   Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
   2011, 2012 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Communications
   Research Center Canada)

   Copyright (C) 2014
   Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li
   This file is part of ODR-DabMux.

   ODR-DabMux is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   ODR-DabMux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with ODR-DabMux.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#   include "config.h"

#define EDI_DEBUG 0
#define EDI_DUMP 1
#define EDI_PFT 1

#include <cstdio>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>

// for basename
#include <libgen.h>

#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>

#ifdef _WIN32
#   include <time.h>
#   include <process.h>
#   include <io.h>
#   include <conio.h>
#   include <winsock2.h> // For types...
typedef u_char uint8_t;
typedef WORD uint16_t;
typedef DWORD32 uint32_t;

#   ifndef __MINGW32__
#       include "xgetopt.h"
#   endif
#   define read _read
#   define snprintf _snprintf 
#   define sleep(a) Sleep((a) * 1000)
#   include <netinet/in.h>
#   include <unistd.h>
#   include <sys/time.h>
#   include <sys/wait.h>
#   include <sys/socket.h>
#   include <sys/ioctl.h>
#   include <sys/times.h>
#   include <sys/resource.h>

#   include <net/if_packet.h>

#include <time.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#   pragma warning ( disable : 4103 )
#   include "Eti.h"
#   pragma warning ( default : 4103 )
#   include "Eti.h"

#include "dabInputFile.h"
#include "dabInputFifo.h"
#include "dabInputMpegFile.h"
#include "dabInputMpegFifo.h"
#include "dabInputDabplusFile.h"
#include "dabInputDabplusFifo.h"
#include "dabInputPacketFile.h"
#include "dabInputEnhancedPacketFile.h"
#include "dabInputEnhancedFifo.h"
#include "dabInputUdp.h"
#include "dabInputBridgeUdp.h"
#include "dabInputSlip.h"
#include "dabInputTest.h"
#include "dabInputPrbs.h"
#include "dabInputRawFile.h"
#include "dabInputRawFifo.h"
#include "dabInputDmbFile.h"
#include "dabInputDmbUdp.h"

#include "dabOutput/dabOutput.h"
#include "dabOutput/edi/TagItems.h"
#include "dabOutput/edi/TagPacket.h"
#include "dabOutput/edi/AFPacket.h"
#include "dabOutput/edi/PFT.h"
#include "crc.h"
#include "UdpSocket.h"
#include "InetAddress.h"
#include "dabUtils.h"
#include "PcDebug.h"
#include "DabMux.h"
#include "MuxElements.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "ParserCmdline.h"
#include "ParserConfigfile.h"
#include "StatsServer.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "RemoteControl.h"

using namespace std;

/* Global stats server */
StatsServer* global_stats;

class MuxInitException : public exception
        MuxInitException(const string m = "DABMUX initialisation error") throw()
            : msg(m) {}
        ~MuxInitException(void) throw() {}
        const char* what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); }
        string msg;

static unsigned char Padding_FIB[] = {
    0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

const unsigned char ProtectionLevelTable[64] = {
    4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2,
    1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3,
    2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
    4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2,
    1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3,
    2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
    4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2,
    1, 0, 4, 3, 1, 4, 2, 0

const unsigned short BitRateTable[64] = {
    32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 48, 48, 48,
    48, 48, 56, 56, 56, 56, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80,
    96, 96, 96, 96, 96, 112, 112, 112,
    112, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 160, 160,
    160, 160, 160, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,
    224, 224, 224, 224, 224, 256, 256, 256,
    256, 256, 320, 320, 320, 384, 384, 384

bool running = true;

void signalHandler(int signum)
#ifdef _WIN32
    etiLog.log(debug, "\npid: %i\n", _getpid());
    etiLog.log(debug, "\npid: %i, ppid: %i\n", getpid(), getppid());
    etiLog.log(debug, "Signal handler called with signal ");
    switch (signum) {
#ifndef _WIN32
    case SIGHUP:
        etiLog.log(debug, "SIGHUP\n");
    case SIGQUIT:
        etiLog.log(debug, "SIGQUIT\n");
    case SIGPIPE:
        etiLog.log(debug, "SIGPIPE\n");
    case SIGINT:
        etiLog.log(debug, "SIGINT\n");
    case SIGTERM:
        etiLog.log(debug, "SIGTERM\n");
        etiLog.log(debug, "Exiting software\n");
        etiLog.log(debug, "number %i\n", signum);
#ifndef _WIN32
    killpg(0, SIGPIPE);
    running = false;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


    /*    for (int signum = 1; signum < 16; ++signum) {
          signal(signum, signalHandler);
#ifndef _WIN32
    signal(SIGHUP, signalHandler);
    signal(SIGQUIT, signalHandler);
    signal(SIGINT, signalHandler);
    signal(SIGTERM, signalHandler);
    //signal(SIGPIPE, signalHandler);

#ifdef _WIN32
    if (SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST) == 0) {
        etiLog.log(warn, "Can't increase priority: %s\n",
    if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -20) == -1) {
        etiLog.log(warn, "Can't increase priority: %s\n",
    /*sched_param scheduler;
      scheduler.sched_priority = 99;        // sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_RR)
      if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR, &scheduler) == -1) {
      etiLog.log(warn, "Can't increased priority: %s\n",

    uint8_t watermarkData[128];
    size_t watermarkSize = 0;
    size_t watermarkPos = 0;
        uint8_t buffer[sizeof(watermarkData) / 2];
        snprintf((char*)buffer, sizeof(buffer),
                "%s %s, compiled at %s, %s",
                PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__);
        memset(watermarkData, 0, sizeof(watermarkData));
        watermarkData[0] = 0x55; // Sync
        watermarkData[1] = 0x55;
        watermarkSize = 16;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < strlen((char*)buffer); ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
                uint8_t bit = (buffer[watermarkPos >> 3] >> (7 - (watermarkPos & 0x07))) & 1;
                watermarkData[watermarkSize >> 3] |= bit << (7 - (watermarkSize & 0x07));
                bit = 1;
                watermarkData[watermarkSize >> 3] |= bit << (7 - (watermarkSize & 0x07));
    watermarkPos = 0;

    dabEnsemble* ensemble = new dabEnsemble;
    ensemble->mode = DEFAULT_DAB_MODE;
    ensemble->id = DEFAULT_ENSEMBLE_ID;
    ensemble->ecc = DEFAULT_ENSEMBLE_ECC;

    vector<dabOutput*> outputs;
    vector<DabService*>::iterator service = ensemble->services.end();
    vector<DabService*>::iterator serviceProgFIG0_2;
    vector<DabService*>::iterator serviceDataFIG0_2;
    vector<DabService*>::iterator serviceFIG0_17;
    vector<DabComponent*>::iterator component = ensemble->components.end();
    vector<DabComponent*>::iterator componentProgFIG0_8;
    vector<DabComponent*>::iterator componentFIG0_13;
    bool  transmitFIG0_13programme = false; // Alternate between programme and data
    vector<DabComponent*>::iterator componentDataFIG0_8;
    vector<dabSubchannel*>::iterator subchannel = ensemble->subchannels.end();
    vector<dabSubchannel*>::iterator subchannelFIG0_1;
    vector<dabOutput*>::iterator output;
    dabProtection* protection = NULL;

    BaseRemoteController* rc = NULL;

    unsigned long currentFrame;
    int returnCode = 0;
    int result;
    int cur;
    unsigned char etiFrame[6144];
    unsigned short index = 0;
    // FIC Length, DAB Mode I, II, IV -> FICL = 24, DAB Mode III -> FICL = 32
    unsigned FICL  = (ensemble->mode == 3 ? 32 : 24);

    uint32_t sync = 0x49C5F8;
    unsigned short FLtmp = 0;
    unsigned short nbBytesCRC = 0;
    unsigned short CRCtmp = 0xFFFF;
    unsigned short MSTsize = 0;

    unsigned int insertFIG = 0;
    unsigned int rotateFIB = 0;

    bool factumAnalyzer = false;
    unsigned long limit = 0;
    time_t date;
    bool enableTist = false;
    unsigned timestamp = 0;

    int statsserverport = 0;

    struct timeval mnsc_time;

