% LICENSE: see LICENCE \section{Usage Scenarios} \subsection{Experimentation} \subsubsection{Creation of Non-Realtime Multiplex} The creation of a ETI file containing two programmes, one DAB and one \dabplus{} is covered in section \ref{sec-files}. \subsubsection{Modulation of ETI for Offline Processing} The ETI file generated before can then be used with ODR-DabMod to generate a file containing I/Q samples. Here, we must chose between using the command line or the configuration file. For a very simple example, using the command line makes sense, but for more advanced features it is preferable to use a configuration file. For illustration, we will present both. To modulate the file \texttt{myfirst.eti} into \texttt{myfirst.iq}, with the default options, the command is simply \begin{lstlisting} odr-dabmod myfirst.eti -f myfirst.iq -n 1 \end{lstlisting} This will create a file containing 32-bit interleaved I/Q at $2048000$ samples per second. Where the maximal amplitude is bounded by 1.The transmission mode is defined by the ETI file. The equivalent configuration file would be \begin{lstlisting} [input] transport=file source=myfirst.eti [output] output=file [fileoutput] format=complexf normalize=1 filename=myfirst.iq \end{lstlisting} This is a very minimal file that defines only the necessary settings equivalent to the above command line options. The configuration file however supports more options that the command line, and becomes easier to manager once the set becomes more complex. It is best to use the example configuration available in the \texttt{doc/} folder. \subsection{Interfacing Hardware Devices} \subsubsection{Ettus USRP} ODR-DabMod integrates support for the UHD library that can interface with all USRP devices from Ettus. The following configuration file \texttt{mod.ini} illustrates how to send the \texttt{myfirst.eti} over a USRP B200 on channel 13C: \begin{lstlisting} [remotecontrol] telnet=1 telnetport=2121 [input] transport=file source=myfirst.eti loop=1 [modulator] digital_gain=0.8 [firfilter] enabled=1 [output] output=uhd [uhdoutput] master_clock_rate=32768000 type=b200 txgain=40 channel=13C \end{lstlisting} This example also shows more options that the example for the file output: \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{remotecontrol telnet=1} enables the Telnet server that can be used to set parameters while the modulator is running. \item \texttt{loop=1} rewinds the input file when the end is reached. The same ETI file will be transmitted over and over. \item \texttt{digital\_gain=0.8} reduces the output sample deviation, to reduce compression in the USRP. \item \texttt{firfilter enabled=1} enables the FIR filter to improve the spectrum mask. If you want to customise the filter used, you can create your own filter taps file using \texttt{ODR-DabMod/doc/fir-filter/generate-filter.py}. \item \texttt{master\_clock\_rate=32768000} sets the USRP internal clock to a multiple of $2048000$, which is required if we want to use the native DAB sample rate. \item \texttt{txgain=40} Sets the analog transmit gain of the USRP to 40dB, which is specific to the B200. If you go above 70dB you will start to see nonlinearities. \end{itemize} Some of these options are not necessary for the system to work, but they improve the performance. \paragraph{Remarks concerning the USRP B200} \label{usrp_b200} The USRP B200 depicted in figure~\ref{fig:usrp-b200} is the device we are using most. It's performance is proven in a production environment, it supports the transmit synchronisation necessary for SFN and is robust enough for 24/7 operation. \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{13em} \centering \includegraphics[width=12em]{figures/USRP-B200.jpg} \caption{Ettus USRP B200} \label{fig:usrp-b200} \end{wrapfigure} However, care has to be taken about the host system, especially about the USB controller. Using USB~2.0 is not a problem for a DAB transmission, both USB~2.0 and USB~3.0 host controllers can therefore be used. Since USB~2.0 has been around for longer and is more mature, it is sometimes preferable because it causes less USB errors. This heavily depends on the exact model of the USB controller inside the host PC, and has to be tested for each system. The txgain on the B200 varies between $0$dB and about $90$dB. Experience shows that compression effects begin to appear at values around $85$dB. This might be different from device to device and needs to measured. Similarly, the digital gain has to optimised for a given setting. It is important that there is no digital clipping in the chain, because that leads to problematic spurious spectrum components, that can disturb or even damage a power amplifier. There are some performance measurements available on the Opendigitalradio wiki.