diff options
authorJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2010-12-12 17:54:04 -0800
committerJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2010-12-12 17:54:04 -0800
commitab9edbfbcb065b3ec380992b3b5836833ce92b4b (patch)
parentb6b5b7b65dca848322941c2df73d1b9f5b6ac907 (diff)
parent6c1d4ebdbd2229654976dd672a5433c300dc0d17 (diff)
Merge branch 'packet_router' into zpu
Conflicts: usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_core.v
15 files changed, 383 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/fifo/dsp_framer36.v b/usrp2/fifo/dsp_framer36.v
index fbdc9fbd7..34a05d91e 100644
--- a/usrp2/fifo/dsp_framer36.v
+++ b/usrp2/fifo/dsp_framer36.v
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ module dsp_framer36
wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] dsp_frm_addr_next = dsp_frm_addr + 1'b1;
//DSP input stream ready in the following states
- assign inp_ready =
- (dsp_frm_state == DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_SOF)? 1'b1 : (
- (dsp_frm_state == DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_EOF)? 1'b1 : (
- 1'b0));
+ assign inp_ready = (
+ dsp_frm_state == DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_SOF ||
+ dsp_frm_state == DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_EOF
+ )? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
//DSP framer output data mux (header or BRAM):
//The header is generated here from the count.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module dsp_framer36
RAMB16_S36_S36 dsp_frm_buff(
//port A = DSP input interface (writes to BRAM)
- .ENA(inp_ready),.SSRA(0),.WEA(inp_ready),
+ .ENA(inp_ready & inp_valid),.SSRA(0),.WEA(inp_ready & inp_valid),
//port B = DSP framer interface (reads from BRAM)
.ENB(out_ready & out_valid),.SSRB(0),.WEB(1'b0)
diff --git a/usrp2/fifo/packet_router.v b/usrp2/fifo/packet_router.v
index 6cf022b11..9491d4346 100644
--- a/usrp2/fifo/packet_router.v
+++ b/usrp2/fifo/packet_router.v
@@ -88,9 +88,19 @@ module packet_router
+ //setting register to program the UDP ctrl ports
+ /*
+ wire [15:0] ctrl_udp_port, other_udp_port;
+ setting_reg #(.my_addr(CTRL_BASE+2)) sreg_ctrl_ports(
+ .clk(stream_clk),.rst(stream_rst),
+ .strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr),.in(set_data),
+ .out({other_udp_port, ctrl_udp_port}),.changed()
+ );
+ */
//setting register to program the UDP data ports
wire [15:0] dsp0_udp_port, dsp1_udp_port;
- setting_reg #(.my_addr(CTRL_BASE+2)) sreg_udp_ports(
+ setting_reg #(.my_addr(CTRL_BASE+3)) sreg_data_ports(
.out({dsp1_udp_port, dsp0_udp_port}),.changed()
@@ -99,7 +109,7 @@ module packet_router
//setting register for CPU output handshake
wire [31:0] _sreg_cpu_out_ctrl;
wire cpu_out_hs_ctrl = _sreg_cpu_out_ctrl[0];
- setting_reg #(.my_addr(CTRL_BASE+3)) sreg_cpu_out_ctrl(
+ setting_reg #(.my_addr(CTRL_BASE+4)) sreg_cpu_out_ctrl(
@@ -109,7 +119,7 @@ module packet_router
wire [31:0] _sreg_cpu_inp_ctrl;
wire cpu_inp_hs_ctrl = _sreg_cpu_inp_ctrl[0];
wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] cpu_inp_line_count = _sreg_cpu_inp_ctrl[BUF_SIZE-1+16:0+16];
- setting_reg #(.my_addr(CTRL_BASE+4)) sreg_cpu_inp_ctrl(
+ setting_reg #(.my_addr(CTRL_BASE+5)) sreg_cpu_inp_ctrl(
@@ -135,9 +145,9 @@ module packet_router
//streaming signals from the crossbar to the combiner
- wire [35:0] crs_inp_data;
- wire crs_inp_valid;
- wire crs_inp_ready;
+ wire [35:0] ext_inp_data;
+ wire ext_inp_valid;
+ wire ext_inp_ready;
//dummy signals for valve/xbar below
wire [35:0] _eth_inp_data;
@@ -155,7 +165,7 @@ module packet_router
.data0_i(_eth_inp_data), .src0_rdy_i(_eth_inp_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(_eth_inp_ready),
.data1_i(ser_inp_data), .src1_rdy_i(ser_inp_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(ser_inp_ready),
.data0_o(com_inp_data), .src0_rdy_o(com_inp_valid), .dst0_rdy_i(com_inp_ready),
- .data1_o(crs_inp_data), .src1_rdy_o(crs_inp_valid), .dst1_rdy_i(crs_inp_ready)
+ .data1_o(ext_inp_data), .src1_rdy_o(ext_inp_valid), .dst1_rdy_i(ext_inp_ready)
@@ -169,9 +179,9 @@ module packet_router
//streaming signals from the inspector to the crossbar
- wire [35:0] crs_out_data;
- wire crs_out_valid;
- wire crs_out_ready;
+ wire [35:0] ext_out_data;
+ wire ext_out_valid;
+ wire ext_out_ready;
//dummy signals for valve/xbar below
wire [35:0] _eth_out_data;
@@ -181,7 +191,7 @@ module packet_router
crossbar36 com_out_xbar (
.clk(stream_clk), .reset(stream_rst), .clear(stream_clr), .cross(~master_mode_flag),
.data0_i(com_out_data), .src0_rdy_i(com_out_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(com_out_ready),
- .data1_i(crs_out_data), .src1_rdy_i(crs_out_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(crs_out_ready),
+ .data1_i(ext_out_data), .src1_rdy_i(ext_out_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(ext_out_ready),
.data0_o(_eth_out_data), .src0_rdy_o(_eth_out_valid), .dst0_rdy_i(_eth_out_ready),
.data1_o(ser_out_data), .src1_rdy_o(ser_out_valid), .dst1_rdy_i(ser_out_ready)
@@ -196,8 +206,7 @@ module packet_router
// Communication output source combiner (feeds UDP proto machine)
// - DSP framer
// - CPU input
- // - Error input
- // - Crossbar input
