/*****************************  MPEG-4 AAC Decoder  **************************

                        (C) Copyright Fraunhofer IIS (2004)
                               All Rights Reserved

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    Fraunhofer IIS Software Evaluation Agreement
    between Google Inc. and  Fraunhofer
    effective and in full force since March 1, 2012.

    You may use this software and/or program only under the terms and
    conditions described in the above mentioned Fraunhofer IIS Software
    Evaluation Agreement. Any other and/or further use requires a separate agreement.

   Author(s):   Josef Hoepfl
   Description: individual channel stream info

   This software and/or program is protected by copyright law and international
   treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of this software and/or program,
   or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and
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#include "common_fix.h"

#include "aac_rom.h"
#include "aacdecoder_lib.h"
#include "FDK_bitstream.h"
#include "overlapadd.h"

#include "mdct.h"
#include "stereo.h"
#include "pulsedata.h"
#include "aacdec_tns.h"

#include "aacdec_pns.h"

#include "aacdec_hcr_types.h"
#include "rvlc_info.h"

#include "conceal_types.h"

 #include "aacdec_drc_types.h"

/* Output rendering mode */
typedef enum {

enum {

  OnlyLongSequence = 0,

typedef struct
  const SHORT *ScaleFactorBands_Long;
  const SHORT *ScaleFactorBands_Short;
  UCHAR NumberOfScaleFactorBands_Long;
  UCHAR NumberOfScaleFactorBands_Short;
  UINT samplingRateIndex;
  UINT samplingRate;
} SamplingRateInfo;

typedef struct
  UCHAR CommonWindow;
  UCHAR GlobalGain;

} CRawDataInfo;

typedef struct
  UCHAR WindowGroupLength[8];
  UCHAR WindowGroups;
  UCHAR Valid;

  UCHAR WindowShape;    /* 0: sine window, 1: KBD, 2: low overlap */
  UCHAR WindowSequence; /* See enum above, 0: long, 1: start, 2: short, 3: stop */
  UCHAR MaxSfBands;
  UCHAR ScaleFactorGrouping;

  UCHAR TotalSfBands;

} CIcsInfo;

  ZERO_HCB = 0,
  ESCBOOK  = 11,
  NOISE_HCB      = 13,

#define TNS_SCALE  3

 * This struct must be allocated one for every channel and must be persistent.
typedef struct
  FIXP_DBL *pOverlapBuffer;
  mdct_t IMdct;

  CDrcChannelData   drcData;
  CConcealmentInfo concealmentInfo;

} CAacDecoderStaticChannelInfo;

 * This union must be allocated for every element (up to 2 channels).
typedef struct {

  /* Common bit stream data */
  SHORT aScaleFactor[(8*16)];           /* Spectral scale factors for each sfb in each window. */
  SHORT aSfbScale[(8*16)];              /* could be free after ApplyTools() */
  UCHAR aCodeBook[(8*16)];              /* section data: codebook for each window and sfb. */
  CTnsData         TnsData;
  CRawDataInfo     RawDataInfo;

  shouldBeUnion {

    struct {
      CPulseData PulseData;
      SHORT aNumLineInSec4Hcr[MAX_SFB_HCR];          /* needed once for all channels except for Drm syntax */
      UCHAR aCodeBooks4Hcr[MAX_SFB_HCR];             /* needed once for all channels except for Drm syntax. Same as "aCodeBook" ? */
      SHORT lenOfReorderedSpectralData;
      SCHAR lenOfLongestCodeword;
      SCHAR numberSection;
      SCHAR rvlcCurrentScaleFactorOK;
      SCHAR rvlcIntensityUsed;
    } aac;
  } specificTo;

} CAacDecoderDynamicData;

typedef shouldBeUnion {
  CAacDecoderDynamicData pAacDecoderDynamicData[2];

  /* Common signal data, can be used once the bit stream data from above is not used anymore. */
  FIXP_DBL mdctOutTemp[1024];
  FIXP_DBL sbrWorkBuffer[1024*2];

} CWorkBufferCore1;

/* Common data referenced by all channels */
typedef struct {

  CWorkBufferCore1 *workBufferCore1;
  FIXP_DBL* workBufferCore2;

  CPnsInterChannelData pnsInterChannelData;
  INT pnsCurrentSeed;
  INT pnsRandomSeed[(8*16)];

  CJointStereoData jointStereoData;              /* One for one element */

  shouldBeUnion {
    struct {
      CErHcrInfo erHcrInfo;
      CErRvlcInfo erRvlcInfo;
      SHORT aRvlcScfEsc[RVLC_MAX_SFB];               /* needed once for all channels */
      SHORT aRvlcScfFwd[RVLC_MAX_SFB];               /* needed once for all channels */
      SHORT aRvlcScfBwd[RVLC_MAX_SFB];               /* needed once for all channels */
    } aac;

  } overlay;

} CAacDecoderCommonData;

 * This struct must be allocated one for every channels of every element and must be persistent.
 * Among its members, the following memory areas can be overwritten under the given conditions:
 *  - pSpectralCoefficient The memory pointed to can be overwritten after time signal rendering.
 *  - data can be overwritten after time signal rendering.
 *  - pDynData memory pointed to can be overwritten after each CChannelElement_Decode() call.
 *  - pComData->overlay memory pointed to can be overwritten after each CChannelElement_Decode() call..
typedef struct
  SPECTRAL_PTR pSpectralCoefficient;             /* Spectral coefficients of each window */
  SHORT specScale[8];                  /* Scale shift values of each spectrum window */
  CIcsInfo icsInfo;
  INT granuleLength;                             /* Size of smallest spectrum piece */
  UCHAR ElementInstanceTag;

