ODR-DabMux supports three output formats for the ETI stream. The three formats are called 'framed', 'streamed' and 'raw'. The framed format is used for saving a finite ETI stream into a file. Each frame does not contain any padding, and the format can be described as follows: uint32_t nbFrames // for each frame uint16_t frameSize uint8_t data[ frameSize ] When streaming data, in which case the number of frames is not known in advance, the streamed format can be used. This format is identical to the first one except for the missing nbFrames. // for each frame uint16_t frameSize uint8_t data[ frameSize ] The raw format corresponds to ETI(NI), where each frame has a constant size of 6144 Bytes. The padding in this case is necessary. // for each frame uint8_t data [6144] In order to select the format, the following syntax for the -O option or the output setting in the configuration file is: file://filename?type=format where format is one of framed, streamed or raw, e.g. file:///tmp/mux.eti?type=raw saves a raw ETI file to /tmp/mux.eti