path: root/sw/deps/hd44780-driver/src/lib.rs
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diff --git a/sw/deps/hd44780-driver/src/lib.rs b/sw/deps/hd44780-driver/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5211346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/deps/hd44780-driver/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+//use core::fmt::Result;
+//use core::fmt::Write;
+use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::{DelayMs, DelayUs};
+use embedded_hal::blocking::i2c;
+use embedded_hal::digital::v2::OutputPin;
+pub mod bus;
+use bus::{DataBus, EightBitBus, FourBitBus, I2CBus, I2CMCP23008Bus};
+pub mod error;
+use error::Result;
+pub mod entry_mode;
+use entry_mode::{CursorMode, EntryMode};
+pub mod display_mode;
+pub use display_mode::DisplayMode;
+pub struct HD44780<B: DataBus> {
+ bus: B,
+ entry_mode: EntryMode,
+ display_mode: DisplayMode,
+/// Used in the direction argument for shifting the cursor and the display
+pub enum Direction {
+ Left,
+ Right,
+/// Used in set_display_mode to make the parameters more clear
+pub enum Display {
+ On,
+ Off,
+pub enum Cursor {
+ Visible,
+ Invisible,
+pub enum CursorBlink {
+ On,
+ Off,
+ RS: OutputPin,
+ EN: OutputPin,
+ D0: OutputPin,
+ D1: OutputPin,
+ D2: OutputPin,
+ D3: OutputPin,
+ D4: OutputPin,
+ D5: OutputPin,
+ D6: OutputPin,
+ D7: OutputPin,
+ > HD44780<EightBitBus<RS, EN, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7>>
+ /// Create an instance of a `HD44780` from 8 data pins, a register select
+ /// pin, an enable pin and a struct implementing the delay trait.
+ /// - The delay instance is used to sleep between commands to
+ /// ensure the `HD44780` has enough time to process commands.
+ /// - The eight db0..db7 pins are used to send and recieve with
+ /// the `HD44780`.
+ /// - The register select pin is used to tell the `HD44780`
+ /// if incoming data is a command or data.
+ /// - The enable pin is used to tell the `HD44780` that there
+ /// is data on the 8 data pins and that it should read them in.
+ ///
+ pub fn new_8bit<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ rs: RS,
+ en: EN,
+ d0: D0,
+ d1: D1,
+ d2: D2,
+ d3: D3,
+ d4: D4,
+ d5: D5,
+ d6: D6,
+ d7: D7,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<HD44780<EightBitBus<RS, EN, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7>>> {
+ let mut hd = HD44780 {
+ bus: EightBitBus::from_pins(rs, en, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7),
+ entry_mode: EntryMode::default(),
+ display_mode: DisplayMode::default(),
+ };
+ hd.init_8bit(delay)?;
+ return Ok(hd);
+ }
+impl<RS: OutputPin, EN: OutputPin, D4: OutputPin, D5: OutputPin, D6: OutputPin, D7: OutputPin>
+ HD44780<FourBitBus<RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, D7>>
+ /// Create an instance of a `HD44780` from 4 data pins, a register select
+ /// pin, an enable pin and a struct implementing the delay trait.
+ /// - The delay instance is used to sleep between commands to
+ /// ensure the `HD44780` has enough time to process commands.
+ /// - The four db0..db3 pins are used to send and recieve with
+ /// the `HD44780`.
+ /// - The register select pin is used to tell the `HD44780`
+ /// if incoming data is a command or data.
+ /// - The enable pin is used to tell the `HD44780` that there
+ /// is data on the 4 data pins and that it should read them in.
+ ///
+ /// This mode operates differently than 8 bit mode by using 4 less
+ /// pins for data, which is nice on devices with less I/O although
+ /// the I/O takes a 'bit' longer
+ ///
+ /// Instead of commands being sent byte by byte each command is
+ /// broken up into it's upper and lower nibbles (4 bits) before
+ /// being sent over the data bus
+ ///
+ pub fn new_4bit<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ rs: RS,
+ en: EN,
+ d4: D4,
+ d5: D5,
+ d6: D6,
+ d7: D7,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<HD44780<FourBitBus<RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, D7>>> {
+ let mut hd = HD44780 {
+ bus: FourBitBus::from_pins(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7),
+ entry_mode: EntryMode::default(),
+ display_mode: DisplayMode::default(),
+ };
+ hd.init_4bit(delay)?;
+ return Ok(hd);
+ }
+impl<I2C: i2c::Write> HD44780<I2CBus<I2C>> {
+ /// Create an instance of a `HD44780` from an i2c write peripheral,
+ /// I2C address and a struct implementing the delay trait.
