/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Software License for The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android

� Copyright  1995 - 2013 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur F�rderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
  All rights reserved.

The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android ("FDK AAC Codec") is software that implements
the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding ("AAC") encoding and decoding scheme for digital audio.
This FDK AAC Codec software is intended to be used on a wide variety of Android devices.

AAC's HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2 versions are regarded as today's most efficient general perceptual
audio codecs. AAC-ELD is considered the best-performing full-bandwidth communications codec by
independent studies and is widely deployed. AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC as part
of the MPEG specifications.

Patent licenses for necessary patent claims for the FDK AAC Codec (including those of Fraunhofer)
may be obtained through Via Licensing (www.vialicensing.com) or through the respective patent owners
individually for the purpose of encoding or decoding bit streams in products that are compliant with
the ISO/IEC MPEG audio standards. Please note that most manufacturers of Android devices already license
these patent claims through Via Licensing or directly from the patent owners, and therefore FDK AAC Codec
software may already be covered under those patent licenses when it is used for those licensed purposes only.

Commercially-licensed AAC software libraries, including floating-point versions with enhanced sound quality,
are also available from Fraunhofer. Users are encouraged to check the Fraunhofer website for additional
applications information and documentation.


Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted without
payment of copyright license fees provided that you satisfy the following conditions:

You must retain the complete text of this software license in redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or
your modifications thereto in source code form.

You must retain the complete text of this software license in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in binary form.
You must make available free of charge copies of the complete source code of the FDK AAC Codec and your
modifications thereto to recipients of copies in binary form.

The name of Fraunhofer may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this library without
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You may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute the FDK AAC Codec
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Your modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the software
and the date of any change. For modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec, the term
"Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android" must be replaced by the term
"Third-Party Modified Version of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android."


NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PATENT CLAIMS, including without limitation the patents of Fraunhofer,
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You may use this FDK AAC Codec software or modifications thereto only for purposes that are authorized
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This FDK AAC Codec software is provided by Fraunhofer on behalf of the copyright holders and contributors
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Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
Attention: Audio and Multimedia Departments - FDK AAC LL
Am Wolfsmantel 33
91058 Erlangen, Germany

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/**************************  MPEG-4 Transport Decoder  ***********************

   Author(s): Manuel Jander
   Description: MPEG Transport decoder


#ifndef __TPDEC_LIB_H__
#define __TPDEC_LIB_H__

#include "tp_data.h"

#include "FDK_bitstream.h"

#define TRANSPORTDEC_INBUF_SIZE  ( 8192 )   /*!< Size is in bytes.
                                                 Set the transport input buffer size carefully and
                                                 assure that it fulfills the requirements of the
                                                 supported transport format(s).                    */

typedef enum {
  TRANSPORTDEC_OK = 0,             /*!< All fine.                                                  */

  /* Synchronization errors. Wait for new input data and try again. */
  tpdec_sync_error_start   = 0x100,
  TRANSPORTDEC_NOT_ENOUGH_BITS,    /*!< Out of bits. Provide more bits and try again.              */
  TRANSPORTDEC_SYNC_ERROR,         /*!< No sync was found or sync got lost. Keep trying.           */

  /* Decode errors. Mostly caused due to bit errors. */
  tpdec_decode_error_start = 0x400,
  TRANSPORTDEC_PARSE_ERROR,        /*!< Bitstream data showed inconsistencies (wrong syntax).      */
  TRANSPORTDEC_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT, /*!< Unsupported format or feature found in the bitstream data. */
  TRANSPORTDEC_CRC_ERROR,          /*!< CRC error encountered in bitstream data.                   */

  /* Fatal errors. Stop immediately on one of these errors! */
  tpdec_fatal_error_start  = 0x200,
  TRANSPORTDEC_UNKOWN_ERROR,       /*!< An unknown error occured.                                  */
  TRANSPORTDEC_INVALID_PARAMETER,  /*!< An invalid parameter was passed to a function.             */
  TRANSPORTDEC_NEED_TO_RESTART,    /*!< The decoder needs to be restarted, since the requiered
                                        configuration change cannot be performed.                  */


/** Macro to identify decode errors. */
#define TPDEC_IS_DECODE_ERROR(err) ( ((err>=tpdec_decode_error_start) && (err<=tpdec_decode_error_end)) ? 1 : 0)
/** Macro to identify fatal errors. */
#define TPDEC_IS_FATAL_ERROR(err)  ( ((err>=tpdec_fatal_error_start)  && (err<=tpdec_fatal_error_end))  ? 1 : 0)

