/* Copyright (C) 2009 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada) Copyright (C) 2024 Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li http://www.opendigitalradio.org */ /* This file is part of ODR-DabMux. ODR-DabMux is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ODR-DabMux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ODR-DabMux. If not, see . */ #include "input/Edi.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Socket.h" #include "edi/common.hpp" #include "utils.h" using namespace std; namespace Inputs { constexpr size_t TCP_BLOCKSIZE = 2048; Edi::Edi(const std::string& name, const dab_input_edi_config_t& config) : RemoteControllable(name), m_tcp_receive_server(TCP_BLOCKSIZE), m_sti_writer(bind(&Edi::m_new_sti_frame_callback, this, placeholders::_1)), m_sti_decoder(m_sti_writer), m_max_frames_overrun(config.buffer_size), m_num_frames_prebuffering(config.prebuffering), m_name(name), m_stats(name) { constexpr bool VERBOSE = false; m_sti_decoder.set_verbose(VERBOSE); RC_ADD_PARAMETER(buffermanagement, "Set type of buffer management to use [prebuffering, timestamped]"); RC_ADD_PARAMETER(buffer, "Size of the input buffer [24ms frames]"); RC_ADD_PARAMETER(prebuffering, "Min buffer level before streaming starts [24ms frames]"); RC_ADD_PARAMETER(tistdelay, "TIST delay to add [ms]"); } Edi::~Edi() { m_running = false; if (m_thread.joinable()) { m_thread.join(); } } void Edi::open(const std::string& name) { const std::regex re_udp("udp://:([0-9]+)"); const std::regex re_udp_multicast("udp://@([0-9.]+):([0-9]+)"); const std::regex re_udp_multicast_bindto("udp://([0-9.])+@([0-9.]+):([0-9]+)"); const std::regex re_tcp("tcp://(.*):([0-9]+)"); lock_guard lock(m_mutex); m_running = false; if (m_thread.joinable()) { m_thread.join(); } std::smatch m; if (std::regex_match(name, m, re_udp)) { const int udp_port = std::stoi(m[1].str()); m_input_used = InputUsed::UDP; m_udp_sock.reinit(udp_port); m_udp_sock.setBlocking(false); } else if (std::regex_match(name, m, re_udp_multicast_bindto)) { const string bind_to = m[1].str(); const string multicast_address = m[2].str(); const int udp_port = std::stoi(m[3].str()); m_input_used = InputUsed::UDP; if (IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(inet_addr(multicast_address.c_str())))) { m_udp_sock.init_receive_multicast(udp_port, bind_to, multicast_address); } else { throw runtime_error(string("Address ") + multicast_address + " is not a multicast address"); } m_udp_sock.setBlocking(false); } else if (std::regex_match(name, m, re_udp_multicast)) { const string multicast_address = m[1].str(); const int udp_port = std::stoi(m[2].str()); m_input_used = InputUsed::UDP; if (IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(inet_addr(multicast_address.c_str())))) { m_udp_sock.init_receive_multicast(udp_port, "", multicast_address); } else { throw runtime_error(string("Address ") + multicast_address + " is not a multicast address"); } m_udp_sock.setBlocking(false); } else if (std::regex_match(name, m, re_tcp)) { m_input_used = InputUsed::TCP; const string addr = m[1].str(); const int tcp_port = std::stoi(m[2].str()); m_tcp_receive_server.start(tcp_port, addr); } else { throw runtime_error(string("Cannot parse EDI input URI '") + name + "'"); } m_stats.registerAtServer(); m_running = true; m_thread = std::thread(&Edi::m_run, this); } size_t Edi::readFrame(uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) { // Save stats data in bytes, not in frames m_stats.notifyBuffer(m_frames.size() * size); m_stats.notifyTimestampOffset(0); EdiDecoder::sti_frame_t sti; if (m_is_prebuffering) { m_is_prebuffering = m_frames.size() < m_num_frames_prebuffering; if (not m_is_prebuffering) { etiLog.level(info) << "EDI input " << m_name << " pre-buffering complete."; } memset(buffer, 0, size * sizeof(*buffer)); m_stats.notifyUnderrun(); return 0; } else if (not m_pending_sti_frame.frame.empty()) { // Can only happen when switching from timestamp-based buffer management! if (m_pending_sti_frame.frame.size() != size) { if (not m_size_mismatch_printed) { etiLog.level(debug) << "EDI input " << m_name << " size mismatch: " << m_pending_sti_frame.frame.size() << " received, " << size << " requested"; m_size_mismatch_printed = true; } memset(buffer, 0, size * sizeof(*buffer)); m_stats.notifyUnderrun(); return 0; } else { if (not m_pending_sti_frame.version_data.version.empty()) { m_stats.notifyVersion( m_pending_sti_frame.version_data.version, m_pending_sti_frame.version_data.uptime_s); } m_stats.notifyPeakLevels(m_pending_sti_frame.audio_levels.left, m_pending_sti_frame.audio_levels.right); copy(m_pending_sti_frame.frame.begin(), m_pending_sti_frame.frame.end(), buffer); m_pending_sti_frame.frame.clear(); m_size_mismatch_printed = false; return size; } } else if (m_frames.try_pop(sti)) { if (sti.frame.size() == 0) { etiLog.level(debug) << "EDI input " << m_name << " empty frame"; memset(buffer, 0, size * sizeof(*buffer)); m_stats.notifyUnderrun(); return 0; } else if (sti.frame.size() == size) { // Steady-state when everything works well if (m_frames.size() > m_max_frames_overrun) { m_stats.notifyOverrun(); /* If the buffer is too full, we drop as many frames as needed * to get down to the prebuffering size. We would like to have our buffer * filled to the prebuffering length. */ size_t over_max = m_frames.size() - m_num_frames_prebuffering; while (over_max--) { EdiDecoder::sti_frame_t discard; m_frames.try_pop(discard); } } if (not sti.version_data.version.empty()) { m_stats.notifyVersion( sti.version_data.version, sti.version_data.uptime_s); } m_stats.notifyPeakLevels(sti.audio_levels.left, sti.audio_levels.right); copy(sti.frame.cbegin(), sti.frame.cend(), buffer); m_size_mismatch_printed = false; return size; } else { if (not m_size_mismatch_printed) { etiLog.level(debug) << "EDI input " << m_name << " size mismatch: " << sti.frame.size() << " received, " << size << " requested"; m_size_mismatch_printed = true; } memset(buffer, 0, size * sizeof(*buffer)); m_stats.notifyUnderrun(); return 0; } } else { memset(buffer, 0, size * sizeof(*buffer)); m_is_prebuffering = true; etiLog.level(info) << "EDI input " << m_name << " re-enabling pre-buffering"; m_size_mismatch_printed = false; m_stats.notifyUnderrun(); return 0; } } size_t Edi::readFrame(uint8_t *buffer, size_t size, std::time_t seconds, int utco, uint32_t tsta) { if (m_pending_sti_frame.frame.empty()) { m_frames.try_pop(m_pending_sti_frame); } m_stats.notifyBuffer(m_frames.size() * size); if (m_is_prebuffering) { size_t num_discarded_wrong_size = 0; size_t num_discarded_invalid_ts = 0; size_t num_discarded_late = 0; while (not m_pending_sti_frame.frame.empty()) { if (m_pending_sti_frame.frame.size() == size) { if (m_pending_sti_frame.timestamp.is_valid()) { auto ts_req = EdiDecoder::frame_timestamp_t::from_unix_epoch(seconds, utco, tsta); ts_req += m_tist_delay; const double offset = ts_req.diff_s(m_pending_sti_frame.timestamp); m_stats.notifyTimestampOffset(offset); if (offset < 0) { // Too far in the future break; } else if (offset < 24e-3) { // Just right m_is_prebuffering = false; etiLog.level(info) << "EDI input " << m_name << " valid timestamp, pre-buffering complete." << " Wrong size: " << num_discarded_wrong_size << " Invalid TS: " << num_discarded_invalid_ts << " Late: " << num_discarded_late; if (not m_pending_sti_frame.version_data.version.empty()) { m_stats.notifyVersion( m_pending_sti_frame.version_data.version, m_pending_sti_frame.version_data.uptime_s); } m_stats.notifyPeakLevels(m_pending_sti_frame.audio_levels.left, m_pending_sti_frame.audio_levels.right); copy(m_pending_sti_frame.frame.cbegin(), m_pending_sti_frame.frame.cend(), buffer); m_pending_sti_frame.frame.clear(); return size; } else { // Too late num_discarded_late++; } } else { num_discarded_invalid_ts++; } } else { num_discarded_wrong_size++; } m_pending_sti_frame.frame.clear(); m_frames.try_pop(m_pending_sti_frame); } if (num_discarded_wrong_size > 0) { etiLog.level(warn) << "EDI input " << m_name << ": " << num_discarded_wrong_size << " packets with wrong size."; } if (num_discarded_invalid_ts > 0) { etiLog.level(warn) << "EDI input " << m_name << ": " << num_discarded_invalid_ts << " packets with invalid timestamp."; } memset(buffer, 0, size); m_stats.notifyUnderrun(); return 0; } else { if (m_pending_sti_frame.frame.empty()) { etiLog.level(warn) << "EDI input " << m_name << " empty, re-enabling pre-buffering"; memset(buffer, 0, size); m_stats.notifyUnderrun(); m_is_prebuffering = true; return 0; } else if (not m_pending_sti_frame.timestamp.is_valid()) { etiLog.level(warn) << "EDI input " << m_name << " invalid timestamp, ignoring"; memset(buffer, 0, size); m_pending_sti_frame.frame.clear(); m_stats.notifyUnderrun(); return 0; } else { auto ts_req = EdiDecoder::frame_timestamp_t::from_unix_epoch(seconds, utco, tsta); ts_req += m_tist_delay; const double offset = m_pending_sti_frame.timestamp.diff_s(ts_req); m_stats.notifyTimestampOffset(offset); if (-24e-3 < offset and offset <= 0) { if (not m_pending_sti_frame.version_data.version.empty()) { m_stats.notifyVersion( m_pending_sti_frame.version_data.version, m_pending_sti_frame.version_data.uptime_s); } m_stats.notifyPeakLevels(m_pending_sti_frame.audio_levels.left, m_pending_sti_frame.audio_levels.right); copy(m_pending_sti_frame.frame.cbegin(), m_pending_sti_frame.frame.cend(), buffer); m_pending_sti_frame.frame.clear(); return