path: root/solitairesimulator2015.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'solitairesimulator2015.hs')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/solitairesimulator2015.hs b/solitairesimulator2015.hs
index 76e686f..2a55969 100644
--- a/solitairesimulator2015.hs
+++ b/solitairesimulator2015.hs
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import System.IO
import Data.Char
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad (ap)
+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
data Direction = North | East | South | West deriving (Eq, Show)
@@ -55,6 +56,8 @@ type Pegs = [Peg]
data Board = Board Pegs
+data Move = Move Peg Direction
-- Board printing stuff
showpeg :: Board -> Row -> Col -> String
showpeg (Board pegs) r c = if (c, r) `elem` pegs then "o" else "."
@@ -69,68 +72,107 @@ showrow b r | r <= 3 || r >= 7 = " " ++ foldr (++) "" (map (showpeg b r) [4,5
instance Show Board where
show board = foldr (++) "" $ map (showrow board) [1..9]
+instance Show Move where
+ show (Move peg dir) = "Move " ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir
movepeg :: Peg -> Direction -> Peg
movepeg (c, r) dir | dir == North = (c, r-1)
| dir == East = (c+1, r)
| dir == South = (c, r+1)
| dir == West = (c-1, r)
-nextpeg :: Board -> Peg -> Direction -> Maybe Peg
-nextpeg (Board pegs) peg dir | dir == North && r == 1 = Nothing
- | dir == North && r == 4 && (c < 4 || c > 6) = Nothing
- | dir == East && c == 9 = Nothing
- | dir == East && c == 6 && (r < 4 || r > 6) = Nothing
- | dir == South && r == 9 = Nothing
- | dir == South && r == 6 && (c < 4 || c > 6) = Nothing
- | dir == West && c == 1 = Nothing
- | dir == West && c == 4 && (r < 4 || r > 6) = Nothing
- | otherwise = --trace ("PEG " ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir)
- Just $ movepeg peg dir
- where (c, r) = peg
+nextpeg :: Board -> Move -> Maybe Peg
+nextpeg (Board pegs) (Move peg dir) | dir == North && r == 1 = Nothing
+ | dir == North && r == 4 && (c < 4 || c > 6) = Nothing
+ | dir == East && c == 9 = Nothing
+ | dir == East && c == 6 && (r < 4 || r > 6) = Nothing
+ | dir == South && r == 9 = Nothing
+ | dir == South && r == 6 && (c < 4 || c > 6) = Nothing
+ | dir == West && c == 1 = Nothing
+ | dir == West && c == 4 && (r < 4 || r > 6) = Nothing
+ | otherwise = --trace ("PEG " ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir)
+ Just $ movepeg peg dir
+ where (c, r) = peg
-- jump
-jumppeg :: Board -> Peg -> Direction -> Maybe Board
-jumppeg b peg dir | npeg == Nothing = --trace ("OOB " ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir)
- Nothing
- | npeg2 == Nothing = --trace ("OOB2" ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir)
- Nothing
- -- valid jump: next hole occupied, but the one after is free
- | peg `elem` pegs && np `elem` pegs && not (np2 `elem` pegs) = --trace ("OK " ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir)
- Just $ jumppeg_possible b peg dir
- | otherwise = --trace ("Illegal " ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir)
- Nothing
- where npeg = nextpeg b peg dir
- Just np = npeg
- npeg2 = nextpeg b np dir
- Just np2 = npeg2
- Board pegs = b
-jumppeg_possible :: Board -> Peg -> Direction -> Board
-jumppeg_possible (Board pegs) peg dir = Board (removepeg ++ [npeg2])
- where removepeg = filter ((/=) peg) $ -- remove jumping peg from origin
- filter ((/=) npeg) pegs -- remove peg being jumped over
- npeg = movepeg peg dir
- npeg2 = movepeg npeg dir
-testboard = Board [(4,1), (5,1), (4,2), (6,1)]
-data Move = Move Peg Direction Board
-instance Show Move where
