; This is the official configuration file example that
; serves as documentation for the config file reader.
; More information about the usage of the tools is available
; in the guide, which can be found on the
; www.opendigitalradio.org website.
; As you can see, comments are defined by semicolons.
; The format is called INFO format, and defined by boost property_tree:
; http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/doc/html/boost_propertytree/parsers.html#boost_propertytree.parsers.info_parser

; It consists of six mandatory sections, whose relative order in this
; file are of no importance.

; The general section defines global multiplex parameters.
general {
    ; the DAB Transmission mode (values 1-4 accepted)
    dabmode 2

    ; the number of ETI frames to generate (set to 0 to get an unlimited number)
    nbframes 10

    ; boolean fileds can accept either false or true as values:

    ; Enable logging to syslog
    syslog false

    ; Write the SCCA field useful for the Factum ETI analyser
    writescca false

    ; Enable timestamp definition necessary for SFN
    ; This also enables time encoding using the MNSC.
    tist false

    ; The management server is a simple TCP server that can present
    ; statistics data (buffers, overruns, underruns, etc)
    ; which can then be graphed a tool like Munin
    ; The doc/stats_dabmux_multi.py tool is a suitable
    ; plugin for that.
    ; If the port is zero, or the line commented, the server
    ; is not started.
    managementport 12720

    ; FIG Carousel
    ; Set this to true to use the new FIG carousel implementation,
    ; which makes better usage of the FIB space.
    new_fig_carousel true

remotecontrol {
    ; enable the telnet remote control server on the given port
    ; This server allows you to read and define parameters that
    ; some features export. It is only accessible from localhost.
    ; Set the port to 0 to disable the server
    telnetport 12721

    ; the remote control server makes use of the unique identifiers
    ; for the subchannels, services and components. Make sure you
    ; chose them so that you can identify them.

; Some ensemble parameters
ensemble {
    id 0x4fff ; you can also use decimal if you want
    ecc 0xec ; Extended Country Code

    local-time-offset auto  ; autmatically calculate from system local time
                            ; or
    ;local-time-offset 1    ; in hours, supports half-hour offsets

    international-table 1 ; See TS 101 756 clause 5.7
                          ; 1 corresponds to the PTy used in RDS
                          ; 2 corresponds to program types used in north america

    ; all labels are maximum 16 characters in length
    label "TuxMux"
    ; The short label is built from the label by erasing letters, and cannot
    ; be longer than 8 characters. If omitted, it will be truncated from the
    ; label
    shortlabel "TxMux"

    ; Announcement settings for FIG0/19
    announcements {
        test_announcement {
            cluster 1
            flags {
                Traffic true

            subchannel sub-fu

; Definition of DAB services
services {
    ; Each service has it's own unique identifier, that is
    ; used throughout the configuration file and for the RC.
    srv-fu {
        label "Funk"
        shortlabel "Fu"
        pty 0
        language 0
        ; also supports id

        ; List of announcement switching flags signalled in FIG 0/18
        ; This lists all possible announcements. If one is left out, it is disabled.
        announcements {
            Alarm false
            Traffic true
            Travel false
            Warning false
            News false
            Weather false
            Event false
            Special false
            ProgrammeInfo false
            Sports false
            Finance false

            ; a comma separated list of clusters in which the service belongs to
            clusters "1,2"
    srv-lu {
        label "Luschtig"
        ; pty, language, shortlabel and id can be omitted, and will take default values
    srv-ri {
        label "rick"


; The subchannels are defined in the corresponding section.
; supported types are : audio, bridge, data, enhancedpacket,
;                       dabplus, dmb, packet, test
subchannels {
    sub-fu {
        type audio
        ; example file input
        inputfile "funk.mp2"
        nonblock false
        bitrate 128
        id 10

        ; type audio subchannels automatically use
        ; UEP, unless the bitrate is 8, 16, 24, 40 or 144kbit/s
        ; (EN 300 401 Clause 6.2.1)
        ; this can be overridden with the option protection-profile
        protection-profile EEP_A
        ; supported options: UEP (use only for type audio!)
        ;                    EEP_A (for all bitrates)
        ;                    EEP_B (bitrates multiple of 32kbit/s)

        ; Set the protection level, possible values depend
        ; on the protection profile:
        ; UEP profile: 1 to 5; EEP profiles: 1 to 4
        protection 4
    sub-lu {
        type audio
        inputfile "luschtig.mp2"
        nonblock false
        bitrate 128
        id 3
        protection 3
    sub-ri {
        type dabplus
        ; example file input
        ;inputfile "rick.dabp"
        ; example zmq input:
        ; Accepts connections to port 9000 from any interface.
        ; Use fdk-aac-dabplus as encoder
        inputfile "tcp://*:9000"
        bitrate 96
        id 1
        protection 1

        ; ZMQ specific options, mandatory:

        ; Maximum size of input buffer, in AAC frames (24ms)
        ; when this buffer size is reached, some frames will be
        ; discarded to get the size again below this value.
        ; As the present implementation discards entire AAC superframes,
        ; (5 frames = 120ms) the effect will clearly be audible.
        zmq-buffer 40

        ; At startup or after an underrun, the buffer is filled to this
        ; amount of AAC frames before streaming starts.
        zmq-prebuffering 20

        ; In an ideal scenario, where the input rate exactly corresponds
        ; to the rate at which the frames are consumed by dabmux, you
        ; see the buffer level staying around the zmq-prebuffering value.
        ; Network latency jitter can make it temporarily go lower or higher.
        ; Encoder clock drift will make the buffer either slowly fill or
        ; empty, which will create intermittent glitches.