    /* TODO: 
     * In a SFN, when reconfiguring the ensemble, the multiplexer
     * has to be restarted (odr-dabmux doesn't support reconfiguration).
     * Ideally, we must be able to restart transmission s.t. the receiver
     * synchronisation is preserved.
    gettimeofday(&mnsc_time, NULL);

    bool MNSC_increment_time = false;

    try {
        if (argc > 1 && strncmp(argv[1], "-e", 2) == 0) { // use external config file
            try {

                if (argc != 3) {
                    printUsage(argv[0], stderr);
                    throw MuxInitException();

                string conf_file = argv[2];

                parse_configfile(conf_file, outputs, ensemble, &enableTist, &FICL,
                        &factumAnalyzer, &limit, &rc, &statsserverport);

            catch (runtime_error &e) {
                etiLog.log(error, "Configuration file parsing error: %s\n",
                throw MuxInitException();
        else {
            if (!parse_cmdline(argv, argc, outputs, ensemble, &enableTist, &FICL,
                        &factumAnalyzer, &limit)) {
                throw MuxInitException();

        if (statsserverport != 0) {
            global_stats = new StatsServer(statsserverport);
        else {
            global_stats = new StatsServer();

        if (rc) {

        etiLog.level(info) <<
                PACKAGE_NAME << " " <<
#if defined(GITVERSION)
                GITVERSION <<
                PACKAGE_VERSION <<
                " starting up";

        if (outputs.size() == 0) {
            etiLog.log(emerg, "no output defined");
            throw MuxInitException();

        // Check and adjust subchannels
            set<unsigned char> ids;
            for (subchannel = ensemble->subchannels.begin();
                    subchannel != ensemble->subchannels.end();
                    ++subchannel) {
                if (ids.find((*subchannel)->id) != ids.end()) {
                            "Subchannel %u is set more than once!\n",
                    returnCode = -1;
                    throw MuxInitException();

        // Check and adjust services and components
            set<uint32_t> ids;
            for (service = ensemble->services.begin();
                    service != ensemble->services.end();
                    ++service) {
                if (ids.find((*service)->id) != ids.end()) {
                            "Service id 0x%x (%u) is set more than once!\n",
                            (*service)->id, (*service)->id);
                    returnCode = -1;
                    throw MuxInitException();

                // Get first component of this service
                component = getComponent(ensemble->components, (*service)->id);
                if (component == ensemble->components.end()) {
                            "Service id 0x%x (%u) includes no component!\n",
                            (*service)->id, (*service)->id);
                    returnCode = -1;
                    throw MuxInitException();

                // Adjust service type from this first component
                switch ((*service)->getType(ensemble)) {
                case 0: // Audio
                    (*service)->program = true;
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                    (*service)->program = false;
                            "Error, unknown service type: %u\n", (*service)->getType(ensemble));
                    returnCode = -1;
                    throw MuxInitException();

                // Adjust components type for DAB+
                while (component != ensemble->components.end()) {
                    subchannel =
                        getSubchannel(ensemble->subchannels, (*component)->subchId);
                    if (subchannel == ensemble->subchannels.end()) {
                        etiLog.log(error, "Error, service %u component "
                                "links to the invalid subchannel %u\n",
                                (*component)->serviceId, (*component)->subchId);
                        returnCode = -1;
                        throw MuxInitException();

                    protection = &(*subchannel)->protection;
                    switch ((*subchannel)->type) {
                    case Audio:
                            if (protection->form != 0) {
                                (*component)->type = 0x3f;  // DAB+
                    case DataDmb:
                    case Fidc:
                    case Packet:
                                "Error, unknown subchannel type\n");
                        returnCode = -1;
                        throw MuxInitException();
                    component = getComponent(ensemble->components,
                            (*service)->id, component);

        for (output = outputs.begin(); output != outputs.end() ; ++output) {
#if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_FILE)
            if ((*output)->outputProto == "file") {
                (*output)->output = new DabOutputFile();
#else // !defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_FILE)
            if (0) {
#endif // defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_FILE)
#if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_FIFO)
            } else if ((*output)->outputProto == "fifo") {
                (*output)->output = new DabOutputFifo();
#endif // !defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_FIFO)
#if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_RAW)
            } else if ((*output)->outputProto == "raw") {
                (*output)->output = new DabOutputRaw();
#endif // defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_RAW)
#if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_UDP)
            } else if ((*output)->outputProto == "udp") {
                (*output)->output = new DabOutputUdp();
#endif // defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_UDP)
#if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_TCP)
            } else if ((*output)->outputProto == "tcp") {
                (*output)->output = new DabOutputTcp();
#endif // defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_TCP)
#if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_SIMUL)
            } else if ((*output)->outputProto == "simul") {
                (*output)->output = new DabOutputSimul();
#endif // defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_SIMUL)
            } else if ((*output)->outputProto == "zmq+tcp") {
                (*output)->output = new DabOutputZMQ("tcp");
            } else if ((*output)->outputProto == "zmq+ipc") {
                (*output)->output = new DabOutputZMQ("ipc");
            } else if ((*output)->outputProto == "zmq+pgm") {
                (*output)->output = new DabOutputZMQ("pgm");
            } else if ((*output)->outputProto == "zmq+epgm") {
                (*output)->output = new DabOutputZMQ("epgm");
#endif // defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_ZEROMQ)
            } else {
                etiLog.log(error, "Output protcol unknown: %s\n",
                throw MuxInitException();

            if ((*output)->output == NULL) {
                etiLog.log(error, "Unable to init output %s://%s\n",
                        (*output)->outputProto.c_str(), (*output)->outputName.c_str());
                return -1;
            if ((*output)->output->Open((*output)->outputName)
                    == -1) {
                etiLog.log(error, "Unable to open output %s://%s\n",
                        (*output)->outputProto.c_str(), (*output)->outputName.c_str());
                return -1;

        // Prepare and check the data inputs
        for (subchannel = ensemble->subchannels.begin();
                subchannel != ensemble->subchannels.end();
                ++subchannel) {
            protection = &(*subchannel)->protection;
            if (subchannel == ensemble->subchannels.begin()) {
                (*subchannel)->startAddress = 0;
            } else {
                (*subchannel)->startAddress = (*(subchannel - 1))->startAddress +
                    getSizeCu(*(subchannel - 1));
            if ((*subchannel)->input->open((*subchannel)->inputName) == -1) {
                returnCode = -1;
                throw MuxInitException();

            // TODO Check errors
            result = (*subchannel)->input->setBitrate( (*subchannel)->bitrate);
            if (result <= 0) {
                etiLog.log(error, "can't set bitrate for source %s\n",
                returnCode = -1;
                throw MuxInitException();
            (*subchannel)->bitrate = result;

            if (protection->form == 0) {
                protection->form = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
                    if ((*subchannel)->bitrate == BitRateTable[i]) {
                        if (protection->level == ProtectionLevelTable[i]) {
                            protection->form = 0;
                            protection->shortForm.tableIndex = i;

        if (ensemble->subchannels.size() == 0) {
            etiLog.log(error, "can't multiplexed no subchannel!\n");
            returnCode = -1;
            throw MuxInitException();

        subchannel = ensemble->subchannels.end() - 1;
        if ((*subchannel)->startAddress + getSizeCu((*subchannel)) > 864) {
            etiLog.log(error, "Total size in CU exceeds 864\n");
            returnCode = -1;
            throw MuxInitException();

