/*****************************  MPEG-4 AAC Encoder  **************************

                        (C) Copyright Fraunhofer IIS (2005)
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#include "tp_data.h"

#include "tpenc_lib.h"
#include "tpenc_asc.h"
#include "FDK_bitstream.h"
#include "genericStds.h"


 *  Describe a PCE based on placed channel elements and element type sequence.
typedef struct {

    UCHAR    num_front_channel_elements;     /*!< Number of front channel elements. */
    UCHAR    num_side_channel_elements;      /*!< Number of side channel elements. */
    UCHAR    num_back_channel_elements;      /*!< Number of back channel elements. */
    UCHAR    num_lfe_channel_elements;       /*!< Number of lfe channel elements. */
    MP4_ELEMENT_ID el_list[PCE_MAX_ELEMENTS];/*!< List contains sequence describing the elements
                                                  in present channel mode. (MPEG order) */

 *  Map an incoming channel mode to a existing PCE configuration entry.
typedef struct {

    CHANNEL_MODE        channel_mode;        /*!< Present channel mode. */
    PCE_CONFIGURATION   pce_configuration;   /*!< Program config element description. */


 * \brief Table contains all supported channel modes and according PCE configuration description.
 * The number of channel element parameter describes the kind of consecutively elements.
 * E.g. MODE_1_2_2_2_1 means:
 *                          - First 2 elements (SCE,CPE) are front channel elements.
 *                          - Following element (CPE) is a side channel element.
 *                          - Next element (CPE) is a back channel element.
 *                          - Last element (LFE) is a lfe channel element.
static const CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION pceConfigTab[] =
  { MODE_1,                        {  1, 0, 0, 0, { ID_SCE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_2,                        {  1, 0, 0, 0, { ID_CPE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_1_2,                      {  2, 0, 0, 0, { ID_SCE,  ID_CPE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_1_2_1,                    {  2, 0, 1, 0, { ID_SCE,  ID_CPE,  ID_SCE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_1_2_2,                    {  2, 0, 1, 0, { ID_SCE,  ID_CPE,  ID_CPE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_1_2_2_1,                  {  2, 0, 1, 1, { ID_SCE,  ID_CPE,  ID_CPE,  ID_LFE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_1_2_2_2_1,                {  2, 1, 1, 1, { ID_SCE,  ID_CPE,  ID_CPE,  ID_CPE,  ID_LFE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },

  { MODE_1_1,                      {  2, 0, 0, 0, { ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_1_1_1_1,                  {  2, 2, 0, 0, { ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_1_1_1_1_1_1,              {  2, 2, 2, 0, { ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1,          {  3, 2, 3, 0, { ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE,  ID_SCE } } },

  { MODE_2_2,                      {  1, 0, 1, 0, { ID_CPE,  ID_CPE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_2_2_2,                    {  1, 1, 1, 0, { ID_CPE,  ID_CPE,  ID_CPE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },
  { MODE_2_2_2_2,                  {  4, 0, 0, 0, { ID_CPE,  ID_CPE,  ID_CPE,  ID_CPE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } },

  { MODE_2_1,                      {  1, 0, 1, 0, { ID_CPE,  ID_SCE,  ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE, ID_NONE } } }

 * \brief  Get program config element description for existing channel mode.
 * \param channel_mode          Current channel mode.
 * \return
 *          - Pointer to PCE_CONFIGURATION entry, on success.
 *          - NULL, on failure.
static const PCE_CONFIGURATION* getPceEntry(
        const CHANNEL_MODE channel_mode
  UINT i;
  const PCE_CONFIGURATION *pce_config = NULL;

  for (i=0; i < (sizeof(pceConfigTab)/sizeof(CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION)); i++) {
    if (pceConfigTab[i].channel_mode == channel_mode) {
      pce_config = &pceConfigTab[i].pce_configuration;

  return pce_config;

int getChannelConfig( CHANNEL_MODE channel_mode )
  INT chan_config = 0;

  switch(channel_mode) {
    case MODE_1:         chan_config = 1; break;
    case MODE_2:         chan_config = 2; break;
    case MODE_1_2:       chan_config = 3; break;
    case MODE_1_2_1:     chan_config = 4; break;
    case MODE_1_2_2:     chan_config = 5; break;
    case MODE_1_2_2_1:   chan_config = 6; break;
    case MODE_1_2_2_2_1: chan_config = 7; break;

    default:             chan_config = 0;

  return chan_config;