\footnote{\url{http://wiki.opendigitalradio.org/index.php/USRP\_B200\_Measurements}} \paragraph{Remarks concerning other USRP models} We have used the USRP1, the USRP2 and the USRP B100 with the tools. The WBX is the most appropriate daughterboard for these models. The txgain setting has another range, it is best to start at $0$dB, and increase it in steps of $3$dB or smaller while measuring the output signal, until the correct power is reached. \subsubsection{Other Hardware with SoapySDR} \label{otherhardware} ODR-DabMod supports other radio interfaces using the SoapySDR\footnote{\url{https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDR/wiki}} vendor-neutral and platform independent library to drive SDR devices. It can be used to drive the LimeSDR boards, the HackRF from Great Scott Gadgets and the Fairwaves XTRX devices, among others. Installation dependencies are shown in the \texttt{INSTALL} file, and an example configuration is in \texttt{doc/example.mux}. The available sampling rates, the TX gain range and the antenna selection are device-specific, and can be discovered using the \texttt{SoapySDRUtil --probe} command. For example, the LimeSDR mini requires the \verb+tx_antenna+ to be set to BAND2. \subsubsection{HackRF Through Stdout Pipe} For devices that are not offering a SoapySDR device driver, the last resort is to use standard output or a fifo to carry the IQ data from ODR-DabMod to a tool that can drive the device. The fifo must be created prior to runtime with the \texttt{mkfifo} command. We are going to illustrate this with the HackRF, even though there is a SoapySDR device driver for it, but it is equally applicable for other devices. The HackRF is an entry level yet versatile SDR which provides coverage between $\approx10$MHz to $6$GHz, and DAB signals been successfully generated with it in VHF Band III ($174$--$240$MHz), L-Band ($1462$--$1467.5$MHz) and even the worldwide ISM Band ($2400$--$2500$MHz). The latter (subject to local regulations) is a licence exempt band which may be useful for performing freely radiating tests at low power. Cheap MMDS converters are currently available which helpfully provide a Band III IF output providing a direct feed to the aerial input of a receiver. Before choosing a converter it is important to pay close attention to the specifications. The local oscillator phase noise performance, and the dynamic range (due to the heavy use of the band) are both particularly important. To use the HackRF through stdout (i.e.\ without SoapySDR), the output of ODR-DabMod must be set (in the configuration file) to produce 8-bit signed integers, rather than the default complex floats.\footnote{UHD versions before 3.12 output a version string to standard output at startup. This interferes with all ODR-DabMod usage with \texttt{/dev/stdout} as output, and will only function correctly if ODR-DabMod is configured at compilation time with UHD disabled.} The HackRF has selectable baseband filters, however the lowest filter setting ($1.75$MHz) does not provide adequate image rejection at the native sampling rate of $2048$k samples per second. An appropriate rate to start with is $4096$k, and for some purposes this may well be adequate as this moves the image signals generated within the radio far enough into the stop-band of filter to attenuate them significantly. Since ODR-DabMod v1.0.1, the digital gain setting is not be influenced by the sample rate anymore, and should be set below 1, with some margin, to avoid digital clipping on modulation peaks. Example of the settings in the \texttt{mod.ini} file suitable for use with HackRF: \begin{lstlisting} [remotecontrol] telnet=1 telnetport=2121 [input] transport=file source=myfirst.eti loop=1 [modulator] digital_gain=0.8 rate=4096000 [firfilter] enabled=1 [output] output=file [fileoutput] format=s8 filename=/tmp/ofdm.fifo \end{lstlisting} The output fifo has to be created beforehand, and the \texttt{hackrf\_transfer} utility is then used to transmit the signal to the device. Depending on the capabilities of the host computer, using higher sampling rates ($6144$k, and even $8192$k) may be possible. This oversampling is desirable as it helps to produce a cleaner spectral output. At higher rates one needs to ensure that samples are not being dropped on the USB and that CPU resources are not being contended. The shoulder performance has been measured with a value at a little better than $35$dB, which is roughly equivalent to that obtained from first generation commercial modulator equipment. This can be increased to a relatively respectable $\approx 40$dB by enabling the FIR baseband filter in ODR-DabMod. The maximum output power available to meet these performance figures is approximately $-10$dBm RMS. Example of using ODR-DabMod with the \texttt{hackrf\_transfer} utility: \begin{lstlisting} mkfifo /tmp/ofdm.fifo odr-dabmod mod.ini & hackrf_transfer -t /tmp/ofdm.fifo -f 216928000 -x 47 \ -a 1 -s 4096000 -b 1750000 \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Advanced Signal Processing} \subsubsection{Crest Factor Reduction} ODR-DabMod contains a prototype for crest factor reduction (CFR), which allows you to reduce peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), trading off with modulation error rate (MER). The DAB OFDM signal has a very high PAPR, which directly translates to a decrease in power amplifier efficiency. The power amplifier has to be driven such that the peaks do not drive it into compression, but the overall efficiency is calculated from the average power. Reducing the PAPR makes it possible to drive the amplifier more. The CFR algorithm works in the following way: all the generated OFDM samples go through a limiter, which clips the amplitude to a configurable value. This directly reduces PAPR, but impacts both amplitude and phase of the constellation points, thereby degrading MER. To compensate for this, a second step of the algorithm calculates the error vector for each constellation point, and clips the error to some maximum amplitude. The clipped error is then subtracted from the signal, which corrects part of the distortion created by the limiter. To summarise: a low clipping value distorts the signal more; a high error clipping value corrects the distortion again. In the constellation plot view, the first is seen as an increase in spread of the points; the second is visible because it pulls the constellation points back into a circle of radius proportional to the error clipping value. Settings and some statistics are available through the remote control. \subsubsection{OFDM Symbol Windowing} One technique to improve the shoulder performance is to avoid generating abrupt transitions between the OFDM symbols, but apply cross-fading from one symbol to the next using a windowing function.