        // Init packet components SCId
        cur = 0;
        for (component = ensemble->components.begin();
                component != ensemble->components.end();
                ++component) {
            subchannel = getSubchannel(ensemble->subchannels,
            if (subchannel == ensemble->subchannels.end()) {
                        "Subchannel %i does not exist for component "
                        "of service %i\n",
                        (*component)->subchId, (*component)->serviceId);
                returnCode = -1;
                throw MuxInitException();
            if ((*subchannel)->type != Packet) continue;

            (*component)->packet.id = cur++;

        // Print settings before starting
        etiLog.log(info, "--- Multiplex configuration ---");

        etiLog.log(info, "--- Subchannels list ---");

        etiLog.log(info, "--- Services list ---");

        etiLog.log(info, "--- Components list ---");

        etiLog.log(info, "--- Output list ---");

        /* These iterators are used to fill the respective FIG.
         * It is necessary to cycle through all the FIGs that have
         * to be transmitted because they do not fit in a single
         * FIB.
         * ETSI EN 300 799 Clauses 5.2 and 8.1
        serviceProgFIG0_2 = ensemble->services.end();
        serviceDataFIG0_2 = ensemble->services.end();
        componentProgFIG0_8 = ensemble->components.end();
        componentFIG0_13 = ensemble->components.end();
        componentDataFIG0_8 = ensemble->components.end();
        serviceFIG0_17 = ensemble->services.end();
        subchannelFIG0_1 = ensemble->subchannels.end();

        etiLog.log(info, "Setup EDI debug");
#  if EDI_DUMP
        std::ofstream edi_debug_file("./edi.debug");
#  endif
        UdpSocket edi_output(13000);
        etiLog.log(info, "EDI debug set up");

        // The TagPacket will then be placed into an AFPacket
        AFPacketiser edi_afPacketiser(EDI_AFPACKET_PROTOCOLTYPE_TAGITEMS);

        // The AF Packet will be protected with reed-solomon and split in fragments
        PFT edi_pft(207, 3);

        /*   Each iteration of the main loop creates one ETI frame */
        for (currentFrame = 0; running; currentFrame++) {
            if ((limit > 0) && (currentFrame >= limit)) {

            // For EDI, save ETI(LI) Management data into a TAG Item DETI
            TagDETI edi_tagDETI;
            TagStarPTR edi_tagStarPtr;
            list<TagESTn> edi_subchannels;
            map<dabSubchannel*, TagESTn*> edi_subchannelToTag;

            // The above Tag Items will be assembled into a TAG Packet
            TagPacket edi_tagpacket;

            edi_tagDETI.atstf = 0; // TODO add ATST support

            date = getDabTime();

            // Initialise the ETI frame
            memset(etiFrame, 0, 6144);

             **********   Section SYNC of ETI(NI, G703)   *************************

            // See ETS 300 799 Clause 6
            eti_SYNC *etiSync = (eti_SYNC *) etiFrame;

            etiSync->ERR = edi_tagDETI.stat = 0xFF; // ETS 300 799, 5.2, no error

            //****** Field FSYNC *****//
            // See ETS 300 799,
            sync ^= 0xffffff;
            etiSync->FSYNC = sync;

             ***********   Section LIDATA of ETI(NI, G703)   **********************

            // See ETS 300 799 Figure 5 for a better overview of these fields.

            //****** Section FC ***************************************************/
            // 4 octets, starts at offset 4
            eti_FC *fc = (eti_FC *) &etiFrame[4];

            //****** FCT ******//
            // Incremente for each frame, overflows at 249
            fc->FCT = currentFrame % 250;
            edi_tagDETI.dflc = currentFrame % 5000;

            //****** FICF ******//
            // Fast Information Channel Flag, 1 bit, =1 if FIC present
            fc->FICF = edi_tagDETI.ficf = 1;

            //****** NST ******//
            /* Number of audio of data sub-channels, 7 bits, 0-64.
             * In the 15-frame period immediately preceding a multiplex
             * re-configuration, NST can take the value 0 (see annex E).
            fc->NST = ensemble->subchannels.size();

            //****** FP ******//
            /* Frame Phase, 3 bit counter, tells the COFDM generator
             * when to insert the TII. Is also used by the MNSC.
            fc->FP = edi_tagDETI.fp = currentFrame & 0x7;

            //****** MID ******//
            //Mode Identity, 2 bits, 01 ModeI, 10 modeII, 11 ModeIII, 00 ModeIV
            fc->MID = edi_tagDETI.mid = ensemble->mode;      //mode 2 needs 3 FIB, 3*32octets = 96octets

            //****** FL ******//
            /* Frame Length, 11 bits, nb of words(4 bytes) in STC, EOH and MST
             * if NST=0, FL=1+FICL words, FICL=24 or 32 depending on the mode.
             * The FL is given in words (4 octets), see ETS 300 799 5.3.6 for details
            FLtmp = 1 + FICL + (fc->NST);

            for (subchannel = ensemble->subchannels.begin();
                    subchannel != ensemble->subchannels.end();
                    ++subchannel) {
                // Add STLsbch
                FLtmp += getSizeWord(*subchannel);

            index = 8;

            /******* Section STC **************************************************/
            // Stream Characterization,
            //  number of channels * 4 octets = nb octets total
            int edi_stream_id = 1;
            for (subchannel = ensemble->subchannels.begin();
                    subchannel != ensemble->subchannels.end();
                    ++subchannel) {
                protection = &(*subchannel)->protection;
                eti_STC *sstc = (eti_STC *) & etiFrame[index];

                sstc->SCID = (*subchannel)->id;
                sstc->startAddress_high = (*subchannel)->startAddress / 256;
                sstc->startAddress_low = (*subchannel)->startAddress % 256;
                //devrait changer selon le mode de protection desire
                if (protection->form == 0) {
                    sstc->TPL = 0x10 |
                } else {
                    sstc->TPL = 0x20 |
                        (protection->longForm.option << 2) |
                //Sub-channel Stream Length, multiple of 64 bits 
                sstc->STL_high = getSizeDWord(*subchannel) / 256;
                sstc->STL_low = getSizeDWord(*subchannel) % 256;

                TagESTn tag_ESTn(edi_stream_id++);
                tag_ESTn.scid = (*subchannel)->id;
                tag_ESTn.sad = (*subchannel)->startAddress;
                tag_ESTn.tpl = sstc->TPL;
                tag_ESTn.rfa = 0; // two bits
                tag_ESTn.mst_length = getSizeByte(*subchannel) / 8;
                assert(getSizeByte(*subchannel) % 8 == 0);

                edi_subchannelToTag[*subchannel] = &edi_subchannels.back();
                index += 4;

            /******* Section EOH **************************************************/
            // End of Header 4 octets
            eti_EOH *eoh = (eti_EOH *) & etiFrame[index];

            //MNSC Multiplex Network Signalling Channel, 2 octets

            eoh->MNSC = 0;

            struct tm *time_tm = gmtime(&mnsc_time.tv_sec);
            switch (fc->FP & 0x3)
                case 0:
                    if (MNSC_increment_time)
                        MNSC_increment_time = false;
                        mnsc_time.tv_sec += 1;

                        eti_MNSC_TIME_0 *mnsc = (eti_MNSC_TIME_0 *) &eoh->MNSC;
                        // Set fields according to ETS 300 799 -- 5.5.1 and A.2.2
                        mnsc->type = 0;
                        mnsc->identifier = 0;
                        mnsc->rfa = 0;
                case 1:
                        eti_MNSC_TIME_1 *mnsc = (eti_MNSC_TIME_1 *) &eoh->MNSC;
                        mnsc->accuracy = 1;
                        mnsc->sync_to_frame = 1;
                case 2:
                        eti_MNSC_TIME_2 *mnsc = (eti_MNSC_TIME_2 *) &eoh->MNSC;
                case 3:
                        eti_MNSC_TIME_3 *mnsc = (eti_MNSC_TIME_3 *) &eoh->MNSC;

            edi_tagDETI.mnsc = eoh->MNSC;

