/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2017 AVT GmbH - Fabien Vercasson * Copyright (C) 2021 Matthias P. Braendli * matthias.braendli@mpb.li * * http://opendigitalradio.org * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crc.h" #include "PFT.hpp" #include "Log.h" #include "buffer_unpack.hpp" extern "C" { #include "fec/fec.h" } namespace EdiDecoder { namespace PFT { using namespace std; const findex_t NUM_AFBUILDERS_TO_KEEP = 10; static bool checkCRC(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { const uint16_t crc_from_packet = read_16b(buf + size - 2); uint16_t crc_calc = 0xffff; crc_calc = crc16(crc_calc, buf, size - 2); crc_calc ^= 0xffff; return crc_from_packet == crc_calc; } class FECDecoder { public: FECDecoder() { m_rs_handler = init_rs_char( symsize, gfPoly, firstRoot, primElem, nroots, pad); } FECDecoder(const FECDecoder& other) = delete; FECDecoder& operator=(const FECDecoder& other) = delete; ~FECDecoder() { free_rs_char(m_rs_handler); } // return -1 in case of failure, non-negative value if errors // were corrected. // Known positions of erasures should be given in eras_pos to // improve decoding probability. After calling this function // eras_pos will contain the positions of the corrected errors. int decode(vector &data, vector &eras_pos) { assert(data.size() == N); const size_t no_eras = eras_pos.size(); eras_pos.resize(nroots); int num_err = decode_rs_char(m_rs_handler, data.data(), eras_pos.data(), no_eras); if (num_err > 0) { eras_pos.resize(num_err); } return num_err; } // return -1 in case of failure, non-negative value if errors // were corrected. No known erasures. int decode(vector &data) { assert(data.size() == N); int num_err = decode_rs_char(m_rs_handler, data.data(), nullptr, 0); return num_err; } private: void* m_rs_handler; const int firstRoot = 1; // Discovered by analysing EDI dump const int gfPoly = 0x11d; // The encoding has to be 255, 207 always, because the chunk has to // be padded at the end, and not at the beginning as libfec would // do const size_t N = 255; const size_t K = 207; const int primElem = 1; const int symsize = 8; const size_t nroots = N - K; // For EDI PFT, this must be 48 const size_t pad = ((1 << symsize) - 1) - N; // is 255-N }; size_t Fragment::loadData(const std::vector &buf) { return loadData(buf, 0); } size_t Fragment::loadData(const std::vector &buf, int received_on_port) { const size_t header_len = 14; if (buf.size() < header_len) { return 0; } this->received_on_port = received_on_port; size_t index = 0; // Parse PFT Fragment Header (ETSI TS 102 821 V1.4.1 ch7.1) if (not (buf[0] == 'P' and buf[1] == 'F') ) { throw runtime_error("Invalid PFT SYNC bytes"); } index += 2; // Psync _Pseq = read_16b(buf.begin()+index); index += 2; _Findex = read_24b(buf.begin()+index); index += 3; _Fcount = read_24b(buf.begin()+index); index += 3; _FEC = unpack1bit(buf[index], 0); _Addr = unpack1bit(buf[index], 1); _Plen = read_16b(buf.begin()+index) & 0x3FFF; index += 2; const size_t required_len = header_len + (_FEC ? 1 : 0) + (_Addr ? 2 : 0) + 2; // CRC if (buf.size() < required_len) { return 0; } // Optional RS Header _RSk = 0; _RSz = 0; if (_FEC) { _RSk = buf[index]; index += 1; _RSz = buf[index]; index += 1; } // Optional transport header _Source = 0; _Dest = 0; if (_Addr) { _Source = read_16b(buf.begin()+index); index += 2; _Dest = read_16b(buf.begin()+index); index += 2; } index += 2; const bool crc_valid = checkCRC(buf.data(), index); const bool buf_has_enough_data = (buf.size() >= index + _Plen); if (not buf_has_enough_data) { return 0; } _valid = ((not _FEC) or crc_valid) and buf_has_enough_data; #if 0 if (!