#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This is the main program that # - runs rtl_sdr to record files containing samples # - runs correlate_with_ref to calculate the CIR # - runs a webserver to present the information # # Copyright (C) 2016 # Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li # http://www.opendigitalradio.org # Licence: The MIT License, see LICENCE file import sys from bottle import route, run, template, static_file, request import subprocess import time import datetime import multiprocessing as mp import correlate_with_ref import shlex import argparse # The record and correlate tasks run in alternance. # Maybe later we want to run them simultaneously in a small # pipeline. class RTLSDR_CIR_Runner(mp.Process): def __init__(self, options, iq_file, fig_file): """Initialise a new runner, which runs rtl_sdr that will save to iq_file, and run the CIR analysis that will save to fig_file. options must contain freq, rate and samps fields""" mp.Process.__init__(self) self.events = mp.Queue() self.freq = float(options.freq) self.rate = int(options.rate) self.samps = int(options.samps) self.gain = float(options.gain) self.iq_file = iq_file self.fig_file = fig_file def stop(self): self.events.put("quit") def run(self): while True: time.sleep(1) try: self.do_one_cir_run() except Exception as e: print("Exception occurred: {}".format(e)) try: ev = self.events.get_nowait() if ev == "quit": break except mp.queues.Empty: pass def do_one_cir_run(self): # Build the rtl_sdr command line from the settings in config rtl_sdr_cmdline = shlex.split("rtl_sdr -f {} -s {} -g {} -S -".format(self.freq, self.rate, self.gain)) dd_cmdline = shlex.split("dd of={} bs=2 count={}".format(self.iq_file, self.samps)) # To avoid calling the shell, we do the pipe between rtlsdr and dd using Popen rtlsdr_proc = subprocess.Popen(rtl_sdr_cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) dd_proc = subprocess.Popen(dd_cmdline, stdin=rtlsdr_proc.stdout) # close our connection to the pipe so that rtlsdr gets the SIGPIPE rtlsdr_proc.stdout.close() dd_proc.communicate() dd_proc.wait() rtlsdr_proc.wait() # The RTLSDR outputs u8 format print("Starting correlation") cir_corr = correlate_with_ref.CIR_Correlate(self.iq_file, "u8") title = "Correlation on {}kHz done at {}".format( int(self.freq / 1000), datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) cir_corr.plot(self.fig_file, title) @route('/') def index(): return template('index', freq = cli_args.freq, rate = cli_args.rate, gain = cli_args.gain, fig_file = FIG_FILE) @route('/static/') def send_static(filename): return static_file(filename, root='./static') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='DAB Channel Impulse Measurement for RTL-SDR') # Options for the webserver parser.add_argument('--host', default='', help='socket host (default:',required=False) parser.add_argument('--port', default='8000', help='socket port (default: 8000)',required=False) # Options for RTLSDR reception parser.add_argument('--freq', help='Receive frequency', required=True) parser.add_argument('--samps', default=10*196608, help='Number of samples to analyse in one run, one transmission frame at 2048000 samples per second is 196608 samples', required=False) parser.add_argument('--gain', default=20, help='Gain setting for rtl_sdr', required=False) parser.add_argument('--rate', default='2048000', help='Samplerate for RTLSDR receiver (2048000)', required=False) cli_args = parser.parse_args() # File to save the recorded IQ file to IQ_FILE = "static/rtlsdr.iq" # The figures are saved to a file FIG_FILE = "static/rtlsdr.svg" rtlsdr_cir = RTLSDR_CIR_Runner(cli_args, IQ_FILE, FIG_FILE) rtlsdr_cir.start() try: run(host=cli_args.host, port=int(cli_args.port), debug=True, reloader=False) finally: rtlsdr_cir.stop() rtlsdr_cir.join()