            // CRC Cyclic Redundancy Checksum of the FC, STC and MNSC, 2 octets
            nbBytesCRC = 4 + ((fc->NST) * 4) + 2;

            CRCtmp = 0xffff;
            CRCtmp = crc16(CRCtmp, &etiFrame[4], nbBytesCRC);
            CRCtmp ^= 0xffff;
            eoh->CRC = htons(CRCtmp);

            /******* Section MST **************************************************/
            // Main Stream Data, if FICF=1 the first 96 or 128 bytes carry the FIC
            // (depending on mode)
            index = ((fc->NST) + 2 + 1) * 4;
            edi_tagDETI.fic_data = &etiFrame[index];
            edi_tagDETI.fic_length = FICL * 4;

            // FIC Insertion
            FIGtype0* fig0;
            FIGtype0_0 *fig0_0;
            FIGtype0_1 *figtype0_1;

            FIG_01_SubChannel_ShortF *fig0_1subchShort;
            FIG_01_SubChannel_LongF *fig0_1subchLong1;

            FIGtype0_2 *fig0_2;

            FIGtype0_2_Service *fig0_2serviceAudio;
            FIGtype0_2_Service_data *fig0_2serviceData;
            FIGtype0_2_audio_component* audio_description;
            FIGtype0_2_data_component* data_description;
            FIGtype0_2_packet_component* packet_description;

            FIGtype0_3_header *fig0_3_header;
            FIGtype0_3_data *fig0_3_data;
            FIGtype0_9 *fig0_9;
            FIGtype0_10 *fig0_10;
            FIGtype0_17_programme *programme;

            FIGtype1_0 *fig1_0;
            FIGtype1_1 *fig1_1;
            FIGtype1_5 *fig1_5;

            tm* timeData;

            unsigned char figSize = 0;

            // FIB 0 Insertion
            switch (insertFIG) {

            case 0:
            case 4:
                // FIG type 0/0, Multiplex Configuration Info (MCI),
                //  Ensemble information
                fig0_0 = (FIGtype0_0 *) & etiFrame[index];

                fig0_0->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                fig0_0->Length = 5;
                fig0_0->CN = 0;
                fig0_0->OE = 0;
                fig0_0->PD = 0;
                fig0_0->Extension = 0;

                fig0_0->EId = htons(ensemble->id);
                fig0_0->Change = 0;
                fig0_0->Al = 0;
                fig0_0->CIFcnt_hight = (currentFrame / 250) % 20;
                fig0_0->CIFcnt_low = (currentFrame % 250);
                index = index + 6;
                figSize += 6;


            case 1:
                // FIG type 0/1, MIC, Sub-Channel Organization,
                // one instance of the part for each subchannel
                figtype0_1 = (FIGtype0_1 *) & etiFrame[index];

                figtype0_1->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                figtype0_1->Length = 1;
                figtype0_1->CN = 0;
                figtype0_1->OE = 0;
                figtype0_1->PD = 0;
                figtype0_1->Extension = 1;
                index = index + 2;
                figSize += 2;

                // Rotate through the subchannels until there is no more
                // space in the FIG0/1
                if (subchannelFIG0_1 == ensemble->subchannels.end()) {
                    subchannelFIG0_1 = ensemble->subchannels.begin();

                for (; subchannelFIG0_1 != ensemble->subchannels.end();
                        ++subchannelFIG0_1) {
                    protection = &(*subchannelFIG0_1)->protection;

                    if (    (protection->form == 0 && figSize > 27) ||
                            (protection->form != 0 && figSize > 26)) {

                    if (protection->form == 0) {
                        fig0_1subchShort =
                            (FIG_01_SubChannel_ShortF*) &etiFrame[index];
                        fig0_1subchShort->SubChId = (*subchannelFIG0_1)->id;

                        fig0_1subchShort->StartAdress_high =
                            (*subchannelFIG0_1)->startAddress / 256;
                        fig0_1subchShort->StartAdress_low =
                            (*subchannelFIG0_1)->startAddress % 256;

                        fig0_1subchShort->Short_Long_form = 0;
                        fig0_1subchShort->TableSwitch = 0;
                        fig0_1subchShort->TableIndex =

                        index = index + 3;
                        figSize += 3;
                        figtype0_1->Length += 3;
                    else {
                        fig0_1subchLong1 =
                            (FIG_01_SubChannel_LongF*) &etiFrame[index];
                        fig0_1subchLong1->SubChId = (*subchannelFIG0_1)->id;

                        fig0_1subchLong1->StartAdress_high =
                            (*subchannelFIG0_1)->startAddress / 256;
                        fig0_1subchLong1->StartAdress_low =
                            (*subchannelFIG0_1)->startAddress % 256;

                        fig0_1subchLong1->Short_Long_form = 1;
                        fig0_1subchLong1->Option = protection->longForm.option;
                        fig0_1subchLong1->ProtectionLevel =

                        fig0_1subchLong1->Sub_ChannelSize_high =
                            getSizeCu(*subchannelFIG0_1) / 256;
                        fig0_1subchLong1->Sub_ChannelSize_low =
                            getSizeCu(*subchannelFIG0_1) % 256;

                        index = index + 4;
                        figSize += 4;
                        figtype0_1->Length += 4;

            case 2:
                // FIG type 0/2, MCI, Service Organization, one instance of
                // FIGtype0_2_Service for each subchannel
                fig0_2 = NULL;
                cur = 0;

                // Rotate through the subchannels until there is no more
                // space in the FIG0/1
                if (serviceProgFIG0_2 == ensemble->services.end()) {
                    serviceProgFIG0_2 = ensemble->services.begin();

                for (; serviceProgFIG0_2 != ensemble->services.end();
                        ++serviceProgFIG0_2) {
                    if (!(*serviceProgFIG0_2)->nbComponent(ensemble->components)) {

                    if ((*serviceProgFIG0_2)->getType(ensemble) != 0) {


                    if (fig0_2 == NULL) {
                        fig0_2 = (FIGtype0_2 *) & etiFrame[index];

                        fig0_2->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                        fig0_2->Length = 1;
                        fig0_2->CN = 0;
                        fig0_2->OE = 0;
                        fig0_2->PD = 0;
                        fig0_2->Extension = 2;
                        index = index + 2;
                        figSize += 2;

                    if (figSize + 3
                            + (*serviceProgFIG0_2)->nbComponent(ensemble->components)
                            * 2 > 30) {

                    fig0_2serviceAudio = (FIGtype0_2_Service*) &etiFrame[index];

                    fig0_2serviceAudio->SId = htons((*serviceProgFIG0_2)->id);
                    fig0_2serviceAudio->Local_flag = 0;
                    fig0_2serviceAudio->CAId = 0;
                    fig0_2serviceAudio->NbServiceComp =
                    index += 3;
                    fig0_2->Length += 3;
                    figSize += 3;

                    int curCpnt = 0;
                    for (component = getComponent(ensemble->components,
                            component != ensemble->components.end();
                            component = getComponent(ensemble->components,
                                (*serviceProgFIG0_2)->id, component)) {
                        subchannel = getSubchannel(ensemble->subchannels,

                        if (subchannel == ensemble->subchannels.end()) {
                                    "Subchannel %i does not exist for component "
                                    "of service %i\n",
                                    (*component)->subchId, (*component)->serviceId);
                            returnCode = -1;
                            throw MuxInitException();

