/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada) Copyright (C) 2013, Matthias P. Braendli, http://mpb.li, matthias.braendli@mpb.li */ /* This file is part of CRC-DabMux. CRC-DabMux is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CRC-DabMux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CRC-DabMux. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <cstring> #include "DabMux.h" #include "utils.h" time_t getDabTime() { static time_t oldTime = 0; static int offset = 0; if (oldTime == 0) { oldTime = time(NULL); } else { offset+= 24; if (offset >= 1000) { offset -= 1000; ++oldTime; } } return oldTime; } void header_message() { etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Welcome to %s %s%s, compiled at %s, %s\n\n", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION, GITVERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012\n" "Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada,\n" "(Communications Research Centre Canada) All rights reserved.\n\n" "Copyright (C) 2013\nMatthias P. Braendli, http://mpb.li\n\n"); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Input URLs supported:"); #if defined(HAVE_INPUT_PRBS) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " prbs"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_INPUT_TEST) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " test"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_INPUT_SLIP) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " slip"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_INPUT_UDP) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " udp"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_INPUT_FIFO) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " fifo"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_INPUT_FILE) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " file"); #endif etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "\n"); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Inputs format supported:"); #if defined(HAVE_FORMAT_RAW) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " raw"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_FORMAT_BRIDGE) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " bridge"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_FORMAT_MPEG) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " mpeg"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_FORMAT_PACKET) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " packet"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_FORMAT_DMB) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " dmb"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_FORMAT_EPM) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " epm"); #endif etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "\n"); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Output URLs supported:"); #if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_FILE) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " file"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_FIFO) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " fifo"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_UDP) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " udp"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_TCP) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " tcp"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_RAW) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " raw"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_SIMUL) etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " simul"); #endif etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "\n\n"); } void printUsage(char *name, FILE* out) { fprintf(out, "NAME\n"); fprintf(out, " %s - A software DAB multiplexer\n", name); fprintf(out, "\nSYNOPSYS\n"); fprintf(out, " %s" " [ensemble]" " [subchannel1 subchannel2 ...]" " [service1 component1 [component2 ...] service2 ...]" " [output1 ...]" " [-h]" " [-m mode]" " [-n nbFrames]" " [-o]" " [-s]" " [-V]" " [-z]" "\n", name); fprintf(out, "\n Where ensemble =" " [-i ensembleId]" " [-L label]" " [-l sLabel]" "\n"); fprintf(out, "\n Where subchannel =" " -(A | B | D | E | F | M | P | T) inputName" " [-b bitrate]" " [-i subchannelId]" " [-k]" " [-p protection]" "\n"); fprintf(out, "\n Where service =" " -S" " [-g language]" " [-i serviceId]" " [-L label]" " [-l sLabel]" " [-y PTy]" "\n"); fprintf(out, "\n Where component =" " -C" " [-a address]" " [-d]" " [-f figType]" " [-i subchannelId]" " [-L label]" " [-l sLabel]" " [-t type]" "\n"); fprintf(out, "\nDESCRIPTION\n"); fprintf(out, " %s is a software multiplexer that generates an ETI stream from\n" " audio and data streams. Because of its software based architecture,\n" " many typical DAB services can be generated and multiplexed on a single\n" " PC platform with live or pre-recorded sources.\n" "\n" " A DAB multiplex configuration is composed of one ensemble. An ensemble\n" " is the entity that receivers tune to and process. An ensemble contains\n" " several services. A service is the listener-selectable output. Each\n" " service contains one mandatory service component which is called pri-\n" " mary component. An audio primary component define a program service\n" " while a data primary component define a data service. Service can con-\n" " tain additional components which are called secondary components. Maxi-\n" " mum total number of components is 12 for program services and 11 for\n" " data services. A service component is a link to one subchannel (of Fast\n" " Information Data Channel). A subchannel is the physical space used\n" " within the common interleaved frame.