.TH ODR-DABMUX "1" "April 2022" "odr-dabmux 4.2.1" "User Commands" .SH NAME \fBodr\-dabmux\fR \- A software DAB multiplexer .SH SYNOPSIS odr\-dabmux .PP This software requires a configuration file. See doc/example.config for an example format for the configuration file .SH DESCRIPTION odr\-dabmux implements a DAB multiplexer that combines all audio and data inputs into an ETI output. It can be used off-line (i.e. not real-time) to generate ETI data for later processing, or in a real-time streaming scenario (e.g. in a transmitter). .PP odr\-dabmux can read input audio or data from files (".mp2" for DAB, ".dabp" for DAB+), FIFOs (also called "named pipes"), or from a network connection. This network connection can use UDP (STI-D) or EDI. .PP The configuration of the multiplexer is given in a configuration file, whose format is defined in the example files in the doc/ folder inside the ODR-DabMux repository. .SH SEE ALSO odr\-audioenc(1), odr\-zmq2edi(1), odr\-dabmod(1) A user guide for the mmbTools is available http://www.opendigitalradio.org/