                        switch ((*subchannel)->type) {
                        case Audio:
                            audio_description =
                            audio_description->TMid    = 0;
                            audio_description->ASCTy   = (*component)->type;
                            audio_description->SubChId = (*subchannel)->id;
                            audio_description->PS      = ((curCpnt == 0) ? 1 : 0);
                            audio_description->CA_flag = 0;
                        case DataDmb:
                            data_description =
                            data_description->TMid    = 1;
                            data_description->DSCTy   = (*component)->type;
                            data_description->SubChId = (*subchannel)->id;
                            data_description->PS      = ((curCpnt == 0) ? 1 : 0);
                            data_description->CA_flag = 0;
                        case Packet:
                            packet_description =
                            packet_description->TMid    = 3;
                            packet_description->PS      = ((curCpnt == 0) ? 1 : 0);
                            packet_description->CA_flag = 0;
                                    "Component type not supported\n");
                            returnCode = -1;
                            throw MuxInitException();
                        index += 2;
                        fig0_2->Length += 2;
                        figSize += 2;
                        if (figSize > 30) {
                                    "Sorry, no space left in FIG 0/2 to insert "
                                    "component %i of program service %i.\n",
                                    curCpnt, cur);
                            returnCode = -1;
                            throw MuxInitException();

            case 3:
                fig0_2 = NULL;
                cur = 0;

                if (serviceDataFIG0_2 == ensemble->services.end()) {
                    serviceDataFIG0_2 = ensemble->services.begin();
                for (; serviceDataFIG0_2 != ensemble->services.end();
                        ++serviceDataFIG0_2) {
                    if (!(*serviceDataFIG0_2)->nbComponent(ensemble->components)) {

                    unsigned char type = (*serviceDataFIG0_2)->getType(ensemble);
                    if ((type == 0) || (type == 2)) {


                    if (fig0_2 == NULL) {
                        fig0_2 = (FIGtype0_2 *) & etiFrame[index];

                        fig0_2->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                        fig0_2->Length = 1;
                        fig0_2->CN = 0;
                        fig0_2->OE = 0;
                        fig0_2->PD = 1;
                        fig0_2->Extension = 2;
                        index = index + 2;
                        figSize += 2;

                    if (figSize + 5
                            + (*serviceDataFIG0_2)->nbComponent(ensemble->components)
                            * 2 > 30) {

                    fig0_2serviceData =
                        (FIGtype0_2_Service_data*) &etiFrame[index];

                    fig0_2serviceData->SId = htonl((*serviceDataFIG0_2)->id);
                    fig0_2serviceData->Local_flag = 0;
                    fig0_2serviceData->CAId = 0;
                    fig0_2serviceData->NbServiceComp =
                    fig0_2->Length += 5;
                    index += 5;
                    figSize += 5;

                    int curCpnt = 0;
                    for (component = getComponent(ensemble->components,
                            component != ensemble->components.end();
                            component = getComponent(ensemble->components,
                                (*serviceDataFIG0_2)->id, component)) {
                        subchannel = getSubchannel(ensemble->subchannels,
                        if (subchannel == ensemble->subchannels.end()) {
                                    "Subchannel %i does not exist for component "
                                    "of service %i\n",
                                    (*component)->subchId, (*component)->serviceId);
                            returnCode = -1;
                            throw MuxInitException();

                        switch ((*subchannel)->type) {
                        case Audio:
                            audio_description =
                            audio_description->TMid = 0;
                            audio_description->ASCTy = (*component)->type;
                            audio_description->SubChId = (*subchannel)->id;
                            audio_description->PS = ((curCpnt == 0) ? 1 : 0);
                            audio_description->CA_flag = 0;
                        case DataDmb:
                            data_description =
                            data_description->TMid = 1;
                            data_description->DSCTy = (*component)->type;
                            data_description->SubChId = (*subchannel)->id;
                            data_description->PS = ((curCpnt == 0) ? 1 : 0);
                            data_description->CA_flag = 0;
                        case Packet:
                            packet_description =
                            packet_description->TMid = 3;
                            packet_description->PS = ((curCpnt == 0) ? 1 : 0);
                            packet_description->CA_flag = 0;
                                    "Component type not supported\n");
                            returnCode = -1;
                            throw MuxInitException();
                        index += 2;
                        fig0_2->Length += 2;
                        figSize += 2;
                        if (figSize > 30) {
                                    "Sorry, no place left in FIG 0/2 to insert "
                                    "component %i of data service %i.\n",
                                    curCpnt, cur);
                            returnCode = -1;
                            throw MuxInitException();

            case 5:
                fig0_3_header = NULL;

                for (component = ensemble->components.begin();
                        component != ensemble->components.end();
                        ++component) {
                    subchannel = getSubchannel(ensemble->subchannels,

                    if (subchannel == ensemble->subchannels.end()) {
                                "Subchannel %i does not exist for component "
                                "of service %i\n",
                                (*component)->subchId, (*component)->serviceId);
                        returnCode = -1;
                        throw MuxInitException();

                    if ((*subchannel)->type != Packet)

                    if (fig0_3_header == NULL) {
                        fig0_3_header = (FIGtype0_3_header*)&etiFrame[index];
                        fig0_3_header->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                        fig0_3_header->Length = 1;
                        fig0_3_header->CN = 0;
                        fig0_3_header->OE = 0;
                        fig0_3_header->PD = 0;
                        fig0_3_header->Extension = 3;

                        index += 2;
                        figSize += 2;

                    /*  Warning: When bit SCCA_flag is unset(0), the multiplexer
                     *  R&S does not send the SCCA field. But, in the Factum ETI
                     *  analyzer, if this field is not there, it is an error.
                    fig0_3_data = (FIGtype0_3_data*)&etiFrame[index];
                    fig0_3_data->rfa = 0;
                    fig0_3_data->SCCA_flag = 0;
                    // if 0, datagroups are used
                    fig0_3_data->DG_flag = !(*component)->packet.datagroup;
                    fig0_3_data->rfu = 0;
                    fig0_3_data->DSCTy = (*component)->type;
                    fig0_3_data->SubChId = (*subchannel)->id;
                    if (factumAnalyzer) {
                        fig0_3_data->SCCA = 0;

                    fig0_3_header->Length += 5;
                    index += 5;
                    figSize += 5;
                    if (factumAnalyzer) {
                        fig0_3_header->Length += 2;
                        index += 2;
                        figSize += 2;

                    if (figSize > 30) {
                                "can't add to Fic Fig 0/3, "
                                "too much packet service\n");
                        returnCode = -1;
                        throw MuxInitException();

            case 7:
                fig0 = NULL;
                if (serviceFIG0_17 == ensemble->services.end()) {
                    serviceFIG0_17 = ensemble->services.begin();
                for (; serviceFIG0_17 != ensemble->services.end();
                        ++serviceFIG0_17) {

                    if (    (*serviceFIG0_17)->pty == 0 &&
                            (*serviceFIG0_17)->language == 0) {

                    if (fig0 == NULL) {
                        fig0 = (FIGtype0*)&etiFrame[index];
                        fig0->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                        fig0->Length = 1;
                        fig0->CN = 0;
                        fig0->OE = 0;
                        fig0->PD = 0;
                        fig0->Extension = 17;
                        index += 2;
                        figSize += 2;

                    if ((*serviceFIG0_17)->language == 0) {
                        if (figSize + 4 > 30) {
                    else {
                        if (figSize + 5 > 30) {

                    programme =
                    programme->SId = htons((*serviceFIG0_17)->id);
                    programme->SD = 1;
                    programme->PS = 0;
                    programme->L = (*serviceFIG0_17)->language != 0;
                    programme->CC = 0;
                    programme->Rfa = 0;
                    programme->NFC = 0;
                    if ((*serviceFIG0_17)->language == 0) {
                        etiFrame[index + 3] = (*serviceFIG0_17)->pty;
                        fig0->Length += 4;
                        index += 4;
                        figSize += 4;
                    else {
                        etiFrame[index + 3] = (*serviceFIG0_17)->language;
                        etiFrame[index + 4] = (*serviceFIG0_17)->pty;
                        fig0->Length += 5;
                        index += 5;
                        figSize += 5;

            if (figSize > 30) {
                        "FIG too big (%i > 30)\n", figSize);
                returnCode = -1;
                throw MuxInitException();

            memcpy(&etiFrame[index], Padding_FIB, 30 - figSize);
            index += 30 - figSize;