+ // - ERR input
//streaming signals from the dsp framer to the combiner
@@ -244,13 +253,10 @@ module packet_router
assign cpu_out_line_count = cpu_out_addr;
wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] cpu_out_addr_next = cpu_out_addr + 1'b1;
- wire cpu_out_reading = (
+ assign cpu_out_ready = (
cpu_out_state == CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_SOF ||
cpu_out_state == CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_EOF
)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
- wire cpu_out_we = cpu_out_reading;
- assign cpu_out_ready = cpu_out_reading;
assign cpu_out_hs_stat = (cpu_out_state == CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
RAMB16_S36_S36 cpu_out_buff(
@@ -258,8 +264,8 @@ module packet_router
.ENA(wb_stb_i & (which_buf == 1'b0)),.SSRA(0),.WEA(wb_we_i),
//port B = packet router interface to CPU (input only)
- .DOB(),.ADDRB(cpu_out_addr),.CLKB(stream_clk),.DIB(cpu_out_data),.DIPB(4'h0),
- .ENB(cpu_out_we),.SSRB(0),.WEB(cpu_out_we)
+ .DOB(),.ADDRB(cpu_out_addr),.CLKB(stream_clk),.DIB(cpu_out_data[31:0]),.DIPB(4'h0),
+ .ENB(cpu_out_ready & cpu_out_valid),.SSRB(0),.WEB(cpu_out_ready & cpu_out_valid)
always @(posedge stream_clk)
@@ -319,6 +325,7 @@ module packet_router
(cpu_inp_addr == cpu_inp_line_count_reg)? 4'b0010 : (
+ wire cpu_inp_enb = (cpu_inp_state == CPU_INP_STATE_UNLOAD)? (cpu_inp_ready & cpu_inp_valid) : 1'b1;
assign cpu_inp_valid = (cpu_inp_state == CPU_INP_STATE_UNLOAD)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign cpu_inp_hs_stat = (cpu_inp_state == CPU_INP_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
@@ -328,7 +335,7 @@ module packet_router
.ENA(wb_stb_i & (which_buf == 1'b1)),.SSRA(0),.WEA(wb_we_i),
//port B = packet router interface from CPU (output only)
- .ENB(cpu_inp_ready & cpu_inp_valid),.SSRB(0),.WEB(1'b0)
+ .ENB(cpu_inp_enb),.SSRB(0),.WEB(1'b0)
always @(posedge stream_clk)
@@ -369,37 +376,42 @@ module packet_router
// Communication input inspector
- // - inspect com input and send it to CPU, DSP, or COM
+ // - inspect com input and send it to DSP, EXT, CPU, or BOTH
localparam COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM = 1;
- localparam COM_INSP_DEST_FP_THIS = 0;
- localparam COM_INSP_DEST_FP_OTHER = 1;
- localparam COM_INSP_DEST_SP_BOTH = 2;
+ localparam COM_INSP_DEST_DSP = 0;
+ localparam COM_INSP_DEST_EXT = 1;
+ localparam COM_INSP_DEST_CPU = 2;
+ localparam COM_INSP_DEST_BOF = 3;
localparam COM_INSP_MAX_NUM_DREGS = 13; //padded_eth + ip + udp + seq + vrt_hdr
localparam COM_INSP_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET = 11; //offset to start dsp at
//output inspector interfaces
- wire [35:0] com_insp_out_fp_this_data;
- wire com_insp_out_fp_this_valid;
- wire com_insp_out_fp_this_ready;
+ wire [35:0] com_insp_out_dsp_data;
+ wire com_insp_out_dsp_valid;
+ wire com_insp_out_dsp_ready;
+ wire [35:0] com_insp_out_ext_data;
+ wire com_insp_out_ext_valid;
+ wire com_insp_out_ext_ready;
- wire [35:0] com_insp_out_fp_other_data;
- wire com_insp_out_fp_other_valid;
- wire com_insp_out_fp_other_ready;
+ wire [35:0] com_insp_out_cpu_data;
+ wire com_insp_out_cpu_valid;
+ wire com_insp_out_cpu_ready;
- wire [35:0] com_insp_out_sp_both_data;
- wire com_insp_out_sp_both_valid;
- wire com_insp_out_sp_both_ready;
+ wire [35:0] com_insp_out_bof_data;
+ wire com_insp_out_bof_valid;
+ wire com_insp_out_bof_ready;
//connect this fast-path signals directly to the DSP out
- assign dsp_out_data = com_insp_out_fp_this_data;
- assign dsp_out_valid = com_insp_out_fp_this_valid;
- assign com_insp_out_fp_this_ready = dsp_out_ready;
+ assign dsp_out_data = com_insp_out_dsp_data;
+ assign dsp_out_valid = com_insp_out_dsp_valid;
+ assign com_insp_out_dsp_ready = dsp_out_ready;
reg [1:0] com_insp_state;
reg [1:0] com_insp_dest;
@@ -408,23 +420,19 @@ module packet_router
wire com_insp_dreg_counter_done = (com_insp_dreg_count_next == COM_INSP_MAX_NUM_DREGS)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
reg [35:0] com_insp_dregs [COM_INSP_MAX_NUM_DREGS-1:0];
- //Inspection logic:
- wire com_inp_dregs_is_data = 1'b1
- && (com_insp_dregs[3][15:0] == 16'h800) //ethertype IPv4
- && (com_insp_dregs[6][23:16] == 8'h11) //protocol UDP
- && (com_insp_dregs[9][15:0] == dsp0_udp_port) //UDP data port
- && (com_inp_data[15:0] != 16'h0) //VRT packet size
- ;
- wire com_inp_dregs_my_ip_match = (my_ip_addr == com_insp_dregs[8][31:0])? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
- wire com_inp_dregs_is_data_here = com_inp_dregs_is_data & com_inp_dregs_my_ip_match;
- wire com_inp_dregs_is_data_there = com_inp_dregs_is_data & ~com_inp_dregs_my_ip_match;
+ //extract various packet components:
+ wire [47:0] com_insp_dregs_eth_dst_mac = {com_insp_dregs[0][15:0], com_insp_dregs[1][31:0]};
+ wire [15:0] com_insp_dregs_eth_type = com_insp_dregs[3][15:0];
+ wire [7:0] com_insp_dregs_ipv4_proto = com_insp_dregs[6][23:16];
+ wire [31:0] com_insp_dregs_ipv4_dst_addr = com_insp_dregs[8][31:0];
+ wire [15:0] com_insp_dregs_udp_dst_port = com_insp_dregs[9][15:0];
+ wire [15:0] com_insp_dregs_vrt_size = com_inp_data[15:0];
//Inspector output flags special case:
//Inject SOF into flags at first DSP line.
