/* Copyright (C) 2014 CSP Innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a r.l. (http://www.csp.it/) Copyright (C) 2017 Matthias P. Braendli (http://www.opendigitalradio.org) Copyright (C) 2015 Data Path This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Authors: Sergio Sagliocco Matthias P. Braendli / | |- ')|) |-|_ _ (|,_ .| _ ,_ \ Data Path \(|(||_(|/_| (||_||(a)_||||(|||.(_()|||/ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include "etianalyse.hpp" #include "etiinput.hpp" #include "figs.hpp" extern "C" { #include "lib_crc.h" } #include "utils.hpp" using namespace std; // Signal handler flag std::atomic quit(false); bool eti_analyse_config_t::is_fig_to_be_printed(int type, int extension) const { if (figs_to_display.empty()) { return true; } return std::find( figs_to_display.begin(), figs_to_display.end(), make_pair(type, extension)) != figs_to_display.end(); } static void print_fig_result(const fig_result_t& fig_result, const display_settings_t& disp) { if (disp.print) { for (const auto& msg : fig_result.msgs) { std::string s; for (int i = 0; i < msg.level; i++) { s += " "; } s += msg.msg; for (int i = 0; i < disp.indent; i++) { printf("\t"); } printf("%s\n", s.c_str()); } if (not fig_result.errors.empty()) { printf("ERRORS:\n"); for (const auto& err : fig_result.errors) { for (int i = 0; i < disp.indent; i++) { printf("\t"); } printf("%s\n", err.c_str()); } } } } void ETI_Analyser::eti_analyse() { uint8_t p[ETINIPACKETSIZE]; string desc; char prevsync[3]={0x00,0x00,0x00}; uint8_t ficf,nst,fp,mid,ficl; uint16_t fl,crch; uint16_t crc; uint8_t scid,tpl; uint16_t sad[64],stl[64]; char sdesc[256]; uint32_t frame_nb = 0, frame_sec = 0, frame_ms = 0, frame_h, frame_m, frame_s; static int last_fct = -1; bool running = true; int stream_type = ETI_STREAM_TYPE_NONE; if (identify_eti_format(config.etifd, &stream_type) == -1) { printf("Could not identify stream type\n"); running = false; } else { printf("Identified ETI type "); if (stream_type == ETI_STREAM_TYPE_RAW) printf("RAW\n"); else if (stream_type == ETI_STREAM_TYPE_STREAMED) printf("STREAMED\n"); else if (stream_type == ETI_STREAM_TYPE_FRAMED) printf("FRAMED\n"); else printf("?\n"); } if (config.analyse_fig_rates) { rate_display_header(config.analyse_fig_rates_per_second); } while (running) { int ret = get_eti_frame(config.etifd, stream_type, p); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ETI file read error\n"); break; } else if (ret == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "End of ETI\n"); break; } // Timestamp and Frame Number frame_h = (frame_sec / 3600); frame_m = (frame_sec - (frame_h * 3600)) / 60; frame_s = (frame_sec - (frame_h * 3600) - (frame_m * 60)); sprintf(sdesc, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d frame %d", frame_h, frame_m, frame_s, frame_ms, frame_nb); printbuf(sdesc, 0, NULL, 0); frame_ms += 24; // + 24 ms if (frame_ms >= 1000) { frame_ms -= 1000; frame_sec++; } frame_nb++; // SYNC printbuf("SYNC", 0, p, 4); // SYNC - ERR if (p[0] == 0xFF) { desc = "No error"; printbuf("ERR", 1, p, 1, desc); } else { desc = "Error"; printbuf("ERR", 1, p, 1, desc); if (!config.ignore_error) { printf("Aborting because of SYNC error\n"); break; } } // SYNC - FSYNC if (memcmp(prevsync, "\x00\x00\x00", 3) == 0) { if ( (memcmp(p + 1, "\x07\x3a\xb6", 3) == 0) || (memcmp(p + 1, "\xf8\xc5\x49", 3) == 0) ) { desc = "OK"; memcpy(prevsync, p+1, 3); } else { desc ="Wrong FSYNC"; memcpy(prevsync, "\x00\x00\x00", 3); } } else if (memcmp(prevsync, "\x07\x3a\xb6", 3) == 0) { if (memcmp(p + 1, "\xf8\xc5\x49", 3) != 0) { desc = "Wrong FSYNC"; memcpy(prevsync, "\x00\x00\x00", 