            CRCtmp = 0xffff;
            CRCtmp = crc16(CRCtmp, &etiFrame[(index - 30)], 30);
            CRCtmp ^= 0xffff;
            etiFrame[index++] = ((char *) &CRCtmp)[1];
            etiFrame[index++] = ((char *) &CRCtmp)[0];

            figSize = 0;
            // FIB 1 insertion
            switch (rotateFIB) {
            case 0:     // FIG 0/8 program
                fig0 = NULL;

                if (componentProgFIG0_8 == ensemble->components.end()) {
                    componentProgFIG0_8 = ensemble->components.begin();
                for (; componentProgFIG0_8 != ensemble->components.end();
                        ++componentProgFIG0_8) {
                    service = getService(*componentProgFIG0_8,
                    subchannel = getSubchannel(ensemble->subchannels,
                    if (subchannel == ensemble->subchannels.end()) {
                                "Subchannel %i does not exist for component "
                                "of service %i\n",
                        returnCode = -1;
                        throw MuxInitException();

                    if (!(*service)->program)

                    if (fig0 == NULL) {
                        fig0 = (FIGtype0*)&etiFrame[index];
                        fig0->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                        fig0->Length = 1;
                        fig0->CN = 0;
                        fig0->OE = 0;
                        fig0->PD = 0;
                        fig0->Extension = 8;
                        index += 2;
                        figSize += 2;

                    if ((*subchannel)->type == Packet) { // Data packet
                        if (figSize > 30 - 5) {
                        etiFrame[index] =
                            ((*componentProgFIG0_8)->serviceId >> 8) & 0xFF;
                        etiFrame[index+1] =
                            ((*componentProgFIG0_8)->serviceId) & 0xFF;
                        fig0->Length += 2;
                        index += 2;
                        figSize += 2;

                        FIGtype0_8_long* definition =
                        memset(definition, 0, 3);
                        definition->ext = 0;    // no rfa
                        definition->SCIdS = (*componentProgFIG0_8)->SCIdS;
                        definition->LS = 1;
                        fig0->Length += 3;
                        index += 3;             // 8 minus rfa
                        figSize += 3;
                    else {    // Audio, data stream or FIDC
                        if (figSize > 30 - 4) {
                        etiFrame[index] =
                            ((*componentProgFIG0_8)->serviceId >> 8) & 0xFF;
                        etiFrame[index+1] =
                            ((*componentProgFIG0_8)->serviceId) & 0xFF;

                        fig0->Length += 2;
                        index += 2;
                        figSize += 2;

                        FIGtype0_8_short* definition =
                        memset(definition, 0, 2);
                        definition->ext = 0;    // no rfa
                        definition->SCIdS = (*componentProgFIG0_8)->SCIdS;
                        definition->LS = 0;
                        definition->MscFic = 0;
                        definition->Id = (*componentProgFIG0_8)->subchId;
                        fig0->Length += 2;
                        index += 2;             // 4 minus rfa
                        figSize += 2;

            case 1:     // FIG 0/8 data
                fig0 = NULL;

                if (componentDataFIG0_8 == ensemble->components.end()) {
                    componentDataFIG0_8 = ensemble->components.begin();
                for (; componentDataFIG0_8 != ensemble->components.end();
                        ++componentDataFIG0_8) {
                    service = getService(*componentDataFIG0_8,

                    subchannel = getSubchannel(ensemble->subchannels,

                    if (subchannel == ensemble->subchannels.end()) {
                                "Subchannel %i does not exist for component "
                                "of service %i\n",
                        returnCode = -1;
                        throw MuxInitException();

                    if ((*service)->program)

                    if (fig0 == NULL) {
                        fig0 = (FIGtype0*)&etiFrame[index];
                        fig0->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                        fig0->Length = 1;
                        fig0->CN = 0;
                        fig0->OE = 0;
                        fig0->PD = 1;
                        fig0->Extension = 8;
                        index += 2;
                        figSize += 2;

                    if ((*subchannel)->type == Packet) { // Data packet
                        if (figSize > 30 - 7) {
                        etiFrame[index] =
                            ((*componentDataFIG0_8)->serviceId >> 8) & 0xFF;
                        etiFrame[index+1] =
                            ((*componentDataFIG0_8)->serviceId) & 0xFF;
                        fig0->Length += 4;
                        index += 4;
                        figSize += 4;

                        FIGtype0_8_long* definition =
                        memset(definition, 0, 3);
                        definition->ext = 0;    // no rfa
                        definition->SCIdS = (*componentDataFIG0_8)->SCIdS;
                        definition->LS = 1;
                        fig0->Length += 3;
                        index += 3;             // 8 minus rfa
                        figSize += 3;
                    else {    // Audio, data stream or FIDC
                        if (figSize > 30 - 6) {
                        etiFrame[index] =
                            ((*componentDataFIG0_8)->serviceId >> 8) & 0xFF;
                        etiFrame[index+1] =
                            ((*componentDataFIG0_8)->serviceId) & 0xFF;
                        fig0->Length += 4;
                        index += 4;
                        figSize += 4;

                        FIGtype0_8_short* definition =
                        memset(definition, 0, 2);
                        definition->ext = 0;    // no rfa
                        definition->SCIdS = (*componentDataFIG0_8)->SCIdS;
                        definition->LS = 0;
                        definition->MscFic = 0;
                        definition->Id = (*componentDataFIG0_8)->subchId;
                        fig0->Length += 2;
                        index += 2;             // 4 minus rfa
                        figSize += 2;

            case 3:
                // FIG type 1/0, Service Information (SI), Ensemble Label
                fig1_0 = (FIGtype1_0 *) & etiFrame[index];

                fig1_0->Length = 21;
                fig1_0->FIGtypeNumber = 1;
                fig1_0->Extension = 0;
                fig1_0->OE = 0;
                fig1_0->Charset = 0;
                fig1_0->EId = htons(ensemble->id);
                index = index + 4;

                memcpy(&etiFrame[index], ensemble->label.text(), 16);
                index = index + 16;

                etiFrame[index++] = ensemble->label.flag() >> 8;
                etiFrame[index++] = ensemble->label.flag() & 0xFF;

                figSize += 22;

            case 5:
                // FIG 0 / 13
                fig0 = NULL;

                if (componentFIG0_13 == ensemble->components.end()) {
                    componentFIG0_13 = ensemble->components.begin();

                    transmitFIG0_13programme = !transmitFIG0_13programme;
                    // Alternate between data and and programme FIG0/13,
                    // do not mix fig0 with PD=0 with extension 13 stuff
                    // that actually needs PD=1, and vice versa

                for (; componentFIG0_13 != ensemble->components.end();
                        ++componentFIG0_13) {

                    subchannel = getSubchannel(ensemble->subchannels,

                    if (subchannel == ensemble->subchannels.end()) {
                                "Subchannel %i does not exist for component "
                                "of service %i\n",
                        returnCode = -1;
                        throw MuxInitException();

                    if (    transmitFIG0_13programme &&
                            (*subchannel)->type == Audio) { // audio
                        if (fig0 == NULL) {
                            fig0 = (FIGtype0*)&etiFrame[index];
                            fig0->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                            fig0->Length = 1;
                            fig0->CN = 0;
                            fig0->OE = 0;
                            fig0->PD = 0;
                            fig0->Extension = 13;
                            index += 2;
                            figSize += 2;