\n" "\n" " __________________________________________________\n" " | CRC-Ensemble | ENSEMBLE\n" " |__________________________________________________|\n" " | | |\n" " | | |\n" " _______V______ _______V______ _______V______\n" " | CRC-Service1 | | CRC-Service2 | | CRC-Service3 | SERVICES\n" " |______________| |______________| |______________|\n" " | | | | |______ |\n" " | | | | | |\n" " __V__ __V__ __V__ __V__ __V__ __V__\n" " | SC1 | | SC2 | | SC3 | | SC4 | | SC5 | | SC6 | SERVICE\n" " |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| COMPONENTS\n" " | | _____| | | ____|\n" " | | | | | |\n" " __V________V__V______________V________V___V_______ COMMON\n" " | SubCh1 | SubCh9 | ... | SubCh3 | SubCh60 | ... | INTERLEAVED\n" " |________|________|_______|________|_________|_____| FRAME\n" " Figure 1: An example of a DAB multiplex configuration\n", name); fprintf(out, "\nGENERAL OPTIONS\n"); fprintf(out, " -h : get this help\n"); fprintf(out, " -m : DAB mode (default: 2)\n"); fprintf(out, " -n nbFrames : number of frames to produce\n"); fprintf(out, " -o : turn on TCP log on port 12222\n"); fprintf(out, " -r : throttle the output rate to one ETI frame every 24ms\n"); fprintf(out, " -V : print version information and " "exit\n"); fprintf(out, " -z : write SCCA field for Factum ETI" " analyzer\n"); fprintf(out, "\nINPUT OPTIONS\n"); fprintf(out, " -A : set audio service\n"); fprintf(out, " -B : set CRC-Bridge data service\n"); fprintf(out, " -D : set data service\n"); fprintf(out, " -E : set enhanced packet service\n"); fprintf(out, " -F : set DAB+ service\n"); fprintf(out, " -M : set DMB service\n"); fprintf(out, " -P : set packet service\n"); fprintf(out, " -T : set test service\n"); fprintf(out, " inputName<n> : name of file for audio and " "packet service and Udp input address for data service " "([address]:port)\n"); fprintf(out, " -a : packet address (default: 0x%x " "(%i))\n", DEFAULT_PACKET_ADDRESS, DEFAULT_PACKET_ADDRESS); fprintf(out, " -b bitrate<n> : bitrate (in kbits/s) of the " "subchannel (default: audio 1st frame, data %i, packet %i)\n", DEFAULT_DATA_BITRATE, DEFAULT_PACKET_BITRATE); fprintf(out, " -c : set the extendend country code ECC " "(default: %u (0x%2x)\n", DEFAULT_ENSEMBLE_ECC, DEFAULT_ENSEMBLE_ECC); fprintf(out, " -d : turn on datagroups in packet " "mode\n"); fprintf(out, " -f figType : user application type in FIG " "0/13 for packet mode\n"); fprintf(out, " -g language : Primary service component " "language: english=9, french=15\n"); fprintf(out, " -i id<n> : service|subchannel|" "serviceComponent id <n> (default: <n>)\n"); fprintf(out, " -k : set non-blocking file input " "(audio and packet only)\n"); fprintf(out, " -L label<n> : label of service <n>" " (default: CRC-Audio<n>)\n"); fprintf(out, " -l sLabel<n> : short label flag of service <n>" " (default: 0xf040)\n"); fprintf(out, " -p protection<n> : protection level (default: 3)\n"); fprintf(out, " -s : enable TIST, synchronized on 1PPS at level 2. This also transmits time using the MNSC.\n"); fprintf(out, " -t type : audio/data service component type" " (default: 0)\n"); fprintf(out, " audio: foreground=0, " "background=1, multi-channel=2\n"); fprintf(out, " data: unspecified=0, TMC=1, " "EWS=2, ITTS=3, paging=4, TDC=5, DMB=24, IP=59, MOT=60, " "proprietary=61\n"); fprintf(out, " -y PTy : Primary service component program" " type international code\n"); fprintf(out, "\nOUTPUT OPTIONS\n"); fprintf(out, " -O output : name of the output in format " "scheme://[address][:port][/name]\n" " where scheme is (raw|udp|tcp|file|fifo|simul)\n" ); } void printUsageConfigfile(char *name, FILE* out) { fprintf(out, "NAME\n"); fprintf(out, " %s - A software DAB multiplexer\n", name); fprintf(out, "\nSYNOPSYS\n"); fprintf(out, " %s configfile\n\n", name); fprintf(out, "See doc/example.config for an example format for the configuration file"); } void printOutputs(vector<dabOutput*>& outputs) { vector<dabOutput*>::const_iterator output; int index = 0; for (output = outputs.begin(); output != outputs.end(); ++output) { etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Output %i\n", index); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " protocol: %s\n", (*output)->outputProto.c_str()); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " name: %s\n", (*output)->outputName.c_str()); ++index; } } void printServices(vector<dabService*>& services) { vector<dabService*>::const_iterator current; int index = 0; for (current = services.begin(); current != services.end(); ++current) { char label[17]; memcpy(label, (*current)->label.text, 16); label[16] = 0; etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Service %i\n", index); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " label: %s\n", label); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " short label: "); for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { if ((*current)->label.flag & 0x8000 >> i) { etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "%c", (*current)->label.text[i]); } } etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " (0x%x)\n", (*current)->label.flag); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " id: 0x%lx (%lu)\n", (*current)->id, (*current)->id); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " pty: 0x%x (%u)\n", (*current)->pty, (*current)->pty); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " language: 0x%x (%u)\n", (*current)->language, (*current)->language); ++index; } } void printComponents(vector<dabComponent*>& components) { vector<dabComponent*>::const_iterator current; unsigned int index = 0; for (current = components.begin(); current != components.end(); ++current) { etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Component %i\n", index); printComponent(*current); ++index; } } void printComponent(dabComponent* component) { char label[17]; memcpy(label, component->label.text, 16); label[16] = 0; if (label[0] == 0) { sprintf(label, "<none>"); } etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " service id: %i\n", component->serviceId); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " subchannel id: %i\n", component->subchId); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " label: %s\n", label); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " short label: "); for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { if (component->label.flag & 0x8000 >> i) { etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "%c", component->label.text[i]); } } etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " (0x%x)\n", component->label.flag); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " service component type: 0x%x (%u)\n", component->type, component->type); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " (packet) id: %u\n", component->packet.id); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " (packet) address: %u\n", component->packet.address); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " (packet) app type: %u\n", component->packet.appType); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " (packet) datagroup: %u\n", component->packet.datagroup); } void printSubchannels(vector<dabSubchannel*>& subchannels) { vector<dabSubchannel*>::iterator subchannel; int index = 0; for (subchannel = subchannels.begin(); subchannel != subchannels.end(); ++subchannel) { dabProtection* protection = &(*subchannel)->protection; etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Subchannel %i\n", index); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " input\n"); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " protocol: %s\n", (*subchannel)->inputProto); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " name: %s\n", (*subchannel)->inputName); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " type: "); switch ((*subchannel)->type) { case 0: etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "audio\n"); break; case 1: etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "data\n"); break; case 2: etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "fidc\n"); break; case 3: etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "packet\n"); break; default: etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Unknown data type " "(service->type)\n"); break; } etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " id: %i\n", (*subchannel)->id); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " bitrate: %i\n", (*subchannel)->bitrate); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " protection: "); if (protection->form == 0) { etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "UEP %i\n", protection->level + 1); } else { etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "EEP %i-%c\n", protection->level + 1, protection->longForm.option == 0 ? 'A' : 'B'); } if (protection->form == 0) { etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " form: short\n switch: %i\n index: %i\n", protection->shortForm.tableSwitch, protection->shortForm.tableIndex); } else { etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " form: long\n option: %i\n level: %i\n", protection->longForm.option, (*subchannel)->protection.level); } etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " SAD: %i\n", (*subchannel)->startAddress); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " size (CU): %i\n", getSizeCu(*subchannel)); ++index; } } void printEnsemble(dabEnsemble* ensemble) { char label[17]; memcpy(label, ensemble->label.text, 16); label[16] = 0; etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "Ensemble\n"); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " id: 0x%lx (%lu)\n", ensemble->id, ensemble->id); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " ecc: 0x%x (%u)\n", ensemble->ecc, ensemble->ecc); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " label: %s\n", label); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " short label: "); for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { if (ensemble->label.flag & 0x8000 >> i) { etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, "%c", ensemble->label.text[i]); } } etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " (0x%x)\n", ensemble->label.flag); etiLog.printHeader(TcpLog::INFO, " mode: %u\n", ensemble->mode); }