/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada) Copyright (C) 2015 Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li Implementation of the FIG carousel to schedule the FIGs into the FIBs. */ /* This file is part of ODR-DabMux. ODR-DabMux is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ODR-DabMux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ODR-DabMux. If not, see . */ #include "fig/FIGCarousel.h" #include void FIGCarouselElement::reduce_deadline() { deadline -= rate_increment_ms(fig->repetition_rate()); if (deadline < 0) { std::cerr << "FIG " << fig->name() << "has negative scheduling deadline" << std::endl; } } FIGCarousel::FIGCarousel(boost::shared_ptr ensemble) : m_fig0_0(&m_rti), m_fig0_1(&m_rti), m_fig0_2(&m_rti) { m_rti.ensemble = ensemble; m_rti.currentFrame = 0; m_figs_available[std::make_pair(0, 0)] = &m_fig0_0; m_figs_available[std::make_pair(0, 1)] = &m_fig0_1; m_figs_available[std::make_pair(0, 2)] = &m_fig0_2; allocate_fig_to_fib(0, 0, 0); allocate_fig_to_fib(0, 1, 0); allocate_fig_to_fib(0, 2, 0); } void FIGCarousel::set_currentFrame(unsigned long currentFrame) { m_rti.currentFrame = currentFrame; } void FIGCarousel::allocate_fig_to_fib(int figtype, int extension, int fib) { if (fib < 0 or fib >= 3) { throw std::out_of_range("Invalid FIB"); } auto fig = m_figs_available.find(std::make_pair(figtype, extension)); if (fig != m_figs_available.end()) { FIGCarouselElement el; el.fig = fig->second; el.deadline = 0; m_fibs[fib].push_back(el); } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "No FIG " << figtype << "/" << extension << " available"; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } } void FIGCarousel::fib0(int framephase) { std::list figs = m_fibs[0]; std::vector sorted_figs; /* Decrement all deadlines according to the desired repetition rate */ for (auto& fig_el : figs) { fig_el.reduce_deadline(); sorted_figs.push_back(fig_el); } /* Sort the FIGs in the FIB according to their deadline */ std::sort(sorted_figs.begin(), sorted_figs.end(), []( const FIGCarouselElement& left, const FIGCarouselElement& right) { return left.deadline < right.deadline; }); /* Data structure to carry FIB */ const size_t fib_size = 30; uint8_t fib_data[fib_size]; uint8_t *fib_data_current = fib_data; size_t available_size = fib_size; /* Take special care for FIG0/0 */ auto fig0_0 = find_if(sorted_figs.begin(), sorted_figs.end(), [](const FIGCarouselElement& f) { return f.fig->repetition_rate() == FIG_rate::FIG0_0; }); if (fig0_0 != sorted_figs.end()) { sorted_figs.erase(fig0_0); if (framephase == 0) { // TODO check for all TM size_t written = fig0_0->fig->fill(fib_data_current, available_size); if (written > 0) { available_size -= written; fib_data_current += written; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to write FIG0/0"); } } } /* Fill the FIB with the FIGs, taking the earliest deadline first */ while (available_size > 0 and not sorted_figs.empty()) { auto fig_el = sorted_figs.begin(); size_t written = fig_el->fig->fill(fib_data_current, available_size); if (written > 0) { available_size -= written; fib_data_current += written; } sorted_figs.erase(fig_el); } } #if 0 void fib0 { switch (insertFIG) { case 0: case 4: case 8: case 12: // FIG type 0/0, Multiplex Configuration Info (MCI), // Ensemble information // ERASED break; case 1: case 6: case 10: case 13: // FIG type 0/1, MIC, Sub-Channel Organization, // one instance of the part for each subchannel // ERASED break; case 2: case 9: case 11: case 14: // FIG type 0/2, MCI, Service Organization, one instance of // FIGtype0_2_Service for each subchannel // ERASED break; case 3: // FIG type 0/2 for Data // ERASED break; case 5: fig0_3_header = NULL; for (component = ensemble->components.begin(); component != ensemble->components.end(); ++component) { subchannel = getSubchannel(ensemble->subchannels, (*component)->subchId); if (subchannel == ensemble->subchannels.end()) { etiLog.log(error, "Subchannel %i does not exist for component " "of service %i\n", (*component)->subchId, (*component)->serviceId); throw MuxInitException(); } if ((*subchannel)->type != Packet) continue; if (fig0_3_header == NULL) { fig0_3_header = (FIGtype0_3_header*)&etiFrame[index]; fig0_3_header->FIGtypeNumber = 0; fig0_3_header->Length = 1; fig0_3_header->CN = 0; fig0_3_header->OE = 0; fig0_3_header->PD = 0; fig0_3_header->Extension = 3; index += 2; figSize += 2; } bool factumAnalyzer = m_pt.get("general.writescca", false); /* Warning: When bit SCCA_flag is unset(0), the multiplexer * R&S does not send the SCCA field. But, in the Factum ETI * analyzer, if this field is not there, it is an error. */ fig0_3_data = (FIGtype0_3_data*)&etiFrame[index]; fig0_3_data->setSCId((*component)->packet.id); fig0_3_data->rfa = 0; fig0_3_data->SCCA_flag = 0; // if 0, datagroups are used fig0_3_data->DG_flag = !(*component)->packet.datagroup; fig0_3_data->rfu = 0; fig0_3_data->DSCTy = (*component)->type; fig0_3_data->SubChId = (*subchannel)->id; fig0_3_data->setPacketAddress((*component)->packet.address); if (factumAnalyzer) { fig0_3_data->SCCA = 0; } fig0_3_header->Length += 5; index += 5; figSize += 5; if (factumAnalyzer) { fig0_3_header->Length += 2; index += 2; figSize += 2; } if (figSize > 30) { etiLog.log(error, "can't add to Fic Fig 0/3, " "too much packet service\n"); throw MuxInitException(); } } break; case 7: fig0 = NULL; if (serviceFIG0_17 == ensemble->services.end()) { serviceFIG0_17 = ensemble->services.begin(); } for (; serviceFIG0_17 != ensemble->services.end(); ++serviceFIG0_17) { if ( (*serviceFIG0_17)->pty == 0 && (*serviceFIG0_17)->language == 0) { continue; } if (fig0 == NULL) { fig0 = (FIGtype0*)&etiFrame[index]; fig0->FIGtypeNumber = 0; fig0->Length = 1; fig0->CN = 0; fig0->OE = 0; fig0->PD = 0; fig0->Extension = 17; index += 2; figSize += 2; } if ((*serviceFIG0_17)->language == 0) { if (figSize + 4 > 30) { break; } } else { if (figSize + 5 > 30) { break; } } programme = (FIGtype0_17_programme*)&etiFrame[index]; programme->SId = htons((*serviceFIG0_17)->id); programme->SD = 1; programme->PS = 0; programme->L = (*serviceFIG0_17)->language != 0; programme->CC = 0; programme->Rfa = 0; programme->NFC = 0; if ((*serviceFIG0_17)->language == 0) { etiFrame[index + 3] = (*serviceFIG0_17)->pty; fig0->Length += 4; index += 4; figSize += 4; } else { etiFrame[index + 3] = (*serviceFIG0_17)->language; etiFrame[index + 4] = (*serviceFIG0_17)->pty; fig0->Length += 5; index += 5; figSize += 5; } } break; } } #endif