3); } else { desc = "OK"; memcpy(prevsync, p + 1, 3); } } else if (memcmp(prevsync, "\xf8\xc5\x49", 3) == 0) { if (memcmp(p + 1, "\x07\x3a\xb6", 3) != 0) { desc = "Wrong FSYNC"; memcpy(prevsync, "\x00\x00\x00", 3); } else { desc = "OK"; memcpy(prevsync, p + 1, 3); } } printbuf("Sync FSYNC", 1, p + 1, 3, desc); // LIDATA printbuf("LDATA", 0, NULL, 0); // LIDATA - FC printbuf("FC - Frame Characterization field", 1, p+4, 4); // LIDATA - FC - FCT char fct_str[25]; sprintf(fct_str, "%d", p[4]); int fct = p[4]; printbuf("FCT - Frame Count", 2, p+4, 1, fct_str); if (last_fct != -1) { if ((last_fct + 1) % 250 != fct) { printf("FCT not contiguous\n"); } } last_fct = fct; // LIDATA - FC - FICF ficf = (p[5] & 0x80) >> 7; { stringstream ss; ss << (int)ficf; if (ficf == 1) { ss << "- FIC Information are present"; } else { ss << "- FIC Information are not present"; } printbuf("FICF - Fast Information Channel Flag", 2, NULL, 0, ss.str()); } // LIDATA - FC - NST nst = p[5] & 0x7F; { stringstream ss; ss << (int)nst; printbuf("NST - Number of streams", 2, NULL, 0, ss.str()); } // LIDATA - FC - FP fp = (p[6] & 0xE0) >> 5; { stringstream ss; ss << (int)fp; printbuf("FP - Frame Phase", 2, &fp, 1, ss.str()); } // LIDATA - FC - MID mid = (p[6] & 0x18) >> 3; { stringstream ss; ss << "Mode "; if (mid != 0) { ss << (int)mid; } else { ss << "4"; } printbuf("MID - Mode Identity", 2, &mid, 1, ss.str()); set_mode_identity(mid); } // LIDATA - FC - FL fl = (p[6] & 0x07) * 256 + p[7]; { stringstream ss; ss << fl << " words"; printbuf("FL - Frame Length", 2, NULL, 0, ss.str()); } if (ficf == 0) { ficl = 0; } else if (mid == 3) { ficl = 32; } else { ficl = 24; } // STC printbuf("STC - Stream Characterisation", 1, NULL, 0); for (int i=0; i < nst; i++) { sprintf(sdesc, "Stream number %d", i); printbuf("STC - Stream Characterisation", 2, p + 8 + 4*i, 4, sdesc); scid = (p[8 + 4*i] & 0xFC) >> 2; sprintf(sdesc, "%d", scid); printbuf("SCID - Sub-channel Identifier", 3, NULL, 0, sdesc); sad[i] = (p[8+4*i] & 0x03) * 256 + p[9+4*i]; sprintf(sdesc, "%d", sad[i]); printbuf("SAD - Sub-channel Start Address", 3, NULL, 0, sdesc); tpl = (p[10+4*i] & 0xFC) >> 2; if ((tpl & 0x20) >> 5 == 1) { uint8_t opt, plevel; string plevelstr; opt = (tpl & 0x1c) >> 2; plevel = (tpl & 0x03); if (opt == 0x00) { if (plevel == 0) plevelstr = "1-A, 1/4, 16 CUs"; else if (plevel == 1) plevelstr = "2-A, 3/8, 8 CUs"; else if (plevel == 2) plevelstr = "3-A, 1/2, 6 CUs"; else if (plevel == 3) plevelstr = "4-A, 3/4, 4 CUs"; } else if (opt == 0x01) { if (plevel == 0) plevelstr = "1-B, 4/9, 27 CUs"; else if (plevel == 1) plevelstr = "2-B, 4/7, 21 CUs"; else if (plevel == 2) plevelstr = "3-B, 4/6, 18 CUs"; else if (plevel == 3) plevelstr = "4-B, 4/5, 15 CUs"; } else { stringstream ss; ss << "Unknown option " << opt; plevelstr = ss.str(); } sprintf(sdesc, "0x%02x - Equal Error Protection. %s", tpl, plevelstr.c_str()); } else { uint8_t tsw, uepidx; tsw = (tpl & 0x08); uepidx = tpl & 0x07; sprintf(sdesc, "0x%02x - Unequal Error Protection. Table switch %d, UEP index %d", tpl, tsw, uepidx); } printbuf("TPL - Sub-channel Type and Protection Level", 3, NULL, 0, sdesc); stl[i] = (p[10+4*i] & 0x03) * 256 + \ p[11+4*i]; sprintf(sdesc, "%d => %d kbit/s", stl[i], stl[i]*8/3); printbuf("STL - Sub-channel Stream Length", 3, NULL, 0, sdesc); if (config.statistics and config.streams_to_decode.count(i) == 0) { config.streams_to_decode.