        ; the ZMQ inputs support encryption using the CURVE method.
        ; The multiplexer must have a public and a private key, which
        ; can be shared among several zmq inputs.
        ; each encoder also has a public and private key, and the
        ; encoder *public* key has to be known to the multiplexer.
        ; Using this system, the multiplexer can be sure that
        ; only the encoder possessing the right secret key can
        ; connect here. This inhibits third parties to hijack the
        ; input.

        ; by default, it is disabled, set encryption to 1 to enable
        encryption 1

        ; the multiplexer key pair. Keep these secret.
        secret-key "keys/mux.sec"
        public-key "keys/mux.pub"

        ; The public key from the encoder. Only the encoder you want
        ; to accept must know the corresponding secret key.
        encoder-key "keys/encoder1.pub"

        ; key pairs can be generated using the zmqinput-keygen tool.

    sub-ri2 {
        type audio
        ; for audio types, you can use the ZeroMQ input (if compiled in)
        ; with the following configuration in combination with
        ; toolame-dab
        ; Support for toolame-dab is not as good as with fdk-aac-dabplus
        inputfile "tcp://*:9001"
        bitrate 96
        id 1
        protection 1

        ; The options are the same as for dabplus
        zmq-buffer 40
        zmq-prebuffering 20

; For now, each component links one service to one subchannel
components {
    ; the component unique identifiers are used for the RC.
    comp-fu {
        ; specifies audio -or- packet type, defaults to zero when not given
        ; audio: foreground=0, background=1, multi-channel=2
        ; data: unspecified=0, TMC=1, EWS=2, ITTS=3, paging=4, TDC=5, IP=59, MOT=60, proprietary=61
        type 0

        ; According to specification, you should not define component labels if
        ; the service is only used in one component. The service label is sufficient
        ; in that case.
        ;label "funk"
        ;shortlabel "fu"
        service srv-fu
        subchannel sub-fu

        ; for audio components, the field
        figtype 0x2
        ; defines the User Application Type according to TS 101 756 Table 16:
        ; 0x2   : MOT Slideshow
        ; 0x3   : MOT Broadcast Web Site
        ; 0x4   : TPEG
        ; 0x5   : DGPS
        ; 0x6   : TMC
        ; 0x7   : EPG
        ; 0x8   : DAB Java
        ; 0x44a : Journaline
        ; If not defined, the FIG 0/13 is not transmitted for this component

        ; for packet components, the fields
        ; "user application type in FIG 0/13 for packet mode"
        ; and the packet address (mandatory)
        ; are supported, with the same syntax as in the manpage.
        ; FIG 0/13 is only transmitted when figtype is defined.
        ; The -d option on the command line is:
        ;datagroup (true|false)
        ; and defaults to false.

    comp-lu {
        service srv-lu
        subchannel sub-lu

        figtype 0x2

    comp-ri {
        service srv-ri
        subchannel sub-ri

        figtype 0x2

; A list of outputs, in the format
; unique-id "uri"
outputs {
    ; The unique-id has no signification. It can be used by the
    ; remote control or the statistics server to identify the
    ; output

    ;supported output types for file and fifo outputs are
    ; raw, framed and streamed
    ; Please see doc/dab_output_formats.txt
    stdout "fifo:///dev/stdout?type=raw"

    ; ZeroMQ output example
    ; Listen on all interfaces, on port 8080
    ;zmq  "zmq+tcp://*:8080"

    ; Throttle output to real-time (one ETI frame every 24ms)
    ;throttle "simul://"

    ; The edi output has a different syntax
    edi {
        ; example for unicast EDI
        ;destination ""
        ; for unicast EDI, do not set source

        ; example for multicast EDI, the source IP is required
        ; so that the data is sent on the correct ethernet interface
        destination ""
        source      ""
        ; The multicast TTL has to be adapted according to your network
        ttl 1

        ; The settings below apply to both unicast and multicast

        ; EDI uses the UDP protocol
        port        12000
        sourceport  13000

        ; Enable the PFT subsystem. If false, AFPackets are sent.
        enable_pft  true

        ; How many lost fragments can be recovered by Reed-Solomon
        fec         2

        ; Length of a RS chunk, can be overriden
        ;chunk_len   207

        ; Save the packets sent over ethernet to the file ./edi.debug
        dump        false

        ; show more debugging info
        verbose     false

        ; (optional) set the kind of alignment to use in TAG Packets
        ; 0: no padding
        ; 8: pad to eight bytes (default)
        ; above 8: insert *dmy TAG Item to pad to given size in bytes
        ;tagpacket_alignment 8

    ; Other outputs:
    ; TCP listen on port
    ;net "tcp://host:port"
    ; UDP send to host:port
    ;net "ucp://host:port"
    ; RAW (for farsync ETI card)
    ;farsync "raw://device"