ETISnoop analyser
The ETISnoop analyser decodes a RAW ETI (see ) file and prints out its contents in YAML for easier analysis.
It can show information about the signalling, details about the FIGs, and extract a DAB+ subchannel into a file.
etisnoop is using autotools. If you do not have a release containing a ./configure script, run ./
Install prerequisites: A C++ compiler with complete C++11 support and libfaad-dev
Then do
sudo make install
etisnoop [options] [(-i|-I) filename]
-i the file contains RAW ETI
-I the file contains FIC
-v increase verbosity (can be given more than once)
-d N decode subchannel N into stream-N.dab file
if DAB+: decode audio to stream-N.wav file and extract PAD to stream-N.dab
(superframes with RS coding)
-s <filename.yaml>
statistics mode: decode all subchannels and measure audio level, write statistics to file
-n N stop analysing after N ETI frames
-f analyse FIC carousel (no YAML output)
-r analyse FIG rates in FIGs per second
-R analyse FIG rates in frames per FIG
-w decode CRC-DABMUX and ODR-DabMux watermark.
-e decode frames with SYNC error and decode FIGs with invalid CRC
-F <type>/<ext>
add FIG type/ext to list of FIGs to display.
if the option is not given, all FIGs are displayed.
You can open the stream-N.dab file in (remark: in case of DAB please rename the .dab to .mp2)
Hint: subchannel N means the (N+1)th subchannel in a mux (including data subchannels!)
This is a contribution from, now developed by Opendigitalradio, and is published under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 or later. See LICENCE for more information.
faadalyse can extract the audio from .dabp files created with ODR-AudioEnc, and is designed to do more in-depth analysis of the AAC encoding using a modified libfaad.
To install:
download and extract faad2-2.7 to a folder of the same name, and configure and compile it. You can patch that faad library to display additional information you need. Do not run make install.
Then run
make -f Makefile.faadalyse