CHANNEL_MODE transportEnc_GetChannelMode( int noChannels )

  if (noChannels <= 8 && noChannels > 0)
    chMode = (CHANNEL_MODE)((noChannels == 8) ? 7 : noChannels); /* see : iso/mpeg4 v1 audio subpart1*/
    chMode = MODE_UNKNOWN;

  return chMode;

int transportEnc_writePCE(HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM hBs,
                          CHANNEL_MODE channelMode,
                          INT sampleRate,
                          int instanceTagPCE,
                          int profile,
                          int matrixMixdownA,
                          int pseudoSurroundEnable,
                          UINT alignAnchor)
  int sampleRateIndex, i;
  const PCE_CONFIGURATION* config = NULL;
  const MP4_ELEMENT_ID* pEl_list = NULL;
  UCHAR cpeCnt=0, sceCnt=0, lfeCnt=0;

  sampleRateIndex = getSamplingRateIndex(sampleRate);
  if (sampleRateIndex == 15) {
    return -1;

  if ((config=getPceEntry(channelMode))==NULL) {
    return -1;

  /* Pointer to first element in element list. */
  pEl_list = &config->el_list[0];

  FDKwriteBits(hBs, instanceTagPCE,  4);                        /* Element instance tag */
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, profile,         2);                        /* Object type */
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, sampleRateIndex, 4);                        /* Sample rate index*/

  FDKwriteBits(hBs, config->num_front_channel_elements, 4);     /* Front channel Elements */
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, config->num_side_channel_elements , 4);     /* No Side Channel Elements */
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, config->num_back_channel_elements , 4);     /* No Back channel Elements */
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, config->num_lfe_channel_elements  , 2);     /* No Lfe channel elements */

  FDKwriteBits(hBs, 0, 3);                                      /* No assoc data elements */
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, 0, 4);                                      /* No valid cc elements */
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, 0, 1);                                      /* Mono mixdown present */
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, 0, 1);                                      /* Stereo mixdown present */

  if ( matrixMixdownA!=0 && ((channelMode==MODE_1_2_2)||(channelMode==MODE_1_2_2_1)) ) {
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, 1, 1);                                  /* Matrix mixdown present */
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, (matrixMixdownA-1)&0x3, 2);             /* matrix_mixdown_idx */
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, pseudoSurroundEnable&0x1, 1);           /* pseudo_surround_enable */
  else {
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, 0, 1);                                  /* Matrix mixdown not present */

  for(i=0; i<config->num_front_channel_elements; i++) {
      UCHAR isCpe = (*pEl_list++==ID_CPE) ? 1 : 0;
      UCHAR tag   = (isCpe) ? cpeCnt++ : sceCnt++;
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, isCpe, 1);                              /* Front channel Elements is CPE? */
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, tag, 4);                                /* Front channel Instance Tag.*/
  for(i=0; i<config->num_side_channel_elements; i++) {
      UCHAR isCpe = (*pEl_list++==ID_CPE) ? 1 : 0;
      UCHAR tag   = (isCpe) ? cpeCnt++ : sceCnt++;
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, isCpe, 1);                              /* Front channel Elements is CPE? */
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, tag, 4);                                /* Front channel Instance Tag.*/
  for(i=0; i<config->num_back_channel_elements; i++) {
      UCHAR isCpe = (*pEl_list++==ID_CPE) ? 1 : 0;
      UCHAR tag   = (isCpe) ? cpeCnt++ : sceCnt++;
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, isCpe, 1);                              /* Front channel Elements is CPE? */
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, tag, 4);                                /* Front channel Instance Tag.*/
  for(i=0; i<config->num_lfe_channel_elements; i++) {
      FDKwriteBits(hBs, lfeCnt++, 4);                           /* LFE channel Instance Tag. */

  /* - num_valid_cc_elements always 0.
     - num_assoc_data_elements always 0. */

  /* Byte alignment: relative to alignAnchor
       ADTS: align with respect to the first bit of the raw_data_block()
       ADIF: align with respect to the first bit of the header
       LATM: align with respect to the first bit of the ASC */
  FDKbyteAlign(hBs, alignAnchor);                               /* Alignment */

  FDKwriteBits(hBs, 0 ,8);                                      /* Do no write any comment. */

