/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 Matthias P. Braendli * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* CW and PSK31 generator * * Concept: * * +-------------------+ +----------------+ * | cw_push_message() | -> cw_msg_queue -> | cw_psk31task() | -> cw_audio_queue * +-------------------+ +----------------+ * * The cw_psk31_fill_buffer() function can be called to fetch audio from the * audio_queue */ #include "cw.h" #include "common.h" #include "arm_math.h" #include "audio.h" #include "debug.h" /* Kernel includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "queue.h" #include "semphr.h" #define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 1024 #define MAX_ON_BUFFER_LEN 8192 const uint8_t cw_mapping[60] = { // {{{ // Read bits from right to left 0b110101, //+ ASCII 43 0b110101, //, ASCII 44 0b1011110, //- ASCII 45 0b1010101, //., ASCII 46 0b110110, // / ASCII 47 0b100000, // 0, ASCII 48 0b100001, // 1 0b100011, 0b100111, 0b101111, 0b111111, 0b111110, 0b111100, 0b111000, 0b110000, // 9, ASCII 57 // The following are mostly invalid, but // required to fill the gap in ASCII between // numerals and capital letters 0b10, // : 0b10, // ; 0b10, // < 0b10, // = 0b10, // > 0b1110011, // ? 0b1101001, //@ 0b101, // A ASCII 65 0b11110, 0b11010, 0b1110, 0b11, 0b11011, 0b1100, 0b11111, 0b111, 0b10001, 0b1010, 0b11101, 0b100, //M 0b110, 0b1000, 0b11001, 0b10100, 0b1101, 0b1111, 0b10, 0b1011, 0b10111, 0b1001, 0b10110, 0b10010, 0b11100, // Z 0b101010, //Start, ASCII [ 0b1010111, // SK , ASCII '\' }; //}}} /* * PSK31 Varicode * http://aintel.bi.ehu.es/psk31.html */ const char *psk31_varicode[] = { // {{{ "1010101011", "1011011011", "1011101101", "1101110111", "1011101011", "1101011111", "1011101111", "1011111101", "1011111111", "11101111", "11101", "1101101111", "1011011101", "11111", "1101110101", "1110101011", "1011110111", "1011110101", "1110101101", "1110101111", "1101011011", "1101101011", "1101101101", "1101010111", "1101111011", "1101111101", "1110110111", "1101010101", "1101011101", "1110111011", "1011111011", "1101111111", "1", "111111111", "101011111", "111110101", "111011011", "1011010101", "1010111011", "101111111", "11111011", "11110111", "101101111", "111011111", "1110101", "110101", "1010111", "110101111", "10110111", "10111101", "11101101", "11111111", "101110111", "101011011", "101101011", "110101101", "110101011", "110110111", "11110101", "110111101", "111101101", "1010101", "111010111", "1010101111", "1010111101", "1111101", "11101011", "10101101", "10110101", "1110111", "11011011", "11111101", "101010101", "1111111", "111111101", "101111101", "11010111", "10111011", "11011101", "10101011", "11010101", "111011101", "10101111", "1101111", "1101101", "101010111", "110110101", "101011101", "101110101", "101111011", "1010101101", "111110111", "111101111", "111111011", "1010111111", "101101101", "1011011111", "1011", "1011111", "101111", "101101", "11", "111101", "1011011", "101011", "1101", "111101011", "10111111", "11011", "111011", "1111", "111", "111111", "110111111", "10101", "10111", "101", "110111", "1111011", "1101011", "11011111", "1011101", "111010101", "1010110111", "110111011", "1010110101", "1011010111", "1110110101", }; //}}} struct cw_message_s { char message[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; size_t message_len; int freq; // If dit_duration is 0, the message is sent