_i;
- wire [7:0] wr_done_i;
- wire [7:0] wr_error_i;
- wire [7:0] wr_ready_o;
- wire [7:0] wr_full_o;
- wire [31:0] rd_dat_o[0:7];
- wire [7:0] rd_read_i;
- wire [7:0] rd_done_i;
- wire [7:0] rd_error_i;
- wire [7:0] rd_sop_o;
- wire [7:0] rd_eop_o;
- assign status = {8'd0,idle[7:0],error[7:0],done[7:0]};
- assign s0 = {23'd0,buf_addrb[0]};
- assign s1 = {23'd0,buf_addrb[1]};
- assign s2 = {23'd0,buf_addrb[2]};
- assign s3 = {23'd0,buf_addrb[3]};
- assign s4 = {23'd0,buf_addrb[4]};
- assign s5 = {23'd0,buf_addrb[5]};
- assign s6 = {23'd0,buf_addrb[6]};
- assign s7 = {23'd0,buf_addrb[7]};
- wire [31:0] fifo_ctrl;
- setting_reg #(.my_addr(64))
- sreg(.clk(stream_clk),.rst(stream_rst),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr),.in(set_data),
- .out(fifo_ctrl),.changed(go));
- integer k;
- always @(posedge stream_clk)
- if(stream_rst)
- for(k=0;k<8;k=k+1)
- port[k] <= 4; // disabled
- else
- for(k=0;k<8;k=k+1)
- if(go & (fifo_ctrl[31:28]==k))
- port[k] <= fifo_ctrl[27:25];
- always @(posedge stream_clk)
- if(stream_rst)
- for(k=0;k<4;k=k+1)
- read_src[k] <= 8; // disabled
- else
- for(k=0;k<4;k=k+1)
- if(go & fifo_ctrl[22] & (fifo_ctrl[27:25]==k))
- read_src[k] <= fifo_ctrl[31:28];
- always @(posedge stream_clk)
- if(stream_rst)
- for(k=0;k<4;k=k+1)
- write_src[k] <= 8; // disabled
- else
- for(k=0;k<4;k=k+1)
- if(go & fifo_ctrl[23] & (fifo_ctrl[27:25]==k))
- write_src[k] <= fifo_ctrl[31:28];
- generate
- for(i=0;i<8;i=i+1)
- begin : gen_buffer
- RAMB16_S36_S36 dpram
- (.DOA(buf_doa[i]),.ADDRA(buf_addra),.CLKA(wb_clk_i),.DIA(wb_dat_i),.DIPA(4'h0),
- .ENA(wb_stb_i & sel_a[i]),.SSRA(0),.WEA(wb_we_i),
- .DOB(buf_dob[i]),.ADDRB(buf_addrb[i]),.CLKB(stream_clk),.DIB(buf_dib[i]),.DIPB(4'h0),
- .ENB(buf_enb[i]),.SSRB(0),.WEB(buf_web[i]) );
- /* ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(32),.AWIDTH(9)) buffer
- (.clka(wb_clk_i),.ena(wb_stb_i & sel_a[i]),.wea(wb_we_i),
- .addra(buf_addra),.dia(wb_dat_i),.doa(buf_doa[i]),
- .clkb(stream_clk),.enb(buf_enb[i]),.web(buf_web[i]),
- .addrb(buf_addrb[i]),.dib(buf_dib[i]),.dob(buf_dob[i])); */
- buffer_int #(.BUFF_NUM(i)) fifo_int
- (.clk(stream_clk),.rst(stream_rst),
- .ctrl_word(fifo_ctrl),.go(go & (fifo_ctrl[31:28]==i)),
- .done(done[i]),.error(error[i]),.idle(idle[i]),
- .en_o(buf_enb[i]),
- .we_o(buf_web[i]),
- .addr_o(buf_addrb[i]),
- .dat_to_buf(buf_dib[i]),
- .dat_from_buf(buf_dob[i]),
- .wr_dat_i(wr_dat_i[i]),
- .wr_write_i(wr_write_i[i]),
- .wr_done_i(wr_done_i[i]),
- .wr_error_i(wr_error_i[i]),
- .wr_ready_o(wr_ready_o[i]),
- .wr_full_o(wr_full_o[i]),
- .rd_dat_o(rd_dat_o[i]),
- .rd_read_i(rd_read_i[i]),
- .rd_done_i(rd_done_i[i]),
- .rd_error_i(rd_error_i[i]),
- .rd_sop_o(rd_sop_o[i]),
- .rd_eop_o(rd_eop_o[i])
- );
- // FIXME -- if it is a problem, maybe we don't need enables on these muxes
- mux4 #(.WIDTH(32))
- mux4_dat_i (.en(~port[i][2]),.sel(port[i][1:0]),.i0(wr0_dat_i),.i1(wr1_dat_i),
- .i2(wr2_dat_i),.i3(wr3_dat_i),.o(wr_dat_i[i]));
- mux4 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux4_write_i (.en(~port[i][2]),.sel(port[i][1:0]),.i0(wr0_write_i),.i1(wr1_write_i),
- .i2(wr2_write_i),.i3(wr3_write_i),.o(wr_write_i[i]));
- mux4 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux4_wrdone_i (.en(~port[i][2]),.sel(port[i][1:0]),.i0(wr0_done_i),.i1(wr1_done_i),
- .i2(wr2_done_i),.i3(wr3_done_i),.o(wr_done_i[i]));
- mux4 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux4_wrerror_i (.en(~port[i][2]),.sel(port[i][1:0]),.i0(wr0_error_i),.i1(wr1_error_i),
- .i2(wr2_error_i),.i3(wr3_error_i),.o(wr_error_i[i]));
- mux4 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux4_read_i (.en(~port[i][2]),.sel(port[i][1:0]),.i0(rd0_read_i),.i1(rd1_read_i),
- .i2(rd2_read_i),.i3(rd3_read_i),.o(rd_read_i[i]));
