path: root/doc/
diff options
authorMatthias P. Braendli <>2018-02-26 14:47:49 +0100
committerMatthias P. Braendli <>2018-02-26 14:47:49 +0100
commitce26420aee83466cb54bcf07283a8e43af9f775f (patch)
tree8a3b8a536a037a69ab06e0469b329e0c08da24dd /doc/
parent519fd20b0c1ad0eea2c46d8b289c4b76a28ba907 (diff)
Rename stats_dabmux_multi to stats_dabmux_munin
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7a134ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# present statistics from dabmux Stats Server and ZeroMQ RC
+# to munin. Expects Stats server on port 12720 and ZeroMQ RC
+# on port 12722.
+# Copy this to /etc/munin/plugins/stats_dabmux_munin
+# and make it executable (chmod +x)
+import sys
+import json
+import zmq
+import os
+import re
+config_top = """
+multigraph clocktai_expiry
+graph_title Time to expiry for TAI bulletin
+graph_order expiry
+graph_args --base 1000
+graph_vlabel Number of seconds until expiry
+graph_category dabmux
+graph_info This graph shows the number of remaining seconds this bulletin is valid
+ Seconds until expiry
+expiry.label Seconds until expiry
+expiry.min 0
+expiry.warning {onemonth}:
+#default data type is GAUGE
+config_template = """
+multigraph buffers_{ident}
+graph_title Contribution {ident} buffer
+graph_order high low
+graph_args --base 1000
+graph_vlabel max/min buffer size bytes during last ${{graph_period}}
+graph_category dabmux
+graph_info This graph shows the high and low buffer sizes for the {ident} ZMQ input
+ Max buffer size
+high.label Max Buffer Bytes
+high.min 0
+high.warning 1: Min buffer size
+low.label Min Buffer Bytes
+low.min 0
+low.warning 1:
+multigraph over_underruns_{ident}
+graph_title Contribution {ident} over/underruns
+graph_order underruns overruns
+graph_args --base 1000 --logarithmic
+graph_vlabel number of underruns/overruns during last ${{graph_period}}
+graph_category dabmux
+graph_info This graph shows the number of under/overruns for the {ident} ZMQ input
+ Number of underruns
+underruns.label Number of underruns
+underruns.min 0
+underruns.warning 0:0
+underruns.type COUNTER Number of overruns
+overruns.label Number of overruns
+overruns.min 0
+overruns.warning 0:0
+overruns.type COUNTER
+multigraph audio_levels_{ident}
+graph_title Contribution {ident} audio level (peak)
+graph_order left right
+graph_args --base 1000
+graph_vlabel peak audio level during last ${{graph_period}}
+graph_category encoders
+graph_info This graph shows the audio level of both channels of the {ident} ZMQ input
+ Left channel audio level
+left.label Left channel audio level
+left.min -90
+left.max 0
+left.warning -40:0
+left.critical -80:0 Right channel audio level
+right.label Right channel audio level
+right.min -90
+right.max 0
+right.warning -40:0
+right.critical -80:0
+multigraph state_{ident}
+graph_title State of contribution {ident}
+graph_order state
+graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 5
+graph_vlabel Current state of the input
+graph_category dabmux
+graph_info This graph shows the state for the {ident} ZMQ input
+ Input state
+state.label 0 Unknown, 1 NoData, 2 Unstable, 3 Silent, 4 Streaming
+state.warning 4:4
+state.critical 2:4
+ctx = zmq.Context()
+class RCException(Exception):
+ pass
+if not os.environ.get("MUNIN_CAP_MULTIGRAPH"):
+ sys.stderr.write("This needs munin version 1.4 at least\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def do_transaction(command, sock):
+ """To a send + receive transaction, quit whole program on timeout"""
+ sock.send(command)
+ poller = zmq.Poller()
+ poller.register(sock, zmq.POLLIN)
+ socks = dict(poller.poll(1000))
+ if socks:
+ if socks.get(sock) == zmq.POLLIN:
+ return sock.recv()
+ sys.stderr.write("Could not receive data for command '{}'\n".format(command))
+ sys.exit(1)
+def do_multipart_transaction(message_parts, sock):
+ """To a send + receive transaction, quit whole program on timeout"""
+ if isinstance(message_parts, str):