                        if (figSize > 30 - (3+4+11)) {

                        FIG0_13_shortAppInfo* info =
                        info->SId = htonl((*componentFIG0_13)->serviceId) >> 16;
                        info->SCIdS = (*componentFIG0_13)->SCIdS;
                        info->No = 1;
                        index += 3;
                        figSize += 3;
                        fig0->Length += 3;

                        FIG0_13_app* app = (FIG0_13_app*)&etiFrame[index];
                        app->length = 4;
                        app->xpad = htonl(0x0cbc0000);
                        /* xpad meaning
                           CA        = 0
                           CAOrg     = 0
                           Rfu       = 0
                           AppTy(5)  = 12 (MOT, start of X-PAD data group)
                           DG        = 0 (MSC data groups used)
                           Rfu       = 0
                           DSCTy(6)  = 60 (MOT)
                           CAOrg(16) = 0

                        index += 2 + app->length;
                        figSize += 2 + app->length;
                        fig0->Length += 2 + app->length;
                    else if (!transmitFIG0_13programme &&
                            (*subchannel)->type == Packet &&
                            (*componentFIG0_13)->packet.appType != 0xffff) {

                        if (fig0 == NULL) {
                            fig0 = (FIGtype0*)&etiFrame[index];
                            fig0->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                            fig0->Length = 1;
                            fig0->CN = 0;
                            fig0->OE = 0;
                            fig0->PD = 1;
                            fig0->Extension = 13;
                            index += 2;
                            figSize += 2;

                        if (figSize > 30 - (5+2)) {

                        FIG0_13_longAppInfo* info =
                        info->SId = htonl((*componentFIG0_13)->serviceId);
                        info->SCIdS = (*componentFIG0_13)->SCIdS;
                        info->No = 1;
                        index += 5;
                        figSize += 5;
                        fig0->Length += 5;

                        FIG0_13_app* app = (FIG0_13_app*)&etiFrame[index];
                        app->length = 0;
                        index += 2;
                        figSize += 2;
                        fig0->Length += 2;

            case 7:
                //Time and country identifier
                fig0_10 = (FIGtype0_10 *) & etiFrame[index];

                fig0_10->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                fig0_10->Length = 5;
                fig0_10->CN = 0;
                fig0_10->OE = 0;
                fig0_10->PD = 0;
                fig0_10->Extension = 10;
                index = index + 2;

                timeData = gmtime(&date);

                fig0_10->RFU = 0;
                fig0_10->setMJD(gregorian2mjd(timeData->tm_year + 1900,
                            timeData->tm_mon + 1,
                fig0_10->LSI = 0;
                fig0_10->ConfInd = (watermarkData[watermarkPos >> 3] >>
                        (7 - (watermarkPos & 0x07))) & 1;
                if (++watermarkPos == watermarkSize) {
                    watermarkPos = 0;
                fig0_10->UTC = 0;
                fig0_10->Minutes = timeData->tm_min;
                index = index + 4;
                figSize += 6;

                fig0_9 = (FIGtype0_9*)&etiFrame[index];
                fig0_9->FIGtypeNumber = 0;
                fig0_9->Length = 4;
                fig0_9->CN = 0;
                fig0_9->OE = 0;
                fig0_9->PD = 0;
                fig0_9->Extension = 9;

                fig0_9->ext = 0;
                fig0_9->lto = 0; // Unique LTO for ensemble

                if (ensemble->lto_auto) {
                    time_t now = time(NULL);
                    struct tm* ltime = localtime(&now);
                    time_t now2 = timegm(ltime);
                    ensemble->lto = (now2 - now) / 1800;

                if (ensemble->lto >= 0) {
                    fig0_9->ensembleLto = ensemble->lto;
                else {
                    /* Convert to 1-complement representation */
                    fig0_9->ensembleLto = (-ensemble->lto) | (1<<5);

                fig0_9->ensembleEcc = ensemble->ecc;
                fig0_9->tableId = ensemble->international_table;
                index += 5;
                figSize += 5;


            assert(figSize <= 30);
            memcpy(&etiFrame[index], Padding_FIB, 30 - figSize);
            index += 30 - figSize;

            CRCtmp = 0xffff;
            CRCtmp = crc16(CRCtmp, &etiFrame[(index - 30)], 30);
            CRCtmp ^= 0xffff;
            etiFrame[index++] = ((char *) &CRCtmp)[1];
            etiFrame[index++] = ((char *) &CRCtmp)[0];

            figSize = 0;
            // FIB 2 insertion
            if (rotateFIB < ensemble->services.size()) {
                service = ensemble->services.begin() + rotateFIB;

                // FIG type 1/1, SI, Service label, one instance per subchannel
                if ((*service)->getType(ensemble) == 0) {
                    fig1_1 = (FIGtype1_1 *) & etiFrame[index];

                    fig1_1->FIGtypeNumber = 1;
                    fig1_1->Length = 21;
                    fig1_1->Charset = 0;
                    fig1_1->OE = 0;
                    fig1_1->Extension = 1;

                    fig1_1->Sld = htons((*service)->id);
                    index += 4;
                    figSize += 4;
                else {
                    fig1_5 = (FIGtype1_5 *) & etiFrame[index];
                    fig1_5->FIGtypeNumber = 1;
                    fig1_5->Length = 23;
                    fig1_5->Charset = 0;
                    fig1_5->OE = 0;
                    fig1_5->Extension = 5;

                    fig1_5->SId = htonl((*service)->id);
                    index += 6;
                    figSize += 6;
                memcpy(&etiFrame[index], (*service)->label.text(), 16);
                index += 16;
                figSize += 16;
                etiFrame[index++] = (*service)->label.flag() >> 8;
                etiFrame[index++] = (*service)->label.flag() & 0xFF;
                figSize += 2;
            else if (rotateFIB <
                    ensemble->services.size() + ensemble->components.size()) {
                component = ensemble->components.begin() +
                    (rotateFIB - ensemble->services.size());

                service = getService(*component, ensemble->services);

                subchannel =
                    getSubchannel(ensemble->subchannels, (*component)->subchId);

                if ((*component)->label.text()[0] != 0) {
                    if ((*service)->getType(ensemble) == 0) {   // Programme
                        FIGtype1_4_programme *fig1_4;
                        fig1_4 = (FIGtype1_4_programme*)&etiFrame[index];

                        fig1_4->FIGtypeNumber = 1;
                        fig1_4->Length = 22;
                        fig1_4->Charset = 0;
                        fig1_4->OE = 0;
                        fig1_4->Extension = 4;
                        fig1_4->PD = 0;
                        fig1_4->rfa = 0;
                        fig1_4->SCIdS = (*component)->SCIdS;

                        fig1_4->SId = htons((*service)->id);
                        index += 5;
                        figSize += 5;
                    else {    // Data
                        FIGtype1_4_data *fig1_4;
                        fig1_4 = (FIGtype1_4_data *) & etiFrame[index];
                        fig1_4->FIGtypeNumber = 1;
                        fig1_4->Length = 24;
                        fig1_4->Charset = 0;
                        fig1_4->OE = 0;
                        fig1_4->Extension = 4;
                        fig1_4->PD = 1;
                        fig1_4->rfa = 0;
                        fig1_4->SCIdS = (*component)->SCIdS;

                        fig1_4->SId = htonl((*service)->id);
                        index += 7;
                        figSize += 7;
                    memcpy(&etiFrame[index], (*component)->label.text(), 16);
                    index += 16;
                    figSize += 16;

                    etiFrame[index++] = (*component)->label.flag() >> 8;
                    etiFrame[index++] = (*component)->label.flag() & 0xFF;
                    figSize += 2;
            memcpy(&etiFrame[index], Padding_FIB, 30 - figSize);
            index += 30 - figSize;

