Installation scripts for ODR-mmbTools ===================================== This folder contains install scripts that simplify the compilation and installation of the ODR-mmbTools Debian ------ The ** script is designed to be run on debian wheezy or jessie, and installs * UHD * ODR-mmbTools: * ODR-DabMux * ODR-DabMod * auxiliary scripts * the FDK-AAC-DABplus package * Toolame-DAB To use it, you have to: 1. Install debian on your machine 1. apt-get install sudo and give your user the right to use sudo 1. download the script to your home directory 1. make it executable with chmod +x 1. run it with ./ GNURadio LiveCD --------------- This ** script can be used to install the ODR-mmbTools onto the ubuntu live system offered by the GNURadio project. The following explanations were given by Tobias Wallerius: The most convenient way for me was to use the official GNU Radio Live SDR Environment (Ubuntu based), as it already contains a full GNU Radio installation. I used version 2015-0623, but in the meantime 2015-0726 is available. Download the ISO image of your preference. I wanted to be able to keep changes while running Linux from the USB drive, so casper was also a requirement. An easy way to achieve this is to use the Universal USB Installer to install the GNU Radio Ubuntu Image. ### Installing the GNU Radio Live SDR Environment to a USB drive * Download the GNU Radio Live SDR Environment ISO image * Make sure your USB drive is connected to your machine * Start the Universal USB Installer executable * For Step 1, select "Ubuntu" * Select the ISO image in Step 2 with the Browse button * In Step 3, select your USB drive letter * With Step 4, make sure to enable persistence by selecting a file size for storage * Click Create After the procedure finishes, you can reboot your machine from the USB drive. ### Installing the ODR-mmbTools After you have the Ubuntu live system running, download and execute the ** script: * Make sure your internet connection works * Download the modified install script from this post * Make it executable using chmod +x * On your console, start the install script with ./