diff options
15 files changed, 748 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/high_speed_pursuit/Makefile b/music/fpga4fun/high_speed_pursuit/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52d9869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/high_speed_pursuit/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Project setup
+PROJ = top
+# Files
+FILES = top.v
+.PHONY: iceFUN clean burn
+ # synthesize using Yosys
+ yosys -p "synth_ice40 -top top -json $(PROJ).json" $(FILES)
+ # Place and route using nextpnr
+ nextpnr-ice40 -r --hx8k --json $(PROJ).json --package cb132 --asc $(PROJ).asc --opt-timing --pcf iceFUN.pcf
+ # Convert to bitstream using IcePack
+ icepack $(PROJ).asc $(PROJ).bin
+ iceFUNprog $(PROJ).bin
+ rm -f *.asc *.bin *.blif *.json
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/high_speed_pursuit/iceFUN.pcf b/music/fpga4fun/high_speed_pursuit/iceFUN.pcf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb58d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/high_speed_pursuit/iceFUN.pcf
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# For iceFUN board
+set_io --warn-no-port led1 C10
+set_io --warn-no-port led2 A10
+set_io --warn-no-port led3 D7
+set_io --warn-no-port led4 D6
+set_io --warn-no-port led5 A7
+set_io --warn-no-port led6 C7
+set_io --warn-no-port led7 A4
+set_io --warn-no-port led8 C4
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol1 A12
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol2 D10
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol3 A6
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol4 C5
+set_io --warn-no-port spkp M12
+set_io --warn-no-port spkm M6
+set_io --warn-no-port key1 C11
+set_io --warn-no-port key2 C6
+set_io --warn-no-port key3 A11
+set_io --warn-no-port key4 A5
+set_io --warn-no-port red P14
+set_io --warn-no-port green N14
+set_io --warn-no-port blue L14
+set_io --warn-no-port clk12MHz P7
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/high_speed_pursuit/top.v b/music/fpga4fun/high_speed_pursuit/top.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93cb9ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/high_speed_pursuit/top.v
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* (c)
+ * ported to iceFun FPGA by Hirosh Dabui <>
+ */
+ module top (
+ input clk12MHz,
+ output spkp,
+ output spkm
+ );
+wire clk;
+assign spkp = speaker;
+assign spkm = ~speaker;
+// 25 MHz PLL
+ .DIVR(4'b0000), // DIVR = 0
+ .DIVF(7'b1000010), // DIVF = 66
+ .DIVQ(3'b101), // DIVQ = 5
+) uut (
+ .LOCK(locked),
+ .RESETB(1'b1),
+ .BYPASS(1'b0),
+reg [27:0] tone;
+always @(posedge clk) tone <= tone+1;
+wire [6:0] fastsweep = (tone[22] ? tone[21:15] : ~tone[21:15]);
+wire [6:0] slowsweep = (tone[25] ? tone[24:18] : ~tone[24:18]);
+wire [14:0] clkdivider = {2'b01, (tone[27] ? slowsweep : fastsweep), 6'b000000};
+reg [14:0] counter;
+always @(posedge clk) if(counter==0) counter <= clkdivider; else counter <= counter-1;
+reg speaker;
+always @(posedge clk) if(counter==0) speaker <= ~speaker;
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/music_box/Makefile b/music/fpga4fun/music_box/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52d9869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/music_box/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Project setup
+PROJ = top
+# Files
+FILES = top.v
+.PHONY: iceFUN clean burn
+ # synthesize using Yosys
+ yosys -p "synth_ice40 -top top -json $(PROJ).json" $(FILES)
+ # Place and route using nextpnr
