path: root/libAACenc/src/metadata_compressor.cpp
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1 files changed, 1027 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libAACenc/src/metadata_compressor.cpp b/libAACenc/src/metadata_compressor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..852c8bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libAACenc/src/metadata_compressor.cpp
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+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Software License for The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android
+� Copyright 1995 - 2012 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur F�rderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
+ All rights reserved.
+The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android ("FDK AAC Codec") is software that implements
+the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding ("AAC") encoding and decoding scheme for digital audio.
+This FDK AAC Codec software is intended to be used on a wide variety of Android devices.
+AAC's HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2 versions are regarded as today's most efficient general perceptual
+audio codecs. AAC-ELD is considered the best-performing full-bandwidth communications codec by
+independent studies and is widely deployed. AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC as part
+of the MPEG specifications.
+Patent licenses for necessary patent claims for the FDK AAC Codec (including those of Fraunhofer)
+may be obtained through Via Licensing ( or through the respective patent owners
+individually for the purpose of encoding or decoding bit streams in products that are compliant with
+the ISO/IEC MPEG audio standards. Please note that most manufacturers of Android devices already license
+these patent claims through Via Licensing or directly from the patent owners, and therefore FDK AAC Codec
+software may already be covered under those patent licenses when it is used for those licensed purposes only.
+Commercially-licensed AAC software libraries, including floating-point versions with enhanced sound quality,
+are also available from Fraunhofer. Users are encouraged to check the Fraunhofer website for additional
+applications information and documentation.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted without
+payment of copyright license fees provided that you satisfy the following conditions:
+You must retain the complete text of this software license in redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or
+your modifications thereto in source code form.
+You must retain the complete text of this software license in the documentation and/or other materials
+provided with redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in binary form.
+You must make available free of charge copies of the complete source code of the FDK AAC Codec and your
+modifications thereto to recipients of copies in binary form.
+The name of Fraunhofer may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this library without
+prior written permission.
+You may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute the FDK AAC Codec
+software or your modifications thereto.
+Your modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the software
+and the date of any change. For modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec, the term
+"Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android" must be replaced by the term
+"Third-Party Modified Version of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android."
+NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PATENT CLAIMS, including without limitation the patents of Fraunhofer,
+ARE GRANTED BY THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE. Fraunhofer provides no warranty of patent non-infringement with
+respect to this software.
+You may use this FDK AAC Codec software or modifications thereto only for purposes that are authorized
+by appropriate patent licenses.
+This FDK AAC Codec software is provided by Fraunhofer on behalf of the copyright holders and contributors
+"AS IS" and WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, including but not limited to the implied warranties
+of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR
+CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages,
+including but not limited to procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits,
+or business interruption, however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
+liability, or tort (including negligence), arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if
+advised of the possibility of such damage.
+Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
+Attention: Audio and Multimedia Departments - FDK AAC LL
+Am Wolfsmantel 33
+91058 Erlangen, Germany
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/********************** Fraunhofer IIS FDK AAC Encoder lib ******************
+ Author(s): M. Neusinger
+ Description: Compressor for AAC Metadata Generator
+#include "metadata_compressor.h"
+#include "channel_map.h"
+#define LOG2 0.69314718056f /* natural logarithm of 2 */
+#define ILOG2 1.442695041f /* 1/LOG2 */
+/*----------------- defines ----------------------*/
+#define MAX_DRC_CHANNELS (8) /*!< Max number of audio input channels. */
+#define DOWNMIX_SHIFT (3) /*!< Max 8 channel. */
+#define WEIGHTING_FILTER_SHIFT (2) /*!< Scaling used in weighting filter. */
+ * Enum for channel assignment.
+ */
+enum {
+ L = 0,
+ R = 1,
+ C = 2,
+ LFE = 3,
+ LS = 4,
+ RS = 5,
+ S = 6,
+ LS2 = 7,
+ RS2 = 8
+/*--------------- structure definitions --------------------*/
+ * Structure holds weighting filter filter states.
+ */
+ FIXP_DBL x1;
+ FIXP_DBL x2;
+ FIXP_DBL y1;
+ FIXP_DBL y2;
+ * Dynamic Range Control compressor structure.