in PSK31 int dit_duration; }; // The queue contains above structs QueueHandle_t cw_msg_queue; // Queue that contains audio data QueueHandle_t cw_audio_queue; static int cw_psk31_samplerate; static int cw_transmit_ongoing; static void cw_psk31_task(void *pvParameters); void cw_psk31_init(unsigned int samplerate) { cw_psk31_samplerate = samplerate; cw_transmit_ongoing = 0; cw_msg_queue = xQueueCreate(10, sizeof(struct cw_message_s)); if (cw_msg_queue == 0) { while(1); /* fatal error */ } cw_audio_queue = xQueueCreate(1, AUDIO_BUF_LEN * sizeof(int16_t)); if (cw_audio_queue == 0) { while(1); /* fatal error */ } xTaskCreate( cw_psk31_task, "CWPSKTask", 8*configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, (void*) NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3UL, NULL); } /* Parse one CW letter/symbol, and fill in the on_buffer. * Returns number of uint8_t written. */ size_t cw_symbol(uint8_t sym, uint8_t *on_buffer, size_t on_buffer_size) { uint8_t p = 0; uint8_t val = cw_mapping[sym]; size_t pos = 0; while((val >> p) != 0b1) { if (((val >> p) & 0b1) == 0b1) { if (pos + 2 < on_buffer_size) { // tone(1) on_buffer[pos++] = 1; // silence(1) on_buffer[pos++] = 0; } } else { if (pos + 4 < on_buffer_size) { // tone(3) on_buffer[pos++] = 1; on_buffer[pos++] = 1; on_buffer[pos++] = 1; // silence(1) on_buffer[pos++] = 0; } } p++; } // silence(2) if (pos + 2 < on_buffer_size) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { on_buffer[pos++] = 0; } } return pos; } // Transmit a string in morse code or PSK31. // Supported range for CW: // All ASCII between '+' and '\', which includes // numerals and capital letters. // Distinction between CW and PSK31 is done on dit_duration==0 int cw_psk31_push_message(const char* text, int dit_duration, int frequency) { const int text_len = strlen(text); if (strlen(text) > MAX_MESSAGE_LEN) { return 0; } struct cw_message_s msg; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; i++) { if (i < text_len) { msg.message[i] = text[i]; } else { msg.message[i] = '\0'; } } msg.message_len = text_len; msg.freq = frequency; msg.dit_duration = dit_duration; xQueueSendToBack(cw_msg_queue, &msg, portMAX_DELAY); /* Send Message */ return 1; } /* Parse the message and fill the on_buffer with CW on/CW off information. * Returns the number of on/off bits written. */ static size_t cw_text_to_on_buffer(const char *msg, uint8_t *on_buffer, size_t on_buffer_size) { size_t pos = 0; const char* sym = msg; do { if (*sym < '+' || *sym > '\\') { if (pos + 3 < on_buffer_size) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { on_buffer[pos++] = 0; } } } else { pos += cw_symbol(*sym - '+', on_buffer + pos, on_buffer_size - pos); } sym++; } while (*sym != '\0'); return pos; } /* * Turn a null terminated ASCII string into a uint8_t buffer * of 0 and 1 representing the PSK31 varicode for the input. * * outstr must be at least size 20 + strlen(instr)*12 + 20 to accomodate * the header and tail. * * Returns number of bytes written. */ static size_t psk31_text_to_phase_buffer(const char* instr, uint8_t* outbits) { int i=0, j, k; /* Header of 0s */ for (j=0; j < 20; j++) { outbits[i++] = 0; } /* Encode the message, with 00 between letters */ for (j=0; j < strlen(instr); j++) { const char* varicode_bits = psk31_varicode[(int)instr[j]]; for(k=0; k < strlen(varicode_bits); k++) { outbits[i++] = (varicode_bits[k] == '1') ? 