 * \brief Parameter identifiers for transportDec_SetParam()
typedef enum {
  TPDEC_PARAM_MINIMIZE_DELAY = 1,        /** Delay minimization strategy. 0: none, 1: discard as many frames as possible. */
  TPDEC_PARAM_EARLY_CONFIG,              /** Enable early config discovery. */
  TPDEC_PARAM_IGNORE_BUFFERFULLNESS,     /** Ignore buffer fullness. */
  TPDEC_PARAM_SET_BITRATE,               /** Set average bit rate for bit stream interruption frame misses estimation. */
  TPDEC_PARAM_RESET,                     /** Reset transport decoder instance status. */
  TPDEC_PARAM_BURST_PERIOD               /** Set data reception burst period in mili seconds. */

/* ISO/IEC 14496-3 Table 4.2 Program config element */
#define PC_FSB_CHANNELS_MAX 16 /* Front/Side/Back channels */
#define PC_ASSOCDATA_MAX    8
#define PC_CCEL_MAX         16 /* CC elements */
#define PC_COMMENTLENGTH    256

  \brief               Reset Program Config Element.
  \param pPce          Program Config Element structure.
  \return              void
void  CProgramConfig_Reset ( CProgramConfig *pPce );

  \brief               Initialize Program Config Element.
  \param pPce          Program Config Element structure.
  \return              void
void  CProgramConfig_Init ( CProgramConfig *pPce );

  \brief               Inquire state of present Program Config Element structure.
  \param pPce          Program Config Element structure.
  \return              1 if the PCE structure is filled correct,
                       0 if no valid PCE present.
int  CProgramConfig_IsValid ( const CProgramConfig *pPce );

  \brief               Read Program Config Element.
  \param pPce          Program Config Element structure.
  \param bs            Bitstream buffer to read from.
  \param alignAnchor   Align bitstream to alignAnchor bits after all read operations.
  \return              void
void  CProgramConfig_Read ( CProgramConfig       *pPce,
                            HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM  bs,
                            UINT                  alignAnchor );
#endif /* TP_PCE_ENABLE */

 * \brief Lookup and verify a given element. The decoder calls this
 *        method with every new element ID found in the bitstream.
 * \param pPce        A valid Program config structure.
 * \param tag         Tag of the current element to be looked up.
 * \param channelIdx  The current channel count of the decoder parser.
 * \param chMapping   Array to store the canonical channel mapping indexes.
 * \param chType      Array to store the audio channel type.
 * \param chIndex     Array to store the individual audio channel type index.
 * \param elMapping   Pointer where the canonical element index is stored.
 * \param elType      The element id of the current element to be looked up.
 * \return            Non-zero if the element belongs to the current program, zero
 *                    if it does not.
int CProgramConfig_LookupElement(
        CProgramConfig *pPce,
        const UINT      channelConfig,
        const UINT      tag,
        const UINT      channelIdx,
        UCHAR           chMapping[],
        AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE chType[],
        UCHAR           chIndex[],
        UCHAR          *elMapping,
        MP4_ELEMENT_ID  elList[],
        MP4_ELEMENT_ID  elType

 * \brief        Get table of elements in canonical order.
 * \param pPce   A valid program config structure.
 * \param table  An array where the element IDs are stored.
 * \return       Total element count including all SCE, CPE and LFE.
int CProgramConfig_GetElementTable( const CProgramConfig *pPce,
                                    MP4_ELEMENT_ID  table[],
                                    const INT elListSize );

 * \brief       Initialize a given AudioSpecificConfig structure.
 * \param pAsc  A pointer to an allocated CSAudioSpecificConfig struct.
 * \return      void
void AudioSpecificConfig_Init(CSAudioSpecificConfig *pAsc);

 * \brief   Parse a AudioSpecificConfig from a given bitstream handle.
 * \param pAsc                         A pointer to an allocated CSAudioSpecificConfig struct.
 * \param hBs                          Bitstream handle.
 * \param fExplicitBackwardCompatible  Do explicit backward compatibility parsing if set (flag).
 * \param cb pointer to structure holding callback information
 * \return  Total element count including all SCE, CPE and LFE.
TRANSPORTDEC_ERROR AudioSpecificConfig_Parse(
        CSAudioSpecificConfig *pAsc,
        int fExplicitBackwardCompatible,
        CSTpCallBacks *cb

