; Sample configuration file for CRC-DABMOD [remotecontrol] telnet=1 telnetport=2121 [log] syslog=0 filelog=0 filename=/dev/stderr [input] transport=file ;source=/home/bram/dab/mmbtools-aux/eti/csp.eti source=/dev/stdin ;transport=zeromq ;source=tcp://localhost:8080 loop=0 [modulator] ; Gain mode: 0=FIX, 1=MAX, 2=VAR gainmode=2 ; Transmission mode ; If not defined, take the mode from ETI mode=1 ; Set to 0 to disable CicEqualiser dac_clk_rate=0 digital_gain=1.0 ; Output sample rate rate=8000000 [firfilter] enabled=1 filtertapsfile=filter/simplefiltertaps.txt [output] ; choose output: possible values: uhd, file output=file [fileoutput] filename=/dev/stdout [uhdoutput] ;frequency=234208000 channel=13C ; For the B200 master_clock_rate=32000000 type=b200 txgain=35 ; For the B100 ;device=master_clock_rate=32768000,type=b100 ;txgain=2 ; possible values : internal, external, MIMO refclk_source=internal ; possible values : none, external, MIMO pps_source=none ; behaviour when external clock reference lock lost ; possible values: ignore, crash behaviour_refclk_lock_lost=crash ; Used for SFN with the UHD output [delaymanagement] synchronous=0 ; choose between fixed and dynamic offset definition management=dynamic fixedoffset=0.002 dynamicoffsetfile=modulatoroffset