path: root/src/libosmo-fl2k.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libosmo-fl2k.c')
1 files changed, 969 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libosmo-fl2k.c b/src/libosmo-fl2k.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7786477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libosmo-fl2k.c
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+ * osmo-fl2k, turns FL2000-based USB 3.0 to VGA adapters into
+ * low cost DACs
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 by Steve Markgraf <>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifndef _WIN32
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <libusb.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+ * All libusb callback functions should be marked with the LIBUSB_CALL macro
+ * to ensure that they are compiled with the same calling convention as libusb.
+ *
+ * If the macro isn't available in older libusb versions, we simply define it.
+ */
+#ifndef LIBUSB_CALL
+#define LIBUSB_CALL
+/* libusb < 1.0.9 doesn't have libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed */
+#define libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(ctx, tv, c) \
+ libusb_handle_events_timeout(ctx, tv)
+#include "osmo-fl2k.h"
+enum fl2k_async_status {
+typedef enum fl2k_buf_state {
+ BUF_EMPTY = 0,
+} fl2k_buf_state_t;
+typedef struct fl2k_xfer_info {
+ fl2k_dev_t *dev;
+ uint64_t seq;
+ fl2k_buf_state_t state;
+} fl2k_xfer_info_t;
+struct fl2k_dev {
+ libusb_context *ctx;
+ struct libusb_device_handle *devh;
+ uint32_t xfer_num;
+ uint32_t xfer_buf_num;
+ uint32_t xfer_buf_len;
+ struct libusb_transfer **xfer;
+ unsigned char **xfer_buf;
+ fl2k_xfer_info_t *xfer_info;
+ fl2k_tx_cb_t cb;
+ void *cb_ctx;
+ enum fl2k_async_status async_status;
+ int async_cancel;
+ int use_zerocopy;
+ int terminate;
+ /* thread related */
+ pthread_t usb_worker_thread;
+ pthread_t sample_worker_thread;
+ pthread_mutex_t buf_mutex;
+ pthread_cond_t buf_cond;
+ double rate; /* Hz */
+ /* status */
+ int dev_lost;
+ int driver_active;
+ uint32_t underflow_cnt;
+typedef struct fl2k_dongle {
+ uint16_t vid;
+ uint16_t pid;
+ const char *name;
+} fl2k_dongle_t;
+static fl2k_dongle_t known_devices[] = {
+ { 0x1d5c, 0x2000, "FL2000DX OEM" },
+#define CTRL_TIMEOUT 300
+#define BULK_TIMEOUT 0
+static int fl2k_read_reg(fl2k_dev_t *dev, uint16_t reg, uint32_t *val)
+ int r;
+ uint8_t data[4];
+ if (!dev || !val)
+ r = libusb_control_transfer(dev->devh, CTRL_IN, 0x40,
+ 0, reg, data, 4, CTRL_TIMEOUT);
+ if (r < 4)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error, short read from register!\n");
+ *val = (data[3] << 24) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[1] << 8) | data[0];
+ return r;
+static int fl2k_write_reg(fl2k_dev_t *dev, uint16_t reg, uint32_t val)
+ uint8_t data[4];
+ if (!dev)
+ data[0] = val & 0xff;
+ data[1] = (val >> 8) & 0xff;
+ data[2] = (val >> 16) & 0xff;
+ data[3] = (val >> 24) & 0xff;
+ return libusb_control_transfer(dev->devh, CTRL_OUT, 0x41,
+ 0, reg, data, 4, CTRL_TIMEOUT);
+int fl2k_init_device(fl2k_dev_t *dev)
+ if (!dev)
+ /* initialization */
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x8020, 0xdf0000cc);
+ /* set DAC freq to lowest value possible to avoid
+ * underrun during init */
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x802c, 0x00416f3f);
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x8048, 0x7ffb8004);
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x803c, 0xd701004d);
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x8004, 0x0000031c);
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x8004, 0x0010039d);
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x8008, 0x07800898);
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x801c, 0x00000000);
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x0070, 0x04186085);
