diff options
authorAndrew Moch <Andrew.Moch@ni.com>2020-03-11 19:39:06 +0100
committerWade Fife <wade.fife@ettus.com>2020-03-20 10:34:59 -0500
commitb296b26053d4437b8ae97e3df415a3d041b7b51e (patch)
parent07b85b6dcc6e84f42da3579b65692a3d4ba04e38 (diff)
fpga: tools: Add modelsim to make sim targets
This adds a simulation make target that allows you to run ModelSim natively rather than through Vivado. Adds or modifies the following simulation make targets: make vlint - Brake up compilation to Verilog/SystemVerilog/VHDL make modelsim - Depends on make vlint and invokes modelsim Adds the following variables: MODELSIM_ARGS - Added to invocation of ModelSim SVLOG_ARGS - Added to SystemVerilog invocation of vlog VLOG_ARGS - Added to Verilog invocation of vlog VHDL_ARGS - Added to VHDL invocation of vcom
4 files changed, 127 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/docs/usrp3/sim/running_testbenches.md b/fpga/docs/usrp3/sim/running_testbenches.md
index 2e2068e5e..4afd66fe0 100644
--- a/fpga/docs/usrp3/sim/running_testbenches.md
+++ b/fpga/docs/usrp3/sim/running_testbenches.md
@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ all supported simulator targets. Currently, the following targets will work:
cleanall: Cleanup everything!
xsim: Run the simulation using the Xilinx Vivado Simulator
xclean: Cleanup Xilinx Vivado Simulator intermediate files
- vsim: Run the simulation using Modelsim
- vclean: Cleanup Modelsim intermediate files
+ vsim: Run the simulation using ModelSim simulator via Vivado
+ modelsim: Runs the simulation using ModelSim without Vivado
+ vclean: Cleanup ModelSim intermediate files
## Using Xilinx Vivado XSim
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/tools/make/viv_sim_preamble.mak b/fpga/usrp3/tools/make/viv_sim_preamble.mak
index 47ad153f4..afeca0b3c 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/tools/make/viv_sim_preamble.mak
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/tools/make/viv_sim_preamble.mak
@@ -9,11 +9,16 @@ SIM_RUNTIME_US = 1000000000
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup simulation
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define part using PART_ID (<device>/<package>/<speedgrade>)
# and architecture (zynq, kintex7, or artix7)
-# User can override these if needed
-ARCH = kintex7
-PART_ID = xc7k410t/ffg900/-2
+# Most simulations are part agnostic, but the user can override
+# these if needed in the makefile in the simulation directory
+# TODO : Update to set from setupenv.sh
+ARCH ?= kintex7
+PART_ID ?= xc7k410t/ffg900/-2
# Include makefiles and sources for the DUT and its dependencies
include $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/sim/Makefile.srcs
@@ -36,14 +41,18 @@ $(SIM_RFNOC_SRCS) \
# Predeclare RFNOC_OOT_SRCS to make sure it's not recursively expanded
+# Debug target
+ env
+ @echo "ARCH=$(ARCH)"
+ @echo "PART_ID=$(PART_ID)"
$(error "all" or "<empty>" is not a valid target. Run make help for a list of supported targets.)
@rm -rf $(abspath ./build-ip)
-cleanall: ipclean clean
@echo "-----------------"
@echo "Supported Targets"
@@ -51,10 +60,7 @@ help::
@echo "ipclean: Cleanup all IP intermediate files"
@echo "clean: Cleanup all simulator intermediate files"
@echo "cleanall: Cleanup everything!"
- @echo "vsim: Simulate with Modelsim"
- @echo "vlint: Lint simulation files with Modelsim's Verilog compiler"
- @echo "vclean: Cleanup Modelsim's intermediates files"
- @echo "xsim: Simulate with Vivado's XSIM simulator"
- @echo "xclean: Cleanup Vivado's XSIM intermediate files"
+cleanall: ipclean clean
.PHONY: ipclean cleanall help
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/tools/make/viv_simulator.mak b/fpga/usrp3/tools/make/viv_simulator.mak
index add3e651d..3ee4a727c 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/tools/make/viv_simulator.mak
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/tools/make/viv_simulator.mak
@@ -28,12 +28,62 @@ PART_NAME=$(subst /,,$(PART_ID))
# Args: $1 = Simulator Name
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Resolve path
+# (NOQ) No quotes!
