Picardy 2020 ============ A reinterpretation of the [Picardy 2m SSB transceiver](http://f6feo.homebuilder.free.fr/transceiver_PICARDY.html) by F6FEO combined with the [Anglian 3L transverter](http://www.g4ddk.com/Products.html). * Designed in KiCad * Meant to be used with a microwave transverter * But also stand-alone 28MHz and 144MHz (The IF bands) * Using a STM32F103C8T6 controller * Si5351 clock source (generates 3 clocks) * An LCD display * Discarded ideas * Include a Lars Widenius GPSDO originally published on [eevblog](https://www.eevblog.com/forum/projects/lars-diy-gpsdo-with-arduino-and-1ns-resolution-tic/?all) * Offer a 10MHz output refclk for a transverter * Instead, have a 25MHz ref input, and use a LeoBodnar reference * Very good [explanations](https://groups.io/g/BITX20/topic/si5351a_facts_and_myths/5430607) about DDS vs DPLL from Hans Summers TODO before ordering the PCB ============================ * CW * Does the trick with the DC bias to leak the LO work ? * Not tested, but plan B done (J306) * Use an additional PWM output for plan B? * Put sidetone volume setting before RV303? * Hook up to LM375 BYPASS? PCB Assembly Plan ================= 1. DCDC converter for 8V and LDOs * Check output voltages * Check drop under load 2. STM32F103C8T6 * Programming * Sidetone low-pass * Probably need to do a UI proto already 3. Si5153 * Check I2C works 4. 8V and 5V relay * Check switching with microcontroller and validate resistors 5. Baseband 1. Crystal filter shape 2. RX and TX filter shape 3. Receive path: IF mixer, crystal filter relay, IF AGC, BFO mixer, AGC measure, AF amp, SPKR * Verify LO levels into SA602A: at least 200mVpp 4. Transmit path: Mic amp 6. Anglian 1. LO filter shape 2. LO amp. Mixer needs +7dBm 3. All passives * Verify correct voltages for amplifiers * Verify PIN currents (Between 20mA and 60mA, below 0.8V) * Verify filter shapes 4. IF amplifiers, both RX and TX 5. VHF amplifiers 6. VHF bandpass filter 7. Mixer 7. External switching relay Additional remarks ================== * Si5153 test before PCB fab: * It seems the desired frequency plan can be achieved: * clk0: LO1 = 28 - 4.9152 + VFO, i.e. from 23 to 25 * clk1: VHF-LO = 144 + 28 and 144 - 28, i.e. 116 MHz * clk2: BFO = 4.91521 * See `freqplan.py` * If not, generate LO1 and BFO with Si5153, and connect an external LO to the VHF LO u.FL * No 116MHz crystals on mouser, but 114.285MHz are available, HF bandpass filters recalculated. * Other option is using another configurable reference