+ /* blanking magic */
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x8008, 0xfeff0780);
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x800c, 0x0000f001);
+ /* VSYNC magic */
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x8010, 0x0400042a);
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x8014, 0x0010002d);
+ fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x8004, 0x00000002);
+ return 0;
+int fl2k_deinit_device(fl2k_dev_t *dev)
+ int r = 0;
+ if (!dev)
+ /* TODO, power down DACs, PLL, put device in reset */
+ return r;
+static double fl2k_reg_to_freq(uint32_t reg)
+ double sample_clock, offset, offs_div;
+ uint32_t pll_clock = 160000000;
+ uint8_t div = reg & 0x3f;
+ uint8_t out_div = (reg >> 8) & 0xf;
+ uint8_t frac = (reg >> 16) & 0xf;
+ uint8_t mult = (reg >> 20) & 0xf;
+ sample_clock = (pll_clock * mult) / (uint32_t)div;
+ offs_div = (pll_clock / 5.0f ) * mult;
+ offset = ((double)sample_clock/(offs_div/2)) * 1000000.0f;
+ sample_clock += (uint32_t)offset * frac;
+ sample_clock /= out_div;
+// fprintf(stderr, "div: %d\tod: %d\tfrac: %d\tmult %d\tclock: %f\treg "
+// "%08x\n", div, out_div, frac, mult, sample_clock, reg);
+ return sample_clock;
+int fl2k_set_sample_rate(fl2k_dev_t *dev, uint32_t target_freq)
+ double sample_clock, error, last_error = 1e20f;
+ uint32_t reg = 0, result_reg = 0;
+ uint8_t div, mult, frac, out_div;
+ if (!dev)
+ /* Output divider (accepts value 1-15)
+ * works, but adds lots of phase noise, so do not use it */
+ out_div = 1;
+ /* Observation: PLL multiplier of 7 works, but has more phase
+ * noise. Prefer multiplier 6 and 5 */
+ for (mult = 6; mult >= 3; mult--) {
+ for (div = 63; div > 1; div--) {
+ for (frac = 1; frac <= 15; frac++) {
+ reg = (mult << 20) | (frac << 16) |
+ (0x60 << 8) | (out_div << 8) | div;
+ sample_clock = fl2k_reg_to_freq(reg);
+ error = sample_clock - (double)target_freq;
+ /* Keep closest match */
+ if (fabsf(error) < last_error) {
+ result_reg = reg;
+ last_error = fabsf(error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sample_clock = fl2k_reg_to_freq(result_reg);
+ error = sample_clock - (double)target_freq;
+ dev->rate = sample_clock;
+ if (fabsf(error) > 1)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Requested sample rate %d not possible, using"
+ " %f, error is %f\n", target_freq, sample_clock, error);
+ return fl2k_write_reg(dev, 0x802c, result_reg);
+uint32_t fl2k_get_sample_rate(fl2k_dev_t *dev)
+ if (!dev)
+ return 0;
+ return (uint32_t)dev->rate;
+static fl2k_dongle_t *find_known_device(uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid)
+ unsigned int i;
+ fl2k_dongle_t *device = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(known_devices)/sizeof(fl2k_dongle_t); i++ ) {
+ if (known_devices[i].vid == vid && known_devices[i].pid == pid) {
+ device = &known_devices[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return device;
+uint32_t fl2k_get_device_count(void)
+ int i,r;
+ libusb_context *ctx;
+ libusb_device **list;
+ uint32_t device_count = 0;
+ struct libusb_device_descriptor dd;
+ ssize_t cnt;
+ r = libusb_init(&ctx);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return 0;
+ cnt = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &list);
+ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+ libusb_get_device_descriptor(list[i], &dd);
+ if (find_known_device(dd.idVendor, dd.idProduct))
+ device_count++;
+ }
+ libusb_free_device_list(list, 1);
+ libusb_exit(ctx);
+ return device_count;
+const char *fl2k_get_device_name(uint32_t index)
+ int i,r;
+ libusb_context *ctx;
+ libusb_device **list;
+ struct libusb_device_descriptor dd;
+ fl2k_dongle_t *device = NULL;
+ uint32_t device_count = 0;
+ ssize_t cnt;
+ r = libusb_init(&ctx);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return "";