            CRCtmp = 0xffff;
            CRCtmp = crc16(CRCtmp, &etiFrame[(index - 30)], 30);
            CRCtmp ^= 0xffff;
            etiFrame[index++] = ((char *) &CRCtmp)[1];
            etiFrame[index++] = ((char *) &CRCtmp)[0];

            /* ETSI EN 300 799 Table 2:
             * Only TM3 has a FIB count to CIF count that is
             * not 3 to 1.
            if (ensemble->mode == 3) {
                memcpy(&etiFrame[index], Padding_FIB, 30);
                index += 30;

                CRCtmp = 0xffff;
                CRCtmp = crc16(CRCtmp, &etiFrame[(index - 30)], 30);
                CRCtmp ^= 0xffff;
                etiFrame[index++] = ((char *) &CRCtmp)[1];
                etiFrame[index++] = ((char *) &CRCtmp)[0];

            if (ensemble->services.size() > 30) {
                        "Sorry, but this software currently can't write "
                        "Service Label of more than 30 services.\n");
                returnCode = -1;
                throw MuxInitException();

            // counter for FIG 0/0
            insertFIG = (insertFIG + 1) % 8;

            // We rotate through the FIBs every 30 frames
            rotateFIB = (rotateFIB + 1) % 30;

             ******  Input Data Reading *******************************************

            for (subchannel = ensemble->subchannels.begin();
                    subchannel != ensemble->subchannels.end();
                    ++subchannel) {

                TagESTn* tag = edi_subchannelToTag[*subchannel];

                int sizeSubchannel = getSizeByte(*subchannel);
                result = (*subchannel)->input->readFrame(
                        &etiFrame[index], sizeSubchannel);

                if (result < 0) {
                            "Subchannel %d read failed at ETI frame number: %d\n",
                            (*subchannel)->id, currentFrame);

                // save pointer to Audio or Data Stream into correct TagESTn for EDI
                tag->mst_data = &etiFrame[index];

                index += sizeSubchannel;

            index = (3 + fc->NST + FICL) * 4;
            for (subchannel = ensemble->subchannels.begin();
                    subchannel != ensemble->subchannels.end();
                    ++subchannel) {
                index += getSizeByte(*subchannel);

            /******* Section EOF **************************************************/
            // End of Frame, 4 octets
            index = (FLtmp + 1 + 1) * 4;
            eti_EOF *eof = (eti_EOF *) & etiFrame[index];

            // CRC of Main Stream data (MST), 16 bits
            index = ((fc->NST) + 2 + 1) * 4;            // MST position
            MSTsize = ((FLtmp) - 1 - (fc->NST)) * 4;    // data size

            CRCtmp = 0xffff;
            CRCtmp = crc16(CRCtmp, &etiFrame[index], MSTsize);
            CRCtmp ^= 0xffff;
            eof->CRC = htons(CRCtmp);

            //RFU, Reserved for future use, 2 bytes, should be 0xFFFF
            eof->RFU = htons(0xFFFF);

            /******* Section TIST *************************************************/
            // TimeStamps, 24 bits + 1 octet
            index = (FLtmp + 2 + 1) * 4;
            eti_TIST *tist = (eti_TIST *) & etiFrame[index];

            if (enableTist) {
                tist->TIST = htonl(timestamp) | 0xff;
            else {
                tist->TIST = htonl(0xffffff) | 0xff;

            timestamp += 3 << 17;
            if (timestamp > 0xf9ffff)
                timestamp -= 0xfa0000;

                // Also update MNSC time for next frame
                MNSC_increment_time = true;

             ***********   Section FRPD   *****************************************

            int frame_size = (FLtmp + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1) * 4;

            // Give the data to the outputs
            for (output = outputs.begin() ; output != outputs.end(); ++output) {
                if ((*output)->output->Write(etiFrame, frame_size)
                        == -1) {
                    etiLog.log(error, "Can't write to output %s://%s\n",
                            (*output)->outputProto.c_str(), (*output)->outputName.c_str());

            dumpBytes(dumpData, sizeSubChannel, stderr);
#endif // DUMP_BRIDGE

             ***********   Finalise and send EDI   ********************************

            // put tags *ptr, DETI and all subchannels into one TagPacket

            list<TagESTn>::iterator tag;
            for (tag = edi_subchannels.begin(); tag != edi_subchannels.end(); ++tag) {

            // Assemble into one AF Packet
            AFPacket edi_afpacket = edi_afPacketiser.Assemble(edi_tagpacket);

#  if EDI_PFT
            // Apply PFT layer to AF Packet (Reed Solomon FEC and Fragmentation)
            vector< PFTFragment > edi_fragments =

            // Send over ethernet
            vector< vector<uint8_t> >::iterator edi_frag;
            for (edi_frag = edi_fragments.begin();
                    edi_frag != edi_fragments.end();
                    ++edi_frag) {

                UdpPacket udppacket;

                InetAddress& addr = udppacket.getAddress();

                udppacket.addData(&(edi_frag->front()), edi_frag->size());


#    if EDI_DUMP
                std::ostream_iterator<uint8_t> debug_iterator(edi_debug_file);
                std::copy(edi_frag->begin(), edi_frag->end(), debug_iterator);
#    endif

            fprintf(stderr, "EDI number of PFT fragments %zu\n", edi_fragments.size());
#  else
            // Send over ethernet

            UdpPacket udppacket;

            InetAddress& addr = udppacket.getAddress();

            udppacket.addData(&(edi_afpacket.front()), edi_afpacket.size());

#  endif

#  if EDI_DUMP
            std::ostream_iterator<uint8_t> debug_iterator(edi_debug_file);
            std::copy(edi_afpacket.begin(), edi_afpacket.end(), debug_iterator);
#  endif

#if _DEBUG
             ***********   Output a small message *********************************
            if (currentFrame % 100 == 0) {
                if (enableTist) {
                    etiLog.log(info, "ETI frame number %i Timestamp: %d + %f\n",
                            currentFrame, mnsc_time.tv_sec, 
                            (timestamp & 0xFFFFFF) / 16384000.0);
                else {
                    etiLog.log(info, "ETI frame number %i Time: %d, no TIST\n",
                            currentFrame, mnsc_time.tv_sec);

            /* Check every six seconds if the remote control is still working */
            if (rc && fc->FCT == 249 && rc->fault_detected()) {
                    etiLog.level(warn) << "Detected Remote Control fault, restarting it";

            /* Same for statistics server */
            if (global_stats && fc->FCT == 249 && global_stats->fault_detected()) {
                    etiLog.level(warn) <<
                        "Detected Statistics Server fault, restarting it";

    catch (const MuxInitException& except) {
        etiLog.level(error) << "Caught multiplex initialisation error: " <<
    catch (const std::invalid_argument& except) {
        etiLog.level(error) << "Caught invalid argument : " << except.what();
    catch (const std::runtime_error& except) {
        etiLog.level(error) << "Caught runtime error : " << except.what();

    etiLog.log(debug, "exiting...\n");
    // close files fichiers
    for (subchannel = ensemble->subchannels.begin();
            subchannel != ensemble->subchannels.end();
            ++subchannel) {
        if ((*subchannel)->input != NULL) {
        delete (*subchannel)->input;
    for (output = outputs.begin() ; output != outputs.end(); ++output) {
        if ((*output)->output) {
            delete ((*output)->output);

    for_each(ensemble->components.begin(), ensemble->components.end(), free);
    for_each(ensemble->services.begin(), ensemble->services.end(), free);
    for_each(ensemble->subchannels.begin(), ensemble->subchannels.end(), free);
    for_each(outputs.begin(), outputs.end(), free);
    delete ensemble;


    if (returnCode < 0) {
        etiLog.log(emerg, "...aborting\n");
    } else {
        etiLog.log(debug, "...done\n");

    return returnCode;