+ nextpnr-ice40 -r --hx8k --json $(PROJ).json --package cb132 --asc $(PROJ).asc --opt-timing --pcf iceFUN.pcf
+ # Convert to bitstream using IcePack
+ icepack $(PROJ).asc $(PROJ).bin
+ iceFUNprog $(PROJ).bin
+ rm -f *.asc *.bin *.blif *.json
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/music_box/iceFUN.pcf b/music/fpga4fun/music_box/iceFUN.pcf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb58d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/music_box/iceFUN.pcf
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# For iceFUN board
+set_io --warn-no-port led1 C10
+set_io --warn-no-port led2 A10
+set_io --warn-no-port led3 D7
+set_io --warn-no-port led4 D6
+set_io --warn-no-port led5 A7
+set_io --warn-no-port led6 C7
+set_io --warn-no-port led7 A4
+set_io --warn-no-port led8 C4
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol1 A12
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol2 D10
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol3 A6
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol4 C5
+set_io --warn-no-port spkp M12
+set_io --warn-no-port spkm M6
+set_io --warn-no-port key1 C11
+set_io --warn-no-port key2 C6
+set_io --warn-no-port key3 A11
+set_io --warn-no-port key4 A5
+set_io --warn-no-port red P14
+set_io --warn-no-port green N14
+set_io --warn-no-port blue L14
+set_io --warn-no-port clk12MHz P7
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/music_box/top.v b/music/fpga4fun/music_box/top.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf840ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/music_box/top.v
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+// Music demo verilog file
+// (c) 2003-2015
+// Plays a little tune on a speaker
+// Use a 25MHz clock if possible (other frequencies will
+// change the pitch/speed of the song)
+// ported to iceFun FPGA by Hirosh Dabui <>
+module top (
+ input clk12MHz,
+ output spkp,
+ output spkm
+wire clk;
+assign spkp = speaker;
+assign spkm = ~speaker;
+// 25 MHz PLL
+ .DIVR(4'b0000), // DIVR = 0
+ .DIVF(7'b1000010), // DIVF = 66
+ .DIVQ(3'b101), // DIVQ = 5
+) uut (
+ .LOCK(locked),
+ .RESETB(1'b1),
+ .BYPASS(1'b0),
+reg [30:0] tone;
+always @(posedge clk) tone <= tone+31'd1;
+wire [7:0] fullnote;
+music_ROM get_fullnote(.clk(clk), .address(tone[29:22]), .note(fullnote));
+wire [2:0] octave;
+wire [3:0] note;
+divide_by12 get_octave_and_note(.numerator(fullnote[5:0]), .quotient(octave), .remainder(note));
+reg [8:0] clkdivider;
+always @*
+ 0: clkdivider = 9'd511;//A
+ 1: clkdivider = 9'd482;// A#/Bb
+ 2: clkdivider = 9'd455;//B
+ 3: clkdivider = 9'd430;//C
+ 4: clkdivider = 9'd405;// C#/Db
+ 5: clkdivider = 9'd383;//D
+ 6: clkdivider = 9'd361;// D#/Eb
+ 7: clkdivider = 9'd341;//E
+ 8: clkdivider = 9'd322;//F
+ 9: clkdivider = 9'd303;// F#/Gb
+ 10: clkdivider = 9'd286;//G
+ 11: clkdivider = 9'd270;// G#/Ab
+ default: clkdivider = 9'd0;
+reg [8:0] counter_note;
+reg [7:0] counter_octave;
+always @(posedge clk) counter_note <= counter_note==0 ? clkdivider : counter_note-9'd1;
+always @(posedge clk) if(counter_note==0) counter_octave <= counter_octave==0 ? 8'd255 >> octave : counter_octave-8'd1;
+always @(posedge clk) if(counter_note==0 && counter_octave==0 && fullnote!=0 && tone[21:18]!=0) speaker <= ~speaker;
+module divide_by12(
+ input [5:0] numerator, // value to be divided by 12
+ output reg [2:0] quotient,
+ output [3:0] remainder
+reg [1:0] remainder3to2;
+always @(numerator[5:2])
+ 0: begin quotient=0; remainder3to2=0; end
+ 1: begin quotient=0; remainder3to2=1; end
+ 2: begin quotient=0; remainder3to2=2; end