wire [3:0] com_insp_out_flags = (
(com_insp_dreg_count == COM_INSP_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET) &&
- (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_FP_THIS)
+ (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_DSP)
)? 4'b0001 : com_insp_dregs[com_insp_dreg_count][35:32];
//The communication inspector ouput data and valid signals:
@@ -440,21 +448,24 @@ module packet_router
//The communication inspector ouput ready signal:
//Mux between the various destination ready signals.
wire com_insp_out_ready =
- (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_FP_THIS) ? com_insp_out_fp_this_ready : (
- (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_FP_OTHER)? com_insp_out_fp_other_ready : (
- (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_SP_BOTH) ? com_insp_out_sp_both_ready : (
- 1'b0)));
+ (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_DSP)? com_insp_out_dsp_ready : (
+ (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_EXT)? com_insp_out_ext_ready : (
+ (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_CPU)? com_insp_out_cpu_ready : (
+ (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_BOF)? com_insp_out_bof_ready : (
+ 1'b0))));
//Always connected output data lines.
- assign com_insp_out_fp_this_data = com_insp_out_data;
- assign com_insp_out_fp_other_data = com_insp_out_data;
- assign com_insp_out_sp_both_data = com_insp_out_data;
+ assign com_insp_out_dsp_data = com_insp_out_data;
+ assign com_insp_out_ext_data = com_insp_out_data;
+ assign com_insp_out_cpu_data = com_insp_out_data;
+ assign com_insp_out_bof_data = com_insp_out_data;
//Destination output valid signals:
//Comes from inspector valid when destination is selected, and otherwise low.
- assign com_insp_out_fp_this_valid = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_FP_THIS) ? com_insp_out_valid : 1'b0;
- assign com_insp_out_fp_other_valid = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_FP_OTHER)? com_insp_out_valid : 1'b0;
- assign com_insp_out_sp_both_valid = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_SP_BOTH) ? com_insp_out_valid : 1'b0;
+ assign com_insp_out_dsp_valid = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_DSP)? com_insp_out_valid : 1'b0;
+ assign com_insp_out_ext_valid = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_EXT)? com_insp_out_valid : 1'b0;
+ assign com_insp_out_cpu_valid = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_CPU)? com_insp_out_valid : 1'b0;
+ assign com_insp_out_bof_valid = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_BOF)? com_insp_out_valid : 1'b0;
//The communication inspector ouput ready signal:
//Always ready when storing to data registers,
@@ -484,20 +495,38 @@ module packet_router
if (com_inp_ready & com_inp_valid) begin
com_insp_dregs[com_insp_dreg_count] <= com_inp_data;
- if (com_inp_dregs_is_data_here & com_insp_dreg_counter_done) begin
- com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_FP_THIS;
- com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_REGS;
- com_insp_dreg_count <= COM_INSP_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET;
- end
- else if (com_inp_dregs_is_data_there & com_insp_dreg_counter_done) begin
- com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_FP_OTHER;
- com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_REGS;
- com_insp_dreg_count <= 0;
- end
- else if (com_inp_data[33] | com_insp_dreg_counter_done) begin
- com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_SP_BOTH;
+ if (com_insp_dreg_counter_done | com_inp_data[33]) begin
com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_REGS;
com_insp_dreg_count <= 0;
+ //---------- begin inspection decision -----------//
+ //bcast or EOF:
+ if ((com_insp_dregs_eth_dst_mac == 48'hffffffffffff) || com_inp_data[33]) begin
+ com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_BOF;
+ end
+ //not IPv4/UDP:
+ else if ((com_insp_dregs_eth_type != 16'h800) || (com_insp_dregs_ipv4_proto != 8'h11)) begin
+ com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_CPU;
+ end
+ //not my IP address:
+ else if (com_insp_dregs_ipv4_dst_addr != my_ip_addr) begin
+ com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_EXT;
+ end
+ //UDP data port and VRT:
+ else if ((com_insp_dregs_udp_dst_port == dsp0_udp_port) && (com_insp_dregs_vrt_size != 16'h0)) begin
+ com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_DSP;
+ com_insp_dreg_count <= COM_INSP_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET;
+ end
+ //other:
+ else begin
+ com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_CPU;
+ end
+ //---------- end inspection decision -------------//
else begin
com_insp_dreg_count <= com_insp_dreg_count_next;
@@ -531,28 +560,41 @@ module packet_router
- // Serdes crossbar output source
- // - combine slow-path data with fast-path other data
- // - slow-path data is duplicated to this and CPU out