+NOQ_DESIGN_SRCS := $(subst $\",,$(EXP_DESIGN_SRCS))
+NOQ_SIM_SRCS := $(subst $\",,$(EXP_SIM_SRCS))
+NOQ_INC_SRCS := $(subst $\",,$(EXP_INC_SRCS))
+# Separate out VHDL
+NOQ_DESIGN_VHDL := $(filter %.vhd,$(NOQ_DESIGN_SRCS))
+NOQ_SIM_VHDL := $(filter %.vhd,$(NOQ_SIM_SRCS))
+# Separate out System Verilog
+NOQ_DESIGN_SV := $(filter %.sv,$(NOQ_DESIGN_SRCS))
+NOQ_SIM_SV := $(filter %.sv,$(NOQ_SIM_SRCS))
+# Fetch packages from include list to compile
+NOQ_PKG_SV := $(filter %.sv,$(NOQ_INC_SRCS))
+# Seperate out Verilog
+NOQ_INC_DIRS := $(sort $(dir $(NOQ_INC_SRCS)))
+NOQ_SIM_VERILOG := $(filter %.v,$(NOQ_SIM_SRCS))
+# Modelsim Load libraries
+MODELSIM_LIBS += unisims_ver
+# Arguments for various simulators
+MODELSIM_ARGS += -quiet
+SVLOG_ARGS += -quiet
+SVLOG_ARGS += +define+WORKING_DIR="\"${CURDIR}\""
+VLOG_ARGS += -quiet
+VLOG_ARGS += +define+WORKING_DIR="\"${CURDIR}\""
+VHDL_ARGS += -quiet
+# Working directory for standalone ModelSim execution
+MODELSIM_PROJ_DIR ?= modelsim_proj
+# Check if we want to load the ModelSim GUI
+ifeq ($(GUI), 1)
+ MODELSIM_ARGS += -do "run -all"
+ MODELSIM_ARGS += -c -do "run -all; quit -f"
@ \
export VIV_SIMULATOR=$1; \
- export VIV_SIM_SRCS=$(call RESOLVE_PATHS,$(SIM_SRCS)); \
- export VIV_INC_SRCS=$(call RESOLVE_PATHS,$(INC_SRCS)); \
+ export VIV_SIM_SRCS=$(EXP_SIM_SRCS); \
+ export VIV_INC_SRCS=$(EXP_INC_SRCS); \
export VIV_SIM_TOP=$(SIM_TOP); \
export VIV_SYNTH_TOP="$(SYNTH_DUT)"; \
@@ -61,20 +111,51 @@ xclean:
@rm -f xvlog.pb
@rm -f vivado_pid*.str
-##vsim: Run the simulation using Modelsim
+##vsim: Run the simulation using ModelSim (via vivado)
vsim: .check_tool $(COMPLIBDIR) $(DESIGN_SRCS) $(SIM_SRCS) $(INC_SRCS)
-##vlint: Run verilog compiler to lint files.
-vlint: .check_tool
- @vlog $(SIM_SRCS) +incdir+$(BASE_DIR)/../sim/axi +incdir+$(BASE_DIR)/../sim/general +incdir+$(BASE_DIR)/../sim/control +incdir+$(BASE_DIR)/../sim/rfnoc +incdir+$(BASE_DIR)/../lib/rfnoc
+##modelsim: Run the simulation using Modelsim (natively)
+modelsim: .check_tool vlint
+ cd $(MODELSIM_PROJ_DIR) && vsim $(MODELSIM_ARGS) $(foreach lib,$(MODELSIM_LIBS),-L $(lib)) $(SIM_TOP)
-##vclean: Cleanup Modelsim intermediate files
+# NOTE: VHDL files require a correct compile order. This script compiles files
+# in the order they are defined in $(DESIGN_SRC), then $SIM_SRC)
+##vlint: Run ModelSim compiler to lint files.