size; } else { m_stats.notifyUnderrun(); m_is_prebuffering = true; m_pending_sti_frame.frame.clear(); etiLog.level(warn) << "EDI input " << m_name << " timestamp out of bounds, re-enabling pre-buffering"; memset(buffer, 0, size); return 0; } } } } void Edi::m_run() { while (m_running) { try { switch (m_input_used) { case InputUsed::UDP: { constexpr size_t packsize = 2048; auto packet = m_udp_sock.receive(packsize); if (packet.buffer.size() == packsize) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning, possible UDP truncation\n"); } if (not packet.buffer.empty()) { EdiDecoder::Packet p(move(packet.buffer)); m_sti_decoder.push_packet(p); } else { this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(12)); } } break; case InputUsed::TCP: { auto message = m_tcp_receive_server.receive(); if (auto data = dynamic_pointer_cast(message)) { m_sti_decoder.push_bytes(data->data); } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast(message)) { etiLog.level(info) << "EDI input " << m_name << " disconnected"; m_sti_decoder.push_bytes({}); // Push an empty frame to clear the internal state } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast(message)) { this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(12)); } else { throw logic_error("unimplemented TCPReceiveMessage type"); } } break; default: throw logic_error("unimplemented input"); } } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { etiLog.level(warn) << "EDI input " << m_name << " exception: " << e.what(); m_sti_decoder.push_bytes({}); // Push an empty frame to clear the internal state this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(8)); } catch (const runtime_error& e) { etiLog.level(warn) << "EDI input " << m_name << " exception: " << e.what(); m_sti_decoder.push_bytes({}); // Push an empty frame to clear the internal state this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(8)); } } } void Edi::m_new_sti_frame_callback(EdiDecoder::sti_frame_t&& sti) { if (not sti.frame.empty()) { // We should not wait here, because we want the complete input buffering // happening inside m_frames. Using the blocking function is only a protection // against runaway memory usage if something goes wrong in the consumer. m_frames.push_wait_if_full(move(sti), m_max_frames_overrun * 2); } } int Edi::setBitrate(int bitrate) { if (bitrate <= 0) { throw invalid_argument("Invalid bitrate " + to_string(bitrate) + " for " + m_name); } return bitrate; } void Edi::close() { m_udp_sock.close(); } void Edi::set_parameter(const std::string& parameter, const std::string& value) { if (parameter == "buffer") { size_t new_limit = atol(value.c_str()); m_max_frames_overrun = new_limit; } else if (parameter == "prebuffering") { size_t new_limit = atol(value.c_str()); m_num_frames_prebuffering = new_limit; } else if (parameter == "buffermanagement") { if (value == "prebuffering") { setBufferManagement(Inputs::BufferManagement::Prebuffering); } else if (value == "timestamped") { setBufferManagement(Inputs::BufferManagement::Timestamped); } else { throw ParameterError("Invalid value for '" + parameter + "' in controllable " + get_rc_name()); } } else if (parameter == "tistdelay") { m_tist_delay = chrono::milliseconds(stoi(value)); } else { throw ParameterError("Parameter '" + parameter + "' is not exported by controllable " + get_rc_name()); } } const std::string Edi::get_parameter(const std::string& parameter) const { stringstream ss; if (parameter == "buffer") { ss << m_max_frames_overrun; } else if (parameter == "prebuffering") { ss << m_num_frames_prebuffering; } else if (parameter == "buffermanagement") { switch (getBufferManagement()) { case Inputs::BufferManagement::Prebuffering: ss << "prebuffering"; break; case Inputs::BufferManagement::Timestamped: ss << "timestamped"; break; } } else if (parameter == "tistdelay") { ss << m_tist_delay.count(); } else { throw ParameterError("Parameter '" + parameter + "' is not exported by controllable " + get_rc_name()); } return ss.str(); } const json::map_t Edi::get_all_values() const { json::map_t map; map["buffer"].v = m_max_frames_overrun; map["prebuffering"].v = m_num_frames_prebuffering; switch (getBufferManagement()) { case Inputs::BufferManagement::Prebuffering: map["buffermanagement"].v = "prebuffering"; break; case Inputs::BufferManagement::Timestamped: map["buffermanagement"].v = "timestamped"; break; } map["tistdelay"].v = m_tist_delay.count(); return map; } }