- mux4 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux4_rddone_i (.en(~port[i][2]),.sel(port[i][1:0]),.i0(rd0_done_i),.i1(rd1_done_i),
- .i2(rd2_done_i),.i3(rd3_done_i),.o(rd_done_i[i]));
- mux4 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux4_rderror_i (.en(~port[i][2]),.sel(port[i][1:0]),.i0(rd0_error_i),.i1(rd1_error_i),
- .i2(rd2_error_i),.i3(rd3_error_i),.o(rd_error_i[i]));
- end // block: gen_buffer
- endgenerate
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Wishbone Outputs
- // Use the following lines if ram output and mux can be made fast enough
- assign wb_err_o = 1'b0; // Unused for now
- assign wb_rty_o = 1'b0; // Unused for now
- always @(posedge wb_clk_i)
- wb_ack_o <= wb_stb_i & ~wb_ack_o;
- assign wb_dat_o = buf_doa[which_buf];
- // Use this if we can't make the RAM+MUX fast enough
- // reg [31:0] wb_dat_o_reg;
- // reg stb_d1;
- // always @(posedge wb_clk_i)
- // begin
- // wb_dat_o_reg <= buf_doa[which_buf];
- // stb_d1 <= wb_stb_i;
- // wb_ack_o <= (stb_d1 & ~wb_ack_o) | (wb_we_i & wb_stb_i);
- // end
- //assign wb_dat_o = wb_dat_o_reg;
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr_ready0(.en(~write_src[0][3]),.sel(write_src[0][2:0]), .i0(wr_ready_o[0]), .i1(wr_ready_o[1]),
- .i2(wr_ready_o[2]), .i3(wr_ready_o[3]), .i4(wr_ready_o[4]),
- .i5(wr_ready_o[5]), .i6(wr_ready_o[6]), .i7(wr_ready_o[7]),.o(wr0_ready_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr_full0(.en(~write_src[0][3]),.sel(write_src[0][2:0]), .i0(wr_full_o[0]), .i1(wr_full_o[1]),
- .i2(wr_full_o[2]), .i3(wr_full_o[3]), .i4(wr_full_o[4]),
- .i5(wr_full_o[5]), .i6(wr_full_o[6]), .i7(wr_full_o[7]),.o(wr0_full_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr_ready1(.en(~write_src[1][3]),.sel(write_src[1][2:0]), .i0(wr_ready_o[0]), .i1(wr_ready_o[1]),
- .i2(wr_ready_o[2]), .i3(wr_ready_o[3]), .i4(wr_ready_o[4]),
- .i5(wr_ready_o[5]), .i6(wr_ready_o[6]), .i7(wr_ready_o[7]),.o(wr1_ready_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr_full1(.en(~write_src[1][3]),.sel(write_src[1][2:0]), .i0(wr_full_o[0]), .i1(wr_full_o[1]),
- .i2(wr_full_o[2]), .i3(wr_full_o[3]), .i4(wr_full_o[4]),
- .i5(wr_full_o[5]), .i6(wr_full_o[6]), .i7(wr_full_o[7]),.o(wr1_full_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr_ready2(.en(~write_src[2][3]),.sel(write_src[2][2:0]), .i0(wr_ready_o[0]), .i1(wr_ready_o[1]),
- .i2(wr_ready_o[2]), .i3(wr_ready_o[3]), .i4(wr_ready_o[4]),
- .i5(wr_ready_o[5]), .i6(wr_ready_o[6]), .i7(wr_ready_o[7]),.o(wr2_ready_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr_full2(.en(~write_src[2][3]),.sel(write_src[2][2:0]), .i0(wr_full_o[0]), .i1(wr_full_o[1]),
- .i2(wr_full_o[2]), .i3(wr_full_o[3]), .i4(wr_full_o[4]),
- .i5(wr_full_o[5]), .i6(wr_full_o[6]), .i7(wr_full_o[7]),.o(wr2_full_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr_ready3(.en(~write_src[3][3]),.sel(write_src[3][2:0]), .i0(wr_ready_o[0]), .i1(wr_ready_o[1]),
- .i2(wr_ready_o[2]), .i3(wr_ready_o[3]), .i4(wr_ready_o[4]),
- .i5(wr_ready_o[5]), .i6(wr_ready_o[6]), .i7(wr_ready_o[7]),.o(wr3_ready_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr_full3(.en(~write_src[3][3]),.sel(write_src[3][2:0]), .i0(wr_full_o[0]), .i1(wr_full_o[1]),
- .i2(wr_full_o[2]), .i3(wr_full_o[3]), .i4(wr_full_o[4]),
- .i5(wr_full_o[5]), .i6(wr_full_o[6]), .i7(wr_full_o[7]),.o(wr3_full_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_rd_sop0(.en(~read_src[0][3]),.sel(read_src[0][2:0]), .i0(rd_sop_o[0]), .i1(rd_sop_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_sop_o[2]), .i3(rd_sop_o[3]), .i4(rd_sop_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_sop_o[5]), .i6(rd_sop_o[6]), .i7(rd_sop_o[7]),.o(rd0_sop_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_rd_eop0(.en(~read_src[0][3]),.sel(read_src[0][2:0]), .i0(rd_eop_o[0]), .i1(rd_eop_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_eop_o[2]), .i3(rd_eop_o[3]), .i4(rd_eop_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_eop_o[5]), .i6(rd_eop_o[6]), .i7(rd_eop_o[7]),.o(rd0_eop_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(32))