+vlint: .check_tool $(COMPLIBDIR) $(DESIGN_SRCS) $(SIM_SRCS) $(INC_SRCS)
+ $(shell mkdir -p ./modelsim_proj)
+ $(file >modelsim_proj/svlogarglist.txt,/* Auto generated argument file for vlog -sv */)
+ $(file >>modelsim_proj/svlogarglist.txt,-sv)
+ $(foreach dir,$(NOQ_INC_DIRS), $(file >>modelsim_proj/svlogarglist.txt,+incdir+$(dir)))
+ $(foreach src,$(NOQ_PKG_SV), $(file >>modelsim_proj/svlogarglist.txt,$(src)))
+ $(foreach src,$(NOQ_SV), $(file >>modelsim_proj/svlogarglist.txt,$(src)))
+ $(file >modelsim_proj/vlogarglist.txt,/* Auto generated argument file for vlog */)
+ $(file >>modelsim_proj/vlogarglist.txt,-vlog01compat)
+ $(foreach dir,$(NOQ_INC_DIRS), $(file >>modelsim_proj/vlogarglist.txt,+incdir+$(dir)))
+ $(foreach src,$(NOQ_VERILOG), $(file >>modelsim_proj/vlogarglist.txt,$(src)))
+ $(file >modelsim_proj/vcomarglist.txt,/* Auto generated argument file for vcom */)
+ $(file >>modelsim_proj/vcomarglist.txt,-2008)
+ $(foreach src,$(NOQ_VHDL),$(file >>modelsim_proj/vcomarglist.txt,$(src)))
+ifneq ($(strip $(NOQ_SV)),)
+ cd $(MODELSIM_PROJ_DIR) && vlog $(SVLOG_ARGS) -f svlogarglist.txt
+ifneq ($(strip $(NOQ_VERILOG)),)
+ @echo "*** COMPILING VERILOG ***"
+ cd $(MODELSIM_PROJ_DIR) && vlog $(VLOG_ARGS) -f vlogarglist.txt
+ifneq ($(strip $(NOQ_VHDL)),)
+ @echo "*** COMPILING VHDL ***"
+ cd $(MODELSIM_PROJ_DIR) && vcom $(VHDL_ARGS) -f vcomarglist.txt
+##vclean: Cleanup ModelSim intermediate files
@rm -f modelsim*.log
@rm -rf modelsim_proj
@rm -f vivado_pid*.str
- @rm -rf work
# Use clean with :: to support allow "make clean" to work with multiple makefiles
clean:: xclean vclean
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/tools/scripts/viv_sim_project.tcl b/fpga/usrp3/tools/scripts/viv_sim_project.tcl
index f2d071f10..b524e332c 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/tools/scripts/viv_sim_project.tcl
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/tools/scripts/viv_sim_project.tcl
@@ -125,21 +125,25 @@ if [expr [string equal $simulator "Modelsim"] == 1] {
# Launch simulation
-# Synthesize requested modules
-foreach synth_top "$::env(VIV_SYNTH_TOP)" {
- set_property top $synth_top [current_fileset]
- synth_design -mode out_of_context
- # Perform a simple regex-based search for all clock signals and constrain
- # them to 500 MHz for the timing report.
- set clk_regexp "(?i)^(?!.*en.*).*(clk|clock).*"
- foreach clk_inst [get_ports -regexp $clk_regexp] {
- create_clock -name $clk_inst -period 2.0 [get_ports $clk_inst]
- }
- report_utilization -no_primitives -file ${working_dir}/${synth_top}_synth.rpt
- report_timing_summary -setup -max_paths 3 -unique_pins -no_header -append -file ${working_dir}/${synth_top}_synth.rpt
- write_checkpoint -force ${working_dir}/${synth_top}_synth.dcp
+if { [info exists ::env(VIV_SYNTH_TOP)] } {
+ puts "BUILDER: Synthesizing"
+ # Synthesize requested modules
+ foreach synth_top "$::env(VIV_SYNTH_TOP)" {
+ set_property top $synth_top [current_fileset]
+ synth_design -mode out_of_context
+ # Perform a simple regex-based search for all clock signals and constrain
+ # them to 500 MHz for the timing report.
+ set clk_regexp "(?i)^(?!.*en.*).*(clk|clock).*"
+ foreach clk_inst [get_ports -regexp $clk_regexp] {
+ create_clock -name $clk_inst -period 2.0 [get_ports $clk_inst]
+ }
+ report_utilization -no_primitives -file ${working_dir}/${synth_top}_synth.rpt
+ report_timing_summary -setup -max_paths 3 -unique_pins -no_header -append -file ${working_dir}/${synth_top}_synth.rpt
+ write_checkpoint -force ${working_dir}/${synth_top}_synth.dcp
+ }
+} else {
+ puts "BUILDER: Skipping resource report because VIV_SYNTH_TOP is not set"
# Close project
if [string equal $vivado_mode "batch"] {
puts "BUILDER: Closing project"