+ // Splitter and output muxes for the bof packets
+ // - split the bof packets into two streams
+ // - mux split packets into cpu out and ext out
- //dummy signals to join the the splitter and mux below
- wire [35:0] _sp_split_to_mux_data;
- wire _sp_split_to_mux_valid;
- wire _sp_split_to_mux_ready;
+ //dummy signals to join the the splitter and muxes below
+ wire [35:0] _split_to_ext_data, _split_to_cpu_data, _cpu_out_data;
+ wire _split_to_ext_valid, _split_to_cpu_valid, _cpu_out_valid;
+ wire _split_to_ext_ready, _split_to_cpu_ready, _cpu_out_ready;
- splitter36 crs_out_src0(
+ splitter36 bof_out_splitter(
.clk(stream_clk), .rst(stream_rst), .clr(stream_clr),
- .inp_data(com_insp_out_sp_both_data), .inp_valid(com_insp_out_sp_both_valid), .inp_ready(com_insp_out_sp_both_ready),
- .out0_data(_sp_split_to_mux_data), .out0_valid(_sp_split_to_mux_valid), .out0_ready(_sp_split_to_mux_ready),
- .out1_data(cpu_out_data), .out1_valid(cpu_out_valid), .out1_ready(cpu_out_ready)
+ .inp_data(com_insp_out_bof_data), .inp_valid(com_insp_out_bof_valid), .inp_ready(com_insp_out_bof_ready),
+ .out0_data(_split_to_ext_data), .out0_valid(_split_to_ext_valid), .out0_ready(_split_to_ext_ready),
+ .out1_data(_split_to_cpu_data), .out1_valid(_split_to_cpu_valid), .out1_ready(_split_to_cpu_ready)
+ );
+ fifo36_mux ext_out_mux(
+ .clk(stream_clk), .reset(stream_rst), .clear(stream_clr),
+ .data0_i(com_insp_out_ext_data), .src0_rdy_i(com_insp_out_ext_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(com_insp_out_ext_ready),
+ .data1_i(_split_to_ext_data), .src1_rdy_i(_split_to_ext_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(_split_to_ext_ready),
+ .data_o(ext_out_data), .src_rdy_o(ext_out_valid), .dst_rdy_i(ext_out_ready)
+ );
+ fifo36_mux cpu_out_mux(
+ .clk(stream_clk), .reset(stream_rst), .clear(stream_clr),
+ .data0_i(com_insp_out_cpu_data), .src0_rdy_i(com_insp_out_cpu_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(com_insp_out_cpu_ready),
+ .data1_i(_split_to_cpu_data), .src1_rdy_i(_split_to_cpu_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(_split_to_cpu_ready),
+ .data_o(_cpu_out_data), .src_rdy_o(_cpu_out_valid), .dst_rdy_i(_cpu_out_ready)
- fifo36_mux crs_out_src1(
+ fifo_cascade #(.WIDTH(36), .SIZE(9/*512 lines plenty for short pkts*/)) cpu_out_fifo (
.clk(stream_clk), .reset(stream_rst), .clear(stream_clr),
- .data0_i(com_insp_out_fp_other_data), .src0_rdy_i(com_insp_out_fp_other_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(com_insp_out_fp_other_ready),
- .data1_i(_sp_split_to_mux_data), .src1_rdy_i(_sp_split_to_mux_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(_sp_split_to_mux_ready),
- .data_o(crs_out_data), .src_rdy_o(crs_out_valid), .dst_rdy_i(crs_out_ready)
+ .datain(_cpu_out_data), .src_rdy_i(_cpu_out_valid), .dst_rdy_o(_cpu_out_ready),
+ .dataout(cpu_out_data), .src_rdy_o(cpu_out_valid), .dst_rdy_i(cpu_out_ready)
@@ -607,7 +649,7 @@ module packet_router
fifo36_mux com_out_mux(
.clk(stream_clk), .reset(stream_rst), .clear(stream_clr),
- .data0_i(crs_inp_data), .src0_rdy_i(crs_inp_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(crs_inp_ready),
+ .data0_i(ext_inp_data), .src0_rdy_i(ext_inp_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(ext_inp_ready),
.data1_i(_com_out_data), .src1_rdy_i(_com_out_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(_com_out_ready),
.data_o(com_out_data), .src_rdy_o(com_out_valid), .dst_rdy_i(com_out_ready)
@@ -630,16 +672,16 @@ module packet_router
cpu_out_ready, cpu_out_valid,
//inspector interfaces (8)
- com_inp_ready, com_inp_valid,
- com_insp_out_fp_this_ready, com_insp_out_fp_this_valid,
- com_insp_out_fp_other_ready, com_insp_out_fp_other_valid,
- com_insp_out_sp_both_ready, com_insp_out_sp_both_valid,
+ com_insp_out_dsp_ready, com_insp_out_dsp_valid,
+ com_insp_out_ext_ready, com_insp_out_ext_valid,
+ com_insp_out_cpu_ready, com_insp_out_cpu_valid,
+ com_insp_out_bof_ready, com_insp_out_bof_valid,
//other interfaces (8)
- crs_inp_ready, crs_inp_valid,
+ ext_inp_ready, ext_inp_valid,
com_out_ready, com_out_valid,
- crs_out_ready, crs_out_valid,
- _sp_split_to_mux_ready, _sp_split_to_mux_valid
+ ext_out_ready, ext_out_valid,
+ com_inp_ready, com_inp_valid
endmodule // packet_router
diff --git a/usrp2/timing/time_64bit.v b/usrp2/timing/time_64bit.v
index 51c006962..33eb2b25a 100644
--- a/usrp2/timing/time_64bit.v
+++ b/usrp2/timing/time_64bit.v
@@ -3,27 +3,41 @@
module time_64bit
#(parameter TICKS_PER_SEC = 32'd100000000,
parameter BASE = 0)
- (input clk, input rst,
- input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data,
- input pps,
- output [63:0] vita_time, output pps_int
- );
+ (input clk, input rst,
+ input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data,
+ input pps,
+ output [63:0] vita_time, output pps_int,
+ input exp_time_in, output exp_time_out,
+ output [31:0] debug
+ );
localparam NEXT_SECS = 0;
localparam NEXT_TICKS = 1;
localparam PPS_POLSRC = 2;