+ cnt = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &list);
+ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+ libusb_get_device_descriptor(list[i], &dd);
+ device = find_known_device(dd.idVendor, dd.idProduct);
+ if (device) {
+ device_count++;
+ if (index == device_count - 1)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ libusb_free_device_list(list, 1);
+ libusb_exit(ctx);
+ if (device)
+ return device->name;
+ else
+ return "";
+int fl2k_open(fl2k_dev_t **out_dev, uint32_t index)
+ int r;
+ int i;
+ libusb_device **list;
+ fl2k_dev_t *dev = NULL;
+ libusb_device *device = NULL;
+ uint32_t device_count = 0;
+ struct libusb_device_descriptor dd;
+ uint8_t reg;
+ ssize_t cnt;
+ dev = malloc(sizeof(fl2k_dev_t));
+ if (NULL == dev)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ memset(dev, 0, sizeof(fl2k_dev_t));
+ r = libusb_init(&dev->ctx);
+ if(r < 0){
+ free(dev);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ libusb_set_debug(dev->ctx, 3);
+ dev->dev_lost = 1;
+ cnt = libusb_get_device_list(dev->ctx, &list);
+ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+ device = list[i];
+ libusb_get_device_descriptor(list[i], &dd);
+ if (find_known_device(dd.idVendor, dd.idProduct)) {
+ device_count++;
+ }
+ if (index == device_count - 1)
+ break;
+ device = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!device) {
+ r = -1;
+ goto err;
+ }
+ r = libusb_open(device, &dev->devh);
+ libusb_free_device_list(list, 1);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "usb_open error %d\n", r);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Please fix the device permissions, e.g. "
+ "by installing the udev rules file\n");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* If the adapter has an SPI flash for the Windows driver, we
+ * need to detach the USB mass storage driver first in order to
+ * open the device */
+ if (libusb_kernel_driver_active(dev->devh, 3) == 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Kernel mass storage driver is attached, "
+ "detaching driver. This may take more than"
+ " 10 seconds!\n");
+ r = libusb_detach_kernel_driver(dev->devh, 3);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to detach mass storage "
+ "driver: %d\n", r);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ r = libusb_claim_interface(dev->devh, 0);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "usb_claim_interface 0 error %d\n", r);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ r = libusb_claim_interface(dev->devh, 1);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "usb_claim_interface 1 error %d\n", r);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ r = fl2k_init_device(dev);
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto err;
+ dev->dev_lost = 0;
+ *out_dev = dev;
+ return 0;
+ if (dev) {
+ if (dev->ctx)
+ libusb_exit(dev->ctx);
+ free(dev);
+ }
+ return r;
+int fl2k_close(fl2k_dev_t *dev)
+ if (!dev)
+ if(!dev->dev_lost) {
+ /* block until all async operations have been completed (if any) */
+ while (FL2K_INACTIVE != dev->async_status) {
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ Sleep(1);
+ usleep(1000);
+ }
+ fl2k_deinit_device(dev);
+ }
+ libusb_release_interface(dev->devh, 0);
+ libusb_close(dev->devh);
+ libusb_exit(dev->ctx);
+ free(dev);
+ return 0;
+static struct libusb_transfer *fl2k_get_next_xfer(fl2k_dev_t *dev,
+ fl2k_buf_state_t state)
+ unsigned int i;
+ int next_buf = -1;
+ uint64_t next_seq = 0;
+ fl2k_xfer_info_t *xfer_info;
+ for (i = 0; i < dev->xfer_buf_num; i++) {
+ xfer_info = (fl2k_xfer_info_t *)dev->xfer[i]->user_data;
+ if (!xfer_info)
+ continue;
+ if (xfer_info->state == state) {
+ if (state == BUF_EMPTY) {
+ return dev->xfer[i];
+ } else if ((xfer_info->seq < next_seq) || next_buf < 0) {
+ next_seq = xfer_info->seq;
