/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2019 Matthias P. Braendli, Maximilien Cuony * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include /* Kernel includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "timers.h" #include "semphr.h" /* Includes */ #include "Audio/audio.h" #include "Audio/audio_in.h" #include "Audio/tone.h" #include "Audio/cw.h" #include "GPIO/pio.h" #include "GPIO/i2c.h" #include "GPS/gps.h" #include "Core/fsm.h" #include "Core/stats.h" #include "Core/common.h" #include "GPIO/usart.h" #include "Core/delay.h" #include "GPIO/temperature.h" #include "GPIO/leds.h" #include "GPIO/analog.h" #include "vc.h" #ifdef SIMULATOR extern int gui_in_tone_1750; #endif static void print_task_stats(void); static int tm_trigger_button = 0; static struct fsm_input_signals_t fsm_input; static int hour_is_even = 0; /* Threshold for SWR measurement */ const int swr_refl_threshold = 10; // mV /* Saturating counter for SWR measurement * * Hysteresis: * If the counter reaches the max value, the * SWR Error is triggered. * * The error can only be cleared through * a full reset. */ #define SWR_ERROR_COUNTER_MAX 10 static int swr_error_counter = 0; static int swr_error_flag = 0; // Platform specific init function void init(void); // Tasks static void detect_button_press(void *pvParameters); static void exercise_fsm(void *pvParameters); static void nf_analyse(void *pvParameters); static void gps_monit_task(void *pvParameters); static void launcher_task(void *pvParameters); // Audio callback function static void audio_callback(void* context, int select_buffer); // Debugging static uint64_t timestamp_last_audio_callback = 0; void vApplicationStackOverflowHook(TaskHandle_t, signed char *); void vApplicationStackOverflowHook(TaskHandle_t __attribute__ ((unused)) xTask, signed char *pcTaskName) { usart_debug("TASK OVERFLOW %s\r\n", pcTaskName); trigger_fault(FAULT_SOURCE_TASK_OVERFLOW); } int main(void) { init(); delay_init(); usart_init(); usart_debug("\r\n******* glutt-o-matique version %s *******\r\n", vc_get_version()); #ifndef SIMULATOR if (RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_IWDGRST) != RESET) { usart_debug_puts("WARNING: A IWDG Reset occured!\r\n"); } RCC_ClearFlag(); #endif TaskHandle_t task_handle; xTaskCreate( launcher_task, "Launcher", 2*configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, (void*) NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2UL, &task_handle); if (!task_handle) { trigger_fault(FAULT_SOURCE_MAIN); } vTaskStartScheduler(); /* HALT */ while(1); } // Launcher task is here to make sure the scheduler is // already running when calling the init functions. static void launcher_task(void __attribute__ ((unused))*pvParameters) { usart_debug_puts("CW init\r\n"); cw_psk_init(16000); usart_debug_puts("PIO init\r\n"); pio_init(); usart_debug_puts("Analog init\r\n"); analog_init(); usart_debug_puts("I2C init\r\n"); i2c_init(); usart_debug_puts("common init\r\n"); common_init(); usart_debug_puts("GPS init\r\n"); gps_init(); usart_debug_puts("DS18B20 init\r\n"); temperature_init(); usart_debug_puts("TaskButton init\r\n"); TaskHandle_t task_handle; xTaskCreate( detect_button_press, "TaskButton", 4*configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, (void*) NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2UL, &task_handle); if (!task_handle) { trigger_fault(FAULT_SOURCE_MAIN); } usart_debug_puts("TaskFSM init\r\n"); xTaskCreate( exercise_fsm, "TaskFSM", 4*configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, (void*) NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2UL, &task_handle); if (!task_handle) { trigger_fault(FAULT_SOURCE_MAIN); } usart_debug_puts("TaskGPS init\r\n"); xTaskCreate( gps_monit_task, "TaskGPSMonit", 4*configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, (void*) NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2UL, &task_handle); if (!task_handle) { trigger_fault(FAULT_SOURCE_MAIN); } usart_debug_puts("Audio init\r\n"); audio_initialize(Audio16000HzSettings); usart_debug_puts("Audio set volume\r\n"); audio_set_volume(210); usart_debug_puts("Audio set callback\r\n"); audio_play_with_callback(audio_callback, NULL); usart_debug_puts("Tone init\r\n"); tone_init(); usart_debug_puts("Audio in init\r\n"); audio_in_initialize(); usart_debug_puts("TaskNF init\r\n"); xTaskCreate( nf_analyse, "TaskNF", 3*configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, (void*) NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3UL, &task_handle); if (!task_handle) { trigger_fault(FAULT_SOURCE_MAIN); } usart_debug_puts("Init done.