localparam PPS_IMM = 3;
localparam TPS = 4;
+ localparam MIMO_SYNC = 5;
reg [31:0] seconds, ticks;
wire end_of_second;
assign vita_time = {seconds,ticks};
+ wire [63:0] vita_time_rcvd;
wire [31:0] next_ticks_preset, next_seconds_preset;
wire [31:0] ticks_per_sec_reg;
wire set_on_pps_trig;
reg set_on_next_pps;
wire pps_polarity, pps_source, set_imm;
+ reg [1:0] pps_del;
+ reg pps_reg_p, pps_reg_n, pps_reg;
+ wire pps_edge;
+ reg [15:0] sync_counter;
+ wire sync_rcvd;
+ wire [31:0] mimo_secs, mimo_ticks;
+ wire mimo_sync_now;
+ wire mimo_sync;
+ wire [7:0] sync_delay;
setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE+NEXT_TICKS)) sr_next_ticks
@@ -45,10 +59,10 @@ module time_64bit
- reg [1:0] pps_del;
- reg pps_reg_p, pps_reg_n, pps_reg;
- wire pps_edge;
+ setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE+MIMO_SYNC), .at_reset(0), .width(9)) sr_mimosync
+ (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr),
+ .in(set_data),.out({mimo_sync,sync_delay}),.changed());
always @(posedge clk) pps_reg_p <= pps;
always @(negedge clk) pps_reg_n <= pps;
always @* pps_reg <= pps_polarity ? pps_reg_p : pps_reg_n;
@@ -82,6 +96,11 @@ module time_64bit
seconds <= next_seconds_preset;
ticks <= next_ticks_preset;
+ else if(mimo_sync_now)
+ begin
+ seconds <= mimo_secs;
+ ticks <= mimo_ticks;
+ end
else if(ticks_plus_one == ticks_per_sec_reg)
seconds <= seconds + 1;
@@ -91,5 +110,36 @@ module time_64bit
ticks <= ticks_plus_one;
assign pps_int = pps_edge;
+ // MIMO Connector Time Sync
+ wire send_sync = (sync_counter == 59999); // X % 10 = 9
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(rst)
+ sync_counter <= 0;
+ else
+ if(send_sync)
+ sync_counter <= 0;
+ else
+ sync_counter <= sync_counter + 1;
+ time_sender time_sender
+ (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),
+ .vita_time(vita_time),
+ .send_sync(send_sync),
+ .exp_time_out(exp_time_out) );
+ time_receiver time_receiver
+ (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),
+ .vita_time(vita_time_rcvd),
+ .sync_rcvd(sync_rcvd),
+ .exp_time_in(exp_time_in) );
+ assign mimo_secs = vita_time_rcvd[63:32];
+ assign mimo_ticks = vita_time_rcvd[31:0] + {16'd0,sync_delay};
+ assign mimo_sync_now = mimo_sync & sync_rcvd & (mimo_ticks <= TICKS_PER_SEC);
+ assign debug = { { 24'b0} ,
+ { 2'b0, exp_time_in, exp_time_out, mimo_sync, mimo_sync_now, sync_rcvd, send_sync} };
endmodule // time_64bit
diff --git a/usrp2/timing/time_receiver.v b/usrp2/timing/time_receiver.v
index 8e7d3f1ea..fd8651d29 100644
--- a/usrp2/timing/time_receiver.v
+++ b/usrp2/timing/time_receiver.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module time_receiver
(input clk, input rst,
- output [31:0] master_time,
- output sync_rcvd,
- input exp_pps_in);
+ output reg [63:0] vita_time,
+ output reg sync_rcvd,
+ input exp_time_in);
wire code_err, disp_err, dispout, complete_word;
reg disp_reg;
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module time_receiver
reg [8:0] dataout_reg;
always @(posedge clk)
- shiftreg <= {exp_pps_in, shiftreg[9:1]};
+ shiftreg <= {exp_time_in, shiftreg[9:1]};
localparam COMMA_0 = 10'h283;
localparam COMMA_1 = 10'h17c;
@@ -55,40 +55,76 @@ module time_receiver
localparam STATE_T1 = 2;
localparam STATE_T2 = 3;
localparam STATE_T3 = 4;
+ localparam STATE_T4 = 5;
+ localparam STATE_T5 = 6;
+ localparam STATE_T6 = 7;
+ localparam STATE_T7 = 8;
+ localparam STATE_TAIL = 9;
localparam HEAD = 9'h13c;
- reg [7:0] clock_a, clock_b, clock_c;
- reg [2:0] state;
+ localparam TAIL = 9'h1F7;
+ reg [3:0] state;
always @(posedge clk)
state <= STATE_IDLE;
else if(complete_word)
- case(state)
- if(dataout_reg == HEAD)
- state <= STATE_T0;
- STATE_T0 :
- begin
- clock_a <= dataout_reg[7:0];
- state <= STATE_T1;
- end
- STATE_T1 :
- begin
- clock_b <= dataout_reg[7:0];
- state <= STATE_T2;
- end
- STATE_T2 :
- begin
- clock_c <= dataout_reg[7:0];
- state <= STATE_T3;
- end
- STATE_T3 :
- state <= STATE_IDLE;
- endcase // case(state)
- assign master_time = {clock_a, clock_b, clock_c, dataout_reg[7:0]};
- assign sync_rcvd = (complete_word & (state == STATE_T3));
+ if(code_err | disp_err)
+ state <= STATE_IDLE;
+ else
+ case(state)
+ if(dataout_reg == HEAD)
+ state <= STATE_T0;
+ STATE_T0 :
+ begin
+ vita_time[63:56] <= dataout_reg[7:0];
+ state <= STATE_T1;
+ end
+ STATE_T1 :
+ begin
+ vita_time[55:48] <= dataout_reg[7:0];
+ state <= STATE_T2;
+ end
+ STATE_T2 :
+ begin
+ vita_time[47:40] <= dataout_reg[7:0];
+ state <= STATE_T3;
+ end
+ STATE_T3 :
+ begin
+ vita_time[39:32] <= dataout_reg[7:0];
+ state <= STATE_T4;
+ end
+ STATE_T4 :
+ begin
+ vita_time[31:24] <= dataout_reg[7:0];
+ state <= STATE_T5;
+ end
+ STATE_T5 :
+ begin
+ vita_time[23:16] <= dataout_reg[7:0];
+ state <= STATE_T6;
+ end
+ STATE_T6 :
+ begin
+ vita_time[15:8] <= dataout_reg[7:0];
+ state <= STATE_T7;
+ end
+ STATE_T7 :
+ begin
+ vita_time[7:0] <= dataout_reg[7:0];
+ state <= STATE_TAIL;
+ end
+ state <= STATE_IDLE;