  AACDEC_RENDER_MODE renderMode;                 /* Output signal rendering mode */

  shouldBeUnion {
    struct {
      CPnsData PnsData; /* Not required for USAC */
    } aac;

    struct {
    } usac;
  } data;

  CAacDecoderDynamicData *pDynData; /* Data required for one element and discarded after decoding */
  CAacDecoderCommonData  *pComData; /* Data required for one channel at a time during decode */

} CAacDecoderChannelInfo;

/* channelinfo.cpp */

AAC_DECODER_ERROR getSamplingRateInfo(SamplingRateInfo *t, UINT samplesPerFrame, UINT samplingRateIndex, UINT samplingRate);

 * \brief Read max SFB from bit stream and assign TotalSfBands according
 *        to the window sequence and sample rate.
 * \param hBs bit stream handle as data source
 * \param pIcsInfo IcsInfo structure to read the window sequence and store MaxSfBands and TotalSfBands
 * \param pSamplingRateInfo read only
        CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo,
        const SamplingRateInfo *pSamplingRateInfo

        CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo,
        const SamplingRateInfo* SamplingRateInfoTable,
        const UINT flags

/* stereo.cpp, only called from this file */

  \brief Applies MS stereo. 
  The function applies MS stereo.

  \param pAacDecoderChannelInfo aac channel info.
  \param pScaleFactorBandOffsets pointer to scalefactor band offsets.
  \param pWindowGroupLength pointer to window group length array.
  \param windowGroups number of window groups.
  \param scaleFactorBandsTransmittedL number of transmitted scalefactor bands in left channel.
  \param scaleFactorBandsTransmittedR number of transmitted scalefactor bands in right channel. 
                                      May differ from scaleFactorBandsTransmittedL only for USAC.
  \return  none
void CJointStereo_ApplyMS(CAacDecoderChannelInfo *pAacDecoderChannelInfo[2],
                          const short *pScaleFactorBandOffsets,
                          const UCHAR *pWindowGroupLength,
                          const int windowGroups,
                          const int scaleFactorBandsTransmittedL,
                          const int scaleFactorBandsTransmittedR);

  \brief Applies intensity stereo

  The function applies intensity stereo.

  \param pAacDecoderChannelInfo aac channel info.
  \param pScaleFactorBandOffsets pointer to scalefactor band offsets.
  \param pWindowGroupLength pointer to window group length array.
  \param windowGroups number of window groups.
  \param scaleFactorBandsTransmitted number of transmitted scalefactor bands.
  \param CommonWindow common window bit.
  \return  none
void CJointStereo_ApplyIS(CAacDecoderChannelInfo *pAacDecoderChannelInfo[2],
                          const short *pScaleFactorBandOffsets,
                          const UCHAR *pWindowGroupLength,
                          const int windowGroups,
                          const int scaleFactorBandsTransmitted,
                          const UINT CommonWindow);

/* aacdec_pns.cpp */
int CPns_IsPnsUsed (const CPnsData *pPnsData,
                    const int group,
                    const int band);

void CPns_SetCorrelation(CPnsData *pPnsData,
                         const int group,
                         const int band,
                         const int outofphase);

/****************** inline functions ******************/

inline UCHAR IsValid(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo)
  return pIcsInfo->Valid;

inline UCHAR IsLongBlock(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo)
  return (pIcsInfo->WindowSequence != EightShortSequence);

inline UCHAR GetWindowShape(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo)
  return pIcsInfo->WindowShape;

inline UCHAR GetWindowSequence(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo)
  return pIcsInfo->WindowSequence;

inline const SHORT *GetScaleFactorBandOffsets(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo, const SamplingRateInfo* samplingRateInfo)
  if (IsLongBlock(pIcsInfo))
    return samplingRateInfo->ScaleFactorBands_Long;
    return samplingRateInfo->ScaleFactorBands_Short;

inline int GetWindowsPerFrame(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo)
  return (pIcsInfo->WindowSequence == EightShortSequence) ? 8 : 1;

inline UCHAR GetWindowGroups(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo)
  return pIcsInfo->WindowGroups;

inline UCHAR GetWindowGroupLength(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo, const INT index)
  return pIcsInfo->WindowGroupLength[index];

inline const UCHAR *GetWindowGroupLengthTable(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo)
  return pIcsInfo->WindowGroupLength;

inline UCHAR GetScaleFactorBandsTransmitted(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo)
  return pIcsInfo->MaxSfBands;

inline UCHAR GetScaleMaxFactorBandsTransmitted(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo0, const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo1)
  return fMax(pIcsInfo0->MaxSfBands, pIcsInfo1->MaxSfBands);

inline UCHAR GetScaleFactorBandsTotal(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo)
  return pIcsInfo->TotalSfBands;

/* Note: This function applies to AAC-LC only ! */
inline UCHAR GetMaximumTnsBands(const CIcsInfo *pIcsInfo, const int samplingRateIndex)
  return tns_max_bands_tbl[samplingRateIndex][!IsLongBlock(pIcsInfo)];

#endif /* #ifndef CHANNELINFO_H */