+ next_buf = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((state == BUF_FILLED) && (next_buf >= 0))
+ return dev->xfer[next_buf];
+ else
+ return NULL;
+static void LIBUSB_CALL _libusb_callback(struct libusb_transfer *xfer)
+ fl2k_xfer_info_t *xfer_info = (fl2k_xfer_info_t *)xfer->user_data;
+ fl2k_xfer_info_t *next_xfer_info;
+ fl2k_dev_t *dev = (fl2k_dev_t *)xfer_info->dev;
+ struct libusb_transfer *next_xfer = NULL;
+ if (LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED == xfer->status) {
+ /* resubmit transfer */
+ if (FL2K_RUNNING == dev->async_status) {
+ /* get next transfer */
+ next_xfer = fl2k_get_next_xfer(dev, BUF_FILLED);
+ if (next_xfer) {
+ next_xfer_info = (fl2k_xfer_info_t *) next_xfer->user_data;
+ /* Submit next filled transfer */
+ next_xfer_info->state = BUF_SUBMITTED;
+ libusb_submit_transfer(next_xfer);
+ xfer_info->state = BUF_EMPTY;
+ pthread_cond_signal(&dev->buf_cond);
+ } else {
+ /* We need to re-submit the transfer
+ * in any case, as otherwise the device
+ * stops to output data and hangs
+ * (happens only in the hacked 'gapless'
+ * mode without HSYNC and VSYNC) */
+ libusb_submit_transfer(xfer);
+ pthread_cond_signal(&dev->buf_cond);
+ dev->underflow_cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (LIBUSB_TRANSFER_CANCELLED != xfer->status) {
+ dev->dev_lost = 1;
+ fl2k_stop_tx(dev);
+ pthread_cond_signal(&dev->buf_cond);
+ fprintf(stderr, "cb transfer status: %d, "
+ "canceling...\n", xfer->status);
+ }
+static int fl2k_alloc_submit_transfers(fl2k_dev_t *dev)
+ unsigned int i;
+ int r = 0;
+ if (!dev)
+ dev->xfer = malloc(dev->xfer_buf_num * sizeof(struct libusb_transfer *));
+ for (i = 0; i < dev->xfer_buf_num; ++i)
+ dev->xfer[i] = libusb_alloc_transfer(0);
+ dev->xfer_buf = malloc(dev->xfer_buf_num * sizeof(unsigned char *));
+ dev->xfer_info = malloc(dev->xfer_buf_num * sizeof(fl2k_xfer_info_t));
+#if defined (__linux__) && LIBUSB_API_VERSION >= 0x01000105
+ fprintf(stderr, "Using %d zero-copy buffers\n", dev->xfer_buf_num);
+ dev->use_zerocopy = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < dev->xfer_buf_num; ++i) {
+ dev->xfer_buf[i] = libusb_dev_mem_alloc(dev->devh, dev->xfer_buf_len);
+ if (!dev->xfer_buf[i]) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate zerocopy"
+ " buffer for transfer %d\n",
+ i);
+ // TODO: free dev_mem buffers again
+ dev->use_zerocopy = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dev->use_zerocopy) {
+ for (i = 0; i < dev->xfer_buf_num; ++i) {
+ dev->xfer_buf[i] = malloc(dev->xfer_buf_len);
+ if (!dev->xfer_buf[i])
+ return FL2K_ERROR_NO_MEM;
+ }
+ }
+ /* fill transfers */
+ for (i = 0; i < dev->xfer_buf_num; ++i) {
+ libusb_fill_bulk_transfer(dev->xfer[i],
+ dev->devh,
+ 0x01,
+ dev->xfer_buf[i],
+ dev->xfer_buf_len,
+ _libusb_callback,
+ &dev->xfer_info[i],
+ 0);
+ dev->xfer_info[i].dev = dev;
+ dev->xfer_info[i].state = BUF_EMPTY;
+ /* if we allocate the memory through the Kernel, it is
+ * already cleared */
+ if (!dev->use_zerocopy)
+ memset(dev->xfer_buf[i], 0, dev->xfer_buf_len);
+ }
+ /* submit transfers */
+ for (i = 0; i < dev->xfer_num; ++i) {
+ r = libusb_submit_transfer(dev->xfer[i]);
+ dev->xfer_info[i].state = BUF_SUBMITTED;
+ if (r < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to submit transfer %i\n"
+ "Please increase your allowed "
+ "usbfs buffer size with the "
+ "following command:\n"
+ "echo 0 > /sys/module/usbcore"
+ "/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb\n", i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int _fl2k_free_async_buffers(fl2k_dev_t *dev)
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (!dev)
+ if (dev->xfer) {
+ for (i = 0; i < dev->xfer_buf_num; ++i) {
+ if (dev->xfer[i]) {
+ libusb_free_transfer(dev->xfer[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ free(dev->xfer);
+ dev->xfer = NULL;
+ }
+ if (dev->xfer_buf) {