1 : 0; } outbits[i++] = 0; outbits[i++] = 0; } /* Tail of 0s */ for (j=0; j < 20; j++) { outbits[i++] = 0; } return i; } size_t cw_psk31_fill_buffer(int16_t *buf, size_t bufsize) { if (xQueueReceiveFromISR(cw_audio_queue, buf, NULL)) { return bufsize; } else { return 0; } } static int16_t cw_audio_buf[AUDIO_BUF_LEN]; static uint8_t cw_psk31_buffer[MAX_ON_BUFFER_LEN]; static struct cw_message_s cw_fill_msg_current; // Routine to generate CW audio static float cw_generate_audio_ampl = 0.0f; static float cw_generate_audio_nco = 0.0f; static int16_t cw_generate_audio(float omega, int i, int t) { int16_t s = 0; // Remove clicks from CW if (cw_psk31_buffer[i]) { const float remaining = 32768.0f - cw_generate_audio_ampl; cw_generate_audio_ampl += remaining / 64.0f; } else { cw_generate_audio_ampl -= cw_generate_audio_ampl / 64.0f; } cw_generate_audio_nco += omega; if (cw_generate_audio_nco > FLOAT_PI) { cw_generate_audio_nco -= 2.0f * FLOAT_PI; } s = cw_generate_audio_ampl * arm_sin_f32(cw_generate_audio_nco); return s; } static float psk31_generate_audio_nco = 0.0f; static int psk31_current_psk_phase = 1; static int16_t psk31_generate_audio(float omega, int i, int t, int samples_per_symbol) { int16_t s = 0; const float base_ampl = 20000.0f; float psk31_generate_audio_ampl = 0.0f; if (cw_psk31_buffer[i] == 1) { psk31_generate_audio_ampl = base_ampl; } else { psk31_generate_audio_ampl = base_ampl * arm_cos_f32( FLOAT_PI*(float)t/(float)samples_per_symbol); } psk31_generate_audio_nco += omega; if (psk31_generate_audio_nco > FLOAT_PI) { psk31_generate_audio_nco -= 2.0f * FLOAT_PI; } s = psk31_generate_audio_ampl * arm_sin_f32(psk31_generate_audio_nco + (psk31_current_psk_phase == 1 ? 0.0f : FLOAT_PI)); return s; } static void cw_psk31_task(void *pvParameters) { int buf_pos = 0; while (1) { int status = xQueueReceive(cw_msg_queue, &cw_fill_msg_current, portMAX_DELAY); if (status == pdTRUE) { size_t cw_psk31_buffer_len = 0; cw_transmit_ongoing = 1; // Audio should be off, turn it on AudioOn(); if (cw_fill_msg_current.dit_duration) { cw_psk31_buffer_len = cw_text_to_on_buffer( cw_fill_msg_current.message, cw_psk31_buffer, MAX_ON_BUFFER_LEN); } else { cw_psk31_buffer_len = psk31_text_to_phase_buffer( cw_fill_msg_current.message, cw_psk31_buffer); } // Angular frequency of NCO const float omega = 2.0f * FLOAT_PI * cw_fill_msg_current.freq / (float)cw_psk31_samplerate; const int samples_per_symbol = (cw_fill_msg_current.dit_duration != 0) ? (cw_psk31_samplerate * cw_fill_msg_current.dit_duration) / 1000 : /* BPSK31 is at 31.25 symbols per second. */ cw_psk31_samplerate * 100 / 3125; psk31_current_psk_phase = 1; for (int i = 0; i < cw_psk31_buffer_len; i++) { for (int t = 0; t < samples_per_symbol; t++) { int16_t s = (cw_fill_msg_current.dit_duration != 0) ? cw_generate_audio(omega, i, t) : psk31_generate_audio(omega, i, t, samples_per_symbol); if (buf_pos == AUDIO_BUF_LEN) { xQueueSendToBack(cw_audio_queue, &cw_audio_buf, portMAX_DELAY); buf_pos = 0; } cw_audio_buf[buf_pos++] = s; // Stereo if (buf_pos == AUDIO_BUF_LEN) { xQueueSendToBack(cw_audio_queue, &cw_audio_buf, portMAX_DELAY); buf_pos = 0; } cw_audio_buf[buf_pos++] = s; } if (cw_psk31_buffer[i] == 0) { psk31_current_psk_phase *= -1; } } // We have completed this message cw_transmit_ongoing = 0; // Turn off audio to save power AudioOff(); } } } int cw_psk31_busy(void) { return cw_transmit_ongoing; }