- show (Move peg dir b) = "Move " ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir ++ " gives\n" ++ show b
-try_move :: Board -> Peg -> Direction -> Maybe Move
-try_move b peg dir = fmap (Move peg dir) brd
- where brd = jumppeg b peg dir
- Just newboard = brd
-allmoves :: Board -> [Move]
-allmoves board = [x | Just x <- maybeboards]
- where all_dirs = [North, West, South, East]
- Board pegs = board
- maybeboards = [try_move board p d | p <- pegs, d <- all_dirs]
-pr board = putStrLn ("Welcome!\n From board\n" ++ show board ++ "\nIt is possible to do\n" ++ unlines (map show $ allmoves board))
-testmove = Move (0,0) North testboard
+jumppeg :: Board -> Move -> Maybe Board
+jumppeg b (Move peg dir) | npeg == Nothing = --trace ("OOB " ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir)
+ Nothing
+ | npeg2 == Nothing = --trace ("OOB2" ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir)
+ Nothing
+ -- valid jump: next hole occupied, but the one after is free
+ | peg `elem` pegs && np `elem` pegs && not (np2 `elem` pegs) = --trace ("OK " ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir)
+ Just $ jumppeg_possible b (Move peg dir)
+ | otherwise = --trace ("Illegal " ++ show peg ++ " " ++ show dir)
+ Nothing
+ where npeg = nextpeg b (Move peg dir)
+ Just np = npeg
+ npeg2 = nextpeg b (Move np dir)
+ Just np2 = npeg2
+ Board pegs = b
+jumppeg_possible :: Board -> Move -> Board
+jumppeg_possible (Board pegs) (Move peg dir) = Board (removepeg ++ [npeg2])
+ where removepeg = filter ((/=) peg) $ -- remove jumping peg from origin
+ filter ((/=) npeg) pegs -- remove peg being jumped over
+ npeg = movepeg peg dir
+ npeg2 = movepeg npeg dir
+testboard = Board [(4,1),(5,1),(6,1),
+ (4,2),(5,2),(6,2),
+ (4,3),(5,3),(6,3),
+ (1,4),(2,4),(3,4),(4,4),(5,4),(6,4),(7,4),(8,4),(9,4),
+ (1,5),(2,5),(3,5),(4,5), (6,5),(7,5),(8,5),(9,5),
+ (1,6),(2,6),(3,6),(4,6), (6,6),(7,6),(8,6),(9,6),
+ (4,7),(5,7),(6,7),
+ (4,8),(5,8),(6,8),
+ (4,9),(5,9),(6,9)]
+lift_tuple (a, Just b) = Just (a, b)
+lift_tuple (a, Nothing) = Nothing
+all_moves :: Board -> [(Move, Board)]
+all_moves b = catMaybes $ map lift_tuple moves_boards
+ where Board pegs = b
+ allmoves = [Move p d | p <- pegs, d <- [North, West, East, South]]
+ maybeboards = map (jumppeg b) allmoves
+ moves_boards = zip allmoves maybeboards
+type RemainingPegs = Int
+data End = End String Board
+instance Show End where
+ show (End s b) = "End: " ++ s ++ " Left " ++ show num_pegs -- ++ "\n" ++ show b
+ where Board pegs = b
+ num_pegs = length pegs
+solve_r :: Board -> String -> [End]
+solve_r b s | null moves = [End (s ++ ".") b]
+ | otherwise = concat (map (uncurry solve_r) boards_strmoves )
+ where Board pegs = b
+ (moves, boards) = unzip $ all_moves b
+ strmoves = map ((++) (s ++ " ")) (map show moves) :: [String]
+ boards_strmoves = zip boards strmoves :: [(Board, String)]
+pr board = putStrLn ("Welcome to Solitaire Simulator 2015 Deluxe Edition!\n From board\n" ++ show board ++ "\nIt is possible to do\n" ++ unlines (map show $ all_moves board))
+perfect_end (End _ b) = length pegs == 1 && head pegs == (5,5)
+ where Board pegs = b
+good_end (End _ b) = length pegs == 1
+ where Board pegs = b
+welcome board = putStrLn ("Welcome to Solitaire Simulator 2015 Deluxe Edition!\n Playing with\n" ++ show board)
+main = do
+ welcome testboard
+ putStrLn "Perfect moves:"
+ putStrLn $ unlines $ map show perfect_ends
+ putStrLn "Only-one peg solutions:"
+ putStrLn $ unlines $ map show good_ends
+ where ends = solve_r testboard ""
+ good_ends = filter good_end ends
+ perfect_ends = filter perfect_end ends