+ endcase // case(state)
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(rst)
+ sync_rcvd <= 0;
+ else
+ sync_rcvd <= (complete_word & (state == STATE_TAIL) & (dataout_reg[8:0] == TAIL));
endmodule // time_sender
diff --git a/usrp2/timing/time_sender.v b/usrp2/timing/time_sender.v
index aa2fcbbdb..f4ee5226a 100644
--- a/usrp2/timing/time_sender.v
+++ b/usrp2/timing/time_sender.v
@@ -2,23 +2,23 @@
module time_sender
(input clk, input rst,
- input [31:0] master_time,
+ input [63:0] vita_time,
input send_sync,
- output exp_pps_out);
+ output reg exp_time_out);
reg [7:0] datain;
reg k;
wire [9:0] dataout;
- reg [9:0] dataout_reg;
- reg disp_reg;
- wire disp, new_word;
+ reg [9:0] dataout_reg;
+ reg disp_reg;
+ wire disp, new_word;
+ reg [4:0] state;
+ reg [3:0] bit_count;
encode_8b10b encode_8b10b
- assign exp_pps_out = dataout_reg[0];
always @(posedge clk)
disp_reg <= 0;
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ module time_sender
dataout_reg <= {1'b0,dataout_reg[9:1]};
- reg [4:0] state;
- reg [3:0] bit_count;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ exp_time_out <= dataout_reg[0];
assign new_word = (bit_count == 9);
always @(posedge clk)
@@ -52,17 +52,23 @@ module time_sender
localparam SEND_T1 = 3;
localparam SEND_T2 = 4;
localparam SEND_T3 = 5;
+ localparam SEND_T4 = 6;
+ localparam SEND_T5 = 7;
+ localparam SEND_T6 = 8;
+ localparam SEND_T7 = 9;
+ localparam SEND_TAIL = 10;
localparam COMMA = 8'hBC;
localparam HEAD = 8'h3C;
- reg [31:0] master_time_reg;
+ localparam TAIL = 8'hF7;
+ reg [63:0] vita_time_reg;
always @(posedge clk)
- master_time_reg <= 0;
+ vita_time_reg <= 0;
else if(send_sync)
- master_time_reg <= master_time;
+ vita_time_reg <= vita_time;
always @(posedge clk)
@@ -84,27 +90,51 @@ module time_sender
- {k,datain} <= {1'b0, master_time_reg[31:24] };
+ {k,datain} <= {1'b0, vita_time_reg[63:56] };
state <= SEND_T1;
- {k,datain} <= {1'b0, master_time_reg[23:16]};
+ {k,datain} <= {1'b0, vita_time_reg[55:48]};
state <= SEND_T2;
- {k,datain} <= {1'b0, master_time_reg[15:8]};
+ {k,datain} <= {1'b0, vita_time_reg[47:40]};
state <= SEND_T3;
- {k,datain} <= {1'b0, master_time_reg[7:0]};
+ {k,datain} <= {1'b0, vita_time_reg[39:32]};
+ state <= SEND_T4;
+ end
+ SEND_T4 :
+ begin
+ {k,datain} <= {1'b0, vita_time_reg[31:24]};
+ state <= SEND_T5;
+ end
+ SEND_T5 :
+ begin
+ {k,datain} <= {1'b0, vita_time_reg[23:16]};
+ state <= SEND_T6;
+ end
+ SEND_T6 :
+ begin
+ {k,datain} <= {1'b0, vita_time_reg[15:8]};
+ state <= SEND_T7;
+ end
+ SEND_T7 :
+ begin
+ {k,datain} <= {1'b0, vita_time_reg[7:0]};
+ state <= SEND_TAIL;
+ end
+ begin
+ {k,datain} <= {1'b1, TAIL};
state <= SEND_IDLE;
default :
state <= SEND_IDLE;
endcase // case(state)
endmodule // time_sender
diff --git a/usrp2/timing/time_transfer_tb.v b/usrp2/timing/time_transfer_tb.v
index 2b75c60bd..0c164f82c 100644
--- a/usrp2/timing/time_transfer_tb.v
+++ b/usrp2/timing/time_transfer_tb.v
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ module time_transfer_tb();
initial #100000000 $finish;
- wire exp_pps, pps, pps_rcv;
- wire [31:0] master_clock_rcv;
- reg [31:0] master_clock = 0;
- reg [31:0] counter = 0;
+ wire exp_time, pps, pps_rcv;
+ wire [63:0] vita_time_rcv;
+ reg [63:0] vita_time = 0;
+ reg [63:0] counter = 0;
- localparam PPS_PERIOD = 109;
+ localparam PPS_PERIOD = 439; // PPS_PERIOD % 10 must = 9
always @(posedge clk)
if(counter == PPS_PERIOD)
counter <= 0;
@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ module time_transfer_tb();
assign pps = (counter == (PPS_PERIOD-1));
always @(posedge clk)
- master_clock <= master_clock + 1;
+ vita_time <= vita_time + 1;
time_sender time_sender
- .master_clock(master_clock),
- .pps(pps),
- .exp_pps_out(exp_pps) );
+ .vita_time(vita_time),
+ .send_sync(pps),
+ .exp_time_out(exp_time) );
time_receiver time_receiver
- .master_clock(master_clock_rcv),
- .pps(pps_rcv),
- .exp_pps_in(exp_pps) );
+ .vita_time(vita_time_rcv),
+ .sync_rcvd(pps_rcv),
+ .exp_time_in(exp_time) );
- wire [31:0] delta = master_clock - master_clock_rcv;
+ wire [31:0] delta = vita_time - vita_time_rcv;
endmodule // time_transfer_tb
diff --git a/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/Makefile b/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/Makefile
index 68c296b9b..05ada2476 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/Makefile
+++ b/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/Makefile
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# Project Setup
TOP_MODULE = u2_rev3
-BUILD_DIR = $(abspath build$(ISE))
+BUILD_DIR = $(abspath build)
# Include other makefiles
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ include ../../vrt/Makefile.srcs
include ../../udp/Makefile.srcs
include ../../coregen/Makefile.srcs
include ../../extram/Makefile.srcs
+include ../../extramfifo/Makefile.srcs
# Project Properties
diff --git a/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/Makefile.udp b/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/Makefile.udp
