% LICENSE: see LICENCE \section{Single-Frequency Networks} \subsection{Requirements} The DAB standard has been designed to enable the creation of transmission networks where several transmitters share the same frequency, and send the same signal synchronously. Such networks are called ``Single-Frequency Networks''. Each transmitter needs to be fed the same multiplex stream, which must include timing information required for synchronisation. This timing information implies that a time reference must be installed at each transmitter. The requirements for a SFN can therefore be summarised in three points: \begin{itemize} \item The signal must be \emph{identical} for each transmitter. This requires a common multiplexers, and a distribution network that carries the ETI to all modulators. \item All transmitters must transmit on the \emph{same frequency}. The modulators require a frequency reference. \item The signal must be transmitted at the \emph{same time}, which requires a time reference at each site. It also implies that the ETI stream must contain timestamps. \end{itemize} The figure~\ref{fig:txchain-sfn} shows a SFN setup with two transmitters. \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/txchain-sfn.pdf} \caption{This outline for a SFN shows two transmission sites.} \label{fig:txchain-sfn} \end{figure} \sidenote{Explain requirements on system time, NTP} \subsection{Multiplexer Configuration} On the ODR-DabMux configuration, there are not many options that are specific to an SFN setup. Most importantly, the timestamp feature must be enabled using the ``tist'' option in the ``general'' section. Furthermore, it is recommended to use the EDI transport between the multiplexer and the modulators, which can be enabled in the ``outputs'' section. Care has to be taken to have an output that slows ODR-DabMux down to nominal rate. The EDI output alone does not enforce this. The following listing shows the relevant options we just covered. \begin{lstlisting} general { tist true ... } ... outputs { ; Accept connections on all interfaces, on port 13000 edi { destinations { tcp { protocol tcp listenport 13000 } } enable_pft false } ; This throttles muxing down to nominal rate throttle "simul://" } \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Modulator Configuration} Since the modulator has to ensure that the three SFN requirements are satisfied, its configuration is more complex. We will assume, in this explanation, that one of the following USRP devices is used: USRP2, USRP B100, USRP B200. Other devices also support the necessary time and frequency synchronisation, but they have not been well tested. These USRP devices can accept different sources for the reference clock: \begin{itemize} \item The default ``internal'' source uses the non-disciplined clock generator inside the USRP. It is not suitable for SFN. \item The ``external'' source corresponds to the SMA connector on the USRP. A 10MHz signal from an external source must be connected to it. \item The optional GPSDO that can be mounted inside the USRP, and is selected as source with the ``gpsdo'' setting. \end{itemize} For the time reference, the ``pps\_source'' option is used. Possible values are ``none'', ``external'' and ``gpsdo'', with analogous meaning as for the reference clock. In case the USRP is connected to external references, the relevant configuration would be as follows: \begin{lstlisting} [uhdoutput] refclk_source=external pps_source=external \end{lstlisting} These settings alone do not tell the modulator to enable synchronisation of the transmission, they only select how the USRP is configured. To enable timestamp decoding and the frame synchronisation logic in ODR-DabMod, the following settings must also be set: \begin{lstlisting} [delaymanagement] synchronous=1 ; The constant offset to be added to the TIST, in seconds offset=2.0 \end{lstlisting} The ``offset'' setting deserves some further explanations. The ETI data stream contains TIST information, from which a time-stamp for each ETI frame can be derived. Each ETI frame ($24$\ms interval) is therefore associated with a precise point in time that defines the time of transmission of the corresponding transmission frame.\footnote{It is slightly more complex, because one transmission frame is composed of several ETI frames in some transmission modes, but the principle stays the same. It suffices for this explanation that we can derive the transmission time from the TIST information.} The TIST information is set to current time at ETI frame generation, and does not take in account the propagation delay across the distribution network. Therefore, we need to add an offset, called $\delta$, to the TIST to define transmission time. \[ t_{transmission} = t_{TIST} + \delta \] If this offset is set to a higher value, there will be a bigger delay (measured in absolute time) between the point in time a frame is multiplexed and the point in time the frame is transmitted. More frames therefore will be buffered in the ODR-DabMod input, increasing robustness against network latency fluctuations. The offset already has two functions: it compensates for network delay and allows a trade-off between delay and robustness. But it also serves a third purpose: When doing coverage planning for an SFN, it is necessary to be able to control the relative delay between transmitters in the order of milliseconds. This tuning of relative delay is included in the ``offset'' setting. We can therefore rewrite the above equation as: \[ t_{transmission} = t_{TIST} + \delta_{network} + \delta_{planning} \] \[ \delta_{offset} = \delta_{network} + \delta_{planning} \] When using the ZeroMQ input, the \verb+max_frames_queued+ setting must be large enough to contain enough ETI frames to accommodate the offset. \subsection{Using ODR LEA-M8F GPSDO board} The ODR GPSDO board integrating a u-blox LEA-M8F module can be used as time and frequency reference for the USRP B200. \sidenote{TODO: Add Picture} The board design is available on the Opendigitalradio website, with a bill of materials describing how to source the components. The PCB itself can be manufactured in any PCB fab. The module includes the correct pin header so that it can be mounted directly onto the USRP B200, but also includes footprints for SMA connectors for other usages. Communication between the PC and the GPS is possible through USB or over UART through the B200. The u-blox LEA-M8F module is a GPS disciplined TCXO module, with a one-pulse per second and a reference clock output at a frequency of $30.72$ MHz. This is different than what the normal USRP firmware expects. Because the UART communication protocol and the reference clock frequency are different than for the GPSDO units Ettus supports, a modified version of UHD is necessary. This version includes new UHD sensors, used by ODR-DabMod to verify that the GPSDO is locked properly, and different configuration settings for the clock management PLL inside the USRP, making the USRP compatible to the $30.72$MHz reference clock frequency. The modified UHD version is available on the ODR GitHub\footnote{ \url{http://www.github.com/Opendigitalradio/uhd.git}} and is used in place of Ettus' UHD. ODR-DabMod can be configured as follows: \begin{lstlisting} [uhdoutput] refclk_source=gpsdo pps_source=gpsdo behaviour_refclk_lock_lost=crash max_gps_holdover_time=600 \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Using Ettus GPSDO} When using the GPSDO from Ettus, which is a Jackson Labs Firefly module, no special UHD version needs to be installed. The configuration is: \begin{lstlisting} [uhdoutput] refclk_source=gpsdo-ettus pps_source=gpsdo behaviour_refclk_lock_lost=crash max_gps_holdover_time=600 \end{lstlisting} % vim: spl=en spell tw=80 et