- mux8_rd_dat_0 (.en(~read_src[0][3]),.sel(read_src[0][2:0]), .i0(rd_dat_o[0]), .i1(rd_dat_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_dat_o[2]), .i3(rd_dat_o[3]), .i4(rd_dat_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_dat_o[5]), .i6(rd_dat_o[6]), .i7(rd_dat_o[7]),.o(rd0_dat_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_rd_sop1(.en(~read_src[1][3]),.sel(read_src[1][2:0]), .i0(rd_sop_o[0]), .i1(rd_sop_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_sop_o[2]), .i3(rd_sop_o[3]), .i4(rd_sop_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_sop_o[5]), .i6(rd_sop_o[6]), .i7(rd_sop_o[7]),.o(rd1_sop_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_rd_eop1(.en(~read_src[1][3]),.sel(read_src[1][2:0]), .i0(rd_eop_o[0]), .i1(rd_eop_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_eop_o[2]), .i3(rd_eop_o[3]), .i4(rd_eop_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_eop_o[5]), .i6(rd_eop_o[6]), .i7(rd_eop_o[7]),.o(rd1_eop_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(32))
- mux8_rd_dat_1 (.en(~read_src[1][3]),.sel(read_src[1][2:0]), .i0(rd_dat_o[0]), .i1(rd_dat_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_dat_o[2]), .i3(rd_dat_o[3]), .i4(rd_dat_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_dat_o[5]), .i6(rd_dat_o[6]), .i7(rd_dat_o[7]),.o(rd1_dat_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_rd_sop2(.en(~read_src[2][3]),.sel(read_src[2][2:0]), .i0(rd_sop_o[0]), .i1(rd_sop_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_sop_o[2]), .i3(rd_sop_o[3]), .i4(rd_sop_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_sop_o[5]), .i6(rd_sop_o[6]), .i7(rd_sop_o[7]),.o(rd2_sop_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_rd_eop2(.en(~read_src[2][3]),.sel(read_src[2][2:0]), .i0(rd_eop_o[0]), .i1(rd_eop_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_eop_o[2]), .i3(rd_eop_o[3]), .i4(rd_eop_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_eop_o[5]), .i6(rd_eop_o[6]), .i7(rd_eop_o[7]),.o(rd2_eop_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(32))
- mux8_rd_dat_2 (.en(~read_src[2][3]),.sel(read_src[2][2:0]), .i0(rd_dat_o[0]), .i1(rd_dat_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_dat_o[2]), .i3(rd_dat_o[3]), .i4(rd_dat_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_dat_o[5]), .i6(rd_dat_o[6]), .i7(rd_dat_o[7]),.o(rd2_dat_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_rd_sop3(.en(~read_src[3][3]),.sel(read_src[3][2:0]), .i0(rd_sop_o[0]), .i1(rd_sop_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_sop_o[2]), .i3(rd_sop_o[3]), .i4(rd_sop_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_sop_o[5]), .i6(rd_sop_o[6]), .i7(rd_sop_o[7]),.o(rd3_sop_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_rd_eop3(.en(~read_src[3][3]),.sel(read_src[3][2:0]), .i0(rd_eop_o[0]), .i1(rd_eop_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_eop_o[2]), .i3(rd_eop_o[3]), .i4(rd_eop_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_eop_o[5]), .i6(rd_eop_o[6]), .i7(rd_eop_o[7]),.o(rd3_eop_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(32))
- mux8_rd_dat_3 (.en(~read_src[3][3]),.sel(read_src[3][2:0]), .i0(rd_dat_o[0]), .i1(rd_dat_o[1]),
- .i2(rd_dat_o[2]), .i3(rd_dat_o[3]), .i4(rd_dat_o[4]),
- .i5(rd_dat_o[5]), .i6(rd_dat_o[6]), .i7(rd_dat_o[7]),.o(rd3_dat_o));
- assign sys_int_o = (|error) | (|done);
-endmodule // buffer_pool