/* CELP stuff */
enum {
  MPE     = 0,
  RPE     = 1,
  fs8KHz  = 0,
  fs16KHz = 1

/* Defintion of flags that can be passed to transportDecOpen() */
#define TP_FLAG_MPEG4 1

/* Capability flags */
#define CAPF_TPDEC_ADIF        0x00001000  /**< Flag indicating support for ADIF transport format.        */
#define CAPF_TPDEC_ADTS        0x00002000  /**< Flag indicating support for ADTS transport format.        */
#define CAPF_TPDEC_LOAS        0x00004000  /**< Flag indicating support for LOAS transport format.        */
#define CAPF_TPDEC_LATM        0x00008000  /**< Flag indicating support for LATM transport format.        */
#define CAPF_TPDEC_RAWPACKETS  0x00010000  /**< Flag indicating support for raw packets transport format. */


 * \brief Configure Transport Decoder via a binary coded AudioSpecificConfig or StreamMuxConfig.
 *        The previously requested configuration callback will be called as well. The buffer conf
 *        must containt a SMC in case of LOAS/LATM transport format, and an ASC elseways.
 * \param hTp     Handle of a transport decoder.
 * \param conf    UCHAR buffer of the binary coded config (ASC or SMC).
 * \param length  The length in bytes of the conf buffer.
 * \return        Error code.
                                                 UCHAR              *conf,
                                                 const UINT          length,
                                                 const UINT          layer );

 * \brief Open Transport medium for reading.
 * \param transportDecFmt Format of the transport decoder medium to be accessed.
 * \param flags           Transport decoder flags. Currently only TP_FLAG_MPEG4, which signals a
 *                        MPEG4 capable decoder (relevant for ADTS only).
 * \return   A pointer to a valid and allocated HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC or a null pointer on failure.
HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC transportDec_Open( TRANSPORT_TYPE transportDecFmt,
                                       const UINT flags );

 * \brief                Register configuration change callback.
 * \param hTp            Handle of transport decoder.
 * \param cbUpdateConfig Pointer to a callback function to handle audio config changes.
 * \param user_data      void pointer for user data passed to the callback as first parameter.
 * \return               0 on success.
int transportDec_RegisterAscCallback (
        const cbUpdateConfig_t cbUpdateConfig,
        void* user_data );

 * \brief                Register SSC parser callback.
 * \param hTp            Handle of transport decoder.
 * \param cbUpdateConfig Pointer to a callback function to handle SSC parsing.
 * \param user_data      void pointer for user data passed to the callback as first parameter.
 * \return               0 on success.
int transportDec_RegisterSscCallback (
        const cbSsc_t cbSscParse,
        void* user_data );

 * \brief                Register SBR header parser callback.
 * \param hTp            Handle of transport decoder.
 * \param cbUpdateConfig Pointer to a callback function to handle SBR header parsing.
 * \param user_data      void pointer for user data passed to the callback as first parameter.
 * \return               0 on success. 
int transportDec_RegisterSbrCallback( HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTpDec, const cbSbr_t cbSbr, void* user_data);

 * \brief Fill internal input buffer with bitstream data from the external input buffer.
 *  The function only copies such data as long as the decoder-internal input buffer is not full.
 *  So it grabs whatever it can from pBuffer and returns information (bytesValid) so that at a
 *  subsequent call of %transportDec_FillData(), the right position in pBuffer can be determined to
 *  grab the next data.
 * \param hTp         Handle of transportDec.
 * \param pBuffer     Pointer to external input buffer.
 * \param bufferSize  Size of external input buffer. This argument is required because decoder-internally
 *                    we need the information to calculate the offset to pBuffer, where the next
 *                    available data is, which is then fed into the decoder-internal buffer (as much
 *                    as possible). Our example framework implementation fills the buffer at pBuffer
 *                    again, once it contains no available valid bytes anymore (meaning bytesValid equal 0).
 * \param bytesValid  Number of bitstream bytes in the external bitstream buffer that have not yet been
 *                    copied into the decoder's internal bitstream buffer by calling this function.
 *                    The value is updated according to the amount of newly copied bytes.
 * \param layer       The layer the bitstream belongs to.
 * \return            Error code.
TRANSPORTDEC_ERROR transportDec_FillData(
        const HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC  hTp,
        UCHAR                     *pBuffer,
        const UINT                 bufferSize,
        UINT                      *pBytesValid,
        const INT                  layer );