+ 3: begin quotient=1; remainder3to2=0; end
+ 4: begin quotient=1; remainder3to2=1; end
+ 5: begin quotient=1; remainder3to2=2; end
+ 6: begin quotient=2; remainder3to2=0; end
+ 7: begin quotient=2; remainder3to2=1; end
+ 8: begin quotient=2; remainder3to2=2; end
+ 9: begin quotient=3; remainder3to2=0; end
+ 10: begin quotient=3; remainder3to2=1; end
+ 11: begin quotient=3; remainder3to2=2; end
+ 12: begin quotient=4; remainder3to2=0; end
+ 13: begin quotient=4; remainder3to2=1; end
+ 14: begin quotient=4; remainder3to2=2; end
+ 15: begin quotient=5; remainder3to2=0; end
+assign remainder[1:0] = numerator[1:0]; // the first 2 bits are copied through
+assign remainder[3:2] = remainder3to2; // and the last 2 bits come from the case statement
+module music_ROM(
+ input clk,
+ input [7:0] address,
+ output reg [7:0] note
+always @(posedge clk)
+ 0: note<= 8'd25;
+ 1: note<= 8'd27;
+ 2: note<= 8'd27;
+ 3: note<= 8'd25;
+ 4: note<= 8'd22;
+ 5: note<= 8'd22;
+ 6: note<= 8'd30;
+ 7: note<= 8'd30;
+ 8: note<= 8'd27;
+ 9: note<= 8'd27;
+ 10: note<= 8'd25;
+ 11: note<= 8'd25;
+ 12: note<= 8'd25;
+ 13: note<= 8'd25;
+ 14: note<= 8'd25;
+ 15: note<= 8'd25;
+ 16: note<= 8'd25;
+ 17: note<= 8'd27;
+ 18: note<= 8'd25;
+ 19: note<= 8'd27;
+ 20: note<= 8'd25;
+ 21: note<= 8'd25;
+ 22: note<= 8'd30;
+ 23: note<= 8'd30;
+ 24: note<= 8'd29;
+ 25: note<= 8'd29;
+ 26: note<= 8'd29;
+ 27: note<= 8'd29;
+ 28: note<= 8'd29;
+ 29: note<= 8'd29;
+ 30: note<= 8'd29;
+ 31: note<= 8'd29;
+ 32: note<= 8'd23;
+ 33: note<= 8'd25;
+ 34: note<= 8'd25;
+ 35: note<= 8'd23;
+ 36: note<= 8'd20;
+ 37: note<= 8'd20;
+ 38: note<= 8'd29;
+ 39: note<= 8'd29;
+ 40: note<= 8'd27;
+ 41: note<= 8'd27;
+ 42: note<= 8'd25;
+ 43: note<= 8'd25;
+ 44: note<= 8'd25;
+ 45: note<= 8'd25;
+ 46: note<= 8'd25;
+ 47: note<= 8'd25;
+ 48: note<= 8'd25;
+ 49: note<= 8'd27;
+ 50: note<= 8'd25;
+ 51: note<= 8'd27;
+ 52: note<= 8'd25;
+ 53: note<= 8'd25;
+ 54: note<= 8'd27;
+ 55: note<= 8'd27;
+ 56: note<= 8'd22;
+ 57: note<= 8'd22;
+ 58: note<= 8'd22;
+ 59: note<= 8'd22;
+ 60: note<= 8'd22;
+ 61: note<= 8'd22;
+ 62: note<= 8'd22;
+ 63: note<= 8'd22;
+ 64: note<= 8'd25;
+ 65: note<= 8'd27;
+ 66: note<= 8'd27;
+ 67: note<= 8'd25;
+ 68: note<= 8'd22;
+ 69: note<= 8'd22;
+ 70: note<= 8'd30;
+ 71: note<= 8'd30;
+ 72: note<= 8'd27;
+ 73: note<= 8'd27;
+ 74: note<= 8'd25;
+ 75: note<= 8'd25;
+ 76: note<= 8'd25;
+ 77: note<= 8'd25;
+ 78: note<= 8'd25;
+ 79: note<= 8'd25;
+ 80: note<= 8'd25;
+ 81: note<= 8'd27;
+ 82: note<= 8'd25;
+ 83: note<= 8'd27;
+ 84: note<= 8'd25;
+ 85: note<= 8'd25;
+ 86: note<= 8'd30;
+ 87: note<= 8'd30;
+ 88: note<= 8'd29;
+ 89: note<= 8'd29;
+ 90: note<= 8'd29;
+ 91: note<= 8'd29;
+ 92: note<= 8'd29;
+ 93: note<= 8'd29;
+ 94: note<= 8'd29;
+ 95: note<= 8'd29;
+ 96: note<= 8'd23;
+ 97: note<= 8'd25;
+ 98: note<= 8'd25;
+ 99: note<= 8'd23;
+ 100: note<= 8'd20;
+ 101: note<= 8'd20;
+ 102: note<= 8'd29;
+ 103: note<= 8'd29;
+ 104: note<= 8'd27;
+ 105: note<= 8'd27;
+ 106: note<= 8'd25;
+ 107: note<= 8'd25;
+ 108: note<= 8'd25;
+ 109: note<= 8'd25;
+ 110: note<= 8'd25;
+ 111: note<= 8'd25;
+ 112: note<= 8'd25;
+ 113: note<= 8'd27;
+ 114: note<= 8'd25;
+ 115: note<= 8'd27;
+ 116: note<= 8'd25;
+ 117: note<= 8'd25;
+ 118: note<= 8'd32;
+ 119: note<= 8'd32;
+ 120: note<= 8'd30;
+ 121: note<= 8'd30;
+ 122: note<= 8'd30;
+ 123: note<= 8'd30;
+ 124: note<= 8'd30;
+ 125: note<= 8'd30;
+ 126: note<= 8'd30;
+ 127: note<= 8'd30;
+ 128: note<= 8'd27;
+ 129: note<= 8'd27;
+ 130: note<= 8'd27;
+ 131: note<= 8'd27;
+ 132: note<= 8'd30;
+ 133: note<= 8'd30;