_valid) { stringstream ss; ss << "Invalid PF fragment: "; if (_FEC) { ss << " RSk=" << (uint32_t)_RSk << " RSz=" << (uint32_t)_RSz; } if (_Addr) { ss << " Source=" << _Source << " Dest=" << _Dest; } etiLog.log(debug, "%s\n", ss.str().c_str()); } #endif _payload.clear(); if (_valid) { copy( buf.begin()+index, buf.begin()+index+_Plen, back_inserter(_payload)); index += _Plen; } return index; } AFBuilder::AFBuilder(pseq_t Pseq, findex_t Fcount, size_t lifetime) { _Pseq = Pseq; _Fcount = Fcount; assert(lifetime > 0); lifeTime = lifetime; } void AFBuilder::pushPFTFrag(const Fragment &frag) { if (_Pseq != frag.Pseq()) { throw logic_error("Invalid PFT fragment Pseq"); } if (_Fcount != frag.Fcount()) { etiLog.level(warn) << "Discarding fragment with invalid fcount"; } else { const auto Findex = frag.Findex(); const bool fragment_already_received = _fragments.count(Findex); if (not fragment_already_received) { bool consistent = true; if (_fragments.size() > 0) { consistent = frag.checkConsistency(_fragments.cbegin()->second); } if (consistent) { _fragments[Findex] = frag; } else { etiLog.level(warn) << "Discard fragment"; } } } } bool Fragment::checkConsistency(const Fragment& other) const { /* Consistency check, TS 102 821 Clause 7.3.2. * * Every PFT Fragment produced from a single AF or RS Packet shall have * the same values in all of the PFT Header fields except for the Findex, * Plen and HCRC fields. */ return other._Fcount == _Fcount and other._FEC == _FEC and other._RSk == _RSk and other._RSz == _RSz and other._Addr == _Addr and other._Source == _Source and other._Dest == _Dest and /* The Plen field of all fragments shall be the s for the initial f-1 * fragments and s - (L%f) for the final fragment. * Note that when Reed Solomon has been used, all fragments will be of * length s. */ (_FEC ? other._Plen == _Plen : true); } AFBuilder::decode_attempt_result_t AFBuilder::canAttemptToDecode() { if (_fragments.empty()) { return AFBuilder::decode_attempt_result_t::no; } if (_fragments.size() == _Fcount) { return AFBuilder::decode_attempt_result_t::yes; } /* Check that all fragments are consistent */ const Fragment& first = _fragments.begin()->second; if (not std::all_of(_fragments.begin(), _fragments.end(), [&](const pair& pair) { const Fragment& frag = pair.second; return first.checkConsistency(frag) and _Pseq == frag.Pseq(); }) ) { _fragments.clear(); throw runtime_error("Inconsistent PFT fragments"); } // Calculate the minimum number of fragments necessary to apply FEC. // This can't be done with the last fragment that may have a // smaller size // ETSI TS 102 821 V1.4.1 ch 7.4.4 auto frag_it = _fragments.begin(); if (frag_it->second.Fcount() == _Fcount - 1) { frag_it++; if (frag_it == _fragments.end()) { return AFBuilder::decode_attempt_result_t::no; } } const Fragment& frag = frag_it->second; if ( frag.FEC() ) { const uint16_t _Plen = frag.Plen(); /* max number of RS chunks that may have been sent */ const uint32_t _cmax = (_Fcount*_Plen) / (frag.RSk()+48); assert(_cmax > 0); /* Receiving _rxmin fragments does not guarantee that decoding * will succeed! */ const uint32_t _rxmin = _Fcount - (_cmax*48)/_Plen; if (_fragments.size() >= _rxmin) { return AFBuilder::decode_attempt_result_t::maybe; } } return