/* 16-bit signed integer dot product * Switch to appropriate versions * Copyright 2004 Phil Karn * May be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) */ #include #include "fec.h" void *initdp_port(signed short coeffs[],int len); long dotprod_port(void *p,signed short *b); void freedp_port(void *p); #ifdef __i386__ void *initdp_mmx(signed short coeffs[],int len); void *initdp_sse2(signed short coeffs[],int len); long dotprod_mmx(void *p,signed short *b); long dotprod_sse2(void *p,signed short *b); void freedp_mmx(void *p); void freedp_sse2(void *p); #endif #ifdef __VEC__ void *initdp_av(signed short coeffs[],int len); long dotprod_av(void *p,signed short *b); void freedp_av(void *p); #endif /* Create and return a descriptor for use with the dot product function */ void *initdp(signed short coeffs[],int len){ find_cpu_mode(); switch(Cpu_mode){ case PORT: default: return initdp_port(coeffs,len); #ifdef __i386__ case MMX: case SSE: return initdp_mmx(coeffs,len); case SSE2: return initdp_sse2(coeffs,len); #endif #ifdef __x86_64__ case SSE2: return initdp_port(coeffs,len); #endif #ifdef __VEC__ case ALTIVEC: return initdp_av(coeffs,len); #endif } } /* Free a dot product descriptor created earlier */ void freedp(void *p){ switch(Cpu_mode){ case PORT: default: #ifdef __i386__ case MMX: case SSE: return freedp_mmx(p); case SSE2: return freedp_sse2(p); #endif #ifdef __x86_64__ case SSE2: return freedp_port(p); #endif #ifdef __VEC__ case ALTIVEC: return freedp_av(p); #endif } } /* Compute a dot product given a descriptor and an input array * The length is taken from the descriptor */ long dotprod(void *p,signed short a[]){ switch(Cpu_mode){ case PORT: default: return dotprod_port(p,a); #ifdef __i386__ case MMX: case SSE: return dotprod_mmx(p,a); case SSE2: return dotprod_sse2(p,a); #endif #ifdef __x86_64__ case SSE2: return dotprod_port(p,a); #endif #ifdef __VEC__ case ALTIVEC: return dotprod_av(p,a); #endif } }