#!/usr/bin/env python # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2016 Matthias P. Braendli, Maximilien Cuony # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from twx.botapi import TelegramBot import threading import time import os import datetime import config class Monitor(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, ser): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.ser = ser self.reset_states() def reset_states(self): self.current_state = None self.status_starttime = {} self.status_duration = {} self.last_gps_balise = None self.last_message = None self.last_balise = None self.reseted = False def run(self): queue = self.ser.register_client() while True: try: line = queue.popleft() except IndexError: time.sleep(1) line = None if line: line = line.strip() self.last_message = datetime.datetime.now() if line.endswith("common init"): self.reset_states() self.reseted = True if "T_GPS" in line: self.last_gps_balise = datetime.datetime.now() if "FSM: FSM_" in line: new_state = line.split(' ')[-1] if self.current_state: self.status_duration[self.current_state] = datetime.datetime.now() - self.status_starttime[self.current_state] self.status_starttime[new_state] = datetime.datetime.now() self.current_state = new_state if "FSM: FSM_BALISE_LONGUE" in line or "FSM: FSM_BALISE_SPECIALE" in line: self.last_balise = datetime.datetime.now() def alarms(self): MAXIMUM_STATES = { 'FSM_OISIF': (10800, '3 hours'), 'FSM_OPEN1': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_OPEN2': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_LETTRE': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_ECOUTE': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_ATTENTE': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_QSO': (1800, '30 minutes'), 'FSM_ANTI_BAVARD': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_BLOQUE': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_TEXTE_73': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_TEXTE_HB9G': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_TEXTE_LONG': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_BALISE_LONGUE': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_BALISE_SPECIALE': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_BALISE_COURTE': (120, '2 minutes'), 'FSM_BALISE_COURTE_OPEN': (120, '2 minutes'), } result = [] if self.reseted: result.append("A reset occured !") self.reseted = False if self.last_message and (datetime.datetime.now() - self.last_message).total_seconds() > 300: result.append("No message on UART for more than 5 minutes !") if self.last_gps_balise and (datetime.datetime.now() - self.last_gps_balise).total_seconds() > 300: result.append("No GPS for more than 5 minutes !") if self.last_balise and (datetime.datetime.now() - self.last_balise).total_seconds() > 10800: result.append("No FSM_BALISE_LONGUE nor FSM_BALISE_SPECIALE for more than 3 hours !") if self.current_state and self.current_state in MAXIMUM_STATES and (datetime.datetime.now() - self.status_starttime[self.current_state]).total_seconds() > MAXIMUM_STATES[self.current_state][0] / 10: result.append("The FSM has been in the state {} for more than {} !".format(self.current_state, MAXIMUM_STATES[self.current_state][1])) return result class ADSL(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, ser): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.monitor = Monitor(ser) def run(self): self.monitor.start() alarms = [] if not config.TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN or not config.TELEGRAM_GROUP: print("Telegram not configured, ADSL not running.") return bot = TelegramBot(config.TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN) bot.update_bot_info().wait() print("Telegram bot {} ready".format(bot.username)) offset = None bot.send_message(config.TELEGRAM_GROUP, '\xe2\x84\xb9 Hello ! I have been started, so everything has been reset on my side.').wait() while True: updates = bot.get_updates(offset=offset, limit=1, timeout=15).wait() if updates: offset = updates[0].update_id + 1 try: if int(updates[0].message.chat.id) == int(config.TELEGRAM_GROUP): if updates[0].message.text.startswith('/status'): response = "Here is the current status:\n\n" response += "Current state: {}\n".format(self.monitor.current_state) if self.monitor.last_message: response += "Last message: {} ({} seconds ago)\n".format(self.monitor.last_message.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"), int((datetime.datetime.now() - self.monitor.last_message).total_seconds())) if self.monitor.last_gps_balise: response += "Last GPS: {} ({} seconds ago)\n".format(self.monitor.last_gps_balise.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"), int((datetime.datetime.now() - self.monitor.last_gps_balise).total_seconds())) if self.monitor.last_balise: response += "Last Balise: {} ({} seconds ago)\n".format(self.monitor.last_balise.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"), int((datetime.datetime.now() - self.monitor.last_balise).total_seconds())) response += "\n" for state, starttime in self.monitor.status_starttime.items(): response += "{}: Started on {} ({} seconds ago)".format(state, starttime.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"), int((datetime.datetime.now() - starttime).total_seconds())) if state == self.monitor.current_state: response += ", in progress\n" else: response += ", duration: {} seconds\n".format(int(self.monitor.status_duration[state].total_seconds())) bot.send_message(config.TELEGRAM_GROUP, response).wait() if updates[0].message.text.startswith('/reboot'): os.system(config.TELEGRAM_REBOOT_COMMAND) bot.send_message(config.TELEGRAM_GROUP, '\xe2\x84\xb9 I issued a reboot command. I hope everything is ok.').wait() except: pass new_alarms = self.monitor.alarms() for alarm in new_alarms: if alarm not in alarms: bot.send_message(config.TELEGRAM_GROUP, '\xe2\x9a\xa0 Problem \xe2\x9a\xa0\nSorry to bother you, but I think there is a problem with the glutt-o-matique: \n\n{}'.format(alarm)).wait() for old_alarm in alarms: if old_alarm not in new_alarms: bot.send_message(config.TELEGRAM_GROUP, '\xe2\x9c\x85 Problem fixed \xe2\x9c\x85\nThe following problem is not anymore a problem with the glutt-o-matique:\n\n{}'.format(alarm)).wait() alarms = new_alarms time.sleep(1)