path: root/src/fig0_17.cpp
diff options
authorMatthias P. Braendli <>2017-04-27 01:39:20 +0200
committerMatthias P. Braendli <>2017-04-27 01:39:20 +0200
commit0616c12772c4995d0a22b803127af156a37a3a7d (patch)
tree0561c72fa58cc71209edc196e4706b850b000868 /src/fig0_17.cpp
parent36d70772c7ba15bf1d769f7ec54ba129377f4617 (diff)
Refactor FIG0/X message generation
Diffstat (limited to 'src/fig0_17.cpp')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/src/fig0_17.cpp b/src/fig0_17.cpp
index 772b804..8eb2ba9 100644
--- a/src/fig0_17.cpp
+++ b/src/fig0_17.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Copyright (C) 2014 CSP Innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a r.l. (
- Copyright (C) 2016 Matthias P. Braendli (
+ Copyright (C) 2017 Matthias P. Braendli (
Copyright (C) 2015 Data Path
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -48,91 +48,90 @@ bool fig0_17_is_complete(int services_id)
// FIG 0/17 Programme Type
// ETSI EN 300 401 8.1.5
-bool fig0_17(fig0_common_t& fig0, const display_settings_t &disp)
+fig_result_t fig0_17(fig0_common_t& fig0, const display_settings_t &disp)
uint16_t SId;
uint8_t i = 1, Rfa, Language, Int_code, Comp_code;
- char tmpbuf[512];
- char desc[512];
+ fig_result_t r;
bool SD_flag, PS_flag, L_flag, CC_flag, Rfu;
uint8_t* f = fig0.f;
- bool complete = false;
while (i < (fig0.figlen - 3)) {
// iterate over announcement support
SId = (f[i] << 8) | f[i+1];
- complete |= fig0_17_is_complete(SId);
+ r.complete |= fig0_17_is_complete(SId);
SD_flag = (f[i+2] >> 7);
PS_flag = ((f[i+2] >> 6) & 0x01);
L_flag = ((f[i+2] >> 5) & 0x01);
CC_flag = ((f[i+2] >> 4) & 0x01);
Rfa = (f[i+2] & 0x0F);
- sprintf(desc, "SId=0x%X, S/D=%d Programme Type codes and language (when present), %srepresent the current programme contents, P/S=%d %s service component, L flag=%d language field %s, CC flag=%d complementary code and preceding Rfa and Rfu fields %s",
- SId, SD_flag, SD_flag?"":"may not ", PS_flag, PS_flag?"secondary":"primary",
- L_flag, L_flag?"present":"absent", CC_flag, CC_flag?"present":"absent");
+ r.msgs.push_back(strprintf("SId=0x%X", SId));
+ r.msgs.push_back(strprintf(
+ "S/D=%d Programme Type codes and language (when present), %srepresent the current programme contents",
+ SD_flag, SD_flag?"":"may not "));
+ r.msgs.push_back(strprintf("P/S=%d %s service component",
+ PS_flag, PS_flag?"secondary":"primary"));
+ r.msgs.push_back(strprintf("L flag=%d language field %s",
+ L_flag, L_flag?"present":"absent"));
+ r.msgs.push_back(strprintf("CC flag=%d complementary code and preceding Rfa and Rfu fields %s",
+ CC_flag, CC_flag?"present":"absent"));
if (Rfa != 0) {
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Rfa=0x%X invalid value", Rfa);
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.errors.push_back(strprintf("Rfa=0x%X invalid value", Rfa));
i += 3;
if (L_flag != 0) {
if (i < fig0.figlen) {
Language = f[i];
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Language=0x%X %s", Language,
- get_language_name(Language));
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.msgs.push_back(strprintf("Language=0x%X %s", Language,
+ get_language_name(Language)));
else {
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Language= invalid FIG length");
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.errors.push_back(strprintf("Language= invalid FIG length"));
if (i < fig0.figlen) {
Rfa = f[i] >> 6;
Rfu = (f[i] >> 5) & 0x01;
if (Rfa != 0) {
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Rfa=0x%X invalid value", Rfa);
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.errors.push_back(strprintf("Rfa=0x%X invalid value", Rfa));
if (Rfu != 0) {
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Rfu=%d invalid value", Rfu);
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.errors.push_back(strprintf("Rfu=%d invalid value", Rfu));
Int_code = f[i] & 0x1F;
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Int code=0x%X %s", Int_code, get_programme_type(get_international_table() , Int_code));
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.msgs.push_back(strprintf("Int code=0x%X %s", Int_code,
+ get_programme_type(get_international_table(), Int_code)));
else {
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Int code= invalid FIG length");
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.errors.push_back("Int code: invalid FIG length");
if (CC_flag != 0) {
if (i < fig0.figlen) {
Rfa = f[i] >> 6;
Rfu = (f[i] >> 5) & 0x01;
if (Rfa != 0) {
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Rfa=0x%X invalid value", Rfa);
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.errors.push_back(strprintf("Rfa=0x%X invalid value", Rfa));
if (Rfu != 0) {
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Rfu=%d invalid value", Rfu);
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.errors.push_back(strprintf("Rfu=%d invalid value", Rfu));
Comp_code = f[i] & 0x1F;
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Comp code=0x%X %s", Comp_code, get_programme_type(get_international_table() , Comp_code));
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.msgs.push_back(strprintf("Comp code=0x%X %s", Comp_code,
+ get_programme_type(get_international_table(), Comp_code)));
else {
- sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Comp code= invalid FIG length");
- strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ r.errors.push_back(strprintf("Comp code= invalid FIG length"));
- printbuf(desc, disp+1, NULL, 0);
- return complete;
+ return r;