+ 134: note<= 8'd30;
+ 135: note<= 8'd27;
+ 136: note<= 8'd25;
+ 137: note<= 8'd25;
+ 138: note<= 8'd22;
+ 139: note<= 8'd22;
+ 140: note<= 8'd25;
+ 141: note<= 8'd25;
+ 142: note<= 8'd25;
+ 143: note<= 8'd25;
+ 144: note<= 8'd23;
+ 145: note<= 8'd23;
+ 146: note<= 8'd27;
+ 147: note<= 8'd27;
+ 148: note<= 8'd25;
+ 149: note<= 8'd25;
+ 150: note<= 8'd23;
+ 151: note<= 8'd23;
+ 152: note<= 8'd22;
+ 153: note<= 8'd22;
+ 154: note<= 8'd22;
+ 155: note<= 8'd22;
+ 156: note<= 8'd22;
+ 157: note<= 8'd22;
+ 158: note<= 8'd22;
+ 159: note<= 8'd22;
+ 160: note<= 8'd20;
+ 161: note<= 8'd20;
+ 162: note<= 8'd22;
+ 163: note<= 8'd22;
+ 164: note<= 8'd25;
+ 165: note<= 8'd25;
+ 166: note<= 8'd27;
+ 167: note<= 8'd27;
+ 168: note<= 8'd29;
+ 169: note<= 8'd29;
+ 170: note<= 8'd29;
+ 171: note<= 8'd29;
+ 172: note<= 8'd29;
+ 173: note<= 8'd29;
+ 174: note<= 8'd29;
+ 175: note<= 8'd29;
+ 176: note<= 8'd30;
+ 177: note<= 8'd30;
+ 178: note<= 8'd30;
+ 179: note<= 8'd30;
+ 180: note<= 8'd29;
+ 181: note<= 8'd29;
+ 182: note<= 8'd27;
+ 183: note<= 8'd27;
+ 184: note<= 8'd25;
+ 185: note<= 8'd25;
+ 186: note<= 8'd23;
+ 187: note<= 8'd20;
+ 188: note<= 8'd20;
+ 189: note<= 8'd20;
+ 190: note<= 8'd20;
+ 191: note<= 8'd20;
+ 192: note<= 8'd25;
+ 193: note<= 8'd27;
+ 194: note<= 8'd27;
+ 195: note<= 8'd25;
+ 196: note<= 8'd22;
+ 197: note<= 8'd22;
+ 198: note<= 8'd30;
+ 199: note<= 8'd30;
+ 200: note<= 8'd27;
+ 201: note<= 8'd27;
+ 202: note<= 8'd25;
+ 203: note<= 8'd25;
+ 204: note<= 8'd25;
+ 205: note<= 8'd25;
+ 206: note<= 8'd25;
+ 207: note<= 8'd25;
+ 208: note<= 8'd25;
+ 209: note<= 8'd27;
+ 210: note<= 8'd25;
+ 211: note<= 8'd27;
+ 212: note<= 8'd25;
+ 213: note<= 8'd25;
+ 214: note<= 8'd30;
+ 215: note<= 8'd30;
+ 216: note<= 8'd29;
+ 217: note<= 8'd29;
+ 218: note<= 8'd29;
+ 219: note<= 8'd29;
+ 220: note<= 8'd29;
+ 221: note<= 8'd29;
+ 222: note<= 8'd29;
+ 223: note<= 8'd29;
+ 224: note<= 8'd23;
+ 225: note<= 8'd25;
+ 226: note<= 8'd25;
+ 227: note<= 8'd23;
+ 228: note<= 8'd20;
+ 229: note<= 8'd20;
+ 230: note<= 8'd29;
+ 231: note<= 8'd29;
+ 232: note<= 8'd27;
+ 233: note<= 8'd27;
+ 234: note<= 8'd25;
+ 235: note<= 8'd25;
+ 236: note<= 8'd25;
+ 237: note<= 8'd25;
+ 238: note<= 8'd25;
+ 239: note<= 8'd25;
+ 240: note<= 8'd25;
+ 241: note<= 8'd0;
+ 242: note<= 8'd00;
+ default: note <= 8'd0;
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/police_siren/Makefile b/music/fpga4fun/police_siren/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52d9869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/police_siren/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Project setup
+PROJ = top
+# Files
+FILES = top.v
+.PHONY: iceFUN clean burn
+ # synthesize using Yosys
+ yosys -p "synth_ice40 -top top -json $(PROJ).json" $(FILES)
+ # Place and route using nextpnr
+ nextpnr-ice40 -r --hx8k --json $(PROJ).json --package cb132 --asc $(PROJ).asc --opt-timing --pcf iceFUN.pcf
+ # Convert to bitstream using IcePack
+ icepack $(PROJ).asc $(PROJ).bin
+ iceFUNprog $(PROJ).bin
+ rm -f *.asc *.bin *.blif *.json
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/police_siren/iceFUN.pcf b/music/fpga4fun/police_siren/iceFUN.pcf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb58d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/police_siren/iceFUN.pcf
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# For iceFUN board
+set_io --warn-no-port led1 C10
+set_io --warn-no-port led2 A10
+set_io --warn-no-port led3 D7
+set_io --warn-no-port led4 D6
+set_io --warn-no-port led5 A7
+set_io --warn-no-port led6 C7
