article{Xarticle, author = "", title = "", journal = "", %volume = "", %number = "", %pages = "", year = "XXXX", %month = "", %note = "", } manual{Xarticle, %author = "", title = "", %journal = "", %volume = "", %number = "", %pages = "", %year = "XXXX", %month = "", %note = "", } @book{hoeg, author = "Wolfgang Hoeg and Thomas Lauterbach", year = {2009}, title = {{Digital Audio Broadcasting; Principles and Applications of DAB, DAB+ and DMB}}, publisher = {{John Wiley \& Sons Ltd.}}, isbn = {978-0-470-51037-7} } @manual{etsidabguide, author = {{ETSI}}, month = {{November}}, year = {2000}, note = {V1.1.1. All DAB standards are available at \url{}}, title = {{TR 101 495, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Guide to DAB standards; Guidelines and Bibliography}}, } @manual{etsidab, author = {{ETSI}}, month = {{June}}, year = {2006}, note = {V1.4.1}, title = {{EN 300 401, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) to mobile, portable and fixed receivers}}, } @manual{etsidabaac, author = {{ETSI}}, month = {{May}}, year = {2010}, note = {V1.2.1}, title = {{TS 102 563, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Transport of Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) audio}}, } @manual{etsidabeti, author = {{ETSI}}, month = {{September}}, year = {1997}, title = {{ETS 300 799, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Distribution interfaces; Ensemble Transport Interface (ETI)}}, } @manual{etsits102427, author = {{ETSI}}, month = {{July}}, year = {2005}, note = {V1.1.1}, title = {{TS 102 427, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Data Broadcasting -- MPEG-2 TS streaming}}, } @manual{etsits102428, author = {{ETSI}}, month = {{June}}, year = {2005}, note = {V1.1.1}, title = {{TS 102 428, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); DMB video service; User Application Specification}}, } @manual{etsits102693, author = {{ETSI}}, month = {{November}}, year = {2009}, note = {V1.1.2}, title = {{TS 102 693, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Encapsulation of DAB Interfaces (EDI)}}, } @manual{etsits102821, author = {{ETSI}}, month = {{October}}, year = {2005}, note = {V1.2.1}, title = {{TS 102 821, Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM); Distribution and Communications Protocol (DCP)}}, } @manual{understandingfreqaccur, organization = "Anritsu", title = {{Understanding Frequency Accuracy in Crystal Controlled Instruments}}, year = {2001}, month = {March}, note = {{Application Note. Available at \url{}}}, } @manual{rfc896, author = "John Nagle", title = {{Request For Comments 896, Congestion Control in IP/TCP Internetworks}}, month = {January}, year = {1984}, note = {\url{}} } @article{tcpcbr, title = {{Understanding the Behavior of TCP for Real-time CBR Workloads}}, author = "Salman A. Baset and Eli Brosh and Vishal Misra and Dan Rubenstein and Henning Schulzrinne", year = "2006", journal = "Proceedings of the 2006 ACM CoNEXT conference", note = "\url{}" } @manual{barrett, author = "Curtis Barrett", title = "Fractional/Integer-N PLL Basics, Texas Instruments technical brief", note = "\url{}" } @manual{crcdabmuxmanpage, author = "Pascal Charest", title = "CRC-DABMUX man page", note = {\url{}} } @manual{ubloxtiming, author = "U-Blox", title = "GPS-based Timing Considerations with u-blox 6 GPS receivers, Application Note", note = {\url{}} } @article{natarajan, author={Natarajan, Preethi and Baker, Fred. and Amer, Paul D. and Leighton, Jonathan T.}, journal={Internet Computing, IEEE}, title={SCTP: What, Why, and How}, year={2009}, month={sept.-oct.}, volume={13}, number={5}, pages={81-85}, keywords={IETF Signaling Transport working group;IP network;SCTP;TCP;UDP;end-to-end communication;general-purpose IETF transport protocol;stream control transmission protocol;telephony signaling;transport protocol;Internet telephony;transport protocols;}, doi={10.1109/MIC.2009.114}, ISSN={1089-7801}, note = "\url{}" } @manual{tutorial, organization = {Frequency Electronics, Inc.}, title="Tutorial Precision Frequency Generation Utilizing OCXO and Rubidium Atomic Standards with Applications for Commercial, Space, Military, and Challenging Environments", journal={{IEEE Long Island Chapter}}, month = {March}, year = {{2004}}, note = {\url{}}, }