+ for (i = 0; i < dev->xfer_buf_num; ++i) {
+ if (dev->xfer_buf[i]) {
+ if (dev->use_zerocopy) {
+ libusb_dev_mem_free(dev->devh,
+ dev->xfer_buf[i],
+ dev->xfer_buf_len);
+ } else {
+ free(dev->xfer_buf[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(dev->xfer_buf);
+ dev->xfer_buf = NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void *fl2k_usb_worker(void *arg)
+ fl2k_dev_t *dev = (fl2k_dev_t *)arg;
+ struct timeval tv = { 1, 0 };
+ struct timeval zerotv = { 0, 0 };
+ enum fl2k_async_status next_status = FL2K_INACTIVE;
+ int r = 0;
+ unsigned int i;
+ while (FL2K_RUNNING == dev->async_status) {
+ r = libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(dev->ctx, &tv,
+ &dev->async_cancel);
+ }
+ while (FL2K_INACTIVE != dev->async_status) {
+ r = libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(dev->ctx, &tv,
+ &dev->async_cancel);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ /*fprintf(stderr, "handle_events returned: %d\n", r);*/
+ if (r == LIBUSB_ERROR_INTERRUPTED) /* stray signal */
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (FL2K_CANCELING == dev->async_status) {
+ next_status = FL2K_INACTIVE;
+ if (!dev->xfer)
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < dev->xfer_buf_num; ++i) {
+ if (!dev->xfer[i])
+ continue;
+ dev->xfer[i]->status) {
+ r = libusb_cancel_transfer(dev->xfer[i]);
+ /* handle events after canceling
+ * to allow transfer status to
+ * propagate */
+ libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(dev->ctx,
+ &zerotv, NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ continue;
+ next_status = FL2K_CANCELING;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dev->dev_lost || FL2K_INACTIVE == next_status) {
+ /* handle any events that still need to
+ * be handled before exiting after we
+ * just cancelled all transfers */
+ libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(dev->ctx,
+ &zerotv, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _fl2k_free_async_buffers(dev);
+ dev->async_status = next_status;
+ pthread_exit(NULL);
+/* Buffer format conversion functions for R, G, B DACs */
+static inline void fl2k_convert_r(char *out,
+ char *in,
+ uint32_t len,
+ uint8_t offset)
+ unsigned int i, j = 0;
+ if (!in || !out)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i += 24) {
+ out[i+ 6] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+ 1] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+12] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+15] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+10] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+21] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+16] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+19] = in[j++] + offset;
+ }
+static inline void fl2k_convert_g(char *out,
+ char *in,
+ uint32_t len,
+ uint8_t offset)
+ unsigned int i, j = 0;
+ if (!in || !out)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i += 24) {
+ out[i+ 5] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+ 0] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+ 3] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+14] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+ 9] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+20] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+23] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+18] = in[j++] + offset;
+ }
+static inline void fl2k_convert_b(char *out,
+ char *in,
+ uint32_t len,
+ uint8_t offset)
+ unsigned int i, j = 0;
+ if (!in || !out)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i += 24) {
+ out[i+ 4] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+ 7] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+ 2] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+13] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+ 8] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+11] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+22] = in[j++] + offset;