+set_io --warn-no-port led7 A4
+set_io --warn-no-port led8 C4
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol1 A12
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol2 D10
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol3 A6
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol4 C5
+set_io --warn-no-port spkp M12
+set_io --warn-no-port spkm M6
+set_io --warn-no-port key1 C11
+set_io --warn-no-port key2 C6
+set_io --warn-no-port key3 A11
+set_io --warn-no-port key4 A5
+set_io --warn-no-port red P14
+set_io --warn-no-port green N14
+set_io --warn-no-port blue L14
+set_io --warn-no-port clk12MHz P7
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/police_siren/top.v b/music/fpga4fun/police_siren/top.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ab21c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/police_siren/top.v
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+* (c)
+ * ported to iceFun FPGA by Hirosh Dabui <>
+ */
+module top (
+ input clk12MHz,
+ output spkp,
+ output spkm
+wire clk;
+assign spkp = speaker;
+assign spkm = ~speaker;
+// 25 MHz PLL
+ .DIVR(4'b0000), // DIVR = 0
+ .DIVF(7'b1000010), // DIVF = 66
+ .DIVQ(3'b101), // DIVQ = 5
+) uut (
+ .LOCK(locked),
+ .RESETB(1'b1),
+ .BYPASS(1'b0),
+reg [27:0] tone;
+always @(posedge clk) tone <= tone+1;
+wire [6:0] fastsweep = (tone[22] ? tone[21:15] : ~tone[21:15]);
+wire [6:0] slowsweep = (tone[25] ? tone[24:18] : ~tone[24:18]);
+wire [14:0] clkdivider = {2'b01, (tone[27] ? slowsweep : fastsweep), 6'b000000};
+reg [14:0] counter;
+always @(posedge clk) if(counter==0) counter <= clkdivider; else counter <= counter-1;
+reg speaker;
+always @(posedge clk) if(counter==0) speaker <= ~speaker;
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep/Makefile b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52d9869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Project setup
+PROJ = top
+# Files
+FILES = top.v
+.PHONY: iceFUN clean burn
+ # synthesize using Yosys
+ yosys -p "synth_ice40 -top top -json $(PROJ).json" $(FILES)
+ # Place and route using nextpnr
+ nextpnr-ice40 -r --hx8k --json $(PROJ).json --package cb132 --asc $(PROJ).asc --opt-timing --pcf iceFUN.pcf
+ # Convert to bitstream using IcePack
+ icepack $(PROJ).asc $(PROJ).bin
+ iceFUNprog $(PROJ).bin
+ rm -f *.asc *.bin *.blif *.json
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep/iceFUN.pcf b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep/iceFUN.pcf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb58d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep/iceFUN.pcf
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# For iceFUN board
+set_io --warn-no-port led1 C10
+set_io --warn-no-port led2 A10
+set_io --warn-no-port led3 D7
+set_io --warn-no-port led4 D6
+set_io --warn-no-port led5 A7
+set_io --warn-no-port led6 C7
+set_io --warn-no-port led7 A4
+set_io --warn-no-port led8 C4
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol1 A12
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol2 D10
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol3 A6
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol4 C5
+set_io --warn-no-port spkp M12
+set_io --warn-no-port spkm M6
+set_io --warn-no-port key1 C11
+set_io --warn-no-port key2 C6
+set_io --warn-no-port key3 A11
+set_io --warn-no-port key4 A5
+set_io --warn-no-port red P14
+set_io --warn-no-port green N14
+set_io --warn-no-port blue L14
+set_io --warn-no-port clk12MHz P7
