/* Copyright 2018 Ilya Epifanov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or the MIT license , at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. */ #![deny(warnings)] #![no_std] #[macro_use] extern crate bitflags; use embedded_hal as hal; use crate::hal::blocking::i2c::{Write, WriteRead}; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { CommunicationError, InvalidParameter, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum CrystalLoad { _6, _8, _10, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum PLL { A, B, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum FeedbackMultisynth { MSNA, MSNB, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum Multisynth { MS0, MS1, MS2, MS3, MS4, MS5, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum SimpleMultisynth { MS6, MS7, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum ClockOutput { Clk0 = 0, Clk1, Clk2, Clk3, Clk4, Clk5, Clk6, Clk7, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum OutputDivider { Div1 = 0, Div2, Div4, Div8, Div16, Div32, Div64, Div128, } const ADDRESS: u8 = 0b0110_0000; impl PLL { pub fn multisynth(&self) -> FeedbackMultisynth { match *self { PLL::A => FeedbackMultisynth::MSNA, PLL::B => FeedbackMultisynth::MSNB, } } } trait FractionalMultisynth { fn base_addr(&self) -> u8; fn ix(&self) -> u8; } impl FractionalMultisynth for FeedbackMultisynth { fn base_addr(&self) -> u8 { match *self { FeedbackMultisynth::MSNA => 26, FeedbackMultisynth::MSNB => 34, } } fn ix(&self) -> u8 { match *self { FeedbackMultisynth::MSNA => 6, FeedbackMultisynth::MSNB => 7, } } } impl FractionalMultisynth for Multisynth { fn base_addr(&self) -> u8 { match *self { Multisynth::MS0 => 42, Multisynth::MS1 => 50, Multisynth::MS2 => 58, Multisynth::MS3 => 66, Multisynth::MS4 => 74, Multisynth::MS5 => 82, } } fn ix(&self) -> u8 { match *self { Multisynth::MS0 => 0, Multisynth::MS1 => 1, Multisynth::MS2 => 2, Multisynth::MS3 => 3, Multisynth::MS4 => 4, Multisynth::MS5 => 5, } } } impl SimpleMultisynth { pub fn base_addr(&self) -> u8 { match *self { SimpleMultisynth::MS6 => 90, SimpleMultisynth::MS7 => 91, } } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] enum Register { DeviceStatus = 0, OutputEnable = 3, Clk0 = 16, Clk1 = 17, Clk2 = 18, Clk3 = 19, Clk4 = 20, Clk5 = 21, Clk6 = 22, Clk7 = 23, PLLReset = 177, CrystalLoad = 183, } impl Register { pub fn addr(&self) -> u8 { *self as u8 } } bitflags! { pub struct DeviceStatusBits: u8 { const SYS_INIT = 0b1000_0000; const LOL_B = 0b0100_0000; const LOL_A = 0b0010_0000; const LOS = 0b0001_0000; } } bitflags! { struct CrystalLoadBits: u8 { const RESERVED = 0b00_010010; const CL_MASK = 0b11_000000; const CL_6 = 0b01_000000; const CL_8 = 0b10_000000; const CL_10 = 0b11_000000; } } bitflags! { struct ClockControlBits: u8 { const CLK_PDN = 0b1000_0000; const MS_INT = 0b0100_0000; const MS_SRC = 0b0010_0000; const CLK_INV = 0b0001_0000; const CLK_SRC_MASK = 0b0000_1100; const CLK_SRC_XTAL = 0b0000_0000; const CLK_SRC_CLKIN = 0b0000_0100; const CLK_SRC_MS_ALT = 0b0000_1000; const CLK_SRC_MS = 0b0000_1100; const CLK_DRV_MASK = 0b0000_0011; const CLK_DRV_2 = 0b0000_0000; const CLK_DRV_4 = 0b0000_0001; const CLK_DRV_6 = 0b0000_0010; const CLK_DRV_8 = 0b0000_0011; } } bitflags! { struct PLLResetBits: u8 { const PLLB_RST = 0b1000_0000; const PLLA_RST = 