 * \brief      Get transportDec bitstream handle.
 * \param hTp  Pointer to a transport decoder handle.
 * \return     HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM bitstream handle.
HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM transportDec_GetBitstream ( const HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp, const UINT layer );

 * \brief      Get transport format.
 * \param hTp  Pointer to a transport decoder handle.
 * \return     The transport format.
TRANSPORT_TYPE transportDec_GetFormat ( const HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp );

 * \brief Get the current buffer fullness value.
 * \param hTp     Handle of a transport decoder.
 * \return        Buffer fullness
INT transportDec_GetBufferFullness( const HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp );

 * \brief       Close and deallocate transportDec.
 * \param phTp  Pointer to a previously allocated transport decoder handle.
 * \return      void
void transportDec_Close ( HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC *phTp );

 * \brief         Read one access unit from the transportDec medium.
 * \param hTp     Handle of transportDec.
 * \param length  On return, this value is overwritten with the actual access unit length in bits.
 *                Set to -1 if length is unknown.
 * \return        Error code.
TRANSPORTDEC_ERROR transportDec_ReadAccessUnit ( const HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp, const UINT layer );

 * \brief Get the remaining amount of bits of the current access unit. The result
 *        can be below zero, meaning that too many bits have been read.
 * \param hTp     Handle of transportDec.
 * \return amount of remaining bits.
INT transportDec_GetAuBitsRemaining( const HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp, const UINT layer );

 * \brief Get the total amount of bits of the current access unit.
 * \param hTp     Handle of transportDec.
 * \return amount of total bits.
INT transportDec_GetAuBitsTotal( const HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp, const UINT layer );

 * \brief      This function is required to be called when the decoder has finished parsing
 *             one Access Unit for bitstream housekeeping.
 * \param hTp  Transport Handle.
 * \return     Error code.
TRANSPORTDEC_ERROR transportDec_EndAccessUnit ( const HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp );

 * \brief      Obtain the amount of missing access units if applicable in case of 
 *             a bit stream synchronization error. Each time transportDec_ReadAccessUnit()
 *             returns TRANSPORTDEC_SYNC_ERROR this function can be called to retrieve an estimate
 *             of the amount of missing access units. This works only in case of constant average
 *             bit rate (has to be known) and if the parameter TPDEC_PARAM_SET_BITRATE has been set
 *             accordingly.
 * \param hTp  Transport Handle.
 * \param pNAccessUnits pointer to a memory location where the estimated lost frame count will be stored into.      
 * \return     Error code.
TRANSPORTDEC_ERROR transportDec_GetMissingAccessUnitCount ( INT *pNAccessUnits, HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp );

 * \brief        Set a given setting.
 * \param hTp    Transport Handle.
 * \param param  Identifier of the parameter to be changed.
 * \param value  Value for the parameter to be changed.
 * \return       Error code.
                                           const TPDEC_PARAM         param,
                                           const INT                 value );

 * \brief        Get number of subframes (for LATM or ADTS)
 * \param hTp    Transport Handle.
 * \return       Number of ADTS/LATM subframes (return 1 for all other transport types).
UINT transportDec_GetNrOfSubFrames(HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp);

 * \brief       Get info structure of transport decoder library.
 * \param info  A pointer to an allocated LIB_INFO struct.
 * \return      Error code.
TRANSPORTDEC_ERROR transportDec_GetLibInfo( LIB_INFO *info );

/* ADTS CRC support */

 * \brief        Set current bitstream position as start of a new data region.
 * \param hTp    Transport handle.
 * \param mBits  Size in bits of the data region. Set to 0 if it should not be of a fixed size.
 * \return       Data region ID, which should be used when calling transportDec_CrcEndReg().
int transportDec_CrcStartReg ( const HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp,
                               const INT mBits );

 * \brief        Set end of data region.
 * \param hTp    Transport handle.
 * \param reg    Data region ID, opbtained from transportDec_CrcStartReg().
 * \return       void
void transportDec_CrcEndReg ( const HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC hTp,
                              const INT reg );

 * \brief      Calculate ADTS crc and check if it is correct. The ADTS checksum is held internally.
 * \param hTp  Transport handle.
 * \return     Return TRANSPORTDEC_OK if the CRC is ok, or error if CRC is not correct.

#endif /* #ifndef __TPDEC_LIB_H__ */