/* Copyright (C) 2009 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada) */ /* This file is part of CRC-DabMux. CRC-DabMux is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CRC-DabMux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CRC-DabMux. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "dabInputFifo.h" #include "dabInputPacketFile.h" #include "dabInput.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #ifdef HAVE_FORMAT_PACKET # ifdef HAVE_INPUT_FIFO int dabInputFifoData::nb = 0; struct dabInputOperations dabInputFifoOperations = { dabInputFifoInit, dabInputFifoOpen, dabInputFifoSetbuf, dabInputFifoRead, dabInputFifoLock, dabInputFifoUnlock, dabInputPacketFileRead, dabInputSetbitrate, dabInputFifoClose, dabInputFifoClean, dabInputFifoRewind }; int dabInputFifoInit(void** args) { dabInputFifoData* data = new dabInputFifoData; memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data)); data->stats.id = dabInputFifoData::nb++; data->maxSize = 0; data->curSize = 0; data->head = 0; data->tail = 0; data->buffer = NULL; data->packetData = NULL; data->enhancedPacketData = NULL; data->packetLength = 0; data->enhancedPacketLength = 0; data->enhancedPacketWaiting = 0; data->full = false; data->running = true; data->thread = (pthread_t)NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 char semName[32]; sprintf(semName, "semInfo%i", data->stats.id); data->semInfo = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 1, semName); if (data->semInfo == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't init FIFO data semaphore %s\n", semName); return -1; } sprintf(semName, "semBuffer%i", data->stats.id); data->semBuffer = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 1, semName); if (data->semBuffer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't init FIFO buffer semaphore %s\n", semName); return -1; } sprintf(semName, "semFull%i", data->stats.id); data->semFull = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 1, semName); if (data->semFull == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't init FIFO semaphore %s\n", semName); return -1; } #else if (sem_init(&data->semInfo, 0, 1) == -1) { perror("Can't init FIFO data semaphore"); return -1; } if (sem_init(&data->semBuffer, 0, 0) == -1) { perror("Can't init fIFO buffer semaphore"); return -1; } if (sem_init(&data->semFull, 0, 0) == -1) { perror("Can't init FIFO semaphore"); return -1; } #endif if (data->maxSize > 0) { #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semBuffer, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semBuffer); #endif } *args = data; return 0; } int dabInputFifoOpen(void* args, const char* filename) { dabInputFifoData* data = (dabInputFifoData*)args; data->file = open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY | O_NONBLOCK); if (data->file == -1) { perror(filename); return -1; } #ifdef _WIN32 #else int flags = fcntl(data->file, F_GETFL); if (flags == -1) { perror(filename); return -1; } if (fcntl(data->file, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { perror(filename); return -1; } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 data->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)dabInputFifoThread, data, 0, NULL); if (data->thread == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create FIFO child\n"); return -1; } #else if (pthread_create(&data->thread, NULL, dabInputFifoThread, data)) { perror("Can't create FIFO child"); return -1; } #endif return 0; } int dabInputFifoSetbuf(void* args, int size) { dabInputFifoData* data = (dabInputFifoData*)args; if (data->maxSize > 0) { #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semBuffer, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semBuffer); #endif } if (data->buffer != NULL) { delete data->buffer; } if (size == 0) { size = 1024; } data->buffer = new unsigned char[size * 16]; data->maxSize = size * 16; #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semBuffer, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semBuffer); #endif return 0; } int dabInputFifoRead(void* args, void* buffer, int size) { //fprintf(stderr, "INFO: read %i bytes\n", size); dabInputFifoData* data = (dabInputFifoData*)args; dabInputFifoStats* stats = &data->stats; int head; int tail; int curSize; int maxSize; #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semInfo, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semInfo); #endif head = data->head; tail = data->tail; curSize = data->curSize; maxSize = data->maxSize; #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semInfo, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semInfo); #endif //fprintf(stderr, "head: %i, tail: %i, curSize: %i\n", head, tail, curSize); if (size > curSize) { if (curSize == 0) { stats->empty = true; } else { etiLog.print(TcpLog::WARNING, "Not enough data in FIFO buffer: (%i) %i/%i\n", data->stats.id, curSize, size); } return 0; } if (head > tail) { memcpy(buffer, data->buffer + tail, size); #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semInfo, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semInfo); #endif data->tail += size; data->curSize -= size; #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semInfo, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semInfo); #endif return size; } else { if (maxSize - tail >= size) { memcpy(buffer, data->buffer + tail, size); #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semInfo, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semInfo); #endif data->tail += size; data->curSize -= size; #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semInfo, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semInfo); #endif return size; } else { memcpy(buffer, data->buffer + tail, maxSize - tail); #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semInfo, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semInfo); #endif data->tail = 0; data->curSize -= maxSize - tail; #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semInfo, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semInfo); #endif return maxSize - tail + dabInputFifoRead(data, (char*)buffer + maxSize - tail, size - (maxSize - tail)); } } return -1; } int dabInputFifoLock(void* args) { dabInputFifoData* data = (dabInputFifoData*)args; dabInputFifoStats* stats = &data->stats; int maxSize; int curSize; #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semInfo, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semInfo); #endif maxSize = data->maxSize; curSize = data->curSize; #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semInfo, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semInfo); #endif stats->bufferRecords[stats->bufferCount].curSize = curSize; stats->bufferRecords[stats->bufferCount].maxSize = maxSize; if (++stats->bufferCount == NB_RECORDS) { etiLog.print(TcpLog::INFO, "FIFO buffer state: (%i)", stats->id); for (int i = 0; i < stats->bufferCount; ++i) { etiLog.print(TcpLog::INFO, " %i/%i", stats->bufferRecords[i].curSize, stats->bufferRecords[i].maxSize); } etiLog.print(TcpLog::INFO, "\n"); if (stats->full) { etiLog.print(TcpLog::WARNING, "FIFO buffer full: (%i)\n", data->stats.id); stats->full = false; } if (stats->empty) { etiLog.print(TcpLog::WARNING, "FIFO buffer empty: (%i)\n", data->stats.id); stats->empty = false; } if (stats->error) { etiLog.print(TcpLog::ERR, "FIFO input read error: (%i)\n", data->stats.id); stats->error = false; } if (stats->input) { etiLog.print(TcpLog::ERR, "FIFO input not connected: (%i)\n", data->stats.id); stats->input = false; } stats->bufferCount = 0; } return 0; } int dabInputFifoUnlock(void* args) { dabInputFifoData* data = (dabInputFifoData*)args; if (data->full) { #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semFull, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semFull); #endif } return 0; } int dabInputFifoClose(void* args) { dabInputFifoData* data = (dabInputFifoData*)args; close(data->file); return 0; } int dabInputFifoClean(void** args) { dabInputFifoData* data = (dabInputFifoData*)*args; data->running = false; etiLog.print(TcpLog::DBG, "Wait FIFO child...\n"); #ifdef WIN32 DWORD status; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { if (GetExitCodeThread(data->thread, &status)) { break; } Sleep(100); } TerminateThread(data->thread, 1); if (CloseHandle(data->thread) == 0) { etiLog.print(TcpLog::DBG, "ERROR: Failed to close FIFO child thread\n"); } #else if (data->thread != (pthread_t)NULL) { if (pthread_join(data->thread, NULL)) { etiLog.print(TcpLog::DBG, "ERROR: FIFO child thread had not exit normally\n"); } } #endif etiLog.print(TcpLog::DBG, "Done\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 CloseHandle(data->semInfo); CloseHandle(data->semFull); CloseHandle(data->semBuffer); #else sem_destroy(&data->semInfo); sem_destroy(&data->semFull); sem_destroy(&data->semBuffer); #endif if (data->packetData != NULL) { delete[] data->packetData; } if (data->enhancedPacketData != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { if (data->enhancedPacketData[i] != NULL) { delete[] data->enhancedPacketData[i]; } } delete[] data->enhancedPacketData; } delete data->buffer; delete data; return 0; } int dabInputFifoRewind(void* args) { return -1; } void* dabInputFifoThread(void* args) { dabInputFifoData* data = (dabInputFifoData*)args; int head; int tail; int curSize; int maxSize; int ret; while (data->running) { #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semBuffer, INFINITE); WaitForSingleObject(data->semInfo, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semBuffer); sem_wait(&data->semInfo); #endif head = data->head; tail = data->tail; curSize = data->curSize; maxSize = data->maxSize; #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semInfo, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semInfo); #endif //fprintf(stderr, "thread, head: %i, tail: %i, curSize: %i\n", head, tail, curSize); if (curSize == maxSize) { data->stats.full = true; data->full = true; #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semFull, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semFull); #endif } else if (head >= tail) { // 2 blocks ret = read(data->file, data->buffer + head, maxSize - head); if (ret == 0) { data->stats.input = true; data->full = true; #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semFull, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semFull); #endif } else if (ret == -1) { data->stats.error = true; } else { #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semInfo, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semInfo); #endif data->head += ret; data->curSize += ret; if (data->head == maxSize) { data->head = 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semInfo, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semInfo); #endif } } else { // 1 block ret = read(data->file, data->buffer + head, tail - head); if (ret == 0) { data->stats.input = true; data->full = true; #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semFull, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semFull); #endif } else if (ret == -1) { data->stats.error = true; } else { #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(data->semInfo, INFINITE); #else sem_wait(&data->semInfo); #endif data->head += ret; data->curSize += ret; if (data->head == maxSize) { data->head = 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semInfo, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semInfo); #endif } } #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseSemaphore(data->semBuffer, 1, NULL); #else sem_post(&data->semBuffer); #endif } return NULL; } # endif #endif