+ out[i+17] = in[j++] + offset;
+ }
+static void *fl2k_sample_worker(void *arg)
+ int r = 0;
+ unsigned int i, j;
+ fl2k_dev_t *dev = (fl2k_dev_t *)arg;
+ fl2k_xfer_info_t *xfer_info = NULL;
+ struct libusb_transfer *xfer = NULL;
+ char *out_buf = NULL;
+ fl2k_data_info_t data_info;
+ uint32_t underflows = 0;
+ uint64_t buf_cnt = 0;
+ while (FL2K_RUNNING == dev->async_status) {
+ memset(&data_info, 0, sizeof(fl2k_data_info_t));
+ data_info.len = FL2K_BUF_LEN;
+ data_info.underflow_cnt = dev->underflow_cnt;
+ data_info.ctx = dev->cb_ctx;
+ if (dev->underflow_cnt > underflows) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Underflow! Skipped %d buffers\n",
+ dev->underflow_cnt - underflows);
+ underflows = dev->underflow_cnt;
+ }
+ /* call application callback to get samples */
+ if (dev->cb)
+ dev->cb(&data_info);
+ xfer = fl2k_get_next_xfer(dev, BUF_EMPTY);
+ if (!xfer) {
+ pthread_cond_wait(&dev->buf_cond, &dev->buf_mutex);
+ /* in the meantime, the device might be gone */
+ if (FL2K_RUNNING != dev->async_status)
+ break;
+ xfer = fl2k_get_next_xfer(dev, BUF_EMPTY);
+ if (!xfer) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "no free transfer, skipping"
+ " input buffer\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* We have an empty USB transfer buffer */
+ xfer_info = (fl2k_xfer_info_t *)xfer->user_data;
+ out_buf = (char *)xfer->buffer;
+ /* Re-arrange and copy bytes in buffer for DACs */
+ fl2k_convert_r(out_buf, data_info.r_buf, dev->xfer_buf_len,
+ data_info.sampletype_signed ? 128 : 0);
+ fl2k_convert_g(out_buf, data_info.g_buf, dev->xfer_buf_len,
+ data_info.sampletype_signed ? 128 : 0);
+ fl2k_convert_b(out_buf, data_info.b_buf, dev->xfer_buf_len,
+ data_info.sampletype_signed ? 128 : 0);
+ xfer_info->seq = buf_cnt++;
+ xfer_info->state = BUF_FILLED;
+ }
+ /* notify application if we've lost the device */
+ if (dev->dev_lost && dev->cb) {
+ data_info.device_error = 1;
+ dev->cb(&data_info);
+ fl2k_stop_tx(dev);
+ }
+ pthread_exit(NULL);
+int fl2k_start_tx(fl2k_dev_t *dev, fl2k_tx_cb_t cb, void *ctx,
+ uint32_t buf_num)
+ int r = 0;
+ int i;
+ pthread_attr_t attr;
+ if (!dev || !cb)
+ dev->async_status = FL2K_RUNNING;
+ dev->async_cancel = 0;
+ dev->cb = cb;
+ dev->cb_ctx = ctx;
+ if (buf_num > 0)
+ dev->xfer_num = buf_num;
+ else
+ dev->xfer_num = DEFAULT_BUF_NUMBER;
+ /* have two spare buffers that can be filled while the
+ * others are submitted */
+ dev->xfer_buf_num = dev->xfer_num + 2;
+ dev->xfer_buf_len = FL2K_XFER_LEN;
+ r = fl2k_alloc_submit_transfers(dev);
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto cleanup;
+ pthread_mutex_init(&dev->buf_mutex, NULL);
+ pthread_cond_init(&dev->buf_cond, NULL);
+ pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+ r = pthread_create(&dev->usb_worker_thread, &attr,
+ fl2k_usb_worker, (void *)dev);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error spawning USB worker thread!\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ r = pthread_create(&dev->sample_worker_thread, &attr,
+ fl2k_sample_worker, (void *)dev);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error spawning sample worker thread!\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
+ return 0;
+ _fl2k_free_async_buffers(dev);
+ return FL2K_ERROR_BUSY;
+int fl2k_stop_tx(fl2k_dev_t *dev)
+ if (!dev)
+ /* if streaming, try to cancel gracefully */
+ if (FL2K_RUNNING == dev->async_status) {
+ dev->async_status = FL2K_CANCELING;
+ dev->async_cancel = 1;
+ return 0;
+ /* if called while in pending state, change the state forcefully */
+ } else if (FL2K_INACTIVE != dev->async_status) {
+ dev->async_status = FL2K_INACTIVE;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return FL2K_ERROR_BUSY;