+ sys.stderr.write("do_transaction expects a list!\n");
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for i, part in enumerate(message_parts):
+ if i == len(message_parts) - 1:
+ f = 0
+ else:
+ f = zmq.SNDMORE
+ sock.send(part, flags=f)
+ poller = zmq.Poller()
+ poller.register(sock, zmq.POLLIN)
+ socks = dict(poller.poll(1000))
+ if socks:
+ if socks.get(sock) == zmq.POLLIN:
+ rxpackets = sock.recv_multipart()
+ return rxpackets
+ raise RCException("Could not receive data for command '{}'\n".format(
+ message_parts))
+def get_rc_value(module, name, sock):
+ try:
+ parts = do_multipart_transaction([b"get", module.encode(), name.encode()],
+ sock)
+ if len(parts) != 1:
+ sys.stderr.write("Received unexpected multipart message {}\n".format(
+ parts))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return parts[0].decode()
+ except RCException as e:
+ print("get {} {} fail: {}".format(module, name, e))
+ return ""
+def connect_to_stats():
+ """Create a connection to the dabmux stats server
+ returns: the socket"""
+ sock = zmq.Socket(ctx, zmq.REQ)
+ sock.set(zmq.LINGER, 5)
+ sock.connect("tcp://localhost:12720")
+ version = json.loads(do_transaction("info", sock))
+ if not version['service'].startswith("ODR-DabMux"):
+ sys.stderr.write("Wrong version\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return sock
+def connect_to_rc():
+ """Create a connection to the dabmux RC
+ returns: the socket"""
+ sock = zmq.Socket(ctx, zmq.REQ)
+ sock.set(zmq.LINGER, 5)
+ sock.connect("tcp://localhost:12722")
+ try:
+ ping_answer = do_multipart_transaction([b"ping"], sock)
+ if not ping_answer == [b"ok"]:
+ sys.stderr.write("Wrong answer to ping\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except RCException as e:
+ print("connect failed because: {}".format(e))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return sock
+def handle_re(graph_name, re, rc_value, group_number=1):
+ match =
+ if match:
+ return "{}.value {}\n".format(graph_name,
+ else:
+ return "{}.value U\n".format(graph_name)
+if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ munin_values = ""
+ sock_rc = connect_to_rc()
+ clocktai_expiry = get_rc_value("clocktai", "expiry", sock_rc)
+ re_clocktai_expiry = re.compile(r"(\d+)", re.X)
+ munin_values += "multigraph clocktai_expiry\n"
+ munin_values += handle_re("expiry", re_clocktai_expiry, clocktai_expiry)
+ sock_stats = connect_to_stats()
+ values = json.loads(do_transaction("values", sock_stats))['values']
+ for ident in values:
+ v = values[ident]['inputstat']
+ ident_ = ident.replace('-', '_')
+ munin_values += "multigraph buffers_{ident}\n".format(ident=ident_)
+ munin_values += "high.value {}\n".format(v['max_fill'])
+ munin_values += "low.value {}\n".format(v['min_fill'])
+ munin_values += "multigraph over_underruns_{ident}\n".format(ident=ident_)
+ munin_values += "underruns.value {}\n".format(v['num_underruns'])
+ munin_values += "overruns.value {}\n".format(v['num_overruns'])
+ munin_values += "multigraph audio_levels_{ident}\n".format(ident=ident_)
+ munin_values += "left.value {}\n".format(v['peak_left'])
+ munin_values += "right.value {}\n".format(v['peak_right'])
+ if 'state' in v:
+ # If ODR-DabMux is v1.3.1-3 or older, it doesn't export state
+ re_state = re.compile(r"\w+ \((\d+)\)")
+ match = re_state.match(v['state'])
+ if match:
+ munin_values += "multigraph state_{ident}\n".format(ident=ident_)
+ munin_values += "state.value {}\n".format(
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("Cannot parse state '{}'\n".format(v['state']))
+ print(munin_values)
+elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "config":
+ sock_stats = connect_to_stats()
+ config = json.loads(do_transaction("config", sock_stats))
+ munin_config = config_top
+ for conf in config['config']:
+ munin_config += config_template.format(ident=conf.replace('-', '_'))
+ print(munin_config)
+ sys.stderr.write("Invalid command line arguments")
+ sys.exit(1)