Required dependencies: ====================== * A C++11 compiler * Boost 1.48 or later * ZeroMQ 4 or later * (optional) cURL to download the TAI-UTC bulletin, needed for timestamps in EDI and ZMQ output. Dependencies on Debian (and Ubuntu) ----------------------------------- On Debian and Ubuntu you will need to install the following packages: sudo apt-get install build-essential libzmq5-dev automake libboost-system-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev Dependencies on CentOS ---------------------- In addition to the packages needed to install a compiler, install the packages: boost-devel libcurl-devel zeromq-devel Third-party RPM packages are maintained by RaBe, and are built by the [openSUSE Build Service]( For questions regarding these packages, please get in touch with the maintainer of the [radio RaBe repository]( For openSUSE, mnhauke is maintaining packages, also built using [OBS]( Compiling ODR-DabMux ==================== The *master* branch in the repository always points to the latest release. If you are looking for a new feature or bug-fix that did not yet make its way into a release, you can clone the *next* branch from the repository. * Download and install the dependencies as above * Clone the git repository, master branch % git clone * or next branch % git clone -b next * Bootstrap autotools: % cd ODR-DabMux/ % ./ * Run the configure script % ./configure * On a Raspberry Pi and other ARM systems you might need % ./configure --with-boost-libdir=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf * Build ODR-DabMux % make * Install ODR-DabMux (as root) % sudo make install It is advised to run the bootstrap and configure steps again every time you pull updates from the repository. Develop on OSX and FreeBSD ========================== If you want to develop on OSX platform install the necessary build tools and dependencies with brew brew install boost zeromq automake curl On FreeBSD, pkg installs all dependencies to /usr/local, but the build tools will not search there by default. Set the following environment variables before calling ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" CXXFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" On both systems, RAW output is not available. Note that these systems are not tested regularly. Advanced installation procedure: ================================ The configure script can be launched with a variety of options, launch the following command for a complete list: % ./configure --help