0b0010_0000; } } impl ClockOutput { fn register(self) -> Register { match self { ClockOutput::Clk0 => Register::Clk0, ClockOutput::Clk1 => Register::Clk1, ClockOutput::Clk2 => Register::Clk2, ClockOutput::Clk3 => Register::Clk3, ClockOutput::Clk4 => Register::Clk4, ClockOutput::Clk5 => Register::Clk5, ClockOutput::Clk6 => Register::Clk6, ClockOutput::Clk7 => Register::Clk7, } } fn ix(&self) -> u8 { *self as u8 } } impl OutputDivider { fn bits(&self) -> u8 { *self as u8 } } fn i2c_error(_: E) -> Error { Error::CommunicationError } /// Si5351 driver pub struct Si5351Device { i2c: I2C, address: u8, clk_enabled_mask: u8, ms_int_mode_mask: u8, ms_src_mask: u8, } pub trait Si5351 { fn init_adafruit_module(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error>; fn init(&mut self, xtal_load: CrystalLoad) -> Result<(), Error>; fn read_device_status(&mut self) -> Result; fn set_clock_enabled(&mut self, clk: ClockOutput, enabled: bool); fn flush_output_enabled(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error>; fn flush_clock_control(&mut self, clk: ClockOutput) -> Result<(), Error>; fn setup_pll_int(&mut self, pll: PLL, mult: u8) -> Result<(), Error>; fn setup_pll(&mut self, pll: PLL, mult: u8, num: u32, denom: u32) -> Result<(), Error>; fn setup_multisynth_int(&mut self, ms: Multisynth, mult: u16, r_div: OutputDivider) -> Result<(), Error>; fn setup_multisynth(&mut self, ms: Multisynth, div: u16, num: u32, denom: u32, r_div: OutputDivider) -> Result<(), Error>; fn select_clock_pll(&mut self, clocl: ClockOutput, pll: PLL); } impl Si5351Device where I2C: WriteRead + Write, { /// Creates a new driver from a I2C peripheral pub fn new(i2c: I2C, address_bit: bool) -> Self { let si5351 = Si5351Device { i2c, address: ADDRESS | if address_bit { 1 } else { 0 }, clk_enabled_mask: 0, ms_int_mode_mask: 0, ms_src_mask: 0, }; si5351 } fn write_ms_config(&mut self, ms: MS, int: u16, frac_num: u32, frac_denom: u32, r_div: OutputDivider) -> Result<(), Error> { if frac_denom == 0 { return Err(Error::InvalidParameter); } if frac_num > 0xfffff { return Err(Error::InvalidParameter); } if frac_denom > 0xfffff { return Err(Error::InvalidParameter); } let p1: u32; let p2: u32; let p3: u32; if frac_num == 0 { p1 = 128 * int as u32 - 512; p2 = 0; p3 = 1; } else { let ratio = (128u64 * (frac_num as u64) / (frac_denom as u64)) as u32; p1 = 128 * int as u32 + ratio - 512; p2 = 128 * frac_num - frac_denom * ratio; p3 = frac_denom; } self.write_synth_registers(ms, [ ((p3 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) as u8, p3 as u8, ((p1 & 0x00030000) >> 16) as u8 | r_div.bits(), ((p1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) as u8, p1 as u8, (((p3 & 0x000F0000) >> 12) | ((p2 & 0x000F0000) >> 16)) as u8, ((p2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) as u8, p2 as u8, ])?; if frac_num == 0 { self.ms_int_mode_mask |= ms.ix(); } else { self.ms_int_mode_mask &= !ms.ix(); } Ok(()) } pub fn reset_pll(&mut self, pll: PLL) -> Result<(), Error> { self.write_register(Register::PLLReset, match pll { PLL::A => PLLResetBits::PLLA_RST.bits(), PLL::B => PLLResetBits::PLLB_RST.bits(), })?; Ok(()) } fn read_register(&mut self, reg: Register) -> Result { let mut buffer = [0u8; 1]; self.i2c.write_read(self.address, &[reg.addr()], &mut buffer).map_err(i2c_error)?; Ok(buffer[0]) } fn write_register(&mut self, reg: Register, byte: u8) -> Result<(), Error> { self.i2c.write(self.address, &[reg.addr(), byte]).map_err(i2c_error) } fn write_synth_registers(&mut self, ms: MS, params: [u8; 8]) -> Result<(), Error> { self.i2c.write(self.address, &[ms.base_addr(), params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], params[6], params[7] ]).map_err(i2c_error) } } impl Si5351 for Si5351Device where I2C: WriteRead + Write { fn init_adafruit_module(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { self.init(CrystalLoad::_10) } fn init(&mut self, xtal_load: CrystalLoad) -> Result<(), Error> { loop { let device_status = self.read_device_status()?; if !device_status.contains(DeviceStatusBits::SYS_INIT) { break; } } self.flush_output_enabled()?; const CLK_REGS: [Register; 8] = [Register::Clk0, Register::Clk1, Register::Clk2, Register::Clk3, Register::Clk4, Register::Clk5, Register::Clk6, Register::Clk7]; for ® in CLK_REGS.iter() { self.write_register(reg, ClockControlBits::CLK_PDN.bits())?; } self.write_register(Register::CrystalLoad, (CrystalLoadBits::RESERVED | match xtal_load { CrystalLoad::_6 => CrystalLoadBits::CL_6, CrystalLoad::_8 => CrystalLoadBits::CL_8, CrystalLoad::_10 => CrystalLoadBits::CL_10, }).bits())?; Ok(()) } fn read_device_status(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(DeviceStatusBits::from_bits_truncate(self.read_register(Register::DeviceStatus)?)) } fn set_clock_enabled(&mut self, clk: ClockOutput, enabled: bool) { let bit = 1u8 << clk.ix(); if enabled { self.clk_enabled_mask |= bit; } else { self.clk_enabled_mask &= !bit; } } fn flush_output_enabled(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let mask = self.clk_enabled_mask; self.write_register(Register::OutputEnable, !mask) } fn flush_clock_control(&mut self, clk: ClockOutput) -> Result<(), Error> { let bit = 1u8 << clk.ix(); let clk_control_pdn = if self.clk_enabled_mask & bit != 0 { ClockControlBits::empty() } else { ClockControlBits::CLK_PDN }; let ms_int_mode = if self.ms_int_mode_mask & bit == 0 { ClockControlBits::empty() } else { ClockControlBits::MS_INT }; let ms_src = if self.ms_src_mask & bit == 0 { ClockControlBits::empty() } else { ClockControlBits::MS_SRC }; let base = ClockControlBits::CLK_SRC_MS | ClockControlBits::CLK_DRV_8; self.write_register(clk.register(), (clk_control_pdn | ms_int_mode | ms_src | base).bits()) } fn setup_pll_int(&mut self, pll: PLL, mult: u8) -> Result<(), Error> { self.setup_pll(pll, mult, 0, 1) } fn setup_pll(&mut self, pll: PLL, mult: u8, num: u32, denom: u32) -> Result<(), Error> { if mult < 15 || mult > 90 { return Err(Error::InvalidParameter); } self.write_ms_config(pll.multisynth(), mult.into(), num, denom, OutputDivider::Div1)?; if mult % 2 == 0 && num == 0 {} else {} Ok(()) } fn setup_multisynth_int(&mut self, ms: Multisynth, mult: u16, r_div: OutputDivider) -> Result<(), Error> { self.setup_multisynth(ms, mult, 0, 1, r_div) } fn setup_multisynth(&mut self, ms: Multisynth, div: u16, num: u32, denom: u32, r_div: OutputDivider) -> Result<(), Error> { if div < 6 || div > 1800 { return Err(Error::InvalidParameter); } self.write_ms_config(ms, div, num, denom, r_div)?; Ok(()) } fn select_clock_pll(&mut self, clock: ClockOutput, pll: PLL) { let bit = 1u8 << clock.ix(); match pll { PLL::A => self.ms_src_mask &= !bit, PLL::B => self.ms_src_mask |= bit, } } }