  /* - comment_field_bytes always 0. */

  return 0;

int transportEnc_GetPCEBits(CHANNEL_MODE channelMode,
                            int matrixMixdownA,
                            int bits)
  const PCE_CONFIGURATION* config = NULL;

  if ((config=getPceEntry(channelMode))==NULL) {
    return -1;  /* unsupported channelmapping */

  bits += 4 + 2 + 4;        /* Element instance tag  + Object type + Sample rate index */
  bits += 4 + 4 + 4 + 2;    /* No (front + side + back + lfe channel) elements */
  bits += 3 + 4;            /* No (assoc data + valid cc) elements */
  bits += 1 + 1 + 1 ;       /* Mono + Stereo + Matrix mixdown present */

  if ( matrixMixdownA!=0 && ((channelMode==MODE_1_2_2)||(channelMode==MODE_1_2_2_1)) ) {
    bits +=3;               /* matrix_mixdown_idx + pseudo_surround_enable */

  bits += (1+4) * (INT)config->num_front_channel_elements;
  bits += (1+4) * (INT)config->num_side_channel_elements;
  bits += (1+4) * (INT)config->num_back_channel_elements;
  bits +=   (4) * (INT)config->num_lfe_channel_elements;

  /* - num_valid_cc_elements always 0.
     - num_assoc_data_elements always 0. */

  if ((bits%8) != 0) {
    bits += (8 - (bits%8)); /* Alignment */

  bits += 8;                /* Comment field  bytes */

  /* - comment_field_bytes alwys 0. */

  return bits;
#endif /* TP_PCE_ENABLE */

static void writeAot(HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM hBitstreamBuffer, AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE aot)
    int tmp = (int) aot;

    if (tmp > 31) {
        FDKwriteBits( hBitstreamBuffer, AOT_ESCAPE, 5 );
        FDKwriteBits( hBitstreamBuffer, tmp-32, 6 );   /* AudioObjectType */
    } else {
        FDKwriteBits( hBitstreamBuffer, tmp, 5 );

static void writeSampleRate(HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM hBitstreamBuffer, int sampleRate)
  int sampleRateIndex = getSamplingRateIndex(sampleRate);

  FDKwriteBits( hBitstreamBuffer, sampleRateIndex, 4 );
  if( sampleRateIndex == 15 ) {
    FDKwriteBits( hBitstreamBuffer, sampleRate, 24 );

int transportEnc_writeGASpecificConfig(
                                        HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM asc,
                                        CODER_CONFIG *config,
                                        int          extFlg,
                                        UINT         alignAnchor
  int aot = config->aot;
  int samplesPerFrame = config->samplesPerFrame;

  /* start of GASpecificConfig according to ISO/IEC 14496-3 Subpart 4, 4.4.1 */
  FDKwriteBits( asc, ((samplesPerFrame==960 || samplesPerFrame==480)?1:0), 1);  /* frameLengthFlag: 1 for a 960/480 (I)MDCT, 0 for a 1024/512 (I)MDCT*/
  FDKwriteBits( asc, 0, 1);  /* dependsOnCoreCoder: Sampling Rate Coder Specific, see in ISO/IEC 14496-3 Subpart 4, 4.4.1 */
  FDKwriteBits( asc, extFlg, 1 ); /* Extension Flag: Shall be 1 for aot = 17,19,20,21,22,23 */

  /* Write PCE if channel config is not 1-7 */
  if (getChannelConfig(config->channelMode) == 0) {
      transportEnc_writePCE(asc, config->channelMode, config->samplingRate, 0, 1, 0, 0, alignAnchor);
  if (extFlg) {
    if (aot == AOT_ER_BSAC) {
      FDKwriteBits( asc, config->BSACnumOfSubFrame, 5 ); /* numOfSubFrame */
      FDKwriteBits( asc, config->BSAClayerLength, 11 );  /* layer_length */
    if ((aot == AOT_ER_AAC_LC)   || (aot == AOT_ER_AAC_LTP)  ||
        (aot == AOT_ER_AAC_SCAL) || (aot == AOT_ER_AAC_LD))
      FDKwriteBits( asc, (config->flags & CC_VCB11) ? 1 : 0, 1 ); /* aacSectionDataResillienceFlag */
      FDKwriteBits( asc, (config->flags & CC_RVLC) ? 1 : 0,  1 ); /* aacScaleFactorDataResillienceFlag */
      FDKwriteBits( asc, (config->flags & CC_HCR) ? 1 : 0,   1 ); /* aacSpectralDataResillienceFlag */
    FDKwriteBits( asc, 0, 1 ); /* extensionFlag3: reserved. Shall be '0' */
  return 0;
#endif /* TP_GA_ENABLE */


int transportEnc_writeELDSpecificConfig(
                                         HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM hBs,
                                         CODER_CONFIG *config,
                                         int        epConfig,
                                         CSTpCallBacks *cb
  /* ELD specific config */
  if (config->channelMode == MODE_1_1) {
    return -1;
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, (config->samplesPerFrame == 480) ? 1 : 0, 1);