deleted file mode 100644
index 99effb038..000000000
--- a/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/Makefile.udp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 Ettus Research LLC
-# Project Setup
-TOP_MODULE = u2_rev3
-BUILD_DIR = $(abspath build-udp$(ISE))
-# Include other makefiles
-include ../Makefile.common
-include ../../fifo/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../control_lib/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../sdr_lib/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../serdes/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../simple_gemac/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../timing/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../opencores/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../vrt/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../udp/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../coregen/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../extram/Makefile.srcs
-include ../../extramfifo/Makefile.srcs
-# Project Properties
-family Spartan3 \
-device xc3s2000 \
-package fg456 \
-speed -5 \
-top_level_module_type "HDL" \
-synthesis_tool "XST (VHDL/Verilog)" \
-simulator "ISE Simulator (VHDL/Verilog)" \
-"Preferred Language" "Verilog" \
-"Enable Message Filtering" FALSE \
-"Display Incremental Messages" FALSE
-# Sources
-u2_core_udp.v \
-u2_rev3.v \
-SOURCES = $(abspath $(TOP_SRCS)) $(FIFO_SRCS) \
-# Process Properties
-"Number of Clock Buffers" 8 \
-"Pack I/O Registers into IOBs" Yes \
-"Optimization Effort" High \
-"Optimize Instantiated Primitives" TRUE \
-"Register Balancing" Yes \
-"Use Clock Enable" Auto \
-"Use Synchronous Reset" Auto \
-"Use Synchronous Set" Auto
-"Macro Search Path" "$(shell pwd)/../../coregen/"
-"Allow Logic Optimization Across Hierarchy" TRUE \
-"Map to Input Functions" 4 \
-"Optimization Strategy (Cover Mode)" Speed \
-"Pack I/O Registers/Latches into IOBs" "For Inputs and Outputs" \
-"Perform Timing-Driven Packing and Placement" TRUE \
-"Map Effort Level" High \
-"Extra Effort" Normal \
-"Combinatorial Logic Optimization" TRUE \
-"Register Duplication" TRUE
-"Place & Route Effort Level (Overall)" High
-"Number of Paths in Error/Verbose Report" 10 \
-"Report Type" "Error Report"
-"Configuration Rate" 6 \
-"Create Binary Configuration File" TRUE \
-"Done (Output Events)" 5 \
-"Enable Bitstream Compression" TRUE \
-"Enable Outputs (Output Events)" 6
diff --git a/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_core.v b/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_core.v
index 26e2cc4ab..fff7ab914 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_core.v
+++ b/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_core.v
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ module u2_core
output [1:0] debug_clk,
// Expansion
- input exp_pps_in,
- output exp_pps_out,
+ input exp_time_in,
+ output exp_time_out,
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ module u2_core
wb_readback_mux buff_pool_status
(.wb_clk_i(wb_clk), .wb_rst_i(wb_rst), .wb_stb_i(s5_stb),
.wb_adr_i(s5_adr), .wb_dat_o(s5_dat_i), .wb_ack_o(s5_ack),
@@ -730,10 +730,14 @@ module u2_core
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// VITA Timing
+ wire [31:0] debug_sync;
time_64bit #(.TICKS_PER_SEC(32'd100000000),.BASE(SR_TIME64)) time_64bit
(.clk(dsp_clk), .rst(dsp_rst), .set_stb(set_stb_dsp), .set_addr(set_addr_dsp), .set_data(set_data_dsp),
- .pps(pps_in), .vita_time(vita_time), .pps_int(pps_int));
+ .pps(pps_in), .vita_time(vita_time), .pps_int(pps_int),
+ .exp_time_in(exp_time_in), .exp_time_out(exp_time_out),
+ .debug(debug_sync));
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Debug Pins
diff --git a/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_rev3.ucf b/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_rev3.ucf
index 6e0caedd5..8017f61ff 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_rev3.ucf
+++ b/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_rev3.ucf
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ NET "debug_clk[0]" LOC = "N4" ;
NET "debug_clk[1]" LOC = "M1" ;
NET "uart_tx_o" LOC = "C7" ;
NET "uart_rx_i" LOC = "A3" ;
-NET "exp_pps_in_p" LOC = "V3" ;
-NET "exp_pps_in_n" LOC = "V4" ;
-NET "exp_pps_out_p" LOC = "V1" ;
-NET "exp_pps_out_n" LOC = "V2" ;
+NET "exp_time_in_p" LOC = "V3" ;
+NET "exp_time_in_n" LOC = "V4" ;
+NET "exp_time_out_p" LOC = "V1" ;
+NET "exp_time_out_n" LOC = "V2" ;
NET "GMII_COL" LOC = "U16" ;
NET "GMII_CRS" LOC = "U17" ;
diff --git a/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_rev3.v b/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_rev3.v
index 4f7f9bf1a..f2bba6c50 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_rev3.v
+++ b/usrp2/top/u2_rev3/u2_rev3.v
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ module u2_rev3
input uart_rx_i,
// Expansion