+ */
+struct DRC_COMP {
+ FIXP_DBL maxBoostThr[2]; /*!< Max boost threshold. */
+ FIXP_DBL boostThr[2]; /*!< Boost threshold. */
+ FIXP_DBL earlyCutThr[2]; /*!< Early cut threshold. */
+ FIXP_DBL cutThr[2]; /*!< Cut threshold. */
+ FIXP_DBL maxCutThr[2]; /*!< Max cut threshold. */
+ FIXP_DBL boostFac[2]; /*!< Precalculated factor for boost compression. */
+ FIXP_DBL earlyCutFac[2]; /*!< Precalculated factor for early cut compression. */
+ FIXP_DBL cutFac[2]; /*!< Precalculated factor for cut compression. */
+ FIXP_DBL maxBoost[2]; /*!< Maximum boost. */
+ FIXP_DBL maxCut[2]; /*!< Maximum cut. */
+ FIXP_DBL maxEarlyCut[2]; /*!< Maximum early cut. */
+ FIXP_DBL fastAttack[2]; /*!< Fast attack coefficient. */
+ FIXP_DBL fastDecay[2]; /*!< Fast release coefficient. */
+ FIXP_DBL slowAttack[2]; /*!< Slow attack coefficient. */
+ FIXP_DBL slowDecay[2]; /*!< Slow release coefficient. */
+ UINT holdOff[2]; /*!< Hold time in blocks. */
+ FIXP_DBL attackThr[2]; /*!< Slow/fast attack threshold. */
+ FIXP_DBL decayThr[2]; /*!< Slow/fast release threshold. */
+ DRC_PROFILE profile[2]; /*!< DRC profile. */
+ INT blockLength; /*!< Block length in samples. */
+ UINT sampleRate; /*!< Sample rate. */
+ CHANNEL_MODE chanConfig; /*!< Channel configuration. */
+ UCHAR useWeighting; /*!< Use weighting filter. */
+ UINT channels; /*!< Number of channels. */
+ UINT fullChannels; /*!< Number of full range channels. */
+ INT channelIdx[9]; /*!< Offsets of interleaved channel samples (L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs, S, Ls2, Rs2). */
+ FIXP_DBL smoothLevel[2]; /*!< level smoothing states */
+ FIXP_DBL smoothGain[2]; /*!< gain smoothing states */
+ UINT holdCnt[2]; /*!< hold counter */
+ FIXP_DBL limGain[2]; /*!< limiter gain */
+ FIXP_DBL limDecay; /*!< limiter decay (linear) */
+ FIXP_DBL prevPeak[2]; /*!< max peak of previous block (stereo/mono)*/
+ WEIGHTING_STATES filter[MAX_DRC_CHANNELS]; /*!< array holds weighting filter states */
+/*---------------- constants -----------------------*/
+ * Profile tables.
+ */
+static const FIXP_DBL tabMaxBoostThr[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabBoostThr[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabEarlyCutThr[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabCutThr[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabMaxCutThr[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabBoostRatio[] = {
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/2.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/2.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/2.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/2.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/5.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/5.f) - 1.f) )
+static const FIXP_DBL tabEarlyCutRatio[] = {
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/2.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/2.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/2.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/1.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/2.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/2.f) - 1.f) )
+static const FIXP_DBL tabCutRatio[] = {
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/20.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/20.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/20.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/ 2.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/20.f) - 1.f) ),
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((1.f/20.f) - 1.f) )
+static const FIXP_DBL tabMaxBoost[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabMaxCut[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabFastAttack[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabFastDecay[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabSlowAttack[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabSlowDecay[] = {
+static const INT tabHoldOff[] = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0 };
+static const FIXP_DBL tabAttackThr[] = {
+static const FIXP_DBL tabDecayThr[] = {
+ * Weighting filter coefficients (biquad bandpass).
+ */
+static const FIXP_DBL b0 = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.53050662f); /* b1 = 0, b2 = -b0 */
+static const FIXP_DBL a1 = FL2FXCONST_DBL(-0.95237983f), a2 = FL2FXCONST_DBL(-0.02248836f); /* a0 = 1 */
+/*------------- function definitions ----------------*/
+ * \brief Calculate scaling factor for denoted processing block.
+ *
+ * \param blockLength Length of processing block.
+ *
+ * \return shiftFactor
+ */
+static UINT getShiftFactor(
+ const UINT length
+ )
+ UINT ldN;
+ for(ldN=1;(((UINT)1)<<ldN) < length;ldN++);
+ return ldN;
+ * \brief Sum up fixpoint values with best possible accuracy.
+ *
+ * \param value1 First input value.
+ * \param q1 Scaling factor of first input value.
+ * \param pValue2 Pointer to second input value, will be modified on return.
+ * \param pQ2 Pointer to second scaling factor, will be modified on return.
+ *
+ * \return void
+ */
+static void fixpAdd(
+ const FIXP_DBL value1,
+ const int q1,
+ FIXP_DBL *const pValue2,
+ int *const pQ2
+ )
+ const int headroom1 = fNormz(fixp_abs(value1))-1;
+ const int headroom2 = fNormz(fixp_abs(*pValue2))-1;
+ int resultScale = fixMax(q1-headroom1, (*pQ2)-headroom2);
+ if ( (value1!=FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f)) && (*pValue2!=FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f)) ) {
+ resultScale++;
+ }
+ *pValue2 = scaleValue(value1, q1-resultScale) + scaleValue(*pValue2, (*pQ2)-resultScale);
+ *pQ2 = (*pValue2!=(FIXP_DBL)0) ? resultScale : DFRACT_BITS-1;
+ * \brief Function for converting time constant to filter coefficient.