  FDKwriteBits(hBs, (config->flags & CC_VCB11 ) ? 1:0, 1);
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, (config->flags & CC_RVLC ) ? 1:0, 1);
  FDKwriteBits(hBs, (config->flags & CC_HCR  ) ? 1:0, 1);

  FDKwriteBits(hBs, (config->flags & CC_SBR) ? 1:0, 1); /* SBR header flag */
  if ( (config->flags & CC_SBR) ) {
    FDKwriteBits(hBs, (config->samplingRate == config->extSamplingRate) ? 0:1, 1); /* Samplerate Flag */
    FDKwriteBits(hBs, (config->flags & CC_SBRCRC) ? 1:0, 1); /* SBR CRC flag*/

    if (cb->cbSbr != NULL) {
      const PCE_CONFIGURATION *pPce;
      int e;

      pPce = getPceEntry(config->channelMode);

      for (e=0; e<PCE_MAX_ELEMENTS && pPce->el_list[e] != ID_NONE; e++  ) {
        if ( (pPce->el_list[e] == ID_SCE) || (pPce->el_list[e] == ID_CPE) ) {
          cb->cbSbr(cb->cbSbrData, hBs, 0, 0, 0, config->aot, pPce->el_list[e], e);

  FDKwriteBits(hBs, 0, 4); /* ELDEXT_TERM */

  return 0;
#endif /* TP_ELD_ENABLE */

int transportEnc_writeASC (
                            HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM asc,
                            CODER_CONFIG *config,
                            CSTpCallBacks *cb
  UINT extFlag = 0;
  int err;
  int epConfig = 0;

  /* Required for the PCE. */
  UINT alignAnchor = FDKgetValidBits(asc);

  /* Extension Flag: Shall be 1 for aot = 17,19,20,21,22,23,39 */
  switch (config->aot) {
    case AOT_ER_AAC_LC:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_LTP:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_SCAL:
    case AOT_ER_TWIN_VQ:
    case AOT_ER_BSAC:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_LD:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_ELD:
    case AOT_USAC:
        extFlag = 1;

  if (config->extAOT == AOT_SBR || config->extAOT == AOT_PS)
    writeAot(asc, config->extAOT);
    writeAot(asc, config->aot);

    writeSampleRate(asc, config->samplingRate);

  /* Try to guess a reasonable channel mode if not given */
  if (config->channelMode == MODE_INVALID) {
    config->channelMode = transportEnc_GetChannelMode(config->noChannels);
    if (config->channelMode == MODE_INVALID)
      return -1;

  FDKwriteBits( asc, getChannelConfig(config->channelMode), 4 );

  if (config->extAOT == AOT_SBR || config->extAOT == AOT_PS) {
    writeSampleRate(asc, config->extSamplingRate);
    writeAot(asc, config->aot);

  switch (config->aot) {
    case AOT_AAC_MAIN:
    case AOT_AAC_LC:
    case AOT_AAC_SSR:
    case AOT_AAC_LTP:
    case AOT_AAC_SCAL:
    case AOT_TWIN_VQ:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_LC:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_LTP:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_SCAL:
    case AOT_ER_TWIN_VQ:
    case AOT_ER_BSAC:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_LD:
      err = transportEnc_writeGASpecificConfig(asc, config, extFlag, alignAnchor);
      if (err)
        return err;
#endif /* TP_GA_ENABLE */
    case AOT_ER_AAC_ELD:
      err = transportEnc_writeELDSpecificConfig(asc, config, epConfig, cb);
      if (err)
        return err;
#endif /* TP_ELD_ENABLE */
      return -1;

  switch (config->aot) {
    case AOT_ER_AAC_LC:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_LTP:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_SCAL:
    case AOT_ER_TWIN_VQ:
    case AOT_ER_BSAC:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_LD:
    case AOT_ER_CELP:
    case AOT_ER_HVXC:
    case AOT_ER_HILN:
    case AOT_ER_PARA:
    case AOT_ER_AAC_ELD:
      FDKwriteBits( asc, 0, 2 ); /* epconfig 0 */

  /* Make sure all bits are sync'ed */
  FDKsyncCache( asc );

  return 0;