/* Copyright (C) 2019 Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li http://opendigitalradio.org This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "common.hpp" #include "buffer_unpack.hpp" #include "Log.h" #include "crc.h" #include #include #include #include namespace EdiDecoder { using namespace std; bool frame_timestamp_t::valid() const { return tsta != 0xFFFFFF; } string frame_timestamp_t::to_string() const { const time_t seconds_in_unix_epoch = to_unix_epoch(); stringstream ss; if (valid()) { ss << "Timestamp: "; } else { ss << "Timestamp not valid: "; } char timestr[100]; if (std::strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%Y-%m-%dZ%H:%M:%S", std::gmtime(&seconds_in_unix_epoch))) { ss << timestr << " + " << ((double)tsta / 16384000.0); } else { ss << "unknown"; } return ss.str(); } time_t frame_timestamp_t::to_unix_epoch() const { // EDI epoch: 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z // Convert using // TZ=UTC python -c 'import datetime; print(datetime.datetime(2000,1,1,0,0,0,0).strftime("%s"))' return 946684800 + seconds - utco; } double frame_timestamp_t::diff_ms(const frame_timestamp_t& other) const { const double lhs = (double)seconds + (tsta / 16384000.0); const double rhs = (double)other.seconds + (other.tsta / 16384000.0); return lhs - rhs; } frame_timestamp_t& frame_timestamp_t::operator+=(const std::chrono::milliseconds& ms) { tsta += (ms.count() % 1000) << 14; // Shift ms by 14 to Timestamp level 2 if (tsta > 0xf9FFff) { tsta -= 0xfa0000; // Substract 16384000, corresponding to one second seconds += 1; } seconds += (ms.count() / 1000); return *this; } frame_timestamp_t frame_timestamp_t::from_unix_epoch(std::time_t time, uint32_t tai_utc_offset, uint32_t tsta) { frame_timestamp_t ts; const std::time_t posix_timestamp_1_jan_2000 = 946684800; ts.utco = tai_utc_offset - 32; ts.seconds = time - posix_timestamp_1_jan_2000 + ts.utco; ts.tsta = tsta; return ts; } std::chrono::system_clock::time_point frame_timestamp_t::to_system_clock() const { auto ts = chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(to_unix_epoch()); // PPS offset in seconds = tsta / 16384000 // We cannot use nanosecond resolution because not all platforms use a // system_clock that has nanosecond precision. It's not really important, // as this function is only used for debugging. ts += chrono::microseconds(std::lrint(tsta / 16.384)); return ts; } TagDispatcher::TagDispatcher( std::function&& af_packet_completed, bool verbose) : m_af_packet_completed(move(af_packet_completed)) { m_pft.setVerbose(verbose); } void TagDispatcher::push_bytes(const vector &buf) { copy(buf.begin(), buf.end(), back_inserter(m_input_data)); while (m_input_data.size() > 2) { if (m_input_data[0] == 'A' and m_input_data[1] == 'F') { const decode_state_t st = decode_afpacket(m_input_data); if (st.num_bytes_consumed == 0 and not st.complete) { // We need to refill our buffer break; } if (st.num_bytes_consumed) { vector remaining_data; copy(m_input_data.begin() + st.num_bytes_consumed, m_input_data.end(), back_inserter(remaining_data)); m_input_data = remaining_data; } if (st.complete) { m_af_packet_completed(); } } else if (m_input_data[0] == 'P' and m_input_data[1] == 'F') { PFT::Fragment fragment; const size_t fragment_bytes = fragment.loadData(m_input_data); if (fragment_bytes == 0) { // We need to refill our buffer break; } vector remaining_data; copy(m_input_data.begin() + fragment_bytes, m_input_data.end(), back_inserter(remaining_data)); m_input_data = remaining_data; if (fragment.isValid()) { m_pft.pushPFTFrag(fragment); } auto af = m_pft.getNextAFPacket(); if (not af.empty()) { decode_state_t st = decode_afpacket(af); if (st.complete) { m_af_packet_completed(); } } } else { etiLog.log(warn,"Unknown %c!", *m_input_data.data()); m_input_data.erase(m_input_data.begin()); } } } void TagDispatcher::push_packet(const vector &buf) { if (buf.size() < 2) { throw std::invalid_argument("Not enough bytes to read EDI packet header"); } if (buf[0] == 'A' and buf[1] == 'F') { const decode_state_t st = decode_afpacket(buf); if (st.complete) { m_af_packet_completed(); } } else if (buf[0] == 'P' and buf[1] == 'F') { PFT::Fragment fragment; fragment.loadData(buf); if (fragment.isValid()) { m_pft.pushPFTFrag(fragment); } auto af = m_pft.getNextAFPacket(); if (not af.empty()) { const decode_state_t st = decode_afpacket(af); if (st.complete) { m_af_packet_completed(); } } } else { const char packettype[3] = {(char)buf[0], (char)buf[1], '\0'}; std::stringstream ss; ss << "Unknown EDI packet "; ss << packettype; throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } void TagDispatcher::setMaxDelay(int num_af_packets) { m_pft.setMaxDelay(num_af_packets); } #define AFPACKET_HEADER_LEN 10 // includes SYNC decode_state_t TagDispatcher::decode_afpacket( const std::vector &input_data) { if (input_data.size() < AFPACKET_HEADER_LEN) { return {false, 0}; } // read length from packet uint32_t taglength = read_32b(input_data.begin() + 2); uint16_t seq = read_16b(input_data.begin() + 6); const size_t crclength = 2; if (input_data.size() < AFPACKET_HEADER_LEN + taglength + crclength) { return {false, 0}; } // SEQ wraps at 0xFFFF, unsigned integer overflow is intentional const uint16_t expected_seq = m_last_seq + 1; if (expected_seq != seq) { etiLog.level(warn) << "EDI AF Packet sequence error, " << seq; } m_last_seq = seq; bool has_crc = (input_data[8] & 0x80) ? true : false; uint8_t major_revision = (input_data[8] & 0x70) >> 4; uint8_t minor_revision = input_data[8] & 0x0F; if (major_revision != 1 or minor_revision != 0) { throw invalid_argument("EDI AF Packet has wrong revision " + to_string(major_revision) + "." + to_string(minor_revision)); } uint8_t pt = input_data[9]; if (pt != 'T') { // only support Tag return {false, 0}; } if (not has_crc) { throw invalid_argument("AF packet not supported, has no CRC"); } uint16_t crc = 0xffff; for (size_t i = 0; i < AFPACKET_HEADER_LEN + taglength; i++) { crc = crc16(crc, &input_data[i], 1); } crc ^= 0xffff; uint16_t packet_crc = read_16b(input_data.begin() + AFPACKET_HEADER_LEN + taglength); if (packet_crc != crc) { throw invalid_argument( "AF Packet crc wrong"); } else { vector payload(taglength); copy(input_data.begin() + AFPACKET_HEADER_LEN, input_data.begin() + AFPACKET_HEADER_LEN + taglength, payload.begin()); return {decode_tagpacket(payload), AFPACKET_HEADER_LEN + taglength + 2}; } } void TagDispatcher::register_tag(const std::string& tag, tag_handler&& h) { m_handlers[tag] = move(h); } bool TagDispatcher::decode_tagpacket(const vector &payload) { size_t length = 0; bool success = true; for (size_t i = 0; i + 8 < payload.size(); i += 8 + length) { char tag_sz[5]; tag_sz[4] = '\0'; copy(payload.begin() + i, payload.begin() + i + 4, tag_sz); string tag(tag_sz); uint32_t taglength = read_32b(payload.begin() + i + 4); if (taglength % 8 != 0) { etiLog.log(warn, "Invalid EDI tag length, not multiple of 8!"); break; } taglength /= 8; length = taglength; const size_t calculated_length = i + 8 + taglength; if (calculated_length > payload.size()) { etiLog.log(warn, "Invalid EDI tag length: tag larger %zu than tagpacket %zu!", calculated_length, payload.size()); break; } vector tag_value(taglength); copy( payload.begin() + i+8, payload.begin() + i+8+taglength, tag_value.begin()); bool tagsuccess = false; bool found = false; for (auto tag_handler : m_handlers) { if (tag_handler.first.size() == 4 and tag_handler.first == tag) { found = true; tagsuccess = tag_handler.second(tag_value, 0); } else if (tag_handler.first.size() == 3 and tag.substr(0, 3) == tag_handler.first) { found = true; uint8_t n = tag_sz[3]; tagsuccess = tag_handler.second(tag_value, n); } else if (tag_handler.first.size() == 2 and tag.substr(0, 2) == tag_handler.first) { found = true; uint16_t n = 0; n = (uint16_t)(tag_sz[2]) << 8; n |= (uint16_t)(tag_sz[3]); tagsuccess = tag_handler.second(tag_value, n); } } if (not found) { etiLog.log(warn, "Ignoring unknown TAG %s", tag.c_str()); break; } if (not tagsuccess) { etiLog.log(warn, "Error decoding TAG %s", tag.c_str()); success = tagsuccess; break; } } return success; } odr_version_data parse_odr_version_data(const std::vector& data) { if (data.size() < sizeof(uint32_t)) { return {}; } const size_t versionstr_length = data.size() - sizeof(uint32_t); string version(data.begin(), data.begin() + versionstr_length); uint32_t uptime_s = read_32b(data.begin() + versionstr_length); return {version, uptime_s}; } }