fldigi-kissattach ================= Readme ------ fldigi-kissattach connects to the TCP KISS server of fldigi and patches that up with the kernel in the same way kissattach connects a serial KISS TNC to the kernel. This allows you to run TCP/IP over AX.25 over any modem fldigi supports. Compilation ----------- This tool is written in Rust and needs a Rust compiler and the cargo package manager. Please go to http://rustup.rs to install this. Then execute `cargo build` inside the folder where this README resides. The output binary will be written to `./target/debug/fldigi-kissattach`. Usage ----- fldigi-kissattach expects three arguments: callsign with SSID, ip:port to connect to fldigi, and mtu. You will need to run this as root, best with sudo Example: `sudo ./target/debug/fldigi-kissattach HB9EGM-1 120` I am unsure if having a corresponding entry in `/etc/ax25/axports` is required. License ------- Parts of this code are taken from the ax25-tools, which are GPL-2.0. Other parts are MIT or Apache 2.0 licensed. New code is Copyright 2018 Matthias P. Braendli, GPL-2.0-only