\r\n"); int last_qrp_from_supply = 0; int send_audio_callback_warning = 0; int i = 0; while(1) { vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000)); if (i == 0) { i = 1; leds_turn_on(LED_GREEN); print_task_stats(); } else { i = 0; leds_turn_off(LED_GREEN); } struct fsm_output_signals_t fsm_out; fsm_get_outputs(&fsm_out); tone_detector_enable(fsm_out.require_tone_detector); if (fsm_out.tx_on) { int swr_fwd_mv, swr_refl_mv; if (analog_measure_swr(&swr_fwd_mv, &swr_refl_mv)) { if (swr_refl_mv > swr_refl_threshold) { usart_debug("SWR meas %d mV\r\n", swr_refl_mv); swr_error_counter++; } else { swr_error_counter--; } if (swr_error_counter > SWR_ERROR_COUNTER_MAX) { swr_error_counter = SWR_ERROR_COUNTER_MAX; if (!swr_error_flag) { usart_debug("Set SWR error\r\n"); } swr_error_flag = 1; } } } else { const int qrp_from_supply = analog_supply_too_low(); if (swr_error_flag) { pio_set_qrp(1); } else if (qrp_from_supply != last_qrp_from_supply) { usart_debug("QRP = %d\r\n", qrp_from_supply); last_qrp_from_supply = qrp_from_supply; pio_set_qrp(qrp_from_supply); } } if (timestamp_now() - timestamp_last_audio_callback > 1000) { if (send_audio_callback_warning == 0) { send_audio_callback_warning = 1; usart_debug("[HOHO] timestamp_last_audio_callback > 1000\r\n"); } } else { if (send_audio_callback_warning == 1) { send_audio_callback_warning = 0; usart_debug("[HOHO] Fix ? Now timestamp_last_audio_callback < 1000\r\n"); } } } } static void detect_button_press(void __attribute__ ((unused))*pvParameters) { int pin_high_count = 0; int last_pin_high_count = 0; const int pin_high_thresh = 10; while (1) { if (pio_read_button()) { if (pin_high_count < pin_high_thresh) { pin_high_count++; } } else { if (pin_high_count > 0) { pin_high_count--; } } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(10)); /* Debounce Delay */ if (pin_high_count == pin_high_thresh && last_pin_high_count != pin_high_count) { tm_trigger_button = 1; usart_debug_puts("Bouton bleu\r\n"); } else if (pin_high_count == 0 && last_pin_high_count != pin_high_count) { tm_trigger_button = 0; } last_pin_high_count = pin_high_count; } } int only_zero_in_audio_buffer = 1; int count_zero_audio_buffer = 0; static void audio_callback(void __attribute__ ((unused))*context, int select_buffer) { static int16_t audio_buffer0[AUDIO_BUF_LEN]; static int16_t audio_buffer1[AUDIO_BUF_LEN]; int16_t *samples; if (select_buffer == 0) { samples = audio_buffer0; leds_turn_off(LED_RED); } else { samples = audio_buffer1; leds_turn_on(LED_RED); } size_t samples_len = cw_psk_fill_buffer(samples, AUDIO_BUF_LEN); if (samples_len == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BUF_LEN; i++) { samples[i] = 0; } samples_len = AUDIO_BUF_LEN; if (count_zero_audio_buffer < 2) { count_zero_audio_buffer++; } else { only_zero_in_audio_buffer = 1; } } else { only_zero_in_audio_buffer = 0; count_zero_audio_buffer = 0; } if (!audio_provide_buffer_without_blocking(samples, samples_len)) { usart_debug("[HOHO] audio_provide_buffer_without_blocking returned False.\r\n"); } timestamp_last_audio_callback = timestamp_now(); } static struct tm gps_time; static void gps_monit_task(void __attribute__ ((unused))*pvParameters) { /* There are two types of non GPS clocks: the DERIVED one which works if * GPS time was known at some point, and the free-running that only depends * on timestamp_now(). The free-running one is used to ensure 2h beacons are * transmitted even if GPS never gave us time. The DERIVED kicks in when GPS * fails after having output time information and tries to keep accurate absolute * time. */ pio_set_gps_epps(1); int t_gps_print_latch = 0; int t_gps_hours_handeled = 0; uint64_t last_hour_timestamp = 0; uint64_t last_volt_and_temp_timestamp, last_hour_is_even_change_timestamp; last_volt_and_temp_timestamp = last_hour_is_even_change_timestamp = timestamp_now(); int last_even = -1; while (1) { const uint64_t now = timestamp_now(); struct tm time = {0}; int time_valid = local_time(&time); int derived_mode = 0; if (time_valid) { if (time.tm_sec % 2) { pio_set_gps_epps(1); } else { pio_set_gps_epps(0); } derived_mode = 0; } else { time_valid = local_derived_time(&time); if (time_valid) { if (time.tm_sec % 4 >= 2) { pio_set_gps_epps(1); } else { pio_set_gps_epps(0); } derived_mode = 1; } } if (time_valid) { hour_is_even = (time.tm_hour + 1) % 2; if (last_even != hour_is_even) { last_even = hour_is_even; usart_debug("Even changed: %i %i %s\r\n", hour_is_even, time.tm_hour, derived_mode ? "DERIVED" : "GPS"); } } else if (last_hour_is_even_change_timestamp + (2 * 3600 * 1000) < now) { hour_is_even = (hour_is_even + 1) % 2; last_even = hour_is_even; usart_debug("Even changed: %i %i FREE-RUNNING\r\n", hour_is_even, time.tm_hour); last_hour_is_even_change_timestamp = now; } if (last_volt_and_temp_timestamp + 20000 < now) { const float u_bat = analog_measure_12v(); usart_debug("ALIM %d mV\r\n", (int)roundf(1000.0f * u_bat)); stats_voltage(u_bat); if (time_valid && time.tm_min == 0) { stats_voltage_at_full_hour(time.tm_hour, u_bat); } const float temp = temperature_get(); stats_temp(temp); usart_debug("TEMP %d.%02d\r\n", (int)temp, (int)(temp * 100.0f - (int)(temp) * 100.0f)); last_volt_and_temp_timestamp = now; } int num_sv_used = 0; gps_utctime(&gps_time, &num_sv_used); if (time.tm_sec % 30 == 0 && t_gps_print_latch == 0) { usart_debug("T_GPS %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %d SV tracked\r\n", gps_time.tm_year + 1900, gps_time.tm_mon + 1, gps_time.tm_mday, gps_time.tm_hour, gps_time.tm_min, gps_time.tm_sec, num_sv_used); char *mode = ""; if (derived_mode) { mode = "Derived"; } else { mode = "GPS"; } usart_debug("TIME %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d [%s]\r\n", time.tm_year + 1900, time.tm_mon + 1, time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec, mode); t_gps_print_latch = 1; } if (time.tm_sec % 30 > 0) { t_gps_print_latch = 0; } if (time_valid && derived_mode == 0 && gps_time.tm_sec == 0 && gps_time.tm_min == 0 && t_gps_hours_handeled == 0) { if (last_hour_timestamp == 0) { usart_debug("DERIV INIT TS=%lld\r\n", now); } else { usart_debug("DERIV TS=%lld Excepted=%lld Delta=%lld\r\n", now, last_hour_timestamp + 3600000, last_hour_timestamp + 3600000 - now ); } last_hour_timestamp = now; t_gps_hours_handeled = 1; } if (gps_time.tm_sec != 0) { t_gps_hours_handeled = 0; } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); // Reload watchdog #ifndef SIMULATOR IWDG_ReloadCounter(); #endif } } static void exercise_fsm(void __attribute__ ((unused))*pvParameters) { fsm_init(); int cw_last_trigger = 0; int last_tm_trigger_button = 0; int last_tx_on = 0; int last_sq = 0; int last_qrp = 0; int last_cw_done = 0; int last_discrim_d = 0; int last_discrim_u = 0; int last_wind_generator_ok = 0; uint64_t last_qrp_stats_updated = timestamp_now(); fsm_input.humidity = 0; fsm_input.temp = 15; fsm_input.swr_high = 0; fsm_input.fax_mode = 0; fsm_input.wind_generator_ok = 1; while (1) { vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(10)); pio_set_fsm_signals(&fsm_input); const uint64_t now = timestamp_now(); // QRP/QRO doesn't change too often, updating every 10s is good enough if (last_qrp_stats_updated + 10000 < now) { stats_qrp(fsm_input.qrp); last_qrp_stats_updated = now; } if (last_sq != fsm_input.sq) { last_sq = fsm_input.sq; usart_debug("In SQ %d\r\n", last_sq); } if (last_qrp != fsm_input.qrp) { last_qrp = fsm_input.qrp; usart_debug("In QRP %d\r\n", last_qrp); } if (last_discrim_d != fsm_input.discrim_d) { last_discrim_d = fsm_input.discrim_d; usart_debug("In D %d\r\n", last_discrim_d); } if (last_discrim_u != fsm_input.discrim_u) { last_discrim_u = fsm_input.discrim_u; usart_debug("In U %d\r\n", last_discrim_u); } if (last_wind_generator_ok != fsm_input.wind_generator_ok) { last_wind_generator_ok = fsm_input.wind_generator_ok; stats_wind_generator_moved(); usart_debug("In eolienne %s\r\n", last_wind_generator_ok ? "vent" : "replie"); } const int cw_psk_done = !cw_psk_busy(); const int cw_done = cw_psk_done && only_zero_in_audio_buffer; // Set the done flag to 1 only once, when cw_done switches from 0 to 1 if (last_cw_done != cw_done) { usart_debug("In cw_done change %d %d\r\n", cw_done, only_zero_in_audio_buffer); if (cw_done) { fsm_input.cw_psk_done = cw_done; leds_turn_off(LED_ORANGE); } last_cw_done = cw_done; } else { fsm_input.cw_psk_done = 0; } const int current_tone_1750_status = tone_1750_status(); #ifdef SIMULATOR gui_in_tone_1750 = current_tone_1750_status; #endif fsm_input.det_1750 = current_tone_1750_status; pio_set_det_1750(current_tone_1750_status); fsm_input.long_1750 = tone_1750_for_5_seconds(); // TODO implement a DTMF controlled state machine for setting SQ2 pio_set_sq2(0); fsm_input.fax_mode = tone_fax_status(); fsm_input.swr_high = swr_error_flag; fsm_input.hour_is_even = hour_is_even; struct tm time = {0}; int time_valid = local_time(&time); if (!time_valid) { time_valid = local_derived_time(&time); } if (time_valid) { fsm_input.send_stats = (time.tm_hour == 22) ? 1 : 0; } fsm_update_inputs(&fsm_input); if (tm_trigger_button == 1 && last_tm_trigger_button == 0) { fsm_update_inputs(&fsm_input); fsm_balise_force(); } last_tm_trigger_button = tm_trigger_button; fsm_update(); fsm_balise_update(); const int disable_1750_filter = fsm_sstv_update(); pio_set_fax(disable_1750_filter); struct fsm_output_signals_t fsm_out; fsm_get_outputs(&fsm_out); pio_set_tx(fsm_out.tx_on); if (fsm_out.tx_on != last_tx_on) { stats_tx_switched(fsm_out.tx_on); last_tx_on = fsm_out.tx_on; } pio_set_mod_off(!fsm_out.modulation); // Add message to CW generator only on rising edge of trigger if (fsm_out.cw_psk_trigger && !cw_last_trigger && fsm_out.msg != NULL) { const int success = cw_psk_push_message(fsm_out.msg, fsm_out.cw_dit_duration, fsm_out.msg_frequency); if (!success) { usart_debug_puts("cw_psk_push_message failed"); } leds_turn_on(LED_ORANGE); } cw_last_trigger = fsm_out.cw_psk_trigger; } } const int BLUE_LED_INTVL = 4; static int blue_led_phase = 0; static void nf_analyse(void __attribute__ ((unused))*pvParameters) { while (1) { if (blue_led_phase == 0) { leds_turn_on(LED_BLUE); } else if (blue_led_phase == BLUE_LED_INTVL) { leds_turn_off(LED_BLUE); } blue_led_phase++; if (blue_led_phase >= BLUE_LED_INTVL * 2) { blue_led_phase = 0; } tone_do_analysis(); } } #if configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS #include "stm32f4xx_conf.h" #include "stm32f4xx_tim.h" void vConfigureTimerForRunTimeStats() { TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef SetupTimer; /* Enable timer 2, using the Reset and Clock Control register */ RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM2, ENABLE); SetupTimer.TIM_Prescaler = 0x0000; SetupTimer.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up; SetupTimer.TIM_Period = 0xFFFFFFFF; SetupTimer.TIM_ClockDivision = TIM_CKD_DIV1; TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM2, &SetupTimer); TIM_Cmd(TIM2, ENABLE); /* start counting by enabling CEN in CR1 */ } unsigned long vGetTimerForRunTimeStats( void ) { return TIM_GetCounter(TIM2); } static TaskStatus_t taskstats[12]; static void print_task_stats(void) { uint32_t total_time; int n_tasks = uxTaskGetSystemState(taskstats, 12, &total_time); total_time /= 100UL; for (int t = 0; t < n_tasks; t++) { char status_indicator; switch(taskstats[t].eCurrentState ) { case eReady: status_indicator = 'R'; break; case eBlocked: status_indicator = 'B'; break; case eSuspended: status_indicator = 'S'; break; case eDeleted: status_indicator = 'D'; break; case eRunning: status_indicator = 'R'; break; } uint32_t task_time_percent = 0; if (total_time > 0) { task_time_percent = taskstats[t].ulRunTimeCounter / total_time; } usart_debug("TASK %d %s %c [%d] %d\r\n", taskstats[t].xTaskNumber, taskstats[t].pcTaskName, status_indicator, taskstats[t].usStackHighWaterMark, task_time_percent); } } #else static void print_task_stats(void) {} #endif