+ *
+ * \param t Time constant.
+ * \param sampleRate Sampling rate in Hz.
+ * \param blockLength Length of processing block in samples per channel.
+ *
+ * \return result = 1.0 - exp(-1.0/((t) * (f)))
+ */
+static FIXP_DBL tc2Coeff(
+ const FIXP_DBL t,
+ const INT sampleRate,
+ const INT blockLength
+ )
+ FIXP_DBL sampleRateFract;
+ FIXP_DBL blockLengthFract;
+ FIXP_DBL f, product;
+ FIXP_DBL exponent, result;
+ INT e_res;
+ /* f = sampleRate/blockLength */
+ sampleRateFract = (FIXP_DBL)(sampleRate<<(DFRACT_BITS-1-METADATA_LINT_BITS));
+ blockLengthFract = (FIXP_DBL)(blockLength<<(DFRACT_BITS-1-METADATA_LINT_BITS));
+ f = fDivNorm(sampleRateFract, blockLengthFract, &e_res);
+ f = scaleValue(f, e_res-METADATA_INT_BITS); /* convert to METADATA_FRACT */
+ /* product = t*f */
+ product = fMultNorm(t, f, &e_res);
+ product = scaleValue(product, e_res+METADATA_INT_BITS); /* convert to METADATA_FRACT */
+ /* exponent = (-1.0/((t) * (f))) */
+ exponent = fDivNorm(METADATA_FRACT_SCALE, product, &e_res);
+ exponent = scaleValue(exponent, e_res-METADATA_INT_BITS); /* convert to METADATA_FRACT */
+ /* exponent * ld(e) */
+ exponent = fMult(exponent,FIXP_ILOG2_DIV2)<<1; /* e^(x) = 2^(x*ld(e)) */
+ /* exp(-1.0/((t) * (f))) */
+ result = f2Pow(-exponent, DFRACT_BITS-1-METADATA_FRACT_BITS, &e_res);
+ /* result = 1.0 - exp(-1.0/((t) * (f))) */
+ result = FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.0f) - scaleValue(result, e_res);
+ return result;
+INT FDK_DRC_Generator_Open(
+ HDRC_COMP *phDrcComp
+ )
+ INT err = 0;
+ if (phDrcComp == NULL) {
+ err = -1;
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ /* allocate memory */
+ hDcComp = (HDRC_COMP)FDKcalloc(1, sizeof(DRC_COMP));
+ if (hDcComp == NULL) {
+ err = -1;
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ FDKmemclear(hDcComp, sizeof(DRC_COMP));
+ /* Return drc compressor instance */
+ *phDrcComp = hDcComp;
+ return err;
+ FDK_DRC_Generator_Close(&hDcComp);
+ return err;
+INT FDK_DRC_Generator_Close(
+ HDRC_COMP *phDrcComp
+ )
+ if (phDrcComp == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (*phDrcComp != NULL) {
+ FDKfree(*phDrcComp);
+ *phDrcComp = NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+INT FDK_DRC_Generator_Initialize(
+ HDRC_COMP drcComp,
+ const DRC_PROFILE profileLine,
+ const DRC_PROFILE profileRF,
+ const INT blockLength,
+ const UINT sampleRate,
+ const CHANNEL_MODE channelMode,
+ const CHANNEL_ORDER channelOrder,
+ const UCHAR useWeighting
+ )
+ int i;
+ CHANNEL_MAPPING channelMapping;
+ drcComp->limDecay = FL2FXCONST_DBL( ((0.006f / 256) * blockLength) / METADATA_INT_SCALE );
+ /* Save parameters. */
+ drcComp->blockLength = blockLength;
+ drcComp->sampleRate = sampleRate;
+ drcComp->chanConfig = channelMode;
+ drcComp->useWeighting = useWeighting;
+ if (FDK_DRC_Generator_setDrcProfile(drcComp, profileLine, profileRF)!=0) { /* expects initialized blockLength and sampleRate */
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /* Set number of channels and channel offsets. */
+ if (FDKaacEnc_InitChannelMapping(channelMode, channelOrder, &channelMapping)!=AAC_ENC_OK) {
+ return (-2);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) drcComp->channelIdx[i] = -1;
+ switch (channelMode) {
+ case MODE_1: /* mono */
+ drcComp->channelIdx[C] = channelMapping.elInfo[0].ChannelIndex[0];
+ break;
+ case MODE_2: /* stereo */
+ drcComp->channelIdx[L] = channelMapping.elInfo[0].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[R] = channelMapping.elInfo[0].ChannelIndex[1];
+ break;
+ case MODE_1_2: /* 3ch */
+ drcComp->channelIdx[L] = channelMapping.elInfo[1].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[R] = channelMapping.elInfo[1].ChannelIndex[1];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[C] = channelMapping.elInfo[0].ChannelIndex[0];
+ break;
+ case MODE_1_2_1: /* 4ch */
+ drcComp->channelIdx[L] = channelMapping.elInfo[1].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[R] = channelMapping.elInfo[1].ChannelIndex[1];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[C] = channelMapping.elInfo[0].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[S] = channelMapping.elInfo[2].ChannelIndex[0];
+ break;
+ case MODE_1_2_2: /* 5ch */
+ drcComp->channelIdx[L] = channelMapping.elInfo[1].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[R] = channelMapping.elInfo[1].ChannelIndex[1];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[C] = channelMapping.elInfo[0].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[LS] = channelMapping.elInfo[2].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[RS] = channelMapping.elInfo[2].ChannelIndex[1];