- input exp_pps_in_p, // Diff
- input exp_pps_in_n, // Diff
- output exp_pps_out_p, // Diff
- output exp_pps_out_n, // Diff
+ input exp_time_in_p, // Diff
+ input exp_time_in_n, // Diff
+ output exp_time_out_p, // Diff
+ output exp_time_out_n, // Diff
@@ -181,13 +181,13 @@ module u2_rev3
wire cpld_clock_buf;
BUFG cpld_clock_BUF (.O(cpld_clock_buf),.I(cpld_clock));
- wire exp_pps_in;
- IBUFDS exp_pps_in_pin (.O(exp_pps_in),.I(exp_pps_in_p),.IB(exp_pps_in_n));
- defparam exp_pps_in_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
+ wire exp_time_in;
+ IBUFDS exp_time_in_pin (.O(exp_time_in),.I(exp_time_in_p),.IB(exp_time_in_n));
+ defparam exp_time_in_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
- wire exp_pps_out;
- OBUFDS exp_pps_out_pin (.O(exp_pps_out_p),.OB(exp_pps_out_n),.I(exp_pps_out));
- defparam exp_pps_out_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
+ wire exp_time_out;
+ OBUFDS exp_time_out_pin (.O(exp_time_out_p),.OB(exp_time_out_n),.I(exp_time_out));
+ defparam exp_time_out_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
reg [5:0] clock_ready_d;
always @(posedge clk_fpga)
@@ -480,8 +480,8 @@ module u2_rev3
.leds (leds_int),
.debug (debug[31:0]),
.debug_clk (debug_clk[1:0]),
- .exp_pps_in (exp_pps_in),
- .exp_pps_out (exp_pps_out),
+ .exp_time_in (exp_time_in),
+ .exp_time_out (exp_time_out),
.GMII_TXD (GMII_TXD_unreg[7:0]),
diff --git a/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.ucf b/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.ucf
index 25267a67e..5fbe55c26 100755
--- a/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.ucf
+++ b/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.ucf
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ NET "RXD<2>" LOC = "AF15" ;
NET "RXD<1>" LOC = "AD12" ;
## AD9510
+NET "clk_status" LOC = "AD22" ;
NET "clk_sel<0>" LOC = "AE21" ;
NET "clk_sel<1>" LOC = "AD21" ;
diff --git a/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.v b/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.v
index 270655a8d..c0140e989 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.v
+++ b/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.v
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module u2plus
output [1:0] clk_en,
output [1:0] clk_sel,
input CLK_FUNC, // FIXME is an input to control the 9510
- input CLK_STATUS,
+ input clk_status,
inout SCL, inout SDA, // I2C
@@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ module u2plus
.leds (leds_int),
.debug (debug[31:0]),
.debug_clk (debug_clk[1:0]),
- .exp_pps_in (exp_time_in),
- .exp_pps_out (exp_time_out),
+ .exp_time_in (exp_time_in),
+ .exp_time_out (exp_time_out),
.GMII_TXD (GMII_TXD_unreg[7:0]),
diff --git a/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus_core.v b/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus_core.v
index 8426826e2..4e0b190ef 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus_core.v
+++ b/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus_core.v
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ module u2plus_core
output [1:0] debug_clk,
// Expansion
- input exp_pps_in,
- output exp_pps_out,
+ input exp_time_in,
+ output exp_time_out,
@@ -683,7 +683,8 @@ module u2plus_core
time_64bit #(.TICKS_PER_SEC(32'd100000000),.BASE(SR_TIME64)) time_64bit
(.clk(dsp_clk), .rst(dsp_rst), .set_stb(set_stb_dsp), .set_addr(set_addr_dsp), .set_data(set_data_dsp),
- .pps(pps_in), .vita_time(vita_time), .pps_int(pps_int));
+ .pps(pps_in), .vita_time(vita_time), .pps_int(pps_int),
+ .exp_time_in(exp_time_in), .exp_time_out(exp_time_out));
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Debug Pins
diff --git a/usrp2/vrt/vita_tx_control.v b/usrp2/vrt/vita_tx_control.v
index 20ad6b995..ab6da8bd0 100644
--- a/usrp2/vrt/vita_tx_control.v
+++ b/usrp2/vrt/vita_tx_control.v
@@ -40,7 +40,21 @@ module vita_tx_control
time_compare (.time_now(vita_time), .trigger_time(send_time),
.now(now), .early(early), .late(late), .too_early());
+ reg late_qual, late_del;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(reset | clear)
+ late_del <= 0;
+ else
+ late_del <= late;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(reset | clear)
+ late_qual <= 0;
+ else
+ late_qual <= (sample_fifo_src_rdy_i & ~sample_fifo_dst_rdy_o);
localparam IBS_IDLE = 0;
localparam IBS_RUN = 1; // FIXME do we need this?
localparam IBS_CONT_BURST = 2;
@@ -87,7 +101,7 @@ module vita_tx_control
else if(~send_at | now)
ibs_state <= IBS_RUN;
- else if(late | too_early)
+ else if((late_qual & late_del) | too_early)
ibs_state <= IBS_ERROR;
error_code <= CODE_TIME_ERROR;
@@ -166,7 +180,7 @@ module vita_tx_control
packet_consumed <= eop & sample_fifo_src_rdy_i & sample_fifo_dst_rdy_o;
- assign debug = { { now,early,late,ack,eop,eob,sob,send_at },
+ assign debug = { { now,late_qual,late_del,ack,eop,eob,sob,send_at },
{ sample_fifo_src_rdy_i, sample_fifo_dst_rdy_o, strobe, run, error, ibs_state[2:0] },
{ 8'b0 },
{ 8'b0 } };