AFBuilder::decode_attempt_result_t::no; } std::vector AFBuilder::extractAF() { if (not _af_packet.empty()) { return _af_packet; } bool ok = false; if (canAttemptToDecode() != AFBuilder::decode_attempt_result_t::no) { auto frag_it = _fragments.begin(); if (frag_it->second.Fcount() == _Fcount - 1) { frag_it++; if (frag_it == _fragments.end()) { throw runtime_error("Invalid attempt at extracting AF"); } } const Fragment& ref_frag = frag_it->second; const auto RSk = ref_frag.RSk(); const auto RSz = ref_frag.RSz(); const auto Plen = ref_frag.Plen(); if ( ref_frag.FEC() ) { const uint32_t cmax = (_Fcount*Plen) / (RSk+48); // Keep track of erasures (missing fragments) for // every chunk map > erasures; // Assemble fragments into a RS block, immediately // deinterleaving it. vector rs_block(Plen * _Fcount); for (size_t j = 0; j < _Fcount; j++) { const bool fragment_present = _fragments.count(j); if (fragment_present) { const auto& fragment = _fragments.at(j).payload(); if (j != _Fcount - 1 and fragment.size() != Plen) { _fragments.clear(); throw runtime_error("Incorrect fragment length " + to_string(fragment.size()) + " " + to_string(Plen)); } if (j == _Fcount - 1 and fragment.size() > Plen) { _fragments.clear(); throw runtime_error("Incorrect last fragment length " + to_string(fragment.size()) + " " + to_string(Plen)); } size_t k = 0; for (; k < fragment.size(); k++) { rs_block[k * _Fcount + j] = fragment[k]; } for (; k < Plen; k++) { rs_block[k * _Fcount + j] = 0x00; } } else { // fill with zeros if fragment is missing for (size_t k = 0; k < Plen; k++) { rs_block[k * _Fcount + j] = 0x00; const size_t chunk_ix = (k * _Fcount + j) / (RSk + 48); const size_t chunk_offset = (k * _Fcount + j) % (RSk + 48); erasures[chunk_ix].push_back(chunk_offset); } } } // The RS block is a concatenation of chunks of RSk bytes + 48 parity // followed by RSz padding FECDecoder fec; for (size_t i = 0; i < cmax; i++) { // We need to pad the chunk ourself vector chunk(255); const auto& block_begin = rs_block.begin() + (RSk + 48) * i; copy(block_begin, block_begin + RSk, chunk.begin()); // bytes between RSk and 207 are 0x00 already copy(block_begin + RSk, block_begin + RSk + 48, chunk.begin() + 207); int errors_corrected = -1; if (erasures.count(i)) { errors_corrected = fec.decode(chunk, erasures[i]); } else { errors_corrected = fec.decode(chunk); } if (errors_corrected == -1) { _af_packet.clear(); return {}; } #if 0 if (errors_corrected > 0) { etiLog.log(debug, "Corrected %d errors at ", errors_corrected); for (const auto &index : erasures[i]) { etiLog.log(debug, " %d", index); } etiLog.log(debug, "\n"); } #endif _af_packet.insert(_af_packet.end(), chunk.begin(), chunk.begin() + RSk); } _af_packet.resize(_af_packet.size() - RSz); } else { // No FEC: just assemble fragments for (size_t j = 0; j < _Fcount; ++j) { const bool fragment_present = _fragments.count(j); if (fragment_present) { const auto& fragment = _fragments.at(j); _af_packet.insert(_af_packet.end(), fragment.payload().begin(), fragment.payload().end()); } else { throw logic_error("Missing fragment"); } } } // EDI specific, must have a CRC. if( _af_packet.size() >= 12 ) { ok = checkCRC(_af_packet.data(), _af_packet.size()); if (not ok) { etiLog.log(debug, "Too many errors to reconstruct AF from %zu/%u" " PFT fragments\n", _fragments.size(), _Fcount); } } } if (not ok) { _af_packet.clear(); } return _af_packet; } std::string