+ break;
+ case MODE_1_2_2_1: /* 5.1 ch */
+ drcComp->channelIdx[L] = channelMapping.elInfo[1].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[R] = channelMapping.elInfo[1].ChannelIndex[1];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[C] = channelMapping.elInfo[0].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[LFE] = channelMapping.elInfo[3].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[LS] = channelMapping.elInfo[2].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[RS] = channelMapping.elInfo[2].ChannelIndex[1];
+ break;
+ case MODE_1_2_2_2_1: /* 7.1 ch */
+ drcComp->channelIdx[L] = channelMapping.elInfo[1].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[R] = channelMapping.elInfo[1].ChannelIndex[1];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[C] = channelMapping.elInfo[0].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[LFE] = channelMapping.elInfo[4].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[LS] = channelMapping.elInfo[2].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[RS] = channelMapping.elInfo[2].ChannelIndex[1];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[LS2] = channelMapping.elInfo[3].ChannelIndex[0];
+ drcComp->channelIdx[RS2] = channelMapping.elInfo[3].ChannelIndex[1];
+ break;
+ case MODE_1_1:
+ case MODE_1_1_1_1:
+ case MODE_1_1_1_1_1_1:
+ case MODE_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1:
+ case MODE_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1:
+ case MODE_2_2:
+ case MODE_2_2_2:
+ case MODE_2_2_2_2:
+ case MODE_2_2_2_2_2_2:
+ default:
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ drcComp->fullChannels = channelMapping.nChannelsEff;
+ drcComp->channels = channelMapping.nChannels;
+ /* Init states. */
+ drcComp->smoothLevel[0] = drcComp->smoothLevel[1] = (FIXP_DBL)(-135<<METADATA_FRACT_BITS);
+ FDKmemclear(drcComp->smoothGain, sizeof(drcComp->smoothGain));
+ FDKmemclear(drcComp->holdCnt, sizeof(drcComp->holdCnt));
+ FDKmemclear(drcComp->limGain, sizeof(drcComp->limGain));
+ FDKmemclear(drcComp->prevPeak, sizeof(drcComp->prevPeak));
+ FDKmemclear(drcComp->filter, sizeof(drcComp->filter));
+ return (0);
+INT FDK_DRC_Generator_setDrcProfile(
+ HDRC_COMP drcComp,
+ const DRC_PROFILE profileLine,
+ const DRC_PROFILE profileRF
+ )
+ int profileIdx, i;
+ drcComp->profile[0] = profileLine;
+ drcComp->profile[1] = profileRF;
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ /* get profile index */
+ switch (drcComp->profile[i]) {
+ case DRC_NONE:
+ case DRC_FILMSTANDARD: profileIdx = 0; break;
+ case DRC_FILMLIGHT: profileIdx = 1; break;
+ case DRC_MUSICSTANDARD: profileIdx = 2; break;
+ case DRC_MUSICLIGHT: profileIdx = 3; break;
+ case DRC_SPEECH: profileIdx = 4; break;
+ case DRC_DELAY_TEST: profileIdx = 5; break;
+ default: return (-1);
+ }
+ /* get parameters for selected profile */
+ if (profileIdx >= 0) {
+ drcComp->maxBoostThr[i] = tabMaxBoostThr[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->boostThr[i] = tabBoostThr[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->earlyCutThr[i] = tabEarlyCutThr[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->cutThr[i] = tabCutThr[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->maxCutThr[i] = tabMaxCutThr[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->boostFac[i] = tabBoostRatio[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->earlyCutFac[i] = tabEarlyCutRatio[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->cutFac[i] = tabCutRatio[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->maxBoost[i] = tabMaxBoost[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->maxCut[i] = tabMaxCut[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->maxEarlyCut[i] = - fMult((drcComp->cutThr[i] - drcComp->earlyCutThr[i]), drcComp->earlyCutFac[i]); /* no scaling after mult needed, earlyCutFac is in FIXP_DBL */
+ drcComp->fastAttack[i] = tc2Coeff(tabFastAttack[profileIdx], drcComp->sampleRate, drcComp->blockLength);
+ drcComp->fastDecay[i] = tc2Coeff(tabFastDecay[profileIdx], drcComp->sampleRate, drcComp->blockLength);
+ drcComp->slowAttack[i] = tc2Coeff(tabSlowAttack[profileIdx], drcComp->sampleRate, drcComp->blockLength);
+ drcComp->slowDecay[i] = tc2Coeff(tabSlowDecay[profileIdx], drcComp->sampleRate, drcComp->blockLength);
+ drcComp->holdOff[i] = tabHoldOff[profileIdx] * 256 / drcComp->blockLength;
