/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Software License for The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android

� Copyright  1995 - 2015 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur F�rderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
  All rights reserved.

The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android ("FDK AAC Codec") is software that implements
the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding ("AAC") encoding and decoding scheme for digital audio.
This FDK AAC Codec software is intended to be used on a wide variety of Android devices.

AAC's HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2 versions are regarded as today's most efficient general perceptual
audio codecs. AAC-ELD is considered the best-performing full-bandwidth communications codec by
independent studies and is widely deployed. AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC as part
of the MPEG specifications.

Patent licenses for necessary patent claims for the FDK AAC Codec (including those of Fraunhofer)
may be obtained through Via Licensing (www.vialicensing.com) or through the respective patent owners
individually for the purpose of encoding or decoding bit streams in products that are compliant with
the ISO/IEC MPEG audio standards. Please note that most manufacturers of Android devices already license
these patent claims through Via Licensing or directly from the patent owners, and therefore FDK AAC Codec
software may already be covered under those patent licenses when it is used for those licensed purposes only.

Commercially-licensed AAC software libraries, including floating-point versions with enhanced sound quality,
are also available from Fraunhofer. Users are encouraged to check the Fraunhofer website for additional
applications information and documentation.


Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted without
payment of copyright license fees provided that you satisfy the following conditions:

You must retain the complete text of this software license in redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or
your modifications thereto in source code form.

You must retain the complete text of this software license in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in binary form.
You must make available free of charge copies of the complete source code of the FDK AAC Codec and your
modifications thereto to recipients of copies in binary form.

The name of Fraunhofer may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this library without
prior written permission.

You may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute the FDK AAC Codec
software or your modifications thereto.

Your modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the software
and the date of any change. For modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec, the term
"Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android" must be replaced by the term
"Third-Party Modified Version of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android."


NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PATENT CLAIMS, including without limitation the patents of Fraunhofer,
ARE GRANTED BY THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE. Fraunhofer provides no warranty of patent non-infringement with
respect to this software.

You may use this FDK AAC Codec software or modifications thereto only for purposes that are authorized
by appropriate patent licenses.


This FDK AAC Codec software is provided by Fraunhofer on behalf of the copyright holders and contributors
"AS IS" and WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, including but not limited to the implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR
CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages,
including but not limited to procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits,
or business interruption, however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
liability, or tort (including negligence), arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if
advised of the possibility of such damage.


Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
Attention: Audio and Multimedia Departments - FDK AAC LL
Am Wolfsmantel 33
91058 Erlangen, Germany

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/*****************************  MPEG-4 AAC Decoder  **************************

   Author(s):   Josef Hoepfl



#include "common_fix.h"

#include "FDK_bitstream.h"

#include "channel.h"

#include "tpdec_lib.h"
#include "FDK_audio.h"

#include "block.h"

#include "genericStds.h"

#include "sbrdecoder.h"

#include "aacdec_drc.h"

 #include "pcmutils_lib.h"
 #include "limiter.h"

/* Capabilities flags */
#define CAPF_AAC_LC           0x00000001
#define CAPF_AAC_LD           0x00000002
#define CAPF_AAC_SCAL         0x00000004
#define CAPF_AAC_ER           0x00000008
#define CAPF_AAC_480          0x00000010
#define CAPF_AAC_512          0x00000020
#define CAPF_AAC_960          0x00000040
#define CAPF_AAC_1024         0x00000080
#define CAPF_AAC_HCR          0x00000100
#define CAPF_AAC_VCB11        0x00000200
#define CAPF_AAC_RVLC         0x00000400
#define CAPF_AAC_MPEG4        0x00000800 /* PNS */
#define CAPF_AAC_DRC          0x00001000
#define CAPF_AAC_CONCEAL      0x00002000
#define CAPF_AAC_DRM_BSFORMAT 0x00004000
#define CAPF_AAC_BSAC         0x00008000


  L = 0,
  R = 1

typedef struct {
    unsigned char *buffer;
    int bufferSize;
    int offset[8];
    int nrElements;
} CAncData;

typedef enum {
  MODE_HQ     =  0,
  MODE_LP     =  1

typedef struct {
  int        bsDelay;

/* AAC decoder (opaque toward userland) struct declaration */
  INT                   aacChannels;                 /*!< Amount of AAC decoder channels allocated.        */
  INT                   ascChannels;                 /*!< Amount of AAC decoder channels signalled in ASC. */
  INT                   blockNumber;                 /*!< frame counter                                    */

  INT                   nrOfLayers;

  INT                   outputInterleaved;           /*!< PCM output format (interleaved/none interleaved). */

  HANDLE_TRANSPORTDEC   hInput;                      /*!< Transport layer handle. */

  SamplingRateInfo      samplingRateInfo;            /*!< Sampling Rate information table */

  UCHAR                 frameOK;                     /*!< Will be unset if a consistency check, e.g. CRC etc. fails */

  UINT                  flags;                       /*!< Flags for internal decoder use. DO NOT USE self::streaminfo::flags ! */

  MP4_ELEMENT_ID        elements[(8)]; /*!< Table where the element Id's are listed          */
  UCHAR                 elTags[(8)];   /*!< Table where the elements id Tags are listed      */
  UCHAR                 chMapping[(8)];   /*!< Table of MPEG canonical order to bitstream channel order mapping. */

  AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE    channelType[(8)];    /*!< Audio channel type of each output audio channel (from 0 upto numChannels).           */
  UCHAR                 channelIndices[(8)]; /*!< Audio channel index for each output audio channel (from 0 upto numChannels).         */
                                                             /* See ISO/IEC 13818-7:2005(E), Explicit channel mapping using a program_config_element() */

  const UCHAR         (*channelOutputMapping)[8];    /*!< Table for MPEG canonical order to output channel order mapping. */
  UCHAR                 chMapIndex;                  /*!< Index to access one line of the channelOutputMapping table. This is required
                                                          because not all 8 channel configurations have the same output mapping. */

  CProgramConfig                pce;
  CStreamInfo                   streamInfo;         /*!< pointer to StreamInfo data (read from the bitstream) */
  CAacDecoderChannelInfo       *pAacDecoderChannelInfo[(8)];       /*!< Temporal channel memory */
  CAacDecoderStaticChannelInfo *pAacDecoderStaticChannelInfo[(8)]; /*!< Persistent channel memory */

  CAacDecoderCommonData         aacCommonData;             /*!< Temporal shared data for all channels hooked into pAacDecoderChannelInfo */

  CConcealParams                concealCommonData;

  INT                   aacChannelsPrev;                          /*!< The amount of AAC core channels of the last successful decode call.         */
  AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE    channelTypePrev[(8)];     /*!< Array holding the channelType values of the last successful decode call.    */
  UCHAR                 channelIndicesPrev[(8)];  /*!< Array holding the channelIndices values of the last successful decode call. */

  HANDLE_SBRDECODER   hSbrDecoder;                   /*!< SBR decoder handle.                        */
  UCHAR               sbrEnabled;                    /*!< flag to store if SBR has been detected     */
  UCHAR               sbrEnabledPrev;                /*!< flag to store if SBR has been detected from previous frame */
  UCHAR               psPossible;                    /*!< flag to store if PS is possible            */
  SBR_PARAMS          sbrParams;                     /*!< struct to store all sbr parameters         */

  QMF_MODE   qmfModeCurr;                            /*!< The current QMF mode                       */
  QMF_MODE   qmfModeUser;                            /*!< The QMF mode requested by the library user */

  HANDLE_AAC_DRC  hDrcInfo;                          /*!< handle to DRC data structure               */

  CAncData      ancData;                             /*!< structure to handle ancillary data         */

  HANDLE_PCM_DOWNMIX  hPcmUtils;                     /*!< privat data for the PCM utils.             */
  TDLimiterPtr hLimiter;                             /*!< Handle of time domain limiter.             */
  UCHAR        limiterEnableUser;                    /*!< The limiter configuration requested by the library user */
  UCHAR        limiterEnableCurr;                    /*!< The current limiter configuration.         */

  FIXP_DBL     extGain[1];                           /*!< Gain that must be applied to the output signal. */
  UINT         extGainDelay;                         /*!< Delay that must be accounted for extGain. */

  INT_PCM      pcmOutputBuffer[(8)*(2048)];


--- AAC-Core ---\n\
    0x00010000 Header data\n\
    0x00020000 CRC data\n\
    0x00040000 Channel info\n\
    0x00080000 Section data\n\
    0x00100000 Scalefactor data\n\
    0x00200000 Pulse data\n\
    0x00400000 Tns data\n\
    0x00800000 Quantized spectrum\n\
    0x01000000 Requantized spectrum\n\
    0x02000000 Time output\n\
    0x04000000 Fatal errors\n\
    0x08000000 Buffer fullness\n\
    0x10000000 Average bitrate\n\
    0x20000000 Synchronization\n\
    0x40000000 Concealment\n\
    0x7FFF0000 all AAC-Core-Info\n\

 * \brief Synchronise QMF mode for all modules using QMF data.
 * \param self decoder handle
void CAacDecoder_SyncQmfMode(HANDLE_AACDECODER self);

 * \brief Signal a bit stream interruption to the decoder
 * \param self decoder handle
void CAacDecoder_SignalInterruption(HANDLE_AACDECODER self);

  \brief Initialize ancillary buffer

  \ancData Pointer to ancillary data structure
  \buffer Pointer to (external) anc data buffer
  \size Size of the buffer pointed on by buffer

  \return  Error code
AAC_DECODER_ERROR CAacDecoder_AncDataInit(CAncData *ancData, unsigned char *buffer, int size);

  \brief Get one ancillary data element

  \ancData Pointer to ancillary data structure
  \index Index of the anc data element to get
  \ptr Pointer to a buffer receiving a pointer to the requested anc data element
  \size Pointer to a buffer receiving the length of the requested anc data element

  \return  Error code
AAC_DECODER_ERROR CAacDecoder_AncDataGet(CAncData *ancData, int index, unsigned char **ptr, int *size);

/* initialization of aac decoder */

/* Initialization of stream-info elements */
                                              const CSAudioSpecificConfig *asc);

  \brief Decodes one aac frame

  The function decodes one aac frame. The decoding of coupling channel
  elements are not supported. The transport layer might signal, that the
  data of the current frame is invalid, e.g. as a result of a packet
  loss in streaming mode.
  The bitstream position of transportDec_GetBitstream(self->hInput) must
  be exactly the end of the access unit, including all byte alignment bits.
  For this purpose, the variable auStartAnchor is used.

  \return  error status
        const UINT flags,
        INT_PCM *pTimeData,
        const INT  timeDataSize,
        const INT interleaved

/* Destroy aac decoder */
LINKSPEC_H void CAacDecoder_Close ( HANDLE_AACDECODER self );

/* get streaminfo handle from decoder */
LINKSPEC_H CStreamInfo* CAacDecoder_GetStreamInfo ( HANDLE_AACDECODER self );

#endif /* #ifndef AACDECODER_H */