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::make_tuple(i), std::make_tuple(false)); // do not dump to file config.streams_to_decode.at(i).subchid = scid; } if (config.streams_to_decode.count(i) > 0) { config.streams_to_decode.at(i).set_subchannel_index(stl[i]/3); config.streams_to_decode.at(i).set_index(i); config.streams_to_decode.at(i).subchid = scid; } } // EOH printbuf("EOH - End Of Header", 1, p + 8 + 4*nst, 4); uint16_t mnsc = p[8 + 4*nst] * 256 + \ p[8 + 4*nst + 1]; { stringstream ss; ss << mnsc; printbuf("MNSC - Multiplex Network Signalling Channel", 2, p+8+4*nst, 2, ss.str()); } crch = p[8 + 4*nst + 2]*256 + \ p[8 + 4*nst + 3]; crc = 0xffff; for (int i=4; i < 8 + 4*nst + 2; i++) crc = update_crc_ccitt(crc, p[i]); crc =~ crc; if (crc == crch) { sprintf(sdesc,"CRC OK"); } else { sprintf(sdesc,"CRC Mismatch: %02x",crc); } printbuf("Header CRC", 2, p + 8 + 4*nst + 2, 2, sdesc); // MST - FIC if (ficf == 1) { uint8_t *fib, *fig; FIGalyser figs; uint8_t ficdata[32*4]; memcpy(ficdata, p + 12 + 4*nst, ficl*4); sprintf(sdesc, "FIC Data (%d bytes)", ficl*4); //printbuf(sdesc, 1, ficdata, ficl*4); printbuf(sdesc, 1, NULL, 0); fib = p + 12 + 4*nst; for (int i = 0; i < ficl*4/32; i++) { sprintf(sdesc, "FIB %d", i); printbuf(sdesc, 1, NULL, 0); fig=fib; figs.set_fib(i); rate_new_fib(i); const uint16_t figcrc = fib[30]*256 + fib[31]; crc = 0xffff; for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { crc = update_crc_ccitt(crc, fib[j]); } crc =~ crc; const bool crccorrect = (crc == figcrc); if (crccorrect) sprintf(sdesc, "FIB %d CRC OK", i); else sprintf(sdesc, "FIB %d CRC Mismatch: %02x", i, crc); bool endmarker = false; int figcount = 0; while (!endmarker) { uint8_t figtype, figlen; figtype = (fig[0] & 0xE0) >> 5; if (figtype != 7) { figlen = fig[0] & 0x1F; sprintf(sdesc, "FIG %d [%d bytes]", figtype, figlen); printbuf(sdesc, 3, fig+1, figlen); decodeFIG(config, figs, fig+1, figlen, figtype, 4, crccorrect); fig += figlen + 1; figcount += figlen + 1; if (figcount >= 29) endmarker = true; } else { endmarker = true; } } printbuf(sdesc,3,fib+30,2); fib += 32; } if (config.analyse_fic_carousel) { figs.analyse(); } } int offset = 0; for (int i=0; i < nst; i++) { uint8_t streamdata[684*8]; memcpy(streamdata, p + 12 + 4*nst + ficf*ficl*4 + offset, stl[i]*8); offset += stl[i] * 8; if (config.streams_to_decode.count(i) > 0) { sprintf(sdesc, "id %d, len %d, selected for decoding", i, stl[i]*8); } else { sprintf(sdesc, "id %d, len %d, not selected for decoding", i, stl[i]*8); } if (get_verbosity() > 2) { printbuf("Stream Data", 1, streamdata, stl[i]*8, sdesc); } else { printbuf("Stream Data", 1, streamdata, 0, sdesc); } if (config.streams_to_decode.count(i) > 0) { config.streams_to_decode.at(i).push(streamdata, stl[i]*8); } } //* EOF (4 Bytes) // CRC (2 Bytes) crch = p[12 + 4*nst + ficf*ficl*4 + offset] * 256 + \ p[12 + 4*nst + ficf*ficl*4 + offset + 1]; crc = 0xffff; for (int i = 12 + 4*nst; i < 12 + 4*nst + ficf*ficl*4 + offset; i++) crc = update_crc_ccitt(crc, p[i]); crc =~ crc; if (crc == crch) sprintf(sdesc, "CRC OK"); else sprintf(sdesc, "CRC Mismatch: %02x", crc); printbuf("EOF", 1, p + 12 + 4*nst + ficf*ficl*4 + offset, 4); printbuf("CRC", 2, p + 12 + 4*nst + ficf*ficl*4 + offset, 2, sdesc); // RFU (2 Bytes) printbuf("RFU", 2, p + 12 + 4*nst + ficf*ficl*4 + offset + 2, 2); //* TIST (4 Bytes) const size_t tist_ix = 12 + 4*nst + ficf*ficl*4 + offset + 4; uint32_t TIST = (uint32_t)(p[tist_ix]) << 24 | (uint32_t)(p[tist_ix+1]) << 16 | (uint32_t)(p[tist_ix+2]) << 8 | (uint32_t)(p[tist_ix+3]); sprintf(sdesc, "%f ms", (TIST & 0xFFFFFF) / 16384.0); printbuf("TIST - Time Stamp", 1, p + tist_ix, 4, sdesc); if (get_verbosity()) { printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } if (config.analyse_fig_rates and (fct % 250) == 0) { rate_display_analysis(false, config.analyse_fig_rates_per_second); } if (config.statistics) { for (const auto& snoop : config.streams_to_decode) { printf("Statistics for %d:\n", snoop.first); for (const auto& service : ensemble.services) { for (const auto& component : service.components) { if (component.subchId == snoop.first and component.primary) { printf("Label %s\n", service.label.c_str()); if (not component.label.empty()) { printf("Component label %s\n", component.label.c_str()); } } } } const auto& stat = snoop.second.get_audio_statistics(); printf(" Avg L/R: %d %d dB ", absolute_to_dB(stat.average_level_left), absolute_to_dB(stat.average_level_right)); printf(" Peak L/R: %d %d dB\n", absolute_to_dB(stat.peak_level_left), absolute_to_dB(stat.peak_level_right)); } } if (quit.load()) running = false; } if (config.decode_watermark) { std::string watermark(wm_decoder.calculate_watermark()); printf("Watermark:\n %s\n", watermark.c_str()); } if (config.analyse_fig_rates) { rate_display_analysis(false, config.analyse_fig_rates_per_second); } figs_cleardb(); } void ETI_Analyser::decodeFIG( const eti_analyse_config_t &config, FIGalyser &figs, uint8_t* f, uint8_t figlen, uint16_t figtype, int indent, bool fibcrccorrect) { char desc[512]; switch (figtype) { case 0: { fig0_common_t fig0(f, figlen, ensemble, wm_decoder); fig0.fibcrccorrect = fibcrccorrect; const display_settings_t disp(config.is_fig_to_be_printed(figtype, fig0.ext()), indent); if (disp.print) { sprintf(desc, "FIG %d/%d: C/N=%d OE=%d P/D=%d", figtype, fig0.ext(), fig0.cn(), fig0.oe(), fig0.pd()); printfig(desc, disp, f+1, figlen-1); } figs.push_back(figtype, fig0.ext(), figlen); auto fig_result = fig0_select(fig0, disp); fig_result.figtype = figtype; fig_result.figext = fig0.ext(); print_fig_result(fig_result, disp+1); rate_announce_fig(figtype, fig0.ext(), fig_result.complete); } break; case 1: {// SHORT LABELS fig1_common_t fig1(ensemble, f, figlen); fig1.fibcrccorrect = fibcrccorrect; const display_settings_t disp(config.is_fig_to_be_printed(figtype, fig1.ext()), indent); if (disp.print) { sprintf(desc, "FIG %d/%d: OE=%d", figtype, fig1.ext(), fig1.oe()); printfig(desc, disp, f+1, figlen-1); } figs.push_back(figtype, fig1.ext(), figlen); auto fig_result = fig1_select(fig1, disp); fig_result.figtype = figtype; fig_result.figext = fig1.ext(); print_fig_result(fig_result, disp+1); rate_announce_fig(figtype, fig1.ext(), fig_result.complete); } break; case 2: {// EXTENDED LABELS uint16_t ext,oe; uint8_t toggle_flag = (f[0] & 0x80) >> 7; uint8_t segment_index = (f[0] & 0x70) >> 4; oe = (f[0] & 0x08) >> 3; ext = f[0] & 0x07; const display_settings_t disp(config.is_fig_to_be_printed(figtype, ext), indent); if (disp.print) { sprintf(desc, "FIG %d/%d: Toggle flag=%d, Segment_index=%d, OE=%d", figtype, ext, toggle_flag, segment_index, oe); printfig(desc, disp, f+1, figlen-1); } figs.push_back(figtype, ext, figlen); bool complete = true; rate_announce_fig(figtype, ext, complete); } break; case 5: {// FIDC uint16_t ext; uint8_t d1 = (f[0] & 0x80) >> 7; uint8_t d2 = (f[0] & 0x40) >> 6; uint8_t tcid = (f[0] & 0x38) >> 5; ext = f[0] & 0x07; const display_settings_t disp(config.is_fig_to_be_printed(figtype, ext), indent); sprintf(desc, "FIG %d/%d: D1=%d, D2=%d, TCId=%d", figtype, ext, d1, d2, tcid); printfig(desc, disp, f+1, figlen-1); figs.push_back(figtype, ext, figlen); bool complete = true; // TODO verify rate_announce_fig(figtype, ext, complete); } break; case 6: {// Conditional access fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: ETI contains unsupported FIG 6\n"); } break; default: { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: ETI contains unknown FIG %d\n", figtype); } break; } }