+ /// The `HD44780` is driven through a PCF8574 I2C port expander.
+ /// - The delay instance is used to sleep between commands to
+ /// ensure the `HD44780` has enough time to process commands.
+ /// - The i2c peripheral is used to send data to the `HD44780` and to set
+ /// its register select and enable pins.
+ ///
+ /// This mode operates on an I2C bus, using a PCF8574 I2C to port expander
+ /// The IC connections are described in `I2CBus`
+ ///
+ pub fn new_i2c<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ i2c_bus: I2C,
+ address: u8,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<HD44780<I2CBus<I2C>>> {
+ let mut hd = HD44780 {
+ bus: I2CBus::new(i2c_bus, address),
+ entry_mode: EntryMode::default(),
+ display_mode: DisplayMode::default(),
+ };
+ hd.init_4bit(delay)?;
+ return Ok(hd);
+ }
+impl<I2C: i2c::Write> HD44780<I2CMCP23008Bus<I2C>> {
+ /// Create an instance of a `HD44780` from an i2c write peripheral,
+ /// I2C address and a struct implementing the delay trait.
+ /// The `HD44780` is driven through a MCP23008 I2C port expander.
+ /// - The delay instance is used to sleep between commands to
+ /// ensure the `HD44780` has enough time to process commands.
+ /// - The i2c peripheral is used to send data to the `HD44780` and to set
+ /// its register select and enable pins.
+ ///
+ /// This mode operates on an I2C bus, using an I2C to parallel port expander based on MCP23008.
+ /// The IC connections are described in `I2CMCP23008Bus`
+ ///
+ pub fn new_i2c_mcp23008<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ i2c_bus: I2C,
+ address: u8,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<HD44780<I2CMCP23008Bus<I2C>>> {
+ let mut hd = HD44780 {
+ bus: I2CMCP23008Bus::new(i2c_bus, address)?,
+ entry_mode: EntryMode::default(),
+ display_mode: DisplayMode::default(),
+ };
+ hd.init_4bit(delay)?;
+ return Ok(hd);
+ }
+impl<B> HD44780<B>
+ B: DataBus,
+ /// Unshifts the display and sets the cursor position to 0
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// lcd.reset();
+ /// ```
+ pub fn reset<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(&mut self, delay: &mut D) -> Result<()> {
+ self.write_command(0b0000_0010, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Set if the display should be on, if the cursor should be
+ /// visible, and if the cursor should blink
+ ///
+ /// Note: This is equivilent to calling all of the other relavent
+ /// methods however this operation does it all in one go to the `HD44780`
+ pub fn set_display_mode<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ display_mode: DisplayMode,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.display_mode = display_mode;
+ let cmd_byte = self.display_mode.as_byte();
+ self.write_command(cmd_byte, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Clear the entire display
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// lcd.clear();
+ /// ```
+ pub fn clear<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(&mut self, delay: &mut D) -> Result<()> {
+ self.write_command(0b0000_0001, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// If enabled, automatically scroll the display when a new
+ /// character is written to the display
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// lcd.set_autoscroll(true);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn set_autoscroll<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ enabled: bool,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.entry_mode.shift_mode = enabled.into();
+ let cmd = self.entry_mode.as_byte();
+ self.write_command(cmd, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Set if the cursor should be visible
+ pub fn set_cursor_visibility<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ visibility: Cursor,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.display_mode.cursor_visibility = visibility;
+ let cmd = self.display_mode.as_byte();
+ self.write_command(cmd, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Set if the characters on the display should be visible
+ pub fn set_display<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ display: Display,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.display_mode.display = display;
+ let cmd = self.display_mode.as_byte();
+ self.write_command(cmd, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Set if the cursor should blink
+ pub fn set_cursor_blink<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ blink: CursorBlink,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.display_mode.cursor_blink = blink;
+ let cmd = self.display_mode.as_byte();
+ self.write_command(cmd, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Set which way the cursor will move when a new character is written
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// // Move right (Default) when a new character is written
+ /// lcd.set_cursor_mode(CursorMode::Right)
+ ///
+ /// // Move left when a new character is written
+ /// lcd.set_cursor_mode(CursorMode::Left)
+ /// ```
