/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2019 Maximilien Cuony, Matthias P. Braendli * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "Audio/tone.h" #include "Core/common.h" #include "GPIO/usart.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include "queue.h" #ifdef SIMULATOR #include <math.h> #define arm_cos_f32 cosf #define arm_sin_f32 sinf #else #include "arm_math.h" #endif #define TONE_N 800 /* DTMF frequencies * COL_1 COL_2 COL_3 COL_A * 1209 1336 1477 1633 * 697 [1] [2] [3] [A] ROW_1 * 770 [4] [5] [6] [B] ROW_4 * 852 [7] [8] [9] [C] ROW_7 * 941 [*] [0] [#] [D] ROW_STAR * * We need 0, 7, and 1750Hz for now, having detectors for * 1209, 1336, 852, 941 and 1750 is sufficient. */ #define DET_COL_1 0 #define DET_COL_2 1 #define DET_ROW_7 2 #define DET_ROW_STAR 3 #define DET_1750 4 #define NUM_DETECTORS 5 // Incomplete because not all frequencies decoded enum dtmf_code { DTMF_NONE = 0, DTMF_0, DTMF_7, DTMF_8, DTMF_STAR, }; struct tone_detector { float coef; float Q1; float Q2; }; static struct tone_detector detectors[NUM_DETECTORS]; static int num_samples_analysed = 0; static float prev_mean = 0; static uint32_t accum = 0; static int lost_results = 0; static QueueHandle_t m_squared_queue; // Apply an IIR filter with alpha = 5/16 to smooth out variations. // Values are normalised s.t. the mean corresponds to 100 static int32_t normalised_results[NUM_DETECTORS]; static int num_tone_1750_detected = 0; static uint64_t tone_1750_detected_since = 0; static int detectors_enabled = 0; static enum dtmf_code dtmf_last_seen = 0; static uint64_t dtmf_last_seen_at = 0; // Store the sequence of dtmf codes in this FIFO. If no DTMF code gets // decoded in the interval, a NONE gets inserted into the sequence #define NUM_DTMF_SEQ 3 #define DTMF_MAX_TONE_INTERVAL 2500 static enum dtmf_code dtmf_sequence[NUM_DTMF_SEQ]; static char* dtmf_to_str(enum dtmf_code code) { char *codestr = "?"; switch (code) { case DTMF_0: codestr = "0"; break; case DTMF_7: codestr = "7"; break; case DTMF_8: codestr = "8"; break; case DTMF_STAR: codestr = "*"; break; case DTMF_NONE: codestr = "x"; break; } return codestr; } static inline void push_dtmf_code(enum dtmf_code code) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DTMF_SEQ-1; i++) { dtmf_sequence[i] = dtmf_sequence[i+1]; } dtmf_sequence[NUM_DTMF_SEQ-1] = code; if (code != DTMF_NONE) { usart_debug("DTMF: [%s, %s, %s]\r\n", dtmf_to_str(dtmf_sequence[0]), dtmf_to_str(dtmf_sequence[1]), dtmf_to_str(dtmf_sequence[2])); } } // TODO: Does that depend on TONE_N? const int thresh_dtmf = 200; const int thresh_1750 = 300; const int num_1750_required = 5; static void analyse_dtmf() { // Bits 0 to 9 are numbers, bit 10 to 13 letters, bit 14 is star, 15 is hash const uint16_t pattern = ((normalised_results[DET_COL_1] > thresh_dtmf && normalised_results[DET_ROW_7] > thresh_dtmf) ? (1 << 7) : 0) + ((normalised_results[DET_COL_2] > thresh_dtmf && normalised_results[DET_ROW_7] > thresh_dtmf) ? (1 << 8) : 0) + ((normalised_results[DET_COL_1] > thresh_dtmf && normalised_results[DET_ROW_STAR] > thresh_dtmf) ? (1 << 14) : 0) + ((normalised_results[DET_COL_2] > thresh_dtmf && normalised_results[DET_ROW_STAR] > thresh_dtmf) ? (1 << 0) : 0); // Match patterns exactly to exclude multiple simultaneous DTMF codes. if (pattern == (1 << 0)) { if (dtmf_last_seen != DTMF_0) { push_dtmf_code(DTMF_0); } dtmf_last_seen = DTMF_0; dtmf_last_seen_at = timestamp_now(); } else if (pattern == (1 << 7)) { if (dtmf_last_seen != DTMF_7) { push_dtmf_code(DTMF_7); } dtmf_last_seen = DTMF_7; dtmf_last_seen_at = timestamp_now(); } else if (pattern == (1 << 8)) { if (dtmf_last_seen != DTMF_8) { push_dtmf_code(DTMF_8); } dtmf_last_seen = DTMF_8; dtmf_last_seen_at = timestamp_now(); } else if (pattern == (1 << 14)) { if (dtmf_last_seen != DTMF_STAR) { push_dtmf_code(DTMF_STAR); } dtmf_last_seen = DTMF_STAR; dtmf_last_seen_at = timestamp_now(); } else if (dtmf_last_seen_at + DTMF_MAX_TONE_INTERVAL < timestamp_now()) { // Flush out all codes push_dtmf_code(DTMF_NONE); dtmf_last_seen = DTMF_NONE; dtmf_last_seen_at = timestamp_now(); } } int tone_1750_status() { return num_tone_1750_detected >= num_1750_required; } int tone_1750_for_5_seconds() { return (num_tone_1750_detected >= num_1750_required) && tone_1750_detected_since + 5000 < timestamp_now(); } int tone_fax_status() { return dtmf_sequence[0] == DTMF_0 && dtmf_sequence[1] == DTMF_7 && dtmf_sequence[2] == DTMF_STAR; } static inline void init_detector(struct tone_detector* detector, int freq) { detector->coef = 2.0f * arm_cos_f32(2.0f * FLOAT_PI * freq / AUDIO_IN_RATE); detector->Q1 = 0; detector->Q2 = 0; } void tone_init() { m_squared_queue = xQueueCreate(2, NUM_DETECTORS * sizeof(float)); if (m_squared_queue == 0) { trigger_fault(FAULT_SOURCE_ADC2_QUEUE); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DTMF_SEQ; i++) { dtmf_sequence[i] = DTMF_NONE; } init_detector(&detectors[DET_COL_1], 1209); init_detector(&detectors[DET_COL_2], 1336); init_detector(&detectors[DET_ROW_7], 852); init_detector(&detectors[DET_ROW_STAR], 941); init_detector(&detectors[DET_1750], 1750); } void tone_detector_enable(int enable) { if (enable && !detectors_enabled) { num_samples_analysed = 0; prev_mean = 0; accum = 0; for (int det = 0; det < NUM_DETECTORS; det++) { detectors[det].Q1 = 0; detectors[det].Q2 = 0; } audio_in_enable(1); detectors_enabled = 1; } else if (!enable && detectors_enabled) { audio_in_enable(0); detectors_enabled = 0; } } void tone_detect_push_sample(const uint16_t sample, int is_irq) { num_samples_analysed++; accum += sample; // Do not do tone detection before we have calculated a mean if (prev_mean > 0) { const float s = sample - prev_mean; for (int det = 0; det < NUM_DETECTORS; det++) { struct tone_detector *detector = &detectors[det]; float Q0 = detector->coef * detector->Q1 - detector->Q2 + s; detector->Q2 = detector->Q1; detector->Q1 = Q0; } } if (num_samples_analysed == TONE_N) { num_samples_analysed = 0; if (prev_mean > 0) { float m_squared[NUM_DETECTORS]; for (int det = 0; det < NUM_DETECTORS; det++) { struct tone_detector *detector = &detectors[det]; m_squared[det] = detector->Q1 * detector->Q1 + detector->Q2 * detector->Q2 - detector->coef * detector->Q1 * detector->Q2; detector->Q1 = 0; detector->Q2 = 0; } BaseType_t require_context_switch = 0; int success; if (is_irq) { success = xQueueSendToBackFromISR( m_squared_queue, &m_squared, &require_context_switch); } else { success = xQueueSendToBack( m_squared_queue, &m_squared, 0); } if (success == pdFALSE) { lost_results++; } } prev_mean = (float)accum / (float)TONE_N; accum = 0; } } void tone_do_analysis() { float m[NUM_DETECTORS]; while (!xQueueReceive(m_squared_queue, &m, portMAX_DELAY)) {} float inv_mean = 0; for (int det = 0; det < NUM_DETECTORS; det++) { m[det] = sqrtf(m[det]); inv_mean += m[det]; } inv_mean = NUM_DETECTORS / inv_mean; for (int det = 0; det < NUM_DETECTORS; det++) { normalised_results[det] = (11 * normalised_results[det] + (int)(5 * 100 * m[det] * inv_mean)) >> 4; // divide by 16 } if (num_tone_1750_detected < num_1750_required && normalised_results[DET_1750] > thresh_1750) { num_tone_1750_detected++; if (num_tone_1750_detected == num_1750_required) { tone_1750_detected_since = timestamp_now(); } } else if (num_tone_1750_detected > 0 && normalised_results[DET_1750] <= thresh_1750) { num_tone_1750_detected--; } analyse_dtmf(); #if PRINT_TONES_STATS static int printcounter = 0; if (++printcounter == 5) { usart_debug("Tones: % 3d % 3d % 3d % 3d % 3d since %d\r\n", normalised_results[0], normalised_results[1], normalised_results[2], normalised_results[3], normalised_results[4], (int)(timestamp_now() - tone_1750_detected_since) ); printcounter = 0; } #endif // PRINT_TONES_STATS }