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep/top.v b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep/top.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069e4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep/top.v
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+* (c)
+ * ported to iceFun FPGA by Hirosh Dabui <>
+ */
+module top (
+ input clk12MHz,
+ output spkp,
+ output spkm
+wire clk;
+assign spkp = speaker;
+assign spkm = ~speaker;
+// 25 MHz PLL
+ .DIVR(4'b0000), // DIVR = 0
+ .DIVF(7'b1000010), // DIVF = 66
+ .DIVQ(3'b101), // DIVQ = 5
+) uut (
+ .LOCK(locked),
+ .RESETB(1'b1),
+ .BYPASS(1'b0),
+reg [15:0] counter;
+always @(posedge clk) counter <= counter+1;
+// and use the most significant bit (MSB) of the counter to drive the speaker
+ assign speaker = counter[15];
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep_enhanced/Makefile b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep_enhanced/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52d9869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep_enhanced/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Project setup
+PROJ = top
+# Files
+FILES = top.v
+.PHONY: iceFUN clean burn
+ # synthesize using Yosys
+ yosys -p "synth_ice40 -top top -json $(PROJ).json" $(FILES)
+ # Place and route using nextpnr
+ nextpnr-ice40 -r --hx8k --json $(PROJ).json --package cb132 --asc $(PROJ).asc --opt-timing --pcf iceFUN.pcf
+ # Convert to bitstream using IcePack
+ icepack $(PROJ).asc $(PROJ).bin
+ iceFUNprog $(PROJ).bin
+ rm -f *.asc *.bin *.blif *.json
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep_enhanced/iceFUN.pcf b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep_enhanced/iceFUN.pcf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb58d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep_enhanced/iceFUN.pcf
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# For iceFUN board
+set_io --warn-no-port led1 C10
+set_io --warn-no-port led2 A10
+set_io --warn-no-port led3 D7
+set_io --warn-no-port led4 D6
+set_io --warn-no-port led5 A7
+set_io --warn-no-port led6 C7
+set_io --warn-no-port led7 A4
+set_io --warn-no-port led8 C4
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol1 A12
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol2 D10
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol3 A6
+set_io --warn-no-port lcol4 C5
+set_io --warn-no-port spkp M12
+set_io --warn-no-port spkm M6
+set_io --warn-no-port key1 C11
+set_io --warn-no-port key2 C6
+set_io --warn-no-port key3 A11
+set_io --warn-no-port key4 A5
+set_io --warn-no-port red P14
+set_io --warn-no-port green N14
+set_io --warn-no-port blue L14
+set_io --warn-no-port clk12MHz P7
diff --git a/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep_enhanced/top.v b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep_enhanced/top.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..803fb97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/fpga4fun/simple_beep_enhanced/top.v
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+* (c)
+ * ported to iceFun FPGA by Hirosh Dabui <>
+ */
+module top (
+ input clk12MHz,
+ output spkp,
+ output spkm
+wire clk;
+assign spkp = speaker;
+assign spkm = ~speaker;
+// 25 MHz PLL
+ .DIVR(4'b0000), // DIVR = 0
+ .DIVF(7'b1000010), // DIVF = 66
+ .DIVQ(3'b101), // DIVQ = 5
+) uut (
+ .LOCK(locked),
+ .RESETB(1'b1),
+ .BYPASS(1'b0),
+parameter clkdivider = 25000000/440/2;
+reg [14:0] counter;
+always @(posedge clk) if(counter==0) counter <= clkdivider-1; else counter <= counter-1;
+reg speaker;
+always @(posedge clk) if(counter==0) speaker <= ~speaker;