\footnote{As of ODR-DabMod v1.0.1, this feature is still in the \texttt{next} development branch, and not part of a released version.} This feature can be enabled by setting the number of samples to use for overlapping one symbol with the next one, the default value is $10$ (out of a total symbol length of $2552$ samples in Transmission Mode I). Refer to the parameter \verb+ofdmwindowing+ in the file \verb+doc/example.ini+ for instructions. As this windowing feature modifies samples that are in the guard interval, the trade-off is reduced resilience against delayed reflections, reduced maximum transmitter delay difference in an SFN scenario, and potentially diminished robustness against Doppler spread. \subsubsection{Digital Pre-Distortion} An ongoing activity is the development of a method to characterise a power amplifier and predistort the I/Q samples to invert the distortion behaviour of the amplifier. More information about this work is in the \verb+dpd/README.md+ file in ODR-DabMod. \subsection{Audio Sources} Preparing a DAB multiplex with different programmes requires that we are able to read and encode several audio sources. We have seen in section~\ref{sec:between_encoder_and_multiplexer} how the encoders can be interfaced to the modulator. In this section we'll go through the different ways to carry the audio data to the encoder. \subsubsection{Local Audio Card} It is possible to use an audio card connected to the computer as source. For very simple scenarios, the ALSA input for ODR-AudioEnc is easiest to set up. This however limits the usage of a single encoder per sound-card, and will not scale well if more than one programme has to be encoded on the machine. It is however ideal for dedicated encoding machines that can contribute the encoded audio over an IP network. An alternative to using ALSA is JACK\footnote{The JACK Audio Connection Kit is a virtual audio patch, \url{http://www.jack-audio.org}} that can be used with a multi-channel sound card. JACK will expose every audio input channel, and several encoders can be launched that also connect to JACK. The input channels can be freely connected to the encoders thanks to the virtual JACK patch panel. \sidenote{It might be possible to use the libVLC input too, to be defined.} \subsubsection{Using Existing Web-Streams} \label{usingexistingwebstreams} One common scenario is to transmit radio stations that already are available as web-radio streams. For simplicity, it makes sense to get these web streams, which are most often encoded in mp3 and available through HTTP, decode them, and use them as audio source for the DAB or \dabplus encoder. The advantage of this approach is that the radio itself does not need to setup a new infrastructure if the stream is of good quality. The main disadvantage is that the audio is encoded twice, and this coding cascading degrades the audio quality. Often, web-streams are encoded in mp3 at $44100$Hz sample-rate, whereas DAB is most often $48000$Hz or sometimes $32000$Hz. A sample-rate conversion is necessary in the stream decoder. There are many different stream decoders, and gstreamer, mpg123 and mplayer have been tested. By far the easiest way is to use the libVLC binding that can be compiled for ODR-AudioEnc. This library has the same features as the VLC audio player, but the audio data is directly passed to the encoding routines. This allows the encoder to receive all network sources VLC supports, not only HTTP web-streams but also less common setups e.g.\ encoded audio inside multicast UDP MPEG-TS. This is illustrated in ``Studio A'' in figure~\ref{fig:txchain-with-encoders}. We have also achieved good results with mplayer, and the dab-scripts repository\footnote{\url{http://github.com/Opendigitalradio/dab-scripts}} contains the script \texttt{encode-jack.sh} that uses mplayer, and illustrates how it is possible to encode a web-stream to \dabplus. JACK is used to interconnect the stream decoder to the \dabplus encoder. This is illustrated in ``Studio B''. \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/txchain-with-encoders.pdf} \caption{Three common ways to encode a remote audio sources.} \label{fig:txchain-with-encoders} \end{figure} The scripts are designed for production use, and also contain automatic restart logic in case of a failure. They send an email and write a message into the system log. \subsubsection{Encoders at Programme Originator Studios} In order to avoid the unavoidable encoder cascading when using mp3 web-streams, the DAB or \dabplus encoder has to be moved to the programme originator's premises, and should directly encode the audio signal coming from the studios. This is illustrated in ``Studio C'' in figure~\ref{fig:txchain-with-encoders}. If ``Studio C'' is able to prepare slides for MOT Slideshow and text to be sent as DLS, ODR-PadEnc can be used to prepare the PAD data for ODR-AudioEnc. % vim: spl=en spell tw=80 et