+ drcComp->attackThr[i] = tabAttackThr[profileIdx];
+ drcComp->decayThr[i] = tabDecayThr[profileIdx];
+ }
+ drcComp->smoothGain[i] = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ }
+ return (0);
+INT FDK_DRC_Generator_Calc(
+ HDRC_COMP drcComp,
+ const INT_PCM * const inSamples,
+ const INT dialnorm,
+ const INT drc_TargetRefLevel,
+ const INT comp_TargetRefLevel,
+ FIXP_DBL clev,
+ FIXP_DBL slev,
+ INT * const pDynrng,
+ INT * const pCompr
+ )
+ int i, c;
+ FIXP_DBL peak[2];
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * compressor
+ **************************************************************************/
+ if ((drcComp->profile[0] != DRC_NONE) || (drcComp->profile[1] != DRC_NONE)) {
+ /* Calc loudness level */
+ FIXP_DBL level_b = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ int level_e = DFRACT_BITS-1;
+ /* Increase energy time resolution with shorter processing blocks. 32 is an empiric value. */
+ const int granuleLength = fixMin(32, drcComp->blockLength);
+ if (drcComp->useWeighting) {
+ FIXP_DBL x1, x2, y, y1, y2;
+ /* sum of filter coefficients about 2.5 -> squared value is 6.25
+ WEIGHTING_FILTER_SHIFT is 2 -> scaling about 16, therefore reduce granuleShift by 1.
+ */
+ const int granuleShift = getShiftFactor(granuleLength)-1;
+ for (c = 0; c < (int)drcComp->channels; c++) {
+ const INT_PCM* pSamples = &inSamples[c];
+ if (c == drcComp->channelIdx[LFE]) {
+ continue; /* skip LFE */
+ }
+ /* get filter states */
+ x1 = drcComp->filter[c].x1;
+ x2 = drcComp->filter[c].x2;
+ y1 = drcComp->filter[c].y1;
+ y2 = drcComp->filter[c].y2;
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ int offset = i;
+ FIXP_DBL accu = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ for (i=offset; i < fixMin(offset+granuleLength,drcComp->blockLength); i++) {
+ /* apply weighting filter */
+ FIXP_DBL x = FX_PCM2FX_DBL((FIXP_PCM)pSamples[i*drcComp->channels]) >> WEIGHTING_FILTER_SHIFT;
+ /* y = b0 * (x - x2) - a1 * y1 - a2 * y2; */
+ y = fMult(b0,x-x2) - fMult(a1,y1) - fMult(a2,y2);
+ x2 = x1;
+ x1 = x;
+ y2 = y1;
+ y1 = y;
+ accu += fPow2Div2(y)>>(granuleShift-1); /* partial energy */
+ } /* i */
+ fixpAdd(accu, granuleShift+2*WEIGHTING_FILTER_SHIFT, &level_b, &level_e); /* sup up partial energies */
+ } while ( i < drcComp->blockLength );
+ /* save filter states */
+ drcComp->filter[c].x1 = x1;
+ drcComp->filter[c].x2 = x2;
+ drcComp->filter[c].y1 = y1;
+ drcComp->filter[c].y2 = y2;
+ } /* c */
+ } /* weighting */
+ else {
+ const int granuleShift = getShiftFactor(granuleLength);
+ for (c = 0; c < (int)drcComp->channels; c++) {
+ const INT_PCM* pSamples = &inSamples[c];
+ if ((int)c == drcComp->channelIdx[LFE]) {
+ continue; /* skip LFE */
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ int offset = i;
+ FIXP_DBL accu = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ for (i=offset; i < fixMin(offset+granuleLength,drcComp->blockLength); i++) {
+ /* partial energy */
+ accu += fPow2Div2((FIXP_PCM)pSamples[i*drcComp->channels])>>(granuleShift-1);
+ } /* i */
+ fixpAdd(accu, granuleShift, &level_b, &level_e); /* sup up partial energies */
+ } while ( i < drcComp->blockLength );
+ }
+ } /* weighting */
+ /*
+ * Convert to dBFS, apply dialnorm
+ */
+ /* level scaling */
+ /* descaled level in ld64 representation */
+ FIXP_DBL ldLevel = CalcLdData(level_b) + (FIXP_DBL)((level_e-12)<<(DFRACT_BITS-1-LD_DATA_SHIFT)) - CalcLdData((FIXP_DBL)(drcComp->blockLength<<(DFRACT_BITS-1-12)));
+ /* if (level < 1e-10) level = 1e-10f; */
+ ldLevel = FDKmax(ldLevel, FL2FXCONST_DBL(-0.51905126482615036685473741085772f));
+ /* level = 10 * log(level)/log(10) + 3;
+ * = 10*log(2)/log(10) * ld(level) + 3;
+ * = 10 * 0.30102999566398119521373889472449 * ld(level) + 3
+ * = 10 * (0.30102999566398119521373889472449 * ld(level) + 0.3)
+ * = 10 * (0.30102999566398119521373889472449 * ld64(level) + 0.3/64) * 64
+ *
+ * additional scaling with METADATA_FRACT_BITS:
+ * = 10 * (0.30102999566398119521373889472449 * ld64(level) + 0.3/64) * 64 * 2^(METADATA_FRACT_BITS)
+ * = 10 * (0.30102999566398119521373889472449 * ld64(level) + 0.3/64) * 2^(METADATA_FRACT_BITS+LD_DATA_SHIFT)
+ * = 10*2^(METADATA_FRACT_BITS+LD_DATA_SHIFT) * ( 0.30102999566398119521373889472449 * ld64(level) + 0.3/64 )
+ * */
+ FIXP_DBL level = fMult((FIXP_DBL)(10<<(METADATA_FRACT_BITS+LD_DATA_SHIFT)), fMult( FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.30102999566398119521373889472449f), ldLevel) + (FIXP_DBL)(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.3f)>>LD_DATA_SHIFT) );