AFBuilder::visualise() { stringstream ss; ss << "|"; for (size_t i = 0; i < _Fcount; i++) { if (_fragments.count(i)) { ss << "."; } else { ss << " "; } } ss << "| " << AFBuilder::dar_to_string(canAttemptToDecode()) << " " << lifeTime; return ss.str(); } std::string AFBuilder::visualise_fragment_origins() const { stringstream ss; if (_fragments.size() == 0) { return "No fragments"; } else { ss << _fragments.size() << " fragments: "; } std::map port_count; for (const auto& f : _fragments) { port_count[f.second.received_on_port]++; } for (const auto& p : port_count) { ss << "p" << p.first << " " << std::round(100.0 * ((double)p.second) / (double)_fragments.size()) << "% "; } ss << "\n"; return ss.str(); } void PFT::pushPFTFrag(const Fragment &fragment) { // Start decoding the first pseq we receive. In normal // operation without interruptions, the map should // never become empty if (m_afbuilders.empty()) { m_next_pseq = fragment.Pseq(); etiLog.log(debug,"Initialise next_pseq to %u\n", m_next_pseq); } if (m_afbuilders.count(fragment.Pseq()) == 0) { // The AFBuilder wants to know the lifetime in number of fragments, // we know the delay in number of AF packets. Every AF packet // is cut into Fcount fragments. const size_t lifetime = fragment.Fcount() * m_max_delay; // Build the afbuilder in the map in-place m_afbuilders.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, /* key */ std::forward_as_tuple(fragment.Pseq()), /* builder */ std::forward_as_tuple(fragment.Pseq(), fragment.Fcount(), lifetime)); } auto& p = m_afbuilders.at(fragment.Pseq()); p.pushPFTFrag(fragment); if (m_verbose) { etiLog.log(debug, "Got frag %u:%u, afbuilders: ", fragment.Pseq(), fragment.Findex()); for (auto &k : m_afbuilders) { const bool isNextPseq = (m_next_pseq == k.first); etiLog.level(debug) << (isNextPseq ? "->" : " ") << k.first << " " << k.second.visualise(); } } } afpacket_pft_t PFT::getNextAFPacket() { afpacket_pft_t af; if (m_afbuilders.count(m_next_pseq) == 0) { if (m_afbuilders.size() > m_max_delay) { m_afbuilders.clear(); etiLog.level(debug) << " Reinit"; } return af; } auto &builder = m_afbuilders.at(m_next_pseq); using dar_t = AFBuilder::decode_attempt_result_t; if (builder.canAttemptToDecode() == dar_t::yes) { auto afpacket = builder.extractAF(); assert(not afpacket.empty()); if (m_verbose) { etiLog.level(debug) << "Fragment origin stats: " << builder.visualise_fragment_origins(); } af.pseq = m_next_pseq; af.af_packet = afpacket; incrementNextPseq(); } else if (builder.canAttemptToDecode() == dar_t::maybe) { if (builder.lifeTime > 0) { builder.lifeTime--; } if (builder.lifeTime == 0) { // Attempt Reed-Solomon decoding auto afpacket = builder.extractAF(); if (afpacket.empty()) { etiLog.log(debug,"pseq %d timed out after RS", m_next_pseq); } if (m_verbose) { etiLog.level(debug) << "Fragment origin stats: " << builder.visualise_fragment_origins(); } af.pseq = m_next_pseq; af.af_packet = afpacket; incrementNextPseq(); } } else { if (builder.lifeTime > 0) { builder.lifeTime--; } if (builder.lifeTime == 0) { etiLog.log(debug, "pseq %d timed out\n", m_next_pseq); incrementNextPseq(); } } return af; } void PFT::setMaxDelay(size_t num_af_packets) { m_max_delay = num_af_packets; } void PFT::setVerbose(bool enable) { m_verbose = enable; } void PFT::incrementNextPseq() { if (m_afbuilders.count(m_next_pseq - NUM_AFBUILDERS_TO_KEEP) > 0) { m_afbuilders.erase(m_next_pseq - NUM_AFBUILDERS_TO_KEEP); } m_next_pseq++; } } }