+ pub fn set_cursor_mode<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ mode: CursorMode,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.entry_mode.cursor_mode = mode;
+ let cmd = self.entry_mode.as_byte();
+ self.write_command(cmd, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Set the cursor position
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// // Move to line 2
+ /// lcd.set_cursor_pos(40)
+ /// ```
+ pub fn set_cursor_pos<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ position: u8,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ let lower_7_bits = 0b0111_1111 & position;
+ self.write_command(0b1000_0000 | lower_7_bits, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Shift just the cursor to the left or the right
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// lcd.shift_cursor(Direction::Left);
+ /// lcd.shift_cursor(Direction::Right);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn shift_cursor<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ dir: Direction,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ let bits = match dir {
+ Direction::Left => 0b0000_0000,
+ Direction::Right => 0b0000_0100,
+ };
+ self.write_command(0b0001_0000 | bits | bits, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Shift the entire display to the left or the right
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// lcd.shift_display(Direction::Left);
+ /// lcd.shift_display(Direction::Right);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn shift_display<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ dir: Direction,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ let bits = match dir {
+ Direction::Left => 0b0000_0000,
+ Direction::Right => 0b0000_0100,
+ };
+ self.write_command(0b0001_1000 | bits, delay)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Write a single character to the `HD44780`
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// lcd.write_char('A');
+ /// ```
+ pub fn write_char<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ data: char,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.bus.write(data as u8, true, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn write_command<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ cmd: u8,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.bus.write(cmd, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn init_4bit<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(&mut self, delay: &mut D) -> Result<()> {
+ // Wait for the LCD to wakeup if it was off
+ delay.delay_ms(15u8);
+ // Initialize Lcd in 4-bit mode
+ self.bus.write(0x33, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_ms(5u8);
+ // Sets 4-bit operation and enables 5x7 mode for chars
+ self.bus.write(0x32, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ self.bus.write(0x28, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ // Clear Display
+ self.bus.write(0x0E, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ // Move the cursor to beginning of first line
+ self.bus.write(0x01, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ // Set entry mode
+ self.bus.write(self.entry_mode.as_byte(), false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ self.bus.write(0x80, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // Follow the 8-bit setup procedure as specified in the HD44780 datasheet
+ fn init_8bit<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(&mut self, delay: &mut D) -> Result<()> {
+ // Wait for the LCD to wakeup if it was off
+ delay.delay_ms(15u8);
+ // Initialize Lcd in 8-bit mode
+ self.bus.write(0b0011_0000, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_ms(5u8);
+ // Sets 8-bit operation and enables 5x7 mode for chars
+ self.bus.write(0b0011_1000, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ self.bus.write(0b0000_1110, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ // Clear Display
+ self.bus.write(0b0000_0001, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ // Move the cursor to beginning of first line
+ self.bus.write(0b000_0111, false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ // Set entry mode
+ self.bus.write(self.entry_mode.as_byte(), false, delay)?;
+ // Wait for the command to be processed
+ delay.delay_us(100);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn write_str<D: DelayUs<u16> + DelayMs<u8>>(
+ &mut self,
+ string: &str,
+ delay: &mut D,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ for c in string.chars() {
+ self.write_char(c, delay)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // Send a byte to the HD44780 by setting the data on the bus and
+ // also pulsing the enable pin
+ /*fn send_byte(&mut self, data: u8) {
+ // Pulse the enable pin
+ self.set_bus_bits(data);
+ self.pulse_enable();
+ }*/
+ // Pulse the enable pin telling the HD44780 that we something for it
+ /*fn pulse_enable(&mut self) {
+ self.en.set_high();
+ self.delay.delay_ms(15u8);
+ self.en.set_low();
+ }*/
+//impl<B> Write for HD44780<B>
+// B: DataBus,
+// fn write_str(&mut self, string: &str) -> Result {
+// for c in string.chars() {
+// self.write_char(c, delay);
+// }
+// Ok(())
+// }