Allocation of PIOs to functions =============================== Ref: Datasheet Table 7 on p. 45 and Table 9 on p. 60 Connexions Relais ----------------- - in QRP_n PC1 - out TX_ON PC2 - N/A microphone PC3 - in 1750_n bouton PC4 - out MOD_OFF PC5 - in SQ_n PC6 - in U PC8 - out QRP PC9 - in D PC11 - in REPLIE PC13 - out FAX PC14 - out GPS EPPS PC15 - out SQ2 PC0 - out DET 1750 PA8 - i/o Dallas 1-wire PA1 Analog signals -------------- on ADC1, configured in single-shot mode, software trigger: - in Vcc 12V PA5 (ADC12 IN5) - in SWR forward PA6 (ADC12 IN6) - in SWR reflected PA7 (ADC12 IN7) on ADC2, configured in single-shot mode, triggered by a timer: - in NF (demod audio) PB1 (ADC12 IN9) u-blox NEO-M8N GPS module connection ------------------------------------ Yellow out UART3 TX to GPS RX PD8 Orange in UART3 RX to GPS TX PD9 - out GPS RESET_n PD10 Debug USART ----------- - out UART2 TX to PC RX PA2 - in UART2 RX to PC TX PA3 I2C to Audio Codec ------------------ - o codec reset PD4 - - I2S3 MCK PC7 - - I2S3 CK PC10 - - I2S3 SD PC12 - - I2S3 WS PA4 - i/o I2C1 SDA PB9 - i/o I2C1 SCL PB6 STM32DISCOVERY onboard things ----------------------------- - out Green LED (launcher) PD12 - out Orange LED (fsm) PD13 - out Red LED (audio) PD14 - out Blue LED (audio in) PD15 - in Blue Push Button PA0 Analog audio input for 1750 tone detector ----------------------------------------- 1. Timer 6 set to 8kHz triggers ADC2 sample. 1. Timer 6 ISR accumulates N samples into a buffer. 1. When buffer full, copy it into queue. 1. `nf_analyse` task retrieves audio from queue, and gives it to tone detector. 1. Tone detector returns one of [yes, no, more samples needed]. 1. `nf_analyse` task updates FSM input accordingly.