+ /* level -= dialnorm + 31 */ /* this is fixed to Dolby-ReferenceLevel as compressor profiles are defined relative to this */
+ level -= ((FIXP_DBL)(dialnorm<<(METADATA_FRACT_BITS-16)) + (FIXP_DBL)(31<<METADATA_FRACT_BITS));
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ if (drcComp->profile[i] == DRC_NONE) {
+ /* no compression */
+ drcComp->smoothGain[i] = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ }
+ else {
+ FIXP_DBL gain, alpha, lvl2smthlvl;
+ /* calc static gain */
+ if (level <= drcComp->maxBoostThr[i]) {
+ /* max boost */
+ gain = drcComp->maxBoost[i];
+ }
+ else if (level < drcComp->boostThr[i]) {
+ /* boost range */
+ gain = fMult((level - drcComp->boostThr[i]),drcComp->boostFac[i]);
+ }
+ else if (level <= drcComp->earlyCutThr[i]) {
+ /* null band */
+ gain = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ }
+ else if (level <= drcComp->cutThr[i]) {
+ /* early cut range */
+ gain = fMult((level - drcComp->earlyCutThr[i]), drcComp->earlyCutFac[i]);
+ }
+ else if (level < drcComp->maxCutThr[i]) {
+ /* cut range */
+ gain = fMult((level - drcComp->cutThr[i]), drcComp->cutFac[i]) - drcComp->maxEarlyCut[i];
+ }
+ else {
+ /* max cut */
+ gain = -drcComp->maxCut[i];
+ }
+ /* choose time constant */
+ lvl2smthlvl = level - drcComp->smoothLevel[i];
+ if (gain < drcComp->smoothGain[i]) {
+ /* attack */
+ if (lvl2smthlvl > drcComp->attackThr[i]) {
+ /* fast attack */
+ alpha = drcComp->fastAttack[i];
+ }
+ else {
+ /* slow attack */
+ alpha = drcComp->slowAttack[i];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* release */
+ if (lvl2smthlvl < -drcComp->decayThr[i]) {
+ /* fast release */
+ alpha = drcComp->fastDecay[i];
+ }
+ else {
+ /* slow release */
+ alpha = drcComp->slowDecay[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /* smooth gain & level */
+ if ((gain < drcComp->smoothGain[i]) || (drcComp->holdCnt[i] == 0)) { /* hold gain unless we have an attack or hold period is over */
+ FIXP_DBL accu;
+ /* drcComp->smoothLevel[i] = (1-alpha) * drcComp->smoothLevel[i] + alpha * level; */
+ accu = fMult((FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.f)-alpha), drcComp->smoothLevel[i]);
+ accu += fMult(alpha,level);
+ drcComp->smoothLevel[i] = accu;
+ /* drcComp->smoothGain[i] = (1-alpha) * drcComp->smoothGain[i] + alpha * gain; */
+ accu = fMult((FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.f)-alpha), drcComp->smoothGain[i]);
+ accu += fMult(alpha,gain);
+ drcComp->smoothGain[i] = accu;
+ }
+ /* hold counter */
+ if (drcComp->holdCnt[i]) {
+ drcComp->holdCnt[i]--;
+ }
+ if (gain < drcComp->smoothGain[i]) {
+ drcComp->holdCnt[i] = drcComp->holdOff[i];
+ }
+ } /* profile != DRC_NONE */
+ } /* for i=1..2 */
+ } else {
+ /* no compression */
+ drcComp->smoothGain[0] = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ drcComp->smoothGain[1] = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ }
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * limiter
+ **************************************************************************/
+ /* find peak level */
+ peak[0] = peak[1] = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ for (i = 0; i < drcComp->blockLength; i++) {
+ FIXP_DBL tmp;
+ const INT_PCM* pSamples = &inSamples[i*drcComp->channels];
+ INT_PCM maxSample = 0;
+ /* single channels */
+ for (c = 0; c < (int)drcComp->channels; c++) {
+ maxSample = FDKmax(maxSample, fAbs(pSamples[c]));
+ }
+ peak[0] = fixMax(peak[0], FX_PCM2FX_DBL(maxSample)>>DOWNMIX_SHIFT);
+ /* Lt/Rt downmix */
+ if (drcComp->fullChannels > 2) {
+ /* Lt */
+ tmp = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[LS] >= 0) tmp -= fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[LS]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Ls */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[LS2] >= 0) tmp -= fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[LS2]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Ls2 */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[RS] >= 0) tmp -= fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[RS]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Rs */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[RS2] >= 0) tmp -= fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[RS2]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Rs2 */
+ if ((drcComp->channelIdx[LS] >= 0) && (drcComp->channelIdx[LS2] >= 0)) tmp = fMult(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), tmp); /* 7.1ch */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[S] >= 0) tmp -= fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[S]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* S */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[C] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[C]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* C */
+ tmp += (FX_PCM2FX_DBL((FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[L]])>>DOWNMIX_SHIFT); /* L */
+ peak[0] = fixMax(peak[0], fixp_abs(tmp));
+ /* Rt */
+ tmp = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[LS] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[LS]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Ls */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[LS2] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[LS2]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Ls2 */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[RS] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[RS]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Rs */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[RS2] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[RS2]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Rs2 */
+ if ((drcComp->channelIdx[RS] >= 0) && (drcComp->channelIdx[RS2] >= 0)) tmp = fMult(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), tmp); /* 7.1ch */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[S] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[S]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* S */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[C] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[C]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* C */
+ tmp += (FX_PCM2FX_DBL((FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[R]])>>DOWNMIX_SHIFT); /* R */
+ peak[0] = fixMax(peak[0], fixp_abs(tmp));
+ }
+ /* Lo/Ro downmix */
+ if (drcComp->fullChannels > 2) {
+ /* Lo */
+ tmp = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[LS] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[LS]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Ls */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[LS2] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[LS2]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Ls2 */
+ if ((drcComp->channelIdx[LS] >= 0) && (drcComp->channelIdx[LS2] >= 0)) tmp = fMult(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), tmp); /* 7.1ch */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[S] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, fMult(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.7f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[S]]))>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* S */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[C] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(clev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[C]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* C */
+ tmp += (FX_PCM2FX_DBL((FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[L]])>>DOWNMIX_SHIFT); /* L */
+ peak[0] = fixMax(peak[0], fixp_abs(tmp));
+ /* Ro */
+ tmp = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[RS] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[RS]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Rs */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[RS2] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[RS2]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Rs2 */
+ if ((drcComp->channelIdx[RS] >= 0) && (drcComp->channelIdx[RS2] >= 0)) tmp = fMult(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), tmp); /* 7.1ch */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[S] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, fMult(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.7f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[S]]))>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* S */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[C] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(clev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[C]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* C */
+ tmp += (FX_PCM2FX_DBL((FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[R]])>>DOWNMIX_SHIFT); /* R */
+ peak[0] = fixMax(peak[0], fixp_abs(tmp));
+ }
+ peak[1] = fixMax(peak[0], peak[1]);
+ /* Mono Downmix - for comp_val only */
+ if (drcComp->fullChannels > 1) {
+ tmp = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f);
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[LS] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[LS]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Ls */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[LS2] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[LS2]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Ls2 */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[RS] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[RS]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Rs */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[RS2] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[RS2]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* Rs2 */
+ if ((drcComp->channelIdx[LS] >= 0) && (drcComp->channelIdx[LS2] >= 0)) tmp = fMult(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.707f), tmp); /* 7.1ch */
+ /*if ((drcComp->channelIdx[RS] >= 0) && (drcComp->channelIdx[RS2] >= 0)) tmp *=0.707f;*/ /* 7.1ch */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[S] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(slev, fMult(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.7f), (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[S]]))>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* S */
+ if (drcComp->channelIdx[C] >= 0) tmp += fMultDiv2(clev, (FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[C]])>>(DOWNMIX_SHIFT-1); /* C */
+ tmp += (FX_PCM2FX_DBL((FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[L]])>>DOWNMIX_SHIFT); /* L */
+ tmp += (FX_PCM2FX_DBL((FIXP_PCM)pSamples[drcComp->channelIdx[R]])>>DOWNMIX_SHIFT); /* R */
+ peak[1] = fixMax(peak[1], fixp_abs(tmp));
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ FIXP_DBL tmp = drcComp->prevPeak[i];
+ drcComp->prevPeak[i] = peak[i];
+ peak[i] = fixMax(peak[i], tmp);
+ /*
+ * Convert to dBFS, apply dialnorm
+ */
+ /* descaled peak in ld64 representation */
+ /* if (peak < 1e-6) level = 1e-6f; */
+ ld_peak = FDKmax(ld_peak, FL2FXCONST_DBL(-0.31143075889569022011284244651463f));
+ /* peak[i] = 20 * log(peak[i])/log(10) + 0.2f + (drcComp->smoothGain[i]*2^METADATA_FRACT_BITS)
+ * peak[i] = 20 * log(2)/log(10) * ld(peak[i]) + 0.2f + (drcComp->smoothGain[i]*2^METADATA_FRACT_BITS)
+ * peak[i] = 10 * 2*0.30102999566398119521373889472449 * ld(peak[i]) + 0.2f + (drcComp->smoothGain[i]*2^METADATA_FRACT_BITS)
+ *
+ * additional scaling with METADATA_FRACT_BITS:
+ * peak[i] = (10 * 2*0.30102999566398119521373889472449 * ld64(peak[i]) * 64 + 0.2f + (drcComp->smoothGain[i]*2^METADATA_FRACT_BITS))*2^(-METADATA_FRACT_BITS)
+ * peak[i] = 10*2^(METADATA_FRACT_BITS+LD_DATA_SHIFT) * 2*0.30102999566398119521373889472449 * ld64(peak[i])
+ * + 0.2f*2^(-METADATA_FRACT_BITS) + drcComp->smoothGain[i]
+ */
+ peak[i] = fMult((FIXP_DBL)(10<<(METADATA_FRACT_BITS+LD_DATA_SHIFT)), fMult( FL2FX_DBL(2*0.30102999566398119521373889472449f), ld_peak));
+ peak[i] += (FL2FX_DBL(0.2f)>>METADATA_INT_BITS); /* add a little bit headroom */
+ peak[i] += drcComp->smoothGain[i];
+ }
+ /* peak -= dialnorm + 31; */ /* this is Dolby style only */
+ peak[0] -= (FIXP_DBL)((dialnorm-drc_TargetRefLevel)<<(METADATA_FRACT_BITS-16)); /* peak[0] -= dialnorm - drc_TargetRefLevel */
+ /* peak += 11; */ /* this is Dolby style only */ /* RF mode output is 11dB higher */
+ /*peak += comp_TargetRefLevel - drc_TargetRefLevel;*/
+ peak[1] -= (FIXP_DBL)((dialnorm-comp_TargetRefLevel)<<(METADATA_FRACT_BITS-16)); /* peak[1] -= dialnorm - comp_TargetRefLevel */
+ /* limiter gain */
+ drcComp->limGain[0] += drcComp->limDecay; /* linear limiter release */
+ drcComp->limGain[0] = fixMin(drcComp->limGain[0], -peak[0]);
+ drcComp->limGain[1] += 2*drcComp->limDecay; /* linear limiter release */
+ drcComp->limGain[1] = fixMin(drcComp->limGain[1], -peak[1]);
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* apply limiting, return DRC gains*/
+ {
+ FIXP_DBL tmp;
+ tmp = drcComp->smoothGain[0];
+ if (drcComp->limGain[0] < FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f)) {
+ tmp += drcComp->limGain[0];
+ }
+ *pDynrng = (LONG) scaleValue(tmp, -(METADATA_FRACT_BITS-16));
+ tmp = drcComp->smoothGain[1];
+ if (drcComp->limGain[1] < FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.f)) {
+ tmp += drcComp->limGain[1];
+ }
+ *pCompr = (LONG) scaleValue(tmp, -(METADATA_FRACT_BITS-16));
+ }
+ return 0;
+DRC_PROFILE FDK_DRC_Generator_getDrcProfile(const HDRC_COMP drcComp)
+ return drcComp->profile[0];
+DRC_PROFILE FDK_DRC_Generator